Bow and Arrow

Chapter 16 — I Acknowledge You!

I Acknowledge You!


[???'s Filthy Spawn, Messenger of Death]: Type: ??? Monster, Grade: Enlightened, Level: 15, HP: [13,320/66,600]. On a mission to exterminate the population of a whole region, sent by the ??? and the ???. Their will ever impossible to contend against.

As the know 20% HP Filthy Spawn, right when it got to such percentage, the system prompted a notification right into Tongqiu's eyes direction, with big and red colored words.


Regional System Warning: An ultimate existence has been driven into madness, the Novice Village #!!!!!! area is now under extreme need of caution, all Journeyers must head to the Novice Village to avoid unnecessary casualties.

Global System Warning: Attention to all Journeyers, an anomaly has been triggered at Novice Village #!!!!!!, the cause of such disastrous event has been triggered by the inability from Journeyers of such area. This is a reminder to all Journeyers in Main Kingdom. An imminent disaster is about to befall Main Kingdom.

Not only Tongqiu, but even the players that were the closes towards the foot of the mountains at the core section were extremely astounded, no longer excited about their incoming adventure, bitches and riches.

"W-w-wwwhat the fuUUUCK?!!"  -  "God dammit! I KNEW THIS WAS ALL WROOOONNNG!" Many players started having breakdowns and their reasoning started melting down for no reason. At some point, Raoundozia had to stand up and garner everyone's attention, even the endless deluge seemed to be taken aback by his shout: "EVERYONE, LISTEN TO ME."

And all surrounding players surely and accurately shut the fuck up for good. A few seconds to confirm everyone's silence, he used the raid settings then to allow everyone to hear him clearly despite the rain actually somewhat interfering with the raid's system. Raoundozia said: "I know that all those warning took the best of every single one of you but, so what? Aren't we ourselves capable of reviving? Why are you all acting as if you're in your stupid little homes safe from even a fly tormenting your line of sight destroying the peace of your sheltered lives?! If anything, such a commotion should've instead urged you faster and faster to arrive before such 'existence'. But instead, here you are, actually fearing for your lives. Heh. Isn't that quite laughable? Now, all those who are just spineless cowards can fuck the way out all they want!! For those..."


As Raoundozia was giving quite the memorable and 'call of honor' inducing speech, Tongqiu was witnessing the by far most amazing yet fearful transformation he had ever seen in his life.

The Filthy Spawn's body started emitting a blinding glowing pale golden light which  didn't allow him to understand what the fuck was going on at first but then, he saw an extremely slim, with dry grey skin completely penetrating to its own bone forming in front of himself like an arm, it soared 7 meters towards the sky as it finally stopped and then another 6 similar figures were coming out from the pale golden light but once they showed themselves to be just like the previous ones, they went to an insanely quick speed to line up with that other hand in the sky.

Next, was the same situation and same number of limbs, but instead of arms they were legs and each of them set themselves ever so creepily stomping on the ground, as 'they' all seemed to start tapping on the ground while the hands in the sky seemed to be able to grab onto the very air as they also started pulling 'themselves' towards Tongqiu, towards outside from the whatever was 'inside'.

The blinding glowing pale golden light then moved to form a circle that seemed to be the supporter of the 14 limbs as it suddenly expanded to form an eye-like portal of the very same color when suddenly, something appeared from the very center of it, as it was clear that 'that' something was finally coming out of wherever it came from.

It seemed to be a grey brownish spearhead at first, but then instead of become larger in size as it went through the 'portal' it rather grew bigger overall. After merely 5 seconds, what was in front of Tongqiu's eyes was obviously an immense, huge snow, probably 3 to 4 times larger than his whole body!

As if understanding it all, Tongqiu then tilted his head a little and looked on firmly towards 'it' as he also dashed forward clearly intending to put whatever shit that was back down.

[???'s Deserter, Penalty of Death]: Type: 'Fallen' Monster (Human), Grade: Heavenly, Level: 30, HP: [13,320/666,000]. As it gave up its life mission from the ???'s and ???'s thanks to the battle with an unknown remarkable adversary, it is now free of their clutches. However, its nature it's still that of previously a Human that became 'Fallen', just to be forcibly turned into a monster by its masters. Lastly, it woke up as a monster completely, but by renouncing to its master it once again became 'Fallen' of that of a monster instead, along its 'Fallen' Humanity, is has entered in endless madness and only death can stop it from massive destruction, capable of obliterating an entire Region. It has fortunately let go of all defenses, and only its high HP and severe, destroyer abilities are the obstacles to end its 'life'.

By now, Tongqiu couldn't care anymore about his emotions and simply let go of his mind to focus entirely on, KILLING. No matter what, if it's really that capable, then with even more urgency did he need to do whatever he could to end it. To end its life.

