Bonded Summoner

Book 3. Chapter 8: There Must be Blood

Jake woke up once again in a feathery embrace, Ophelia covering him in her soft wings. His thoughts immediately went to what was accomplished yesterday.

Jake had met with the tribal elders, where he discussed his plans. Primarily, it was to increase the focus on using the HQ’s features to sell what goods they had in order to fund purchases of food and equipment, in the short term. Jake could buy food every day, but it was not going to be sustainable.

He learned that the refugees critically needed housing. Many of the tents were crowded, and this was once again something that couldn’t last long. Jake bought many tents last night and handed them out after the celebration. They were building a wall for now, but he’d need to come up with something a little more permanent for them in the long term.

When it was late and the kids were off to bed, the plaza was full of dancing. He danced with Ophelia and Bloodberri. He made sure to meet and see different beastkin people, meeting many heads of clans and learning more about their people.

His thoughts were heavily on his to-do list, however, so he only barely got to have a good time during the dance. Fhesiah for all her bluster about celebrating, was also engrossed in her alchemical task. Jake wasn’t even sure she had slept the previous night, though he knew she hardly needed it.

[It’s fine, Jake. It’s not like the poor old lady was working through the night trying to help these people. Meanwhile, her husband was giving all his attention to some snake girl and then a battle angel both inside and outside the bedroom, right?]

While her words were biting, the tone was full of mirth. Jake thought to her, ignoring her fake tirade, “How’s it going?”

[Going well. I think I am going to be ready to do some tests today, for which we will need some willing participants soon. I have managed to condense and store Auril outside the body, using some combination of cultivator methods and their own. The concern I have is that even if I get the Auril into their Auril heart, just how can they make the Auril their own? This awakening is part of igniting the spirit, and the reasons why some awaken and many never do are not precisely known, according to their herbalists. I have doubts just pumping someone full of Auril will do it because of that, so I might need to take multiple approaches here.

There’s also a question of what delivery method works best. Clearly, things people eat and drink end up in the bloodstream, which end up in the heart. But also from breathing, so I can try things like pills or drinks, and aromatics. I will have to try them all, and monitor what happens with my Divine Sense. If Auril density has nothing to do with awakening, then I will be at an impasse, but I have an idea even if it’s that. We know they awaken the most often during times of high emotions or conflict.]

“What idea is that?”

[Well, we make them experience times of high emotions or conflict, of course. But I can probably do it with alchemical components.]

Jake frowned in thought. “What, like making them go on some acid trip to awaken them?”

[Something like that. We cultivators have many options for things like that, though I am hoping to make everything from repeatable methods so that these people can make it themselves. Once I get this properly sorted, I’ll be able to help more and share the burden with you on everything else. I will get some testing this morning before your planned assault to retake that Alliance HQ, so that I can be ready for you to call me.]

“Alright. Thank you for all your hard work, Fhesiah.”

[Well, I’m obviously expecting a very big reward, if you know what I mean.]

Guild recruitment was going well, but a majority of people ultimately were just satisfied with being initiated to [The Framework]. Jake had done a quick review from the [Alliance HQ], and had found that between Jake’s party taking on Rifts and the Highlands people taking on incursions, the sharp decline of conquest progress had finally leveled off, somewhat. It was still in decline, but each time Jake would close a Rift, it would make up for hours of loss, from what he could tell.

Jake had learned that the Alliance abandonment strategy, while it looked cowardly on the outside, gave the defenders a better fighting chance than them staying around in some instances. There were many factors, but it appeared that the level of rifts that could spawn were based on the level of the inhabitants and those present on the world, as a sort of weighted average. So by the higher level adventurers leaving, it made the rifts ultimately spawn at a lower level from then on.

That didn’t close the higher level ones or eliminate creatures that were already spawned, and they would only drift lower over time, however. So, Jake would need to make those a priority before the armies they spawned moved out against all the villages and towns. With no or few Auril Heroes around, it would be only a matter of time before they succumbed, losing massive amounts of progress all at once.

