Bow and Arrow

Chapter 24 — Mysterious Key

Mysterious Key


However, while the two horny birds where having a pure moment right then, th Demonic Scorpion-Rose suddenly started trembling all over its body as its stinger very, very slowly moved to a vertical position. 

'Ah, is it Demon's Rainy Venom?!'

As if to answer Tongqiu, its stinger suddenly started to dismantle but it was in a manner of 'opening' rather than falling apart. Just like the Filthy Spawn would... use 'Deathly Spear'.

'Ah. Oh, shit!' At this moment, the scorpion suddenly moved at the direction towards 'Mommy Heals You' at an unbelievable speed, shocking both of them to the core. Tongqiu did not even think as his body moved at the same time as the scorpion, his feet were already burning with the intensity of his speed. The title's 'Overlord' granting him Movement Speed+15% was not enough, and so he yelled towards her: "Naty! Move towards me!"

As he was using all his brain juice to make the best movements with his body along with his feet, Natalia also started running towards him, however her speed was extremely normal so compared to Tongqiu 135% Movement Speed, hers was basically way, way too slow. Tongqiu never wished for an agility skill more now than ever. At such point, Natalia stopped for half a second to make an incantation with her wrists joined together in front of her head and moving above her.


What came right after was a 3 colored marvelous blinding lights, and Natalia's figure disappeared from it. Less than half a second later, a little bloodied and extremely ferocious-looking enormous wolf came out of the 3 colored marvelous blinding lights. Its speed? Very fast!

'Natalia?! Oh, that's fun.' Seeing Natalia transform into such a demonic-looking wolf somehow excited the child Tongqiu as the distance between the both of them was getting so much shortened that he felt he'd arrive in time!

But then...

10 seconds have passed since the Demonic Scorpion-Rose made its move, and at this moment, its whole telson was already entwined by a rose whether. It had thorny branches surrounding its telson from outside while there were a few of them that directly penetrated it before coming out at another end to keep on their grip on it. And finally, a weird sound, akin to that of wood being slapped hard by an immense and heavy object but without breaking it sounded out. What followed such a sound was naturally that of countless arrows flying at an immense speed, possible double than that of Tongqiu's and at least triple than that of Natalia's.

'What to do?! Fuck...' 

Before Tongqiu could be tormented by the already ahead of him thorns that sounded like arrows... his eyes brightened as he positioned himself in an aiming with bow position as his essential weaponry materialized from his body with each their unique essence color forming around, verdant-gloomy sheen for his left arm and metallic-grey dark-like abyss pitch-black around his right arm. Still at his maximum speed he pointed towards the road both he and 'Mommy Heals You' were following, then he let loose.


He shot three arrows aiming for Natalia's north, east and west. Because some of the thorns managed to achieve a weird 'effect' they would start heading towards Natalia's general direction once they traveled far enough, making it an easy way to kill their opponent even if the skill is supposed to be a mess in terms of targeting.

And with the detonations of those three arrows which were perfectly aimed 30 meters before Natalia as well as in a perfect formation blocking all those three directional points, not only did it succeed in blocking or at least deviating the incoming thorns, it even managed to affect the surrounding space making it so that no incoming thorn could still move towards her!

By the time such an effect disappeared, Tongqiu had already arrived before her and sure enough, the thorns resumed following their trajectory as they shot towards the two of them.

Tongqiu launched himself towards Natalia as she herself understood him, she then started casting another skill in the small amount before Tongqiu arrived.

*PING*... you've received a group skill 'Circle of Healing'.

Right after that, before she could finish another skill Tongqiu arrived and simply rolled around a little before stopping. He easily put Natalia right before her, covering every single part of her body as he let his back suffer the endless bombardment from the Demonic Scorpion-Rose's Demonic Thorny Barrage.

-59!, -40!, -39!, +347, -48!, -47!, -49!, -48!, -51!, -32!, -39!, -41!, -50!, -51!, -39!, -46!, +348, -47!, -43!, -53!

With the difference in not only level but also its grade being quite high, the little 50 physical damage and 50 magical damage became a hindrance instead of a joke, once again.

However, Natalia previous skill seemed to be a healing skill triggering certain amount of tics, which mitigated some of the damage received each tome. Nonetheless, the barrage of thorns was truly way too many to count, and before the scorpion decided to use it, there was already a few hundreds in their icon, probably because of the rose taking advantage of the scorpion's low HP. Every time the scorpion had to honor the deal, the rose produced some hidden more thorns unknown to him. Somehow, Tongqiu felt as if he could've known that but because he wasn't used to actually 'using' his Mental Prowess, he didn't even bother trying.

'Fuck, my HP is really downing a lot.' As Tongqiu was thinking such with his head lowered, he suddenly felt a worried gaze fall on his head. He lifted his head up only to see the extremely tempting furrowed with worry brows of 'Mommy Heals You' as her eyes inundated his while saying 'I'm sorry, it's my fault.' While Tongqiu's said: 'Nah, it was mine, but we still won't lose the BOSS fight.' Which more or less calmed Natalia.

