Bonded Summoner

Book 3. Chapter 24: Tanda - Heart Song

Tanda was escorted by Fhesiah and Ophelia back to the living room, the fireplace burning brightly. In truth, Tanda already felt like she was home. She was already imagining designing her room in her mind, and she thought that her heart was beating with her new clan mates.

Jake was standing near the fireplace, and there was a space between the couch and the gaming table– enough to sing and dance to her heart’s desire.

Ophelia said, “Oh, I’ve been looking forward to this! You can do it, Tanda! Well, no matter what happens, I still want to be your friend, okay?”

Tanda turned, smiled, and nodded at Ophelia, noticing her genuine smile on her face. Looking at Bloodberri and Fhesiah, she saw they looked on encouragingly. They all wanted to see this, and Tanda already felt welcome.

Jake’s three mates were behind her, in front of the kitchen, all looking at Tanda with excited smiles. For once, Tanda could tell Jake looked on with interest, and could feel a spark of desire in his eyes. She had only told him that she was interested in him, and she could already see that Ophelia was right in that he would desire her soon after.

Tanda took a deep breath, ordering her thoughts. Her heart’s beat and song slowly took on the cadence of her desires. Her desires for a clan, a family that would find harmony with one another, and accomplish great things. She began a dance with her polearm, a mixture of both sensuality and combat.

She began by swinging her weapon with her skill and power, dancing around as she spun and stabbed. Tanda sang of what she desired, a partner that will help her reach her goal. Of fighting against evil, protecting and preserving the world’s delicate balance. Of raising and growing a clan to give her world a chance to heal.

She leaned the polearm against the fireplace, holding her polearm upright next to him. She caressed his face and danced around his body, all but rubbing against him as she shook her hips and spun around, her tail and wings caressing him as well. Tanda then used her polearm as a fulcrum to swing her body around.

Tanda then sang a request to hear Jake’s own heart song, of his dreams and the things that make him strong. She finished her song with a desire, for a beautiful future. Her family fighting together with courage and wisdom, punishing the wicked and protecting the balance. Tanda would be his spear, their days filled with laughter and joy. Their children and other clan members, working together in harmony, to create a bright future for themselves and all.

Tanda now stood a ways away from him as she finished her song and dance, and her heart was already thundering in her chest. While Jake didn’t have an auril heart, she could feel something from him. That, in some way, his heart was starting to beat in the cadence of her song. That he was already starting to find harmony with her.

Jake smiled at her, and Ophelia’s eyes were sparkling. She gave Tanda a thumbs up, while Bloodberri just looked on in interest, and Fhesiah had her face covered in her fan. He retrieved his staff from his bracelet, and she saw the flame matched the feeling of the hearth quite well. But it lit ablaze even further, Jake casting a spell of his own.

The impression that she got, was originally, the flame had made her feel like she was safe at home, sitting around a fire in the winter. It was somewhat how the goddess Hestia had made her feel, when she arrived and saved her people and herself.

But now, the flame was Jake’s. His aura expanded out, washing over her body and soul. She felt the warmth, the love of a mate who would do everything in his power to help her succeed at her goals. That no matter which obstacle or enemy stood in her way, he would sing the song of glory and battle, being what she needed to turn the tide.

He began to sing his song, which was much improved from just a week ago. He sang of his clan, and what they desired to accomplish. To protect families and worlds alike, while enjoying their own. Raising their own children, and bettering the people of the multiverse. They would craft, enjoy, fight, protect and rebuild, always challenging themselves, and empowering one another.

Her heart stirred, beating in cadence with his song. Her heart leaped with joy, joining his chorus. His flame leaped out of his staff, and took a shape of a heart, and split and shifted into rough, small characters of him and his family. She could see Jake, a dragon woman, a valkyrie, and a very giant lamia. Another character formed, and she knew it was her, a ravenwolf. His mates as well as her begun to spin around the character of his.

He continued his song, now singing about why he wanted her to join his clan. His vision he had for her, of her helping defeat their enemies. Of how she could push him and Ophelia forward with her competitiveness, and how she could enjoy the large family they would make together.

How she could join her song to their family, and bring the joy of the arts. That he desired her for her beauty, her lifting presence.

