Bonded Summoner

Book 3. Chapter 2: Brock - Sky on Fire Pt. 2

Brock watched as the man then turned to the giant flying bone creature that had nearly routed the flock, including the Chieftess. Hundreds of his brethren lay on the ground, broken and battered, with thousands more already dead, overwhelmed by the enemy.

“Goddess Hestia, I Summon you. Let your blazing fire cleanse Highlands of this evil, and provide succor by healing the wounds of those suffering.”

The man lifted his staff far above his head, and the flame at the top of it lit ablaze. What was once but a tiny flame became a bonfire. It raised into the sky, where it became a beautiful woman with red hair wearing a toga. She stood in the sky as if it’s where she belonged, as if this was her own home.

While Brock had previously been afraid of the outcome of this battle, he now felt like a child hiding behind his mother’s tall back. How when he was young, no matter the source of his fear and distress, he knew that placing his mother between himself and the problem would result in it going away. He felt like his Mother Hestia was between him and the issue, and she was now going to make it disappear.

He felt her love, her warmth, and like he was finally home, despite him knowing that his home was long gone. Tears came to his eyes unbidden, and his Auril Heart began to beat to a different tune, singing a song of liberation and relief. Now that he awakened, he could better feel his song finding harmony with both the world and his brethren, and he could feel his people’s songs matching his own. Even Serena next to him had tears in her eyes, and he could now tell that many were moved by the display.

The goddess then raised her hand into the sky, pointing a single finger at it. At the top of her finger, a tiny flame like that of a candle was lit, as if it was a part of herself. That part of herself felt like it contained the whole world, a fire of infinite possibilities. A fire that could keep a family warm and healthy for the winter, or release fiery vengeance against enemies that stand against her family.

She gazed at his beastkin brethren with a smile of love of a mother, as if to tell them that she welcomed them. That she considered them family, and her flames would destroy their enemies.

The tiny flame flew towards the sky, where it exploded. The flame released in a wave across the sky, like a scroll unfurling and forming a massive canopy over the entire battlefield, obstructing the view to the sky above.

It was like the sky was on fire, but instead of feeling the fear of a great cataclysm, it felt like a welcoming embrace. Fire then rained down on their armies as thousands upon thousands of drops of flame came down from their new sky of fire. Thousands of skeletons were struck and fell to dust, and hundreds of his own people were struck. Brock himself had been struck by the flames, his body unable to move and react in time even if he had felt danger. But instead of being burnt, his wounds that his Auril had fervently been trying to heal finished healing, and he could see even the Ravenwolf Chieftess and her flock were healed.

The fire rained on parts of the Necromancer’s army in the rear, but the evil robed figure and dozens of the skeletal mages raised their staves. They cast a shimmering black barrier, the shape of a dome, that blocked the flames near them and the remains of their army. Now that Brock was looking in that direction, he saw the strange snake warrior blasting through the enemy ranks, the skeletons having been funneled to stop their advance.

Their armor shredded through the skeletons with ease, and Brock learned the slow advance appeared to be mostly because all the enemy’s archers and mages had now focused on them instead of his people, as well. The snake warrior threw skeletons into the path of magical attacks, and Brock watched as they took an odd stance and were filled with holy might. They swung their giant maul horizontally, shattering a dozen skeletons in one swing, and the remains of the skeletons were blasted at the ranks of skeletal mages. Many of the mages were destroyed, and his people looked on in awe at what the single swing of the creature had wrought.

The rain also landed on the flying skeletal bone creature, and it wailed in agony as it was struck. White smoke was released, and it turned towards the Champion’s party and the Goddess. It breathed out more of its ghastly green flames at them, and the goddess lifted her hand, conjuring a small flame. This one was different, as it did not appear to be a part of her.

It felt like a majestic flame, like that of a resplendent star. As the greenish flames neared, they were simply erased. This flame was inviolable, like its heavenly sovereign, and it too could not be disputed. It flew at the bone creature and struck it, the creature screaming in agony as it was engulfed in the heavenly flames. The bones then fell from the sky, the creature purified.

The Goddess gave the beastkin people a smile full of love, like a mother gazing upon their children fondly, before returning into the flame, and rejoining the Champion’s staff once more.

The man spoke again, “The Goddess has reclaimed your sky and healed our wounds. Now come, let us destroy this evil army, together.”

A holy aura radiated from the man, and Brock almost felt like he was gazing upon one of their Auril Heroes, those that had evolved their Auril Heart. But he knew it was different, as he could tell it was borne of the Goddess. The man’s aura made Brock feel like it was Jake himself who wanted to keep Brock safe, but also, that the man wanted him to have the strength to defeat their enemies.