After having his little 'chat' with Natalia, he looked to his surroundings only to see a thorn directed at his eye! 


He immediately moved back to his previous position, which made him plaster his mouth on hers. Without any of them 'moving' they simply looked at each other while being only 1 cm away from each other's eyes as well as having their side of their noses completely leaning on each other.

Finally, Tongqiu couldn't resist biting with sweetness those little lips of hers. He first went for the lower lip as he merely grazed it a couple times before attacking the upper lip with somewhat more fervor and vigor. As for Natalia? According to how Tongqiu immediately saw her trying to bit her own lips herself and narrow her eyes by almost closing them and her eyes almost going white... he deduced she likes that.

Once Natalia retaliated and made Tongqiu bleed, he simply smiled at her before looking to his surroundings. He was looking for the parts on the floor where the Demonic Scorpion-Rose made a complete mess of with one of its main basic attacks. And sure enough, as soon as he saw what they looked like he understood.

Though not all of them, the places where the scorpion attacked with the insanely fast 'thrust' with its stinger, would leave a terrain that was basically made into a little bunker with a little roof on it. They would, however, have a kind of shield that could or could not 'grow' a roof. And not all of them would be facing towards the same direction which made it difficult. Difficult for what? Obviously, the mechanic here was to get behind those to avoid not only the Demonic Thorny Barrage but the Demon's Rainy Venom as well!

Tongqiu also failed to observe this. Even if he were to have another solo battles with more bosses, having such reading of the environment was so important that the realization of his once again mistakes made him feel utter shame for almost getting his sweetheart killed.

Rolling his eyes as the Demonic Thorny Barrage finally ended, he helped his lady up before touching foreheads, then he carried her princess style as he said: "Naty, move towards one of those 'little houses' over there, as long as it is facing the scorpion stay in it! I'll take you to use Mana Drain on it, ready up!"

Then, he moved at full speed towards the BOSS. After half a minute of reaching there, he baited it stinger until he could finally use it to impulse himself. With his damsel in his arms, he simply landed on top of its head as Natalia took out a dagger and stabbed with her cute strength and with a cute 'Ahyaa!'. Enjoying the scene, Tongqiu simply started to dodge and jump non-stop once he saw Natalia's MP bar was once again full from just barely over 15% full.

He moved really far away, where he previously had been targeted by a lot of the scorpion's stinger thrusts. Just to let her have an easy time picking the adequate 'bunker'. Then he rapidly moved towards it as his essential weaponry was once again materialized from his body as he took aim while moving at full speed.

Twang, twang, twang, twang, twang, twang, twang, twang~.

Tongqiu wanted to try what he previously had to use to save 'Mommy Heals You'. He basically used his right to mimic grabbing two arrows instead. His little and ring finger were completely glued to each other while his middle finger was instead using those two previous fingers as support to hold on one of the arrows. His index finger was simply folded, however, it was also this finger that had to be between two arrows which needed him to expend a lot of his Mental Prowess to move most of his raw strength towards said finger and maintain it with still the same amount of immense Mental Prowess, though it also worked to hold the arrow shared with the middle finger he also used the same arrow as a support to handle the one it would have to share with the thumb. And the thumb, being the easiest finger to control in such a situation; he simple folded his thumb a little while retracting it the most he could and hence the arrow between his thumb and index finger was positioned behind the one shared by the middle and index finger. However, this did not mean it would be slower at reaching the same target.

Nonetheless, his conjecture worked. And just as he started aiming with his bow, two arrows materialized in total to go towards each available spot. Tongqiu momentarily thought of going for three instead but he easily threw away such thought knowing that he could stabilize himself with much expenditure to do with just two, and that was thanks to his immense Mental Power stat. If he were to go for three, he may be able to hold himself and even accurately shoot at his target, but then he'll be so tired mentally that he could even black out if he were to repeat it just a couple of time more.

-3,100, -3,098, -3,061, -3,089, -3,050, -3,051, -3,101, -3, 048.

Sure enough it worked! But not only that, even the cost of resources for such actions was; his Mental state was completely stable, his MP and Stamina only burned by 1,600 instead of 3,200! He could use such strategy at least 4 times without worrying about depleting them while dealing double the damage, how could he have not think of it before?!

'How could I have not thought of it before?! Agh, such an idiot'.

And then once its HP fell down lower than at 40% HP, the rose once again started to deviously suck on the scorpion's HP.


Now, its HP: [26,489/130,00]. Just a tiny bit until it hit the 80% HP mark, so close!

But the scorpion, now not only tired from being awfully used but also from Tongqiu's bombardment had its armored body slowly fall apart completely! Now that it was completely defenseless, Tongqiu wouldn't give any of those bastards any advantage, but how could they let themselves be slain without doing anything at all? 