Jake’s Guild bulletins and other resources had focused primarily on people meeting at the HQ in the training grounds to practice their skills each day first thing in the morning. This was in addition to the [Debt Contract], preparations for doing incursions, and picking up a trade skill that supplemented their specialization where possible.

Whether their Auril Heart was awakened or not, they would practice with both melee and ranged weapons, making them much more rounded combatants. That was the best he could do at the moment, and he bet that the only thing that might change is them scoring some major victories and getting another [Alliance HQ] back.

Jake kissed his beautiful battle angel, and she lazily stirred, returning the kiss, before going back to sleep. She even tightened her wings and arms around him.

Jake chuckled. “Time to wake up, sleepyhead. You have some recruits to beat into shape.”

Ophelia’s eyes snapped open, and they were filled with excitement. Jake just shook his head, on normal mornings together, things were mostly the same way. Until it was time for training, she made no effort to move. But as soon as it was time to train, she popped right up and grabbed her spear. Well, that, or it was time for bacon, Jake guessed.

They had a light snack and headed to the training grounds, Jake picking up his allotment of food and some more tents and dropping it off at the plaza everything was cooked at. Jake was surprised to find all the cooks from before already there, making preparations.

They met with a large crowd of people, the hundreds of guild recruits that he had waiting at the training grounds. Some of them had made their way in already, but many definitely looked confused at what to do. Ophelia made sure they were confused for no longer. Jake learned that there were many that joined or would join soon, as word had gotten around to the refugees about the guild, and how Jake was providing aid.

Many of them wanted to return the favor. Jake’s efforts and that of the goddess resonated with them, and they too wanted to give aid to their people. Not only that, but those that joined Jake’s guild and lived in the dorms with their families, would receive a food allowance, it appeared. He quickly realized that within his compound, he already had thousands of people, many not of age, and would need to expand it shortly.

Ophelia said, “This is way more people than I had imagined. These clans are interconnected, with many having dozens of clan brothers and sisters. There are many orphaned children, and they would normally have nowhere to go. But beastkin are quick to adopt and join others into their clan, as how could one more child to watch when you have a dozen be a big deal? But some still fall through the cracks, or a big brother or sister quickly becomes the young one’s guardian, pushing on for their younger sibling’s sake.”

Berri said, “There are so many young ones already in the dorms! We really need to get the school ready.”

Jake had made sure to buy wide varieties of training golems, from average humanoid sizes that were meant to be faced one on one all the way up to five on five or many against five. There were even large, monstrous types that helped you practice against opponents that were much stronger or heavier than you.

The training grounds were large, and they had hundreds of golems in total. Since they only needed to be T0 for now, Jake had really splurged and filled up the place. Jake had doubts he’d be able to afford T1 versions of this many in the future with the training grounds this packed, but he didn’t know how much tax income he’d ultimately be getting. He thought the golems were extra important, because while the beastkin were used to fighting humanoid enemies, most of the enemies they’d face were likely not going to be.

Ophelia gave out many pointers, and Jake was almost disappointed to find her being gentle and kind with the trainees. He was looking forward to some getting the same beatings as himself. He did his best to help out as well, but found that most beastkin were quite solid in the melee weapons he was familiar with, and most just needed help with javelins and bows, weapons he had no training for.

Ophelia had some training with these, and was able to provide a fair amount of guidance to those starting out. He instead spent a lot more time observing people with auril, like Brock, trying to understand the energy itself, in between his own personal training with his Hearthfire.

Ophelia was able to get many of them practicing with the training weapons found in the training grounds, and Jake had spent some time scouring the framework’s shop of skills. He found that there were several skills related to Auril that the framework had generated guides for, along with some even having true skill books.

Jake delivered a lesson to the awakened and unawakened alike about the skill books, and how while they might already show these skills on their [Menu], they should still consider purchasing them. Jake considered reading them himself, when he had the time to better understand the energy.