His own Auril Heart stirred, though, and he could both feel and see his own auril transform, his heart singing a new song. A song of vindication, his heart connected with his brethren, as they sang the hymn of their own salvation together. What was once yellow auril, was now more of an orange as the heavenly aura joined his own, just what is this? His auril felt different now somehow, the life and vitality it filled his body with increased.

The reptilian winged woman floated a torch over to the man’s shield, lighting the now flickering flame in it ablaze. The dove winged woman smiled and added her own flames to the shield, the wings of it brightening the same as hers, as she flew off slowly towards what remained of the Necromancer’s army.

The man once again flew, moving slowly towards where the snake warrior still fought. Brock could tell he did this, so his people could keep pace. Brock was amazed at the snake warrior’s hardiness, just what kind of creature could stand against this army by themselves? He saw the dove-winged woman send a flaming barrier over, and he now realized that the dove-winged woman had occasionally been healing or shielding the giant creature while the man spoke and destroyed the bone creature.

The march was ponderous at first, his people hardly believing what was happening. But his brethren were quick to form ranks and approach the Necromancer’s army, as their drum line thundered a new beat. Arrows and spells still rained on his battlegroup, but he found that even those without Auril were protected by the man’s heavenly aura. An arrow struck Brock’s shoulder dead on, and it was like a miniature explosion of flame blasted the arrow back instead. The explosion only blasted in the direction of the oncoming projectile, eliminating it, just what kind of protection is this? The man’s presence alone was protecting Brock’s brethren.

The giant snake warrior now reached the shimmering barrier, and hammered on it several times ineffectually, as far as Brock could tell. Brock watched as the Necromancer cast a major reanimation spell, and many of the destroyed skeletons got up around him and his allies. They fought through these, and Brock found that when he struck out with his glaive the same aura that protected him would leap to explode at the enemies. This caused additional damage and often shattered their bone structures in a single blow, even glancing ones. Now even the weakest of his people could destroy the skeletons, and Serena’s arrows now caused the same effect.

Brock was surprised at the latter, because even the evolved auril heart found that adding itself to ranged attacks was simply not effective; it was the primary reason why his people shunned the practice of using the bow. Unless the user maintained the connection of Auril, it would dissipate almost immediately.

The snake warrior then reared up, and Brock could see that same mystical language light up across their body and maul, a blinding white light. Her body and maul then lit white once again, becoming even brighter: something Brock hadn’t thought possible, the light being brighter than their sun.

There was then a surge of motion from the snake warrior, and a large crash as they smashed their massive maul into the barrier the Necromancer and their army erected. The barrier shattered, and many of the robed casters fell into dust. It was then that the man and the two flying women started casting a spell.

The mystical language appeared, and the three merged the words they constructed into a single one. A large ball of flame was created, and Brock felt like he was looking at a second golden sun in the sky. The flames were divine like the Goddess’ flames, yet they were different, somehow.

The three of them sent the flames at the Necromancer, and the robed figure countered with a hazy green skull of its own. The ball of flames blew right through the green skull, and when the golden sun struck the Necromancer, the explosion’s shockwave knocked many beastkin off their feet. A crater was left on the ground, and Brock was amazed at the amount of strength the three just displayed. They didn’t look tired, like they could release more of that devastating attack if they wanted.

The three of them then joined the army on the ground, and the army fought alongside the Champion and cleared up the remaining enemies. The day was won, and many of his people cheered. Brock thought the man was a caster like many other adventurers he had seen, but he charged in with his spear and shield with the two women and cut down some remaining skeletal warriors and archers with ease. His speed was substantial, and he destroyed the skeletons like their Auril Heroes, and better than any adventurers he had seen.

His women had blazed around the battlefield, and he couldn’t help but believe the three of them could stand up to their Auril Heroes; the T1 Auril Heart users. The beastkin and the Champion’s party worked to clear the remaining skeletons, but with the Aura, the battle was now trivial.

Serena approached Brock, a smile on her face. “You really awakened trying to save me? How romantic. I hope you’re ready to take responsibility, and start your clan?… Your tent was empty, wasn’t it?”

Serena now wrapped herself around his arm, and Brock blushed. That he had awakened trying to protect her, was like the will of the world itself standing behind their pairing. Now that they lived through this battle, he couldn’t help but sigh in happiness, his heart singing a song of joy. He would later sing the song of his dreams for a clan to her. Thanks to the will of the world standing behind him, her heart would likely beat in tune with his own, and they would become a pair– the beginning of his clan.