The flame shifted once more, combining and condensing into a tiny flame. He crushed it in his hand, and she felt even more powerful flames entering inside, as he molded it into something else. She felt something coming from each of his mates and himself. When he opened his hand, a beautiful flame shaped like their word for auril, the heart was there.

The power inside the heart warmed the area, and she could feel the strength of his family’s vitality and love, and it had black and white flecks in it, in addition to the red and orange flames. That this was the flame of his family, and it would burn brightly, forever.

No enemy would ever be too strong, too difficult for them to challenge together. Her own heart beat fervently, feeling his power and strength, his potential. It started to find resonance, taking on his song, his desires for the future.

He continued his song, of his desires. That their hearts would beat as one with their bond, and no enemy could stand in their way. That they would sing the song of prosperity, and build a powerful clan and tribe that would span the multiverse, defeating any evil. They would protect the cycle of life and death for all time, and have fun while doing it. Jake wanted her as part of his family, willing to see if her heart could beat as one with them.

Tanda could feel it in her heart, as it strongly beat to the rhythm of his song. She had heard many male’s songs, and her heart had never beat so strongly. She was filled with joy, at finding a mate that could fill her with such harmony and anticipation. Tanda knew, just from looking at his flame, that his potential was exceptional.

It wasn’t as powerful as the goddess’, but it held potential in it greater than what she felt when his party destroyed the necromancer in one blast. She knew if that enemy champion was still present, this small flame would still deal a significant blow. This was the flame holding the potential of both himself and his clan, one of extraordinary strength and power.

She wanted to be a part of it. She wanted her heart to beat as one with them. In many ways, it already was. From the first time she met him, her heart desired it. But due to her distaste for adventurers, and him not being a beastkin, she let her mind disconnect from her heart. Now, her heart and mind were in harmony.

“I accept, Jake Hart, Chieftain of Hearthtribe, Champion of Hestia. I will be your prospective mate, hoping to join your clan once our hearts find true harmony and beat as one.”

Jake smiled, and Tanda could both truly feel and see his desire in his eyes as he stepped towards her, the flame rejoining him. His hands wrapped around her waist, pulling her close to him with a strong, warm grip. Tanda had to look up slightly to meet his eyes, Jake being taller than she.

His aura washed over her once more, and finally, she accepted it. Her black auril transformed, filled with the flames of the heavens. What was once a black and filled with death, became the color of maroon, closer to that of the color of blood.

Her own auril now felt like that of righteous retribution, that of a fiery death that she brought to the wicked, punishing them for all their wrongdoings. She felt both protected and empowered. That with his help, she could accomplish anything.

Her heart hammered in her chest, singing a song of joy as his lips met hers. She could feel the desire and care of a protective mate, as their spirits connected, their hearts beating as one in harmony. For a moment, she thought she could feel his other mates and their feelings of pride, joy, excitement, and more than a bit of lust from one? But the feeling from all of them was quickly gone.

She luxuriated in the feelings on her lips and listened to the song of her heart and his, along with his warmth, until he pulled away. She knew her tail was about to take off with how fast it was moving, but she didn’t care. He smiled at her, and her heart felt like it would melt.

Ophelia said, “Wow! That was really great! I felt like you were with us, for a moment.”

Fhesiah added, “Don’t you think it would be best if we did the binding ritual for the Summoner’s Bond, now? It is possible to remove it, though I think with how she resonates with us already, it would be like putting her on train tracks towards the destination of her being your mate. It would help protect her on the way to Kenwodi, and allow you to use Divine Reinforcement on her.“

Ophelia had already explained some of the bond previously, during their sparring and messages over their [Menu]. She had understood she would need the bond in order to be Jake’s mate, as their family would need it to bring out everything in each other.

Jake was about to speak, but Ophelia took her aside, Jake and Bloodberri heading away. “Jake and Bloodberri still need to finish up, so I’ll tell you a little more about my experience.”

Ophelia explained a little more about the intimate connection, where Jake would be able to sense her emotions, and she could sense Jake’s. It would work up to where she could even hear his thoughts, and he would hear hers.

It sounded a lot like how her people could hear each other’s hearts through their voices and songs, and she was excited about this level of understanding with Jake.