-846, -921, -790, -800, -2,150, -820, -750, -699, -789, -900.

As this Deserter's bar HP: [3,855/666,000], was now just about to be taken down, an almost invisible shock wave impulsed Tongqiu backwards, this time without doing any damage, it was as if nature itself gently swatted him away from the big bad scary monster already traversing the eye 'portal'.

In the instant Tongqiu recuperated himself, he looked towards the previously enormous nose, only to see a skyscraper-sized long, large head. It barely had any wideness in it. Even its own eyes were literally enlarged in its entirety to be the size of a 4-5 floored building, utterly bizarre. 

'It at least doesn't have a mouth tho, can't say I wanna see something in...' As if correcting little naive Tongqiu, an enormous rectangle shaped truly horrendous actual deformity appeared in the inferior half of this 'head'. Looking like humps out-lined by scar-like marks. At he middle of such absurd deformity were the long forgotten 14 limbs, this time 14 meters long each but just as slim as before. And surrounding as well as in the middle of such things, was the blinding pale gold light.

This time, however, there was a kind of large coffin that could possible hold 4 human bodies in. At the same time, all the way up in the sky, the head was looking entranced straight above itself. Then, an equally blinding but this time resplendent golden light shined through the heavens as it reunited itself into a 10 meters thick pillar of resplendent golden light that descended on the very center of the 'arena' in the peak of the mountain that both, Tongqiu and Deserter were at.

As it finally hit the ground of the arena, nothing really happened, bu then it started to expand in a few seconds, it was already 50 meters thick.

Then, Tongqiu's whole body stopped. He had an epiphany, enlightenment. That light was about to put even the god's art of work such as all the mountainous area of the Misty region to a complete utter desolate land. And it could very well do the same to the entirety of Azure Dragon Sub-Region, in fact. If not stopped, the whole Myriad Beast Division would go down to hell. Furthermore, if left to grow, the Deserter that is; it would be capable of annihilating all life in the entire Bright Sunset Region.

He had to put it down for good, now!

So he moved, he ran with the highest sense of duty he could ever muster in his whole life. Something he already had faith in never feeling again, in his dear damned life. But now, he felt it!

At the moment he arrived close to the coffin, those damnable limbs started moving away, merely 10 meters per second to the shock of Tongqiu, and as such, he didn't hesitate to start throwing daggers at the coffin while he was closing in. But it wasn't that simple, he could only manage to get close once he also evaded the incoming 'Deathly Spear' appearing ever 3 seconds to halt or even kill, Tongqiu. So every time one of them appeared, he had to ever so nimbly, twist his body in mid-air to get the chance of not being insta-killed or to keep on enclosing in to the coffin.

A few seconds had already passed by, and as Tongqiu was now 25 meters away from the coffin the golden light area managed to grow into a 170 meters thick pillar. 

Tongqiu had no other choice as he impaled his Halberd of the Fallen towards the coffin.


Along with the Halberd of the Fallen being entirely destroyed, it somehow broke open the coffin as the limbs surrounding the shock waves occasioned by the Halberd of the Fallen. 

Tongqiu's eyes shined: 'Don't tell me!! A chance!'

Halberd of the Fallen, Halberd of the Fallen, Fallen. Sigh, how good you are to me. I'll make something good in your honor in the future!

Then he jumped towards the coffin in which he immediately saw two things; one was the 'carcass' from the previously known as '???'s Filthy Spawn' in the right corner of the coffin while secondly, he saw the Bandit Leader's still unmoving body. He disregarded the Bandit Leader's body as he got close to the carcass of the Filthy Spawn. then he opened its torso with his left handed Sunfacing Brilliant Gladius.

Immediately after, he saw that same head from before but instead of having those translucent-foggy blackish-lava substances, it instead had that same resplendent golden light from the pillar of light! Furthermore, the blackish-lava that it would emanate had instead been replaced by a reddish golden light! And even the head previously grim colored, was now complete of a Pure Golden color!

He did not hesitate, as he moved his right-handed Sunfacing Brilliant Gladius, he stabbed it as he would stab the core or heart of an enemy.



A critical and piercing hit!!!

The moment he stabbed the 'heart' of the Deserter, he immediately went to an understanding of 'not taking his sword out' under any circumstances. But as he did so, the golden pillar of light kept on increasing, and this time even faster and more than ever. He looked at his left side only to see the now becoming ashes unmoving body of the Bandit's Leader. Then he realized he was being smiled at in gratitude as well as foolishness by that same body, as it disappeared completely.

