Bow and Arrow

Chapter 27 — Talking, Hiring

Talking, Hiring


"S-s-ssir? I-Is this correct? You specifically want only young women or even girls, professionals that know what they're doing and are available to live in the same residence as well as... respectful, obedient, virgin... oh, and absolutely willing to wear a-a-a m-maid uniform?" The female clerk attending Tongqiu read the information once, then twice; finally while she was giving it a third read, she hesitatingly chatted with Tongqiu along so as to confirm that the information wasn't wrong. Oh, and it wasn't.

'What kind of things does a pervert, uh... a good-looking pervert like him want?' Merely losing herself for a second, the clerk then continued to shake her head a couple of times while dissipating any wild thoughts. She professionally asked again: "Sir, may I... know why there is such 'needs'?"

She tried to hide her suspicions and biased opinion against him but, who was Tongqiu? He easily made note of this clerk's wild perverted mind as he put one of his polite smiles as he answered: "Well, I'm truthfully not used to any company, by choice. So if I'm going to start somewhere... surely it can only be when those close to me are cute to look at  and not intending to get preggo at some point and gain some little extra, no? Even if even the younger ones can be scheming, the probability is quite shorter I hope. Also, the place where I live is a villa, so naturally, it'll be better if they can all live there to attend should anything important or necessary of aid happens. Of course I'm not trying to imprison them, those things can be discussed in person, I believe? So, you can now erase that strange expression on your face, please."

The female clerk was quite surprised and a little embarrassed as Tongqiu kept on answering her foolish question. Then she heard about the 'my maid got pregnant and now I'm gonna have to marry-or pay her' situation and her eyes narrowed with disdain. Sure, those things happen, sure. But it's only been seen from huge families. News about such a thing were even common among the thirteen founder Clans, though one not necessarily needed to be from such a clan, one could just be from an influential group or rather just a smaller clan compared to the founder ones. But for this man to say so... then she gasped with a little 'Ah!' when she heard the word 'villa'. Who didn't know those monstrosities were all something that only big shots could possess in the entire New Earth? But when he mentioned how he easily noticed her previous thoughts she got so embarrassed that in her mind, she had already planned to comply with this 'young master's' request.

"Ah, haha, haha... sure, sure. Just give me a moment, since you need such a decent and high-level experienced maids such as to work for you in a villa then, the needed data for gathering all the people which meet your requirements will be quite complicated and it'll take longer than usual, haha. Young women, even girls... to work in a villa in a professional and obedient way?! This man can dream! Of course, it wasn't impossible. However, there were also those who weren't virgin but all other requirements were met... nevermind, since such a person owns a villa, he could easily discover whether or not they are virgin. Suddenly, without noticing that she was murmuring to herself, she spoke towards Tongqiu once again: "Ah, but what do you need them to wear maid outfits? Isn't that just a perverted requirement? Aish..."

Tongqiu: "..."

A few seconds passed, the clerk still hadn't noticed how she had bluntly asked out the question in her mind. Finally, after a minute or two she kind of felt that there was something weird going on in the atmosphere as she then finally looked at him. As if she was trying to go back in time to recall her past actions, and after a few confirmations of how different is to think and to speak out... "AH!!! S-s-sorry, I-I didn't mean to. I apo-"

As she was cut off by Tongqiu's waving hand, Tongqiu then said: "It's alright, I can answer." he smiled deviously, then continued: "Because I like it very much."

Another 'Ah!' came from the clerk's mouth as she finally lowered her head in submission, blushing a little. Even stealing glances at him from time to time. Tongqiu wouldn't really mind... but his body right now... it was way too emaciated-looking, he needed to work out.

"Mmm, where can I ask for a... uh, gym, you know- to be built at my villa. Ehem." Seeing that Tongqiu really didn't had any knowledge from what he was seeking, the clerk simply smiled sweetly yet politely as she instructed him where and how to arrive, ever so patiently. After she finished explaining to him, he unconsciously grazed from her lower back to her left arm as he said his thanks and moved on towards where she directed him.

Leaving a confused and clearly dazed female clerk behind, Tongqiu ever so patiently walked towards another area. After around 15 minutes of fast-pacing negotiations of, 'just a gym', 'this or that big' and with 'all these things as well, Tongqiu finally left the full, inundated of people-like building as he started feeling less restrained.