Even if they already had the skill, there is some foundational knowledge included in the skill book that would let them better understand their energies, and how to advance the skill. He had described how he had learned Runic Magic just from a quick lesson from Ophelia, but it was only through reading the skill books that they were able to train effectively and advance the skill beyond that level. Many already had Auril Energy Manipulation, but few had the sub-skills Auril Healing, Auril Enhancement, or Auril Manifestation.

Each of the sub-skills would improve the capability of that form of usage, and many did not have Auril Manifestation, except for a small handful. This was where their auril trait was used to produce their special outcomes, like a turtle parentage producing a large shell for a shield, or that of the sheep excelling at being able to heal others. The Auril Healing sub-skill was for using their auril for that purpose on themselves, though Jake was sure they could be related.

They were getting ready to head out, when Fhesiah entered the training grounds. Jake looked on in interest as she approached a familiar pair. Jake was somewhat surprised to see that the panther beastkin became extra possessive, or perhaps just hiding behind the armadillo beastkin at her approach.

“Hey there, Brock. Mind helping me out again? I probably need your mate, as well.”

They both looked confused, but Brock spoke, “Er, for what?” He looked anxiously at Serena, “Is it dangerous?”

“Probably not? Well, Bloodberri’s here to heal you if something goes wrong if we’re quick, but they’re leaving soon. Well, this could heal you in a pinch, too.”

She took out her Hestia’s torch, and it began floating in the air. Really, it was not all that dissimilar from Ophelia’s Hearth of Hestia, just with physical aspect, holding the flame in place. The two beastkin looked at it in question. Brock pointed at it, “This can heal me somehow? I don't know, this seems a bit too weir–”

“It’ll be fine, hey, what’s going on over there?”

Fhesiah had pointed out where Bloodberri was in fact making plenty of noise, and they looked on with interest as she smashed her maul into a large golem, with many observing. Bria was there, and she was doing her best to repeat whatever it was she could possibly learn from a snake girl smashing her mace into something, Jake guessed. Brock was going to reply when he turned around. Only to receive a spray of a strange gas right in his face.

Brock coughed, “What–” He continued coughing, “Is this?”

Fhesiah now was right in his face, scanning him. “It’ll be fine, just breathe. Don’t move your Auril around, just yet.” Fhesiah continued observing for almost a minute, the man’s coughing fit eventually coming to an end. “Alright, now try moving your Auril around.”

She nodded at him, and had made some notes on a tablet. “Good. Now, for your mate. This one is much more important.”

Serena now had a scowl, and Jake thought he saw her flexing her claws, maybe the Framework had already kept her from attempting to assault Fhesiah? Though, he was sure that those in the same guild had a lot more leeway with being able to spar with or without a fixture.

“What– What is this that you’re doing?”

“I’m trying to come up with something to help with your people’s Awakenings. Hopefully, what I learn here today will help me make it a near certainty, but I already know I can increase the chance.”

Serena seemed eager, but she was also frowning in confusion, based on her tail whipping about behind her and her ears standing more at attention, “You mean what you’re doing might awaken my heart? Why didn’t you start with that?”

“This is still at the trial stages, I doubt any of these items will help, or your people would have figured it out already. They’d at least have achieved something where you reliably increased the chance, anyway. No, this is simply going to show me how your body and Auril Heart are impacted by the foreign Auril– the life force and latent will, and if it helps or sticks around in any way. I think at a minimum, I can also improve the speed your husband improves his Auril Heart, too. So, how about it? Will you let me spray you too?”


Fhesiah didn’t wait for her response, spraying her, and she started a fit of coughs. Fhesiah smiled, writing down some more on her tablet for a bit, seemingly observing how the energy flowed through her bloodstream and if any was gathering within their body permanently. “Good! Now, both of you take these pills.”

Both of them looked doubtful again, like they weren’t going to do it. Fhesiah spoke again, “I got a much bigger one that goes into another hole of yours, Brock. Which is it going to be?”

Both beastkin’s face took on an expression of horror, and Jake shook his head at her antics, as he was pretty sure she did not in fact have a larger pill with her. He was quite thankful he didn’t have anything that she wanted to experiment on himself, for the time being. They finished their daily training and practice, and Jake and Ophelia created a task for their guild members to busy themselves with for a time.