He had awakened his Auril Heart, his first mate joining him most likely, and now they had a Champion of a Goddess here. Brock didn’t know a lot about champions, but he knew that they were extremely rare. He couldn’t help but hope and be excited about the future. They had gone from the edge of death, to Brock’s life looking pretty good.

The trio then took to the air again, and the snake warrior went around healing the few wounded. Brock was surprised at their capabilities, weren’t they a warrior? The man spoke once more, “Great work, everyone. I am sure you can see the power brought about by [The Framework], seeing me and my wives fight. Our Hearthtribe will fight these insidious outsiders all across the multiverse. I want as many as possible to join either the Framework and my Tribe, as–”

“Why don’t I stop you right there? Who gave you the right to recruit my people?”

Brock groaned. The Ravenwolf Chieftess really hated [The Framework]. In truth, it had looked like the flock was going to lose that last fight, shouldn’t she be happy that the Goddess came to help? But Brock understood where she was coming from, somewhat. The Adventurers all promised assistance, and many of Highlands’ immortalized warriors haven’t yet come back after having died.

The Alliance Adventurers said something about Conquest Progress increasing their death timers, along with the control map having an influence, but this felt like empty promises at this point. Few had revived, mostly those that joined the fight and died early. But those warriors were mostly the young unawakened, the weakest of their people, joining in hopes that they would someday awaken just like himself.

If anything, the Adventurers almost hurt the war, the beastkin relying on them, only for them to disappear in their time of need. Without them, they might have spent more effort arming themselves for ranged combat or other roles.

There were a number of alliance adventurers that were really terrible. They badgered their people into aiding them, requesting exuberant gifts for them to go out of their way to help their smaller villages and towns. Brock even heard one requested brides, just so that he would help– their people had no shortage of those, after all. They opted for clearing the rifts nearby, just farming their conquest points and credits.

Not only that, but becoming immortalized by the Framework was akin to going against the natural order. Brock had been willing to because he was young and clanless, and willing to take the risk for strength. He had watched his family get slaughtered by these creatures, and was saved by a party of adventurers. He felt that in order to repay them and restore the balance between them, he should fight back with them. Brock knew that not all adventurers were the same way, as some really went out of their way to help. But even them, they fled when the going got tough.

Those in established clans who were already awakened and maintaining the balance of the world were entirely against joining the Framework. It was mostly only the young like himself that were willing, seeing it as a way to rise higher in the hierarchy, one way or another.

“I recruit by exercising the Right of Strength and Conquest. Did you miss that my party eliminated more than half of the enemy army? You would stand against an ally that helped your people, that called a Goddess to your people’s aid?”

Brock was surprised, the man aware of their customs to an extent. The Right of Strength was mostly one used by awakened Auril Heart users, however, though it’s not as though it would not be allowed by those unawakened. They just wouldn’t have a chance to win, so they would never do it unless completely desperate.

“You are not awakened, the Right of Strength does not apply to you. As for the right of conquest–”

“Oh? If an unawakened person challenged an awakened by Right of Strength and won, it wouldn’t be allowed? I don’t believe that’s right, and I know that you don’t believe it either. If you want to stop me from recruiting, you will have to challenge me. I have staked my family’s lives on the success of defeating the invaders, and I will not abide by you reducing your own people’s, or my family’s chances at survival.”

The mysterious language on the man’s armor lit up, and instead of white like the snake warrior, it was a domineering red. While the man’s presence originally felt like a helpful savior who cared for the people especially with his heavenly aura, it now switched to that of a man with hardened resolve, a man who would fight for his life. Brock’s heart even changed its song, the song of preparing for battle. To fight in defense of life itself. That the man stood for life, and to stand against him was to stand against the balance of the world.

The raven chieftess was taken aback, and Brock thought she almost looked like she was struck with surprise. Perhaps, she had felt this change too?

The man continued, “If you won’t challenge me, that means you will have to stake your people’s lives on stopping me. I don’t want to waste lives needlessly, but I cannot accept both [Tartarus] and you, standing in my way. So what will it be, will you challenge me, the loser abiding by the winner’s desires? If you win your challenge, I will leave and recruit elsewhere. Or, will you fight my family, my clan, to stop me?”

The Chieftess was bewildered, “Elsewhere? If I win, you won’t recruit at all!”

It was then that the woman with reptile wings spoke, “If you want him to not recruit at all, you must wager more than just ‘allowing’ him to recruit. One could not really see that as a concession, or abiding by the winner’s desires at all. There is already an Alliance HQ here, this means your people can already join the Framework– that it was approved by the people here on some level. Let’s not forget, you couldn’t stop us if you wanted to.”