'It feels so unbecoming, I just don't like it, sigh...' Then he moved towards a very renown gym, which was located at center of Nascent Herb City. He was obviously not going to go there and train himself, of course not! He was going to look for a personal trainer. He really needed that much help with such a defective body of his. His lungs were already about to fall apart from his normal-paced relaxed breathing, he also had to take public transport... or a more kind of private one.


As Tongqiu went out of the luxurious, completely black and 'normal' sized car, the chauffeur didn't even glanced at him as he just made sure that he entered the gym without any problem nor tripping to death on his way there. He was obviously working for the Yun Clan, and that car he drove was extremely renown as well, in the whole New Earth at that. One of the biggest advantages of it, it's that when used in the nigh, it can be just as amazing and just as unnoticeable, like now.

Tongqiu entered through the door, what he did right after was to look for a bench. 

'That looks like 50m from here, fuck! I'll do my best, for my girls!' Tongqiu couldn't help but to try and stimulate his mind -and heart- to not faint from exhaustion as he moved towards the bench while all others around him were just either going in to change in the designated rooms, or just leaving the gym.

'HUFFHUFFHUFF... ... ... AAAAAAAAH HUFF... HUFF. HUFF. Fuck, man, fuck.'

When other saw that a completely spent, exhausted, almost dead man with a darkish-brown jacket was panting on the bench all of their attention was garnered on simple thoughts. Such as 'ah, what a hardworking good looking man!' or 'what kind of monstrous hellish of a workout did this mad man do?!' and even 'whatever this real man does, I want to do it too!' ... in short, they all misunderstood Tongqiu in the greatest of ways. Meanwhile, he was still incapable of even lifting an eyelid, ah how tiring.

30 minutes passed since he arrived at the bench. Now aware of their silly thoughts and silent praises, Tongqiu merely thought to himself that choosing a personal trainer it's been one of the most wise decisions in life he's ever done. In real life, that is. There weren't only the typical kind of instruments here to do art to one's body, it was way beyond that. The gym itself was as big as a small town or even more, capable of having around 17,000 people inside at the same time! And it wasn't just for show, taking in consideration how immensely dispersed was everyone in each of the enormous spaces for each section, there definitely wasn't that low of a number, probably going all the way from 12,000 to the entirety of the gym! As for instruments to works one's own body into fine art; it's been ages where people used to lift this in different ways to exercise or to rely on completely- on external objects to strengthen the body. Now there were gravitational fields good enough to accommodate 3 people, which was of course intended for one and a helper. There were also numerous self-harm kind of methods, which consisted in being beaten without leaving marks and were there to be any, immediate healing scar-removing medical attention would be given, things such as a doll made of metal wearing special gloves to reduce the amount of impact that the inner body would receive, making it so organs would be completely safe and bones would be safer from real injuries. Some other were wind itself would attack you and split open your skin. Among many other types, as well as many other different methods. All to the public, thanks to Crestfallen Industry!

And as for Tongqiu? He had no fucking clue towards what to even do with any of these shits. Oh, and now that he saw many people wearing specially made equipment, he realized he still had his gloves on.

'How embarrassing, aaaaayyyy. If only I could hi-' Right when Tongqiu's thoughts went to 'hide' the gloves, they practically turned invisible, even seemed to have disappeared for real. But no, he could feel them and even see them again for short moments without needing to 'think' back to reveal it.

'Ah, comfy... still I gotta get these cleaned up or something, I don't want these already skeletal hands to get even worse.' He said as he prepared to stand up. As for the chauffeur? He was boringly looking at a man for this entire time, truly making sure he doesn't die by breathing too hard. Poor old, devoted to his work, man.

After a few awkward yet quick events of questioning around, Tongqiu fearlessly headed towards the area where personal trainers where located at, something that even all core members of the gym infrastructure would fear and start tremble about just to barely think about going to, even if it was utterly important. Nevertheless, the slow and relaxed Tongqiu walked towards there so nonchalantly that some thought he owned the place.