Jake learned that Fhesiah’s tests were a success, that Serena did absorb the life force and latent will, increasing the density in her body closer to what she measured in Brock. Brock had even leveled to two, after absorbing the results of the pill, making them enthusiastic about any future experiments, unless it involved the larger pill. Fhesiah assumed that after he awakened in the major battle, the experience was given in the form of latent will of his defeated enemies.

She thought he hadn’t had enough life force to combine with it to level up, but this was mostly conjecture since she did not witness this, focused on the battle at hand.

Jake mounted up on Bloodberri, with Ophelia in tow, and they checked the conquest map for any problems with where they were headed.

Tanda had some initiated scout a few areas, their progress marked on the map. Jake could see that there were in fact some new rifts, but none that would change their activities for today. He wanted that other Alliance HQ back as soon as possible, even if it might be some time before any adventurers returned. The sooner, the better. But he knew this was an uphill battle, where each day he would fight through rifts, and new rifts would spawn. Tartarus would do what it could to create fires, and prevent him from making meaningful headway towards reclamation.

They went through the portal after sending Ira through, finding that the other side was clear like it should be. He sent Ira ahead towards the village once again as they headed over to it.

From the feelings he received from Ira, he thought that they might be somewhat expecting Jake and his party.

They continued their approach until they arrived, and sure enough, Jake saw an entourage waiting for them. There was a man of wolf parentage in the center of a group with many other wolf parentage warriors. He was large and strong, and his fur was the color of a dark blue, his skin a dark tan. He was also older than most he had seen.

The warriors had weapons, but they were in a non-threatening stance. Jake thought they looked a little tired and weak, but they tried to make a showing of strength as they stood. Jake could tell that the man was definitely their chieftain.

He hopped down from Bloodberri, and walked out to meet the man. He was really glad that Tanda had told him the proper introduction. Jake still had his aura on, despite Tanda’s warning, as they were not in what he considered a safe location outside the village.

Jake did his best to sing out his greeting to the beat of his own heart, which he did feel matched the saying itself. He was excited to meet this man. “My heart beats in anticipation of our meeting, I am honored to be in your presence. May we find harmony in our dealings.”

The wolf man looked surprised, but responded with a smile. “Our hearts welcome you. We are humbled and grateful for your presence among us. May the harmony of our hearts guide and protect us all.”

Jake continued, “I’m the Goddess Hestia’s Champion, Jake Hart. We cleared the rift last night that was threatening your village. I hoped to speak with the chieftain or council.”

The wolf man nodded, and spoke to the woman next to him, and Jake guessed she was a goat beastkin or some other type. She had horns, with white hair framing her face. She also had what one might call a sort of beard, though Jake thought it looked feminine enough. It was like she had permanently wrapped a bandanna framing her face, or had a mane of short white hair wrapped around it. Her face looked elegant, and her odd eyes looked at Jake. “That’s him, Chief. I had foreseen that he would help us.”

Jake had been somewhat surprised when he learned that auril could be used in that way, but realized he shouldn’t be. Among the beastkin, there were many ‘flavors’ of auril, with many unique properties that seemed to match even what Jake considered folklore among animals. This was in addition to what one might think an animal might be capable of doing if it had a unique form of magic to aid in what already made that animal special.

“Thank you, Enora.” He now turned back to Jake, “Well met, Champion Jake, of Hestia. I am the Chief of this village, Rookard. You three closed this rift last night?”

“Well met, Chief Rookard. We did. We’ve found that [Tartarus] has specifically sent enemies that my party is effective against. Still, we’re a lot stronger than we look. Well, Bloodberri’s even stronger than she looks, and that says enough, I think.”

Jake gave a motion to Bloodberri, who towered over them. The man gave her a significant look, and he nodded. “Is there something amiss besides the Rift?”