'Should I let go?...' Naturally, anyone would think of themselves first if they weren't with no one they cared about with, in such situation, well usually. But now that he supposedly killed both Bandit Leader and Deserter as well as destroyed the carcass of the '???'s Filthy Spawn' he should be free of death, right? Maybe if he let go, he would be able to be trasnported back somewhere safe if not the Novice Village.

But, who was Tongqiu? Definitely someone who would never go back on himself. Not even his instincts.

So he kept his firm, tight grip on his sword as it did not move a single millimetre in the least.

"Yeah! That's right, don't let go. Keep it up!"

He heard a cheery youngish-like voice, but the instant he did so. Every thing around him went white, the blinding golden pillar of light had reached, and went even ahead of his position. He was completely engulfed by it.


Approximately 500 meters away from the foot of the core section of the mountainous area, Misty region. Night time.


Dozens of thousands of heads were witnessing something they could only call... colossal. They first witnessed a shining so blinding that they themselves couldn't look at for more than quite the few seconds. After wards they heard a colossal movement of the wind, and when they looked back towards the sound, the peak of the tallest of mountains from the area they were at, they saw an obscenely bizarre... head?

Unfortunately, even with all the clouds blown away allowing them to see the complete mountain and even higher than that, they were on its back and couldn't see the actual 'masterpiece' which Tongqiu actually did. Nonetheless, they could however, see up in the sky that the 'head' was looking towards to, as a equally blinding lights but this time much more beautifully colored were converged at the same spot which was exactly towards the 'head''s line of vision.

Immediately after, an who knows how long beautiful golden pillar of light went down towards the very center of the mountain's peak. And merely seconds later it started expanding.

"Woow! Did you see that? But... wasn't it supposed to be an enemy, could it be 'that' thing our enemy, I-I... I don't understand."

"But, look! It seems so holy, maybe appearances aren't, ah what? It's forming something right below the 'head' what is it--" 






"Holy fuck!! It's actually that thing, but what the fuck?!"

"Sure enough, that monstrosity is the ultimate existence that we were warned about, everyone don't get-"


"FUCK! Cover your ears, it isn't stopping. What in the actual - FUCK!!"

As they were closer to the core section, not only was it more of a deafening sound, it was even stronger than before so of course they are to suffer even more from it. And of course, it isn't like before where they got a lot of time between each time they'd heard it. So even if they recognized and were almost used to the sound, it couldn't compare to now in any possible humane way,  so the could only lament and painfully endure the trashing from it.

But it didn't last long. Just almost a minute afterwards, they saw an enormous shadow that was moving towards the very area below the 'head' monster. They could see, because below the 'head' was another blinding glowing golden light. And after they heard a baby-like explosion compared to those made by the 'head', a new reddish golden light emerged, before being fiercely 'attacked' by the shadow.

Next, everyone witnessed the pillar of golden light finally expanding towards the whole tallest mountain in the core section area. And once it went far over from 'their' fighting warrior, the players understood that they were next. Panic and chaos was about to descend upon them when suddenly, a gorgeous brilliant green, emerald, verdant glorious shining light manifested inside the golden pillar of light. It was so much more powerful that was at first barely visible before suddenly illuminating the whole heavens of the Main Kingdom, a verdant shining spherical light as it seemingly was the reason that the golden pillar of light suddenly stopped.

But that was when...


non-ending rumbles echoed all around the Novice Village entire area...


and a final, destructive might was heard. Then the sky peacefully became night-time again.

While those sounds were plastered deep into the minds of countless 'Journeyers', they witnessed the verdant spherical light that was standing atop the peak of the tallest mountains rapidly fall down once the destructive, final roaring of sounds started. And by the time those sounds died down, the verdant spherical light disappeared as well.

Players could only remain wide-eyed...

Finally after what seemed hours, Raoundozia's feeble yet still assertive voice was heard: "E-everyone!! Gather up with me in the point located by the raid system!! Hurry up, we'll go delve into the mountains to check the results, don't you all want to?!"

And so, the very well behaved nice flock of players once again listened to their prince-like leader-guide.


In a desolate land, with vegetation that reached 80 cm everywhere. At a beautiful Night. Where there was a gorgeous Moon high up in the sky and hundreds of kilometres tall trees. Where a star was in every single distant spot in the night sky, as if it was a board where the formation of stars simply lived on their lives without moving, perpetually.

Tongqiu relied on his elbows to support himself up. Then he confusedly looked up and down before slowly looking at the non-ending amount of vegetation. Not being able to see nothing more, except the most beautiful of skies. His eyes widened in wonder.

Then he stood up, he realized that there was not only endless vegetation but only vegetation, in an endless land.

He kept on looking around, stopping to admire the scenery without moving an inch every 20 minutes to a different direction. Then, as if he finally was ready, moved a little towards the 'center' of the vegetation where he could see a 1.5 m little girl, or petite woman with her back towards him. Her standing was upright, there was not an inch of tiredness nor laziness. She was completely straight up. And slightly tilting her head towards the moon. 