Tanda said, “So, how do we do this bond?”

Fhesiah said, “Well, first, you take off your clothes.”

Tanda shrugged. She was about to take off her tribal top–

Ophelia said, “Tanda, stop. Fhesiah! You’re too much.” Tanda froze, stopping as she looked at her clan-mate in question.

Fhesiah laughed. “It seemed she didn’t mind? I am just playing with my new sister. Oh, this is going to be a lot of fun!”

Tanda felt like she was missing something. Was it a big deal to take off your clothes?

Ophelia looked over to the kitchen. “We’ll do the bond just before we eat and the movie. Let’s do some karaoke while we wait? We can do a duet!”

Tanda understood what this karaoke was from the Framework’s definition, though it didn’t tell her how they would achieve singing along to known songs together. Tanda was intrigued, as she loved to sing. “Let’s do it!”

The odd slate on the wall turned on, and she took out some small batons. Tanda was amazed at the device, learning that this was where they were going to watch the movie. They both sang songs, and Fhesiah joined by singing a song of her own.

Tanda thought Fhesiah had a beautiful voice, but it was strange. Why did she feel like one of her clan uncles was singing?

Ophelia had both a beautiful voice, and excellent cadence. When Tanda and her sang together, they complemented each other well, and achieved harmony. They finished, and everyone else clapped, Jake and Bloodberri rejoining them.

“Alright! Dinner is ready. It really just took some extra time to finish the extras for later. So, Tanda, you wanted to do the bond now, right?”

Tanda nodded. “I feel like I understand, and I trust you and your mates.”

Jake smiled at her, and she couldn’t help but smile back. She knew her damn tail was taking off again.

Ophelia said, “You need me to help set up the circle? Or–”

Jake shook his head. “No, I think I can do it now. Let’s go over by the hearth.”

Tanda stood in front of the hearth, where Jake had stood when they did their song of courtship. He smiled at her once more, and took out his staff.

“Here goes. All you should have to do is be willing to bind yourself to me.”

The staff’s flame lit ablaze, and it separated from the staff. It landed on the ground, then spread out in a circle around her. It then drew all sorts of other lines of fire itself, of symbols that Tanda didn’t know, but found she could get the gist of them thanks to the Framework– some sort of contract.

The lines finished drawing, and the heat from the fire increased, the light filling up the room. He continued to smile at her, and she felt a sort of connection. It almost felt like when she was initiated into the Framework, but different. She willed acceptance of the contract, of binding herself to Jake Hart.

The flames lit up even further, her feeling his bond lay itself over her heart and soul. The bond laid on top of it, and instead of the strange, overwhelming feeling of the Framework, she felt a connection to him. It was more like what she felt when their hearts beat in harmony, and she smiled as her heart began beating closer to that rhythm. She could feel his empowerment, that on some level he was making her more than she was a moment ago.

The flames returned to Jake, a little diminished. She could feel his excitement and happiness, along with a bit of pride for how he accomplished the ritual. She could see most of those things on his face, but this connected them on another level. Tanda had been worried about him not having an auril heart, but this connection was perhaps even stronger than that.

She was excited as she reviewed the summoner’s bond in her menu, but she started to get a little restless. Her feathers ruffled, and she looked over at the food with some desire. The food just smelled too good!

Ophelia laughed. “I know, right!”

Tanda frowned. Did she say that out loud?

Fhesiah shook her head. “You didn’t say anything, but we all could hear it. We’re all thinking the same thing, anyway.”

Berri said, “Let’s eat!”

Plates and drinks floated towards the dining table, and some were carried out by Jake and Berri. They all sat down, and Tanda’s mouth watered just looking at all the food.

Tanda wasn’t sure what all the things were, but she could tell more than half of it was meat.

“All right, let’s dig in! I hope you enjoy it, Tanda. This was my first major attempt at cooking auril beast meat. That there is raptor, and I did manage to cook up one of those dead boars that was Tier 1 that died. I just haven’t had time to cook, we’ve mostly had leftovers since we arrived at Highlands.”