“The truth is, that this was the fourth Rift we closed yesterday; we just cleared the one in the village to your Southwest, as well. We will have to close hundreds, if we are going to have any hope of winning this war against these outsiders. My goal is to recruit as many people as I can to help fight against the outsiders, and so I have come to request permission to recruit and initiate people into the Framework, and for my tribe, [Hearthtribe].”

Rookard narrowed his eyes. “What’s the difference? I’m not so sure that we care for our people becoming Adventurers. We’ve seen their kind. They may be strong in some ways, but they are weak.”

“Initiating into the Framework merely gives people a path of power, while also protecting their souls from the outsiders. There are many benefits, but the only downside is that if this world ends up being lost, people could end up servants as a price for being reborn; to which they do not have to be, if they so desire, letting nature take its course.”

He continued, “My guild or tribe, on the other hand, is for those that initiate into the Framework, but want to accomplish more than just protect this world. Our goal is to fight outsiders, help protect others, and rebuild homes. Once we’ve defeated the outsiders here, the plan is to repeat this on other worlds, to continue to take the fight to the outsiders and help those who have been ravaged with war.

Right now, there are tens of thousands of refugees from villages that were attacked that lost their Auril Hero and barely managed to escape, staying in Kenwodi. My plan is to build up the city further, giving them a new home. While we’ll take back their villages from the outsiders, their previous home is already destroyed.”

Rookard shook his head. “It’s not that simple. Our plateaus can only support so many people. There’s no way Kenwodi could support all those refugees: it’s why we spread ourselves across them, and our young ones often become nomads to form their own villages. There’s just not enough food while maintaining the balance with our environment. We farm, and we hunt, and we even challenge ourselves in the valleys and forests when famine or drought sets in, but in the end, our world is about struggle.”

Jake retrieved the [Alliance Node] from his [Storage Bracelet], an object that was an octagonal prism with mysterious glyphs all over it. The man’s eyes followed it with interest.

“One of my wives says struggle is Heavenly Law. From the largest beast the size of a mountain, to the smallest creature, so small that you cannot even see them with your eyes: struggle and conflict are truths that are always present, all must struggle for survival. But the struggle changes. Your world is now part of the multiverse, and now food will not be the challenge your people face. With this [Alliance Node], your people can earn credits facing the outsiders, and purchase food for both themselves and others. They can do this while maintaining the balance of the surrounding environment.

Even once this world is saved, there are countless ways credits can be earned, and your people have unique resources that I just know the multiverse will desire. Your plateaus may be limited in how many people they can support, and your people may have found a delicate balance with your environment. But by joining the Framework, you can maintain the balance by taking from an enemy that needs punishment.”

Jake could tell the man was very interested, his eyes lighting up at the mention of punishment. Rookard’s eyes practically followed the strange object as Jake moved it between his hands.

Jake continued, “Most importantly, we can take the fight to the outsiders. Even once we’ve won here, there are countless worlds that could use the strong beastkin’s help, to reclaim many more homes stolen from this horrible entity. My tribe can use your bravery and strength, beastkin warriors joining our fighting teams. [Tartarus] uses creatures from all over the multiverse, killing and enslaving creatures and people alike, or having races betray others to conquer countless worlds, many larger than your own, by the millions and billions. [The Framework] organizes the fight against them, making people strong enough to face them.

This world is already faring poorly. Your people have already lost nearly one of every five beastkin. Your people are strong, and I have much respect for them, but Tartarus is playing a different game. This thing is bigger than this world, and it will stop at nothing to consume you. It cares nothing about the balance of life as your people do, and it will consume and consume until nothing is left. I fear the only way your people have a chance is to team up with [The Framework], so I’m here to recruit as many of your people as possible.”

The man continued to stare at it, and Jake saw his face go through several emotions rapidly, from grief, to anger, to hope, to calculating, but he settled on a different look. Jake felt like it was a look a man had when he was up to no good.

“Interesting. So these outsiders are like an evil Tribe, you’d say, then? Filled with betrayers, a Tyrant Tribe that kills and enslaves tribes, using them to conquer others?”

Jake frowned, he wasn’t sure why he was specific about this, but figured that sounded accurate enough? He nodded his head at the Chief.