According to a quick investigation, the only way to hire a personal trainer was by talking directly to them. It was up to them to accept the job or not, of course an agreement was needed, and should there be some 'malicious' intentions from the personal trainer then the necessary countermeasures would be taken mercilessly and without pardon. Which only managed to happen in the long, long past for a couple times.

As Tongqiu was starting to feel his lungs burning down, he finally arrived before a door with a label which said 'P.T. ONLY'. The motherfucker didn't had time for knocking, he really didn't know when he'd faint. So he just casually opened the door.

As it was opened with the utmost calm and certain preciseness, no one thought that there would be an 'intruder' out of nowhere. They kept on having their simple yet energetic and beneficial drinks as well as chatting ever so modestly and refined between each other. It wasn't until they noticed the weird walking from the man and that his clothes weren't that of a personal trainer were they finally took notice of him.

Them: "..."

Tongqiu: "..."

"Uh... I-huff- am looking, for a... uh-huff- personal trainer, to... huff... hire, heh heh." Tongqiu did his best to talk coherently, and tried to finish with an 'easygoing' smile. And he nailed it. But everyone was silent, they had their eyes completely open to look at the individual as they kept on saying nothing. Once it turned heavily awkward, a girl from a group close to him that were all sitting down around a table spoke to him: "Why don't you just keep looking for different tables? Maybe someone will grow interested in your offer." 

Maybe she didn't, maybe she did, but her words nonetheless carried a hidden meaning as roaring laughter started to descend all around the big, big, big room that was the 'P.T. ONLY'. 

Once their laughing finally stopped as they continued with their superficial chatting, Tongqiu rolled his eyes as he moved around, intending on moving towards anyone that looked at him even for half a second.

10 minutes later.

If it wasn't because Tongqiu was really slow in his current state, he'd probably only take around 3-4 minutes to do a full 'tour' around the room, but he wasn't and right now he was already worried on his exhaustion, his sigh growing a little blurry as he couldn't hold on for much longer.

'What a-! what a fucking damn bother, huff.' He then arrived to what seemed to be one of the most big and specialized tables of all. He saw it from afar but he didn't wanted to try this place right away since they seemed to be even more superficial than people from the Yun Clan he'd know. Unfortunately, all the other idiots simply smiled in schadenfreude as he passed by their tables. So he ultimately had to come here, his last chance. How absurd.

When he was a few meters away from that table, which had 8 men and 4 women, they all seemingly stopped talking before silently waiting for him to arrive to them.

And sure enough, once 5 meters was all he needed to reach their table, more or less; one of them yelled at him in an informative tone: "Hey you, well I come from Iron Will Region, so if you want someone real good then you can obviously choose me! I think I can put you at great shape in a few years, 150,000 credits the hour how ab-"

One of the women seemed to have enough as she stood up, she made her chair screech extremely loudly yet for too short of a time, enough to cut him off. Then, she calmly and elegantly walked towards Tongqiu, though for him, it seemed to be a very tempting kind of walk. She had a violet tank top that accentuated very well her archetype small breasts and her incredible torso as well as her magnificent abdomen. Truly out of this world kind of athletic yet not bulky of a figure. She had some very long and smooth type of leggings that went even a little bit higher than her lower abdomen, truly tempting. She had a bronze yet still white skin giving it a golden touch and black hair tied in a pony tail ever so simple yet beautifully which reminded him of Natalia. Her diamond face shape along her elegant straight nose which was slightly pointing upwards, enough to make her incredible mature womanly body cute and tender.

She was barely a few cm lower than Tongqiu, however, because of Tongqiu's back bending she appeared to be as tall as him, she got quite close to whisper at Tongqiu: "Well, unlike the famous Iron Will Region, I come from the All-Healing Region. In fact, I've been raised at the Tarn Clan by very wise masters. I guarantee you I will get you at the best shape possible in ten days. Afterwards, we can talk of a prolonged training, if you want. Your turn."

Easily understanding that the background of two parties must be shared to keep on 'talking', Tongqiu instead leaned closer to her; though because of his exhausted body, he grazed his left cheek with her right cheek as he whispered back: "Maybe... we talk of this at other place, yes? huff... I'm really tired right know but I for sure grew interested in you a lot- ah, I mean in your offer. How about it?"