Tongqiu moved forwards until he was lined up with her. And as he did so, before the thought of lowering his head and asking her 'what the fuck, miss?' could be realized, he noticed the moon in the sky. And he kept on looking at the 'Moon' for maybe many hours...

Maybe that was so, maybe only after hours passed, or maybe a few minutes; seconds perhaps, an instant even, did Tongqiu retracted his gaze from the 'Moon' as he looked in wonder instead at the now known petite woman beside him, on his left.

"May I know... uh, w-" As Tongqiu used his polite tone, the petite woman simply but insanely quickly, moved her left hand to make a 'silence' gesture that right away almost touched his lips, before actually touching them and slightly moving her fingers around in wonder, and new-found excitedness.

The eyes of Tongqiu went a little cold and reproachful. To be taken advantage of such a petite woman, ugh. 

Nonetheless he remained silent. Because at the instant he wanted to bark at her, he saw the very well styled female layer hair above her left hair that would make her look not only so younger but also accentuated her determination, bravery, strength and incredible will power. When the moonlight fell on her hair and eyes, they became pitch-abyss black. But whenever a cloud went over and obstructed the moonlight from herself, her hair would alternate from abyss blue to a swamp-like verdant green. When a cloud obstructing her from the moonlight went away again, she lowered her left little hand as she turned towards him, looking at him, her eyes were perfect, as beautiful as any existence can be, bot her iris and pupils shared no boundaries. It was as if her whole eyes consisted of 'oneness'. Her gaze turned naughty, then relieved, then naughty again with expectations from Tongqiu and finally they turned somewhat sorrowful.

"Hey, you." Said the petite woman.

"Oh, you were that voice before...!"

"Mn... you're welcome."

Tongqiu: "..."

Then the girl looked at him, it was her still naughty gaze from before and now also quite affectionate. Instantly, Tongqiu spoke: "Yun Beishang."

His eyes shocked and trembling without stop, considering what he just spoke but not understanding why?!

"Katia." She smiled brilliantly, completely supportive of his proactiveness. Satisfied with his infatuation.

Then she stepped forward until her perky but quite little yet quite elastic breasts went towards his torso to very so effectively garner his attention, then Katia said: "I Acknowledge You!' 

Katia then instantly after declaring, and vowing, leaned forwards. Commencing the meeting of two mouths. The inner dance of the two mouths. And finally, the ritual of two entities to become one, forever.

Their clothes disappeared with just each others' slightest touch. She did her best to tiptoe so as to tap his shoulders signaling him to lower his body, all the way to the grown. And as Tongqiu did so, he caressed her shoulders in return along drifting them downwards to her sides, her smooth, creamy, moon skin was all his. Then he grabbed her sides gently to lift her a little bit before direction her to straddle him. Which happens ever so slowly.

Katia's eyes, full of radiance and acceptance. She saw him all this long, not once did he ever had power-madness combined, nor did he had ambitions that befell that of a lower being delusions. His character wasn't perfect, but she could gently and virtuously train him. Her face had an exotic blush, as her freckles somewhat shone lightly in red as well, maybe due to her blood reaching such places. Her perky little breasts bounced a little bit as she straddled him playfully at the end, her left even tinier bud completely translucent pink, the right tiny bud completely creamy coffee, and fully erect to his enjoyment, for life.

Her maidenhood, was instead completely  moon-like, as when she got to 'play' front and back more and more on his abdomen all the way to his pelvis, did it turned into an actually purplish-delicate rosy color. Her bums plenty and perky at that, to Tongqiu, they were now his to play with without stopping, as her figure made it seem as if Tongqiu could move his hand all the way to the right, left, down, up of just one of her bums and he would still have so much to take into his hands.

When she was finally ready to be entered, obviously nervous and dry-mouthed, she shyly yet still naughtily looked at him with watery, lust-filled eyes. She parted her peculiarly colored maidenhood as her translucent perfect insides were to Tongqiu's unique taking.

But then, he deeply looked at her and said: "And I Acknowledge You, let's take care of each other dearly, my Katia."

Katia, now content and blissful more than ever in her entire long-lived life, smiled with dear lovely sweetness. As she plummeted herself down on his manhood. Finally connecting each other.

She gushed out an scary amount of blood from her maidenhood after that, but Tongqiu forced himself to let her 'feel' him for some minutes before finally taking his dominating role in their first love-making session. She would at first try to restrain her moans, not move a lot. A reaction, by getting used from previously fighting incredible and unimaginable powerful battles. Tongqiu only needed a little bit more of time with his 'style' before she was moaning and starting to proactively move as well, for him, for his need.



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