She looked over to the crater in the ground, drawing attention to where the Necromancer was destroyed in a single blast, and Brock shuddered; he wouldn’t want to face Champion Jake’s party, even if they had several Auril Heroes on their side. Brock didn’t know who would win in that case, but he knew that even if his people won, it would be a loss. There is simply no way they could fight this group without having massive loss of life, as small as their membership was.

The reptile woman continued, “Not only that, is this even your city, these people your people? Just why had you only shown up at the last minute in defense? By what right can you insist that Champion Jake doesn’t recruit here?”

Brock realized that the strange reptile woman had a good point. The Chieftess was not the Chief of this city, and had no right to stop Jake from recruiting here. Currently, this city had a mixed council, due to there not being an Auril Hero, the previous now dead.

It was uncommon for a city of this size, but many of the smaller towns and villages had a similar structure. It was only because of this that the council took ownership, and they saw things dire enough to allow a Branch Alliance HQ to be founded here. Looking back, it was only because of this decision that their people lasted until now.

Brock thought that the Chieftess might be able to convince some current council members to disallow recruitment. But after the Goddess appeared and them being so close to their deaths, her ability to convince a majority against their new saviors was questionable at best. It looked like the Chieftess understood this as well, and spoke.

“What would you ask for my wager?”

The woman smiled, and then that smile became predatory. “Why, you, of course. Instead of hindering Champion Jake, you will help him recruit and initiate people into the Framework, becoming both his envoy and subordinate. You can continue being a Chieftess for your people, but you will do your best to be his envoy in earnest.

Not only that, but you yourself will join the Framework, joining his Guild and Tribe, and train with those that are joining, too. I can see this as a large enough wager for Champion Jake to accept being unable to recruit in this world, anything less not worth risking.”

The Ravenwolf Chieftess was taken aback, and her feelings conflicted. The man then spoke, “In the end, fighting each other is counterproductive. The outsiders will not disappear from this world if you win against me, and instead, you will hurt the chances your people have at both vengeance and survival if you do. Let’s work together, to reclaim your homes and remove Tartarus from this world. Your people see you as their hope, their savior, and I respect your fight and what you’ve likely accomplished. But it’s simply not enough, as was shown here today. What’s it going to be?”

Brock thought that this was a strange offer, but it wasn’t completely unprecedented. There were occasionally subordinated tribes to another, but such practice was kept under a strict watch. It appeared this was only subordinating her and not her tribe, Brock doubted that she would even consider it otherwise. The Chieftess herself was clanless, without a family of her own, even though she was currently the Chief of her tribe. He had heard that her family was lost, when her people’s tribal home was one of the first to be attacked.

While tribes and clans were related, a clan was more like a family, and a tribe a community of families. A chieftain or chieftess was their leader, and it was independent of it. Clans left tribes all the time, but clan mates were usually for life, unless something caused major discord and disharmony in it, causing one to be expelled.

Brock looked over to the Chieftess, and he could see the utter frustration on her face. That face was replaced with resolve, and she spoke. “I challenge you to an honor duel to incapacitation or surrender. The wager is if I win, Champion Jake of Hestia and his clan will not recruit for his guild or the Framework anywhere on Highlands. If I lose, I will instead join the Framework to act as his envoy and subordinate. The rules are no ranged magic or attacks. Do you choose an Honor Guard, or will you face me?”

Brock was surprised she offered this, as it was usually only a practice of Auril Heroes, having the right to not face every idiot that dared to challenge them for the glory. Brock smirked, he guessed she was looking for a way out of one of their many dueling traditions. This even went against her own original argument, saying he was not an awakened warrior, so he had no Right of Strength.

The human Champion smirked too, and Brock was surprised that he just might know about them too. He spoke, “My four Bonded Wives and I are as one, and all of them can act as Honor Guard. You may face me if you like, or you can choose which of them you face.”

Four? Brock looked over to the snake warrior, and realized that their upper body was so armored that he couldn’t even tell that it was a woman. Now that he knew what he was looking for, he could tell her waist was a little more narrow than most males, and perhaps her eyes looked more feminine. He would expect some kind of armored skirt, but there was a thick band of a belt or girdle instead. Brock shuddered, there was just no way the Chieftess was going to have a chance facing her. But where’s the fourth?

The dove winged woman looked downright ready for a fight, like they couldn’t wait, while the reptile-winged woman just looked on in interest. Perhaps it was the eagerness of the fight that the Chieftess picked up on, and so she pointed over to the dove-winged woman. “I choose to face you as Jake’s Honor Guard.”