Rookard gave an enigmatic smile. “Then that makes this simple, doesn’t it? We do not abide Tyrants. Our people have for the last thousand years risen up and fought against them, their Auril Hearts tainted with their hatred and greed. When a Tyrant gains strength, kills our families and hurts our people: there must be blood. Even if they are across the world, requiring us to climb mountains and brave great dangers. Even if there’s nothing for us to gain in risking our lives fighting to stop them, our people come both far and wide and stand together. There must be blood!”

Rookard roared his last sentence, his voice, and his song a discordant prayer, and Jake was taken aback. He tried to understand what was happening, but more shouts of the same erupted from within the village, and the line of warriors, many other wolf beastkin, slammed their weapons on the ground, starting to beat and chant.

“Blood! Blood! Blood!”

“There must be blood!”

Rookard snatched the [Alliance Node] from Jake, then walked towards what Jake thought was the center of their village. All along, Jake could see people dropping what they were doing, joining in their chant. Bloodberri and Ophelia were just as bewildered as Jake, as they followed this wolf beastkin to the center of the village. His voice carried like a rowdy tone, somewhat matching the beat of the chant as they walked.

“I can see you’re confused, Champion Jake. Our people have a long history of Auril Warriors becoming Auril Heroes. Their power goes to their heads, their strength being that of a hundred, even a thousand unawakened. Their power is enough to best many Auril Warriors at once. They often become Chief of the village, their strength praised and venerated. But sometimes, it’s not enough: they desire more.”

As they walked through the village, Jake thought these people looked rather sick, or weak. While wolf beastkin made up a large percentage of the people, there were many others. Yet they all still stood up, and started to follow the Chief, adding to their chant. Jake witnessed one person awakening, which was met with even more cheering, their chant becoming even more fervent.

Jake and his two wives were fighting their instincts to immediately start healing these people. Whatever was going on, they all knew it was important. One thing was for sure, they weren’t leaving until they made liberal use of their healing spells.

Rookard continued, “They create a vast city. They kill other tribes and take their food. They enslave some, they kill others. Not only that, but they force other tribes to do their bidding, spreading far and wide. The Auril Hero is first, but eventually, all the people that join them, betraying their people and our way, become the same. Their Auril is tainted. It becomes black.”

The three of Jake’s party paused in surprise, and Rookard realized their surprise caused them to stop. “Don’t tell me you’ve met one? No way, we have long since found the balance that keep there from being more… Oh! No, the raven and hyena, and a few others are special. Their Auril is powered by the natural cycle of life and death, death is a natural part of life, after all. No, the Tyrant’s Auril is tainted by their own greed, their own shame, and even the hatred of those that they killed. Their Auril filled with resentment and hatred: taints it further. When we are near a tainted, we can feel it in our own hearts. That is one of the few reasons why we would spill our own people’s life blood: to wash away the evil taint.”

They followed him again, and Jake realized they were finally reaching the center of their village. Jake guessed, at most, a few thousand lived within.

“Once tainted, the cycle of tyranny will never be stopped. We can kill the tyrant, but those that stood on their side, their Auril hearts continue to beat, and before long, another Tyrant appears. There’s only one way to break the cycle: there must be blood! Our teeth will bite, our claws will tear, we stand next to our brothers and sisters, and we will fight against the tainted! All our people train to fight for two reasons. One, because struggle is heavenly law, as you say. Two, because we do not abide tyrants. We refuse to be weak! When there must be blood, our claws must be sharp!”

The chanting was now a near roar, and Rookard slammed the prism onto the ground, right in the center of his village. Jake cringed with worry, thinking it would be destroyed with the amount of strength he used, but it held firm. It made a loud thud, with dust and dirt sent flying out in a wave. Jake realized Rookard was a lot stronger than he had thought at first. At best, he guessed he was level six or seven, about the same as the Chieftess. But now, as his Auril Heart beat, he realized he was much stronger than that. His Auril was blue, but it slowly shifted to a purple color after being exposed to Jake’s Aura.