Tanda immediately reached for the raptor meat, having had more than her fair share of it during her lifetime. She smelled it, and found that it had a herbal smell mixed in with the meat. She bit into it, the flavors almost overwhelming her. The skin was crispy and had a tangy, sweet flavor on it. The meat was succulent and melted in her mouth, the life, and vitality filling her body as it entered her stomach.

Tanda’s heart beat strongly, almost in anticipation of absorbing this meal. She kept eating, but she noticed a strange tapping sound as she took more and more bites. She frowned. What was that?

She continued to eat it, and even tried the boar. Before she knew it, she had tried half the dishes on the table. They were so delicious, that she couldn’t help but look forward to eating the food all the time.

Everyone else was enjoying their meals as well, Tanda noticed, but she was so focused on her own food he hardly paid attention. Jake said something about the herbs and spices, and the barbecue glaze he created out of some of their auril herbs. Then some other things to trap in the vitality of the meat, but she just continued to eat it. Her stomach and heart wanted more of it, that was all she knew.

Berri giggled. “I think she likes it! Tanda, you’re such a good girl!”

Tanda perked up, smiling at Berri. The tapping increased. “Thanks, Berri! Um, why?”

Berri shrugged. “You just are! I’m so glad you joined us!”

Tanda smiled even more at her welcoming, and the tapping increased, but it started to hurt. Wait, hurt?

Tanda looked behind her, and realized that her tail was going ballistic, slapping against the inside rungs of her chair.

Once again, her tail embarrassed her.

She felt some mirth over her new bond from Jake, but mostly, pride that his food was being enjoyed. Fhesiah had a smile on her face as she had her own, red-colored meat.

Ophelia drank some red drink, and Tanda realized she had some in front of her, too. It looked like it might have chunks of fruit inside. She tried some, and it was sweet and cold.

“This is delicious! What is it?”

Jake said, “It’s a smoothie. I used some of the fruits we found in your jungles, and blended it with ice.”

Tanda was amazed. “Just ice? That makes this taste so good?”

Jake laughed. “There’s a lot of fruit in there, but there’s a dash of sweetened condensed milk in there too.”

Tanda kept drinking the smoothie, and Ophelia looked a little worried. “You might want to slow down there, Tanda. If you have too much of something cold, you’ll get brain freeze.”

Tanda looked at the drink with a little doubt, but decided to heed Ophelia’s warning. She looked at the rest of the food, and realized she hadn’t even tried half of it, but her stomach was nearly full. Her heart beat in happiness, and she was filled with energy, but she looked at it all in longing.

Ophelia smiled at her. “It’s a lot, right? We always have lots of leftovers, and I bring some in my storage bracelet.” She frowned. “I wonder if Auril Enhancement 5 will even be able to use one? Are you almost at level 5?”

Tanda reviewed her skills, and she found she was still at level 4. She felt like with her enhanced heart, it wouldn’t be long. She told Ophelia this.

Ophelia nodded. “Well, we can always give you one, and once you have the skill, you’ll be able to use it.”

They finished their meal, and Tanda watched as Jake set aside a storage bracelet, filling it with various foods they had that night. She looked at it in longing.

Jake laughed. “That will motivate you, huh? Work hard on your auril manipulation as much as you can. I found that the skill books, even those tangentially related, help me a lot in improving any skill, finding where I can go with it. That’s how I have the best results anyway, though I guess I’m a bookish person. Berri just feels her way through everything, and that works amazingly for her.”

Tanda immediately checked the market for her skill books, finding she can purchase them from anywhere in the refuge. How convenient!

“Um, where’d they go?”

Ophelia said, “They go straight to our storage bracelets when we buy, but since you don’t use them yet, they popped out at the entryway. I hope the skill works for you, but if it doesn’t, you may just have to wait until you are hearth bonded.”

Fhesiah said, “Hmm, but does she have a hearth to bond? Remember, I had this problem too, I was lucky that we received special guidance on this.”

Tanda said, “Cernunnos said Brigid would help! I need to become her druid!”

Jake said, “Let’s get that taken care of, then. How should we make the shrine to Brigid and Cernunnos?”

Ophelia said, “C’mere Tanda, let’s design the nature area behind our bedrooms! We’ll make your room while we’re at it.”

Tanda was ecstatic. She could design her nest! The tapping returned, before she stood up to join her new clan mate.

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