Born Tech Mad

Chapter 31

In order to make this $ 10 million business possible, Rose returned to the research room and began to work hard.

Making a bigger size 5 battery, for Rose, there is a lot of work to do.

After mixing nano-titanium oxide and nano-silicon oxide, using chemicals to mix them together, Ross began to use 3D printers to print batteries.

Unlike the miniature power supply on the heating rod, the new No. 5 battery is larger and requires a battery cell in the middle. General batteries use lead as the battery cell, because lead is a very cheap material. In fact, if lithium is used as the core, the power storage will be better.

This problem does not exist for Luo Ruosi, because his two nanomaterials are to replace lithium and other substances.

By replacing the battery cells with nano-titanium oxide with higher purity, the battery’s power storage performance is better. The positive, negative, separator, and electrolyte of the battery. Rose re-used other materials. Within two hours, a pair of finger-sized batteries were manufactured.

The pair of AA batteries is actually simpler than the miniature power supply device. After all, the miniature power supply device has a circuit board designed by Ross.

Holding a pair of AA batteries, Rose ran out.

Miss Wang took the multimeter and measured the power in the battery. It seemed that the multimeter couldn’t measure the amount of power. In order to prove the battery’s ability, Rose simply came to the truth, cut the plug of the rice cooker, and connected it to two batteries. After turning on the electricity, the rice cooker cooked rice on the spot.

“This is too much power. Mr. Rose, you are really capable. Can I bring these two batteries back to the company?”

Miss Wang Wang is extremely excited. Such a powerful battery, if provided to various toy manufacturers, can directly improve the performance of their electronic toys.

Not only that, the miniature power technology can also be applied to various other electronic devices. Miss Wang has already felt the impact of this technology on the battery industry.

Rose nodded, took off the battery, and gave it to Miss Wang.

“Goodbye, Mr. Rose, I hope we can cooperate happily.”

“Miss Wang, this is my phone number. If your company is willing to purchase this technology, please call me.”

Rose doesn’t have a business card yet, he can only write his mobile phone number on a piece of paper.

“I will.”

After receiving the number, Miss Wang took a few steps and returned.

“I take the liberty to ask, Mr. Ross, in addition to the sufficient storage and discharge capacity of your battery, how durable is it, it will not be charged several times, you can not use it.”

Ross grinned: “This is it! I don’t want to explain it anymore. You take it back and charge it up when you run out of electricity. You will know how many times you can charge it. I haven’t done any experiments so I can’t give you accurate data . Judging by my experience, it should be able to charge a hundred times. “

“In this way, consumers can use a battery for almost a year. This is not good! The durability of the product is too strong, which will reduce sales and the battery is already a consumable. But … we can increase the price . Mr. Rose, goodbye. “

“Miss Wang, bye.”

After Miss Wang left, Tan Li couldn’t help but give her a thumbs up: “Ross, congratulations on your first business being done soon. You’re awesome. You can make a little thing out of it and earn 10 million dollars, more than my dad. Making money is much faster. “

Rose smiled with his head: “Oh, let’s talk about the money. Sister Li, I’m busy. Starting tomorrow, you have to help me buy various materials and equipment for special steel.”

“Rose, you really start picking special steel!”

当然 “Of course, this thing is the first technology I have become famous in the world.”

“Rose, then I want to congratulate you, and soon become a world-renowned scientist.”

“Not famous, but great scientists, OK?”

“Haha, it’s not modest, well, great Ross, what do you want to eat tonight, I’ll make it for you.”

“Anyway, as long as it’s made by Sister Li, I like to eat. I’m busy, and call me again at dinner.”

Now Ross is full of energy, and almost returned to the research room by running.

In the afternoon, Tan Lin commanded a group of workers to hang up Rose’s heating rod production line, mounted the car, and brought it back to Lihua Company, preparing to start heating rod production to meet the military’s upcoming order .

He was so noisy that he couldn’t work at ease. He simply bought a dozen computers in the computer market. These computers are used to simulate the workings of the ‘arc reactor’ and ‘electromagnetic devices’.

General scientists will conduct experiments when developing technology or equipment. This step, even Rose’s great genius, must be followed. Science must be rigorous.

Only Rose’s experimentation steps are different from others. He uses computer simulation experiments to replace the actual equipment operation experiments. Ross dares to do this because he has a wealth of experience and then strengthens his large knowledge base.

Using a computer-like experiment, he can complete the experiment faster, and the efficiency can reach ten or even a hundred people. He can quickly find the omissions and errors in the experiment, and make corrections and improvements in time.

的 Rose, who is devoted to work, is back to the madman nature. Apart from eating and sleeping, he will never leave the research room.

Tan Li became Rose’s babysitter. Rose’s food, drink and laundry, she was fully responsible, and Rose’s phone was the order.