Jake started to understand these people a little better. They treasured their families and communities, their struggles together. They united against the difficult and dangerous environment, and it took a lot for them to kill another beastkin, or even to hunt beyond their needs; policing their own abundance. Resources were limited, but they maintained a strenuous balance with the environment at great difficulty on their own, being in-tune with them.

They learned from a long history of tyrants that they needed to unite, to have the resolve to kill their brethren. To climb every mountain, crossing the entire continent if they needed to. The play they had seen was only the beginning of the story. The curse of the so-called death god had caused a taint that forced beastkin that were filled with greed, for that greed and hatred to grow and to harm others, and lead to that taint being spread.

Jake guessed that beastkin’s blood was a significant aspect of their being, of their stored life force. To spill another beastkin’s blood, was likely seen as a waste and a sin. For them, every beastkin was precious, their heart adding a beat to their harmonious song. To go against this required righteous vindication, otherwise, they would likely taint themselves in order to win against the tyrants in the first place.

Jake realized that Rookard was wanting to use this same drive that was driven deep in their Auril Hearts, deep in their soul, to combat the outsiders.

The chanting stopped, and Rookard spoke once again. “Now, Champion Jake of Hestia. A few weeks ago, I would have told you to go fuck yourself. Our people are strong, and we don’t need the help of some ‘Framework’ in order to be.”

Rookard’s expression changed and took on one of grief, with tears pooling in his eyes. “But a little over two weeks ago, a rift opened on our plateau, and my son rallied his warriors. From their insidious portal, came skeletons, at first. I left it to my son, trusting in his strength. He was one of the best of us, and he was going to be great, an auril hero like me! But the rift’s challenge was too great, they took him away from me, and so many others. Our traditions were nothing in the face of these creatures, and they spread their blight on this plateau, before we could finally close the rift. Now my people are sick, and they are hungry, even though we ultimately won!”

Now Rookward’s hands balled into fists, and his Auril fluctuated from the purple color Jake’s Aura had converted it to, with seeping black, but it quickly was removed. “But now, you stand before me. Your Aura, I’m guessing powered by your Goddess, makes my heart sing: hoping for justice, for vengeance, for succor. Your strength proves that the Framework begets strength. My people need aid, and while our traditions would say that becoming immortal and serving this Framework goes against the natural cycle, I’m going to say: fuck those traditions.”

There were some murmurs in the crowd, as while many were on the same page with Rookard up to now, they were a little dubious about this prospect.

“Our traditions are what lead my son to his death, and our traditions are what are keeping our people from standing together. These outsiders don’t have tainted Auril Hearts, but so what? There must be vengeance! There must be justice! We will sharpen our claws like never before, and destroy this new Tyrant, the likes of which we’ve never seen. We will change our traditions to serve us in this war, as the struggle has changed.”

Rookard roared his next words, “There! Must! Be! Blood!”

Rookard roared to the heavens, and his auril answered, reaching a fever pitch. The purple Auril raised out of him like a smoky pillar, then solidified around him, before it split apart into four figures: wolves. They howled, and Jake realized that he was looking at the first Auril Hero that he had met in this world.

The chant started once again, the people shouting for blood. For a moment, Jake thought he was watching an awakening of the first tier or something like that, but looking at Rookard, he realized it was different. The man was old, and this was likely his limit. He didn’t fight alongside his son because he could only barely accomplish this. He was an old auril hero.

The chant reached a fever pitch, and the wolves winked out, their Auril returning to Rookard. He looked tired, like he was going to fall off his feet, but he caught himself. “So with that, Jake Hart, Champion of Hestia. If this thing really can produce food, I will join your Hearthtribe, and I invite everyone in my village to join as well. Everyone should join the Framework, and our people will hunt once more. There must be blood!”

The man turned around, and he inspected the prism. He looked around it, and then he looked confused. Jake saw a look that he hadn’t seen in a long while: the look of an old person trying to operate electronics. “Er, how do I turn this thing on?”

Berri giggled. “I love this place! They really like you, sister. They keep chanting your name!”

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