“I accept!” The woman blurred towards the ground in a flash of light, Brock surprised by her speed. Even the Chieftess was shocked, but she quickly schooled her features and flew down to meet them.

The man walked down as if he was stepping down stairs that sort of appeared as he went down, and the reptile-winged woman–

“My, you are an interesting one. May I ask about your bloodline?”

Brock spun, and found the woman standing behind him, holding a fan. “Er, you mean my parentage? I’m an armadillo beastkin.”

“An armadillo beastkin! I knew it! But your horns, they look like that of a…bull? And who’s this, your lover, a panther beastkin, I guess? She’s very pretty. You know, Champion Jake is looking for a fifth wife…”

Serena then gripped Brock’s arm harder, and the strange woman gave a big smile. “Looks like she’s a keeper, you’ve chosen well! Still, you can have more than one, right? I think you should consider that one. Isn’t she fierce?”

Brock looked over to where she pointed with her fan, and saw what he thought was a badger beastkin woman that sported a poleaxe. She was around Brock’s age, and while he thought she was pretty and fierce, he couldn’t help but wonder why she would point her out of all people. Said beastkin woman’s attention was drawn to the reptile-winged woman, and now she looked at Brock in question. Their eyes met, and Brock couldn’t help but feel the woman was right, for some reason he couldn’t explain.

“Well anyway, that heart of yours woke up in battle or something like that? We had read about those, but seeing it now, I can’t help but feel it is similar to something I’ve experienced before. I also see that you are one of the few awakened that are also are a part of the Framework. Would you mind if I inspect you? It’s for a good cause, I assure you.”

“Er, inspect? What does that entail?”

Brock was very interested in the Honor Duel, watching these fights being one of his people’s favorite past times, aside from music. But they had at least a few minutes for them to clear what would be their arena of debris and arrange the spectators and witnesses before the fight could start in earnest. He supposed he could indulge this strange woman, especially since she had earned his respect from her strength, aiding in saving his brethren and himself.

“I just would like your consent is all, you shouldn’t feel or notice anything. I don’t actually need your consent, but it’s rude. It also might help if you show me using the energy in a few different ways.”

Brock glanced at Serena for help, and she shrugged. He looked at the reptile-winged woman and nodded, activating his Auril Heart. He moved the energy around his body, and he willed himself to become stronger, more durable. The woman gazed at him as if she was looking straight through him, gazing at his very soul itself. It was a little unnerving, but aside from this feeling, he couldn’t tell that she was doing anything.

“Thank you for that, very interesting. It looks like the fun is about to start. Will you be joining my husband’s Tribe? I’m Fhesiah, by the way, and you are?”

“I’m Brock, and this is Serena. Er, most likely? I guess if this woman wins–”

The woman started to laugh, one that really came from the belly. It took her a moment to finally stop laughing, and Brock was perplexed. “Oh, you’re serious? Well, I don’t want to ruin it for you. Anyway, I’ll be off. Thank you for your help, and it was a pleasure meeting you. Definitely consider that girl for number two, good luck!”

The woman floated away, not even flapping her wings. She rejoined the Champion, now also joined by the snake warrior. Brock could see Serena looking at the girl Fhesiah had pointed out in interest. It appeared he now had time to look over the notifications that he ignored.

Please choose a guidance for specialization.

Recommended: Defense, Offense, Protection

Less optimal based on auril type: healing. Many other options completely unavailable.

Brock thought this was strange, what is the difference between Defense and Protection? He willed additional details.

Defense Specialization

Focus on improving the initiate's defense using Auril.

Protection Specialization

An advanced specialization, template focuses on improving defense of self and others. While there is little change until the awakened warrior reaches the auril hero stage, Framework guidance will focus on improving Auril usage towards making it possible to protect others in battle. Increases personal defense as well.

Brock reviewed the other two options, finding it interesting that he could even learn healing. He saw that it was less optimal, as a result of his type not being very effective for it, which he understood. He had never even heard of an armadillo beastkin that could heal others.

Brock looked over to Serena, and realized that protecting her was well within his desires. He could do that by just being strong, but perhaps she could focus on offense, if she awakened? Brock thought the fact that the specialization was advanced put it above the other options, as well. He selected it, the change not doing anything as far as he could tell. He reviewed his stats.

Brock Awakened Status Level 1













Protection Specialization

10% Increased Effectiveness in Strength, Constitution, Wisdom

Focus on improving Strength, Constitution, Wisdom on Level Up

The Protection specialization focuses on increasing their Auril Manipulation and Auril Manifestation skills, towards allowing the initiate to protect themselves and eventually others.

Things were looking even better for Brock.

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