Tan Li came to the research room from time to time with a good mentality. When she saw ten computers running at full capacity at the same time, the brain was numb with a burst of data, pictures, and beating pictures.

These things, in her opinion, are almost heavenly books, and the scalp is numb at the sight.

She really doesn’t know how Rose came up with it, how to combine these different parts into a machine, and know everything well.

For Rose’s ability, Tan Li can only look up. She even suspects that Rose’s brain is not composed of chips. Otherwise, how can his brain be able to process so much and so complicated information at the same time.

“Genius, I can’t find words to describe Rose except for genius.”

“Genius is not terrible, terribly, genius still works so hard!”

Looking at her hair messy like a chicken nest, her eyes darkened, and from time to time thinking about terms and nouns that she could n’t understand at all, Tan Li had admired Rose very much. Now let ’s not doubt whether Rose can make special steel. This attitude and hard work, even if Rose said that he can now make nuclear bombs, Tan Li has no doubt.

She wanted to persuade Rose for a few words, it was time to rest, and then Tan Li swallowed.

Rose’s love and madness for work can be seen from his eyes, he has reached the level of obsession, persuasion is also a waste of words.

What Tan Li can do is just to silently obey Rose’s order, to be his most loyal iron powder, to complete the logistics support for him.

For a moment, minutes and seconds passed, and Ross couldn’t feel much longer.

Twenty-three days later, in the scientific research room, an excited cry came from Ross.

“Done, Sister Li, come and see my experiment.”

When Tan heard the exclamation of Ross, Tan Li ran in. Ten computers were running incomprehensible programs at the same time. Unicom’s ten computers had a huge LCD screen.

上面 On the display screen, a modern workshop appears.

In the puppet workshop, a huge ‘arc reactor’ with a height of two meters and a diameter of three meters is working, and the light emitted is as bright as a small sun.

Plutonium arc reactors are using cold fusion technology to generate terrible electricity.

Plutonium is connected to this arc reactor by two huge electromagnetic template blocks, which are composed of hundreds of one-foot-sized electromagnetic blocks. They are controlled by a computer and emit electromagnetic waves that are invisible to the naked eye, forming super strong magnetic forces.

巨大 Two huge electromagnetic devices, like two walls, stand up left and right. They generate terrible magnetic forces with the power provided by cold fusion technology.

In the workshop, a huge high-temperature electric furnace was turned on, and a stream of reddish molten steel flowed out of the furnace and passed a conveying line to slowly drive to two huge electromagnetic devices.

The molten steel had just approached the electromagnetic device, and after being squeezed by two horrible magnetic forces, it quickly became thinner, bursting with blue, black, and red air bubbles. After dropping layers of iron powder, it was finally in horrible Under the magnetic force, it became a one-centimeter-thick and one-meter-wide steel plate, which was supported by a rolling transmission belt.

The molten steel in a furnace finally turned into a steel plate that was two meters long, one meter wide, and one centimeter thick.

“Sister Li, have you seen this? The compressed steel plate is the special steel we are going to make. Don’t look at it being only one centimeter thick, one meter wide and two meters long. In fact, it is pressed out of 3 tons of molten steel, except In addition to the evaporated material, its weight has reached about 1.5 tons. Its density is about ten times that of ordinary steel. UU reading hardness has reached 20 times that of ordinary steel. What you see is what I want in the future Did it. “

Tan Li was stunned: “This … isn’t it easy to make special steel. It is to compress the metal material more tightly!”

Rose poked his lips: “You can say it easily, it’s not so easy to do. The horrible magnetic force generated by these two electromagnetic devices can crush any metal. A larger or smaller magnetic force will not work at all, and the magnetic forces are mutually exclusive. If it is not controlled, an electromagnetic explosion will be generated, and the shock wave will be enough to break a building into pieces. Within ten kilometers, all electrical circuit boards will be burned by electromagnetic waves. Only with such a powerful genius can I achieve perfect balance control. These two super-strong force fields. No one can do that arc reactor except me. “

Tan Li was a bit silly staring at the screen, only to return to her mind after a while: “Looking forward to turning this sci-fi into reality. Say Ross, your technology for making animated video effects is not bad! If you are not a scientist, you can go Being a computer stuntman in Hollywood, the video you produced is just like watching a blockbuster effect! “

Rose smiled proudly: “As a computer stuntman, it is an electromagnetic cannon to fight mosquitoes, which is a big advantage. I said that I can make special steel. No one believes me. Now, sister Li, can you accept me?”

“Sister is convinced, take it orally! Sister has to take it!”

“Oh, thank you Sister Li for the exaggeration, I’ll make all this happen quickly. I will convince other people to take it, and I have to take it.”

Rubbing his dark circles, Rose yawned, contentedly, and went back to bed to sleep.

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