Before she could even nod, he heard Tongqiu's murmurs of 'or rather and your offer' as well as his extremely tired eyes. So she understandingly and very, very calmly nodded towards him as she simply took a pen to write on his hands, in case they both got dirty or something. But then, the idiotic Tongqiu took out his phone as an embarrassed female personal trainer wrote once again her number, this time on his phone, ah.

"Oh right, I haven't been polite. My name- ugh," he was about to announce his name when he rather just felt disgusted by it, so he simply got close to her again, this time even more as his lips were teasing her tragus every time they moved: "Yun Beishang."

Then he just simply left the room once he took back his phone and waved his arms around once he knew he could be seen by the oh-so unnoticeable guards and even the old man, according to his senses.

Right away, 4 men moved 'discreetly' to the crazy man, from which a certain still open door allowed the female trainer to see the image of that dumb emaciated young man as she ultimately decided to run towards him.

Surprised, the 'hidden' guards were about to tackle her down when they saw that she only hugged his arm and then softly speak to him. 

What she actually did, however, was first to know what degree of malnutrition this man had fallen to by grabbing his arm, then to smell if he had good hygiene which she fortunately found out he had. But unconsciously, when it came to talking to him she did the same as Tongqiu as his tragus was teased to no end by her words: "Name is Tarn Diana, Yun Beishang." 

Right after, she suspiciously looked at the unnoticeable guards as she trotted a little back towards the 'P.T. ONLY' room.

A dazed Tongqiu couldn't no more as he was about to hit hard on the ground. Fortunately, the guards didn't really stopped moving towards him as they finally reached before he got the chance to die in peace. 

"Filnn, hurry up and tell the old man to get the car ready, you know how he likes to be a bit too much devoted on his job, agh!" Said a square faced young man with tomato skin and military hairstyle. Then a slim looking man with smooth white skin rapidly went towards the almost invisible black car.

"Hey, Richard, how come you are so good to him? Why not let him get a few hits ah? HAHAHAHA!" A rough looking man with slightly grown grey bear suddenly teased the square faced young man as well as inciting the other middle-aged man with large hands and elegant face to laugh a couple of times.

"Tombk, how could you let him bully me?! Just help me get this idiot back to the car without anyone thinking wild shit, could you? You damnable Klent!" Richard said, somewhat reproachfully but with camaraderie.

"Alright, alright. Both of you stop acting like idiots too, or we'll be noticed. By the way, how smooth is this silly young man with women? Such talent..." As Tombk was lost in thought, Richard and Klent merely ignored the jealous slim man as they went on with their duty without any fault nor accident all the way until he was delivered to his villa where surprisingly, a Natalia in clothes that were quite shady -enough to cover her whole body and appearance- was waiting in the entrance of.

"Oh, you're the selected nurse by the Young Miss? Here you go, he isn't heavy don't worry HAHAHAHA." Klent said as Richard and Filnn laughed at the stupid joke while Tombk merely shook his head before extending his hand and adding: "Oh please, don't listen to these idiots. Here is the special medicine prepared by the Tarn Clan and the Crestfallen Clan, they must... surely value him, right?"

Though Natalia's mood was discovered through their stupid joke as even her brows were harshly furrowed, Tombk still decided to prove for information. After all, the Yun Clan would like to know how come this two extremely important Clans were so interested in their outcast and utmost hated ever member of theirs? Ah, no, in fact not even a member anymore, only in bloodline.

"Hmph!!" A covered Natalia's cold and infuriated snort sounded out as she gently took Tongqiu in her arms. She used her barely free other hand to pick up the heavy box, without problems.

She purposely didn't speak a single letter, merely an enigmatic snort so even less information they would have. As for how Natalia and 'Young Miss' contact was approached? Who knows, who knows...

Natalia went through the villa's entrance as it automatically closed. Then, without taking the car at the entrance, she simply carried her little darling all the way to the residential area. Happy and worried at the same time.

'It's not yet the end of the month, but it seems that for my dear darling I must advance 'that' step before the time planned.' As she was furrowing her brows in deep worry, a smile born from deep affection blossomed on her now uncovered and extremely pure face as she put the box down and entered her key to the main building's entrance. Then, she picked the box and without caring at all about how the place looked, she went to look for a room with the biggest bed; just as she instructed him as she knew this darling of hers would comply to such a request.



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