The scorpion made its move the best it could as its telson started to suddenly convulsing giving anyone who saw it a great scare as its stinger pointed to the sky and began to pry itself open...

Tongqiu's eyes widened as they constricted as well, he turned to look towards Natalia, letting her understand that exactly 1,147 'stacks' or 'ammunition' of venom was about to rain on them! He moved towards the nearest bunker to the best of his abilities. Fortunately, with the party being established and consisting of only the two of them, their communication was still perfectly clear, allowing the both of the horny birds to be at ease at each others' well being.

It was then that the scorpion made a shriek filled with hatred and venomous-like intentions as a pure strong green colored slimy river came out of its pried oped stinger! The whole violet room turned dark-green as instead of falling to the ground right away, the slimy river instead extended towards the whole aerial open space area before finally descending on them.


A huge sound of water heavily falling on solid ground was heard, which made confusion for those who heard it having seen it was all slimy but it was soon enough understood that the slimy river was still high up in the air and it was only some part of it which descended.

'Of course it wasn't going to be so simple, ah?!' Naturally understanding that it because the amassed quantity of venom in its body was so big that it had the necessary amount of it to drop it on them multiple times, even their bunkers might not be completely safe. Alerting Natalia of this, he then instructed her to put more healing on him for the next seconds, as he then ran with his utmost speed towards her!

-240, -250, -260, -270, +2,520, -240, -250, -260, +350, -250, -260, +2,520...

And so, the venom damage falling onto Tongqiu wasn't small, not only that but its damage even augmented each tic by 10 points! He couldn't be able to move around if it wasn't for his need to save both of them. Of course, he didn't really needed to move away from his bunker as he could've just easily start shooting arrows to the surroundings to make a path for the venom to not reach his bunker. After all, the venom once on the ground would remain completely motionless, but if multiple of that shit went down on them, then they'll surely be damned to be slowly and painfully dissolved by it; not nice.

And so, with Naty's healing and Tongqiu fastest movement speed among all players, he finally reached the not-so-far bunker that Natalia's was in. Once he got in there he quickly -and smoothly- grabbed her nape from behind as his wrist grazed at the side of her neck before stealing her pouting in worry lips for a couple seconds before taking out his essential armament and shooting without stop around the bunker's surroundings in the most strategically manner possible. With Natalia at his side, it was a carefree expenditure of his resources as he spared no heartache to save them both.

Once the 'trenches' around the 'bunker' were made, they both relaxed and seated back down together to wait until the 'raining' stopped. Tongqiu was the first to sit down so when he was about to close his eyes in rest for a little, he was instead alerted by the extremely bountiful, soft, elastic and amazingly firm sensation that not only his thighs but also his truly essential secret weapon could feel the very first moment it happened.

And indeed, he did not need to open his eyes to see that little devil Natalia sat on him so vulgarly with her bottoms completely engulfing his member in the greatest of sensations as well as his thighs of a peculiar ticklish feeling. Of course, it wasn't really vulgar since they were both alone and unseen, right?

However, Natalia soon noticed that his beloved still had his eyes closed and as such, her eyes narrowed ever so dangerously in the premise of the next hidden danger that Tongqiu couldn't fathom.

She started... 'dancing'. And as her buttocks swayed more 'up and down' that to the sides, then changed to be only to the sides... Tongqiu was incapable of resisting, he had his eyes abruptly opened as a satisfied big smile formed at her mouth to the yet still virtuous looking Natalia.

Maybe she didn't know that her movements made his essential secret weapon grow, but she definitely understood that her movements managed to graze his secret weapon in a way that simulated a little certain very man-woman intimate action, and when she moved up and down he similarly had a feeling of having his secret weapon be pressed by all sides into one single direction. Crazy.

Finally content with achieving her 'world-destroying' scheme, Natalia simply stopped playing around as she left her body limply land on Tongqiu's stiffened and warmer than before body. Seeing her relaxed and tomato-red face, he couldn't bring himself to 'molest' her in sever punishment as much as he wanted. But he could get back at her, even if only a little. So he accommodated her well enough that her buttocks were half pressing on his pelvis as well as half in the air as his still activated essential secret weapon glued itself towards them, easily causing a gasping yelp from the sleepy head. In that position, both of them relaxed for around 3 minutes, enough time for his berserkness to calm down.


Then came another sound coming from the Demon's Rainy Venom, but 5 seconds after such, a sound of the large scorpion's stinger closing entered Tongqiu's ears only. He tugged at the now sluggish with her peaceful expression sleeping Natalia as she woke up. Her understanding allowing her to process his meaningful stare as she then put on a decisive face, more confident than before and determined to kill the Enlightened graded BOSS.

Tongqiu nodded contently as he then moved out of the 'bunker' after confirming that the solidified venom, now dark-brown green floor, wasn't dangerous.

With full HP, MP and Stamina after some 'Mommy Heals You' blessing skills and some rest. Tongqiu was ready to one shot this fucker!



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