Bow and Arrow

Chapter 30 — Level 25

Level 25


After Tongqiu cleared up the mine where he massacred the people from the Blacksun Guild from minerals and some other natural materials, as he expected, a 'little' Lord graded BOSS appeared before being shut down in a few seconds, it was a rat-like porcupine which even though it was blind, it managed to hit Tongqiu for a little number of about -525! Even then, it instantly died after as it wasn't capable of dodging nor blocking any of his shadows from Tonqiu's Rain Showdown.

And so one, Tongqiu went on an adventure to rudely intrude in any low-level mine as he simply took a spot -he bought a pickaxe like a normal human being would- as he then started mining, now much more easily and profitable until a little boss appeared. Then he killed it while the onlookers either tried to run away and died tragically or simply died attacking any of them both: Tongqiu or the BOSS. If they attacked Tongqiu in anger and resentment, dead. If they attacked the BOSS instead, and wanted everyone else to group up and kill it -for the ones that were not sub-class only-, their result was also death by Tongqiu's either Gladius or Arrows.

Both his experience bar and 'Players killed' count where getting more and more filled up as by the time he finished 'raiding' the 13 known low-level mining areas his experience bar was already 54% at level 24, while his 'Players killed' number were up to an astonishing 767! Astonishing and worrisome. There's probably no one in the entire game that has killed that many other players by PvP and dueling at arenas, not by themselves.

Though Tongqiu was in a real hurry to move around so as to not let himself be surrounding, taking into consideration what kind of reaction those players and the powers that some of the mining areas 'belonged' to, he still had the time to calmly and easily read the forums about the man who was wreaking havoc yesterday at the plants and herbs harvesting area yesterday had shown up again! There were some but not that many posts with videos or photos were a man wearing an eccentric mask as well as having a 'for ladies' clothing was mining with utter fervor all around a cave before an amazing Lord grade BOSS would appear. Afterwards, there were even footage of people fleeing in panic as well as little groups that tried to group up to slain the 'eventful' BOSS. Only to be effortlessly cleaned up by the wolf-like masked man.

There were even threads slandering him, claiming that he was killing all the sub-classes only players from all the mining areas which was easily denied by actual Unions from the sub-classes only players themselves. Where they claimed that only those that tried to kill the boss of the guy were the ones dying.

Basically, a scandal here and there probably instigated by guilds like Blacksun Guild and the like. Not worth noticing. Of course, for the people of Azure Dragon Sub-Division, this was surreal and it felt as if they were watching a hacker take all the things for himself. Naturally, what followed was an immense amount of people reporting the wolf-like masked man which no one knew the name of.

For the people of other Sub-divisions as well as other Regions though, it seemed to be a really entertaining show while they mocked the guys from another region, as competitiveness was slowly coming to be.

By the time things were actually getting slightly 'big' for news of a one-man army farming Lord BOSSes, Tongqiu had already levelled up to LV25. After those 3 hours of mining non-stop, he took a break in the LV26-28 monsters field. Each time he arrived at an area of such levels, he'd take 15 minutes to clean it up completely before moving forwards towards another area of similar levels before also cleaning everything up. His Gardener sub-class had already long ago advanced to the Basic grade from the Elementary grade, so whenever he saw any graded her or plant, he'd simply pick it up.

Usually, many herbs and plants were needed for concocting elixirs and other items from the same profession, but when it came to mining materials such as minerals, precious rocks or even crystals; a few of them would be enough to what having a long quantity of herbs and plants would compare to as a gardener. So he was more than mostly fine as his storage in the Inn Irllytia manages was already about to get full. He'd need to get more into the Gardener as well as the Blacksmith sub-classes. It wasn't extremely difficult, specially since it was barely the Elementary or Basic grade we are talking about here. Maybe in the future, when higher grades have been added, it'll become somewhat or extremely difficult to use but... that's the way it should work, so rather than thinking it would be a bother in the future, Tongqiu instead felt more and more addicted to this game's features and possibilities.


Character: Tongqiu

Race: Human — Innate Race Talents: Adaptability, Racial Reproductive Wonder, Warmonger — Race Ability: Union

Level: 25

Class: Evil Saint

Basic attributes: STR: 175, DEX: 175, LCK: 175, REC: 175, WIS: 175, INT: 175, DET: 175, Luck: 25, Charm: 225

Association: None, Money: 3,150, Fame: 43,510

HP: 5,340, MP: 6,600, Stamina: 6,700

Attack Power: 2,025, Magic Power: 3,075

Physical Defense: 634, Magical Defense: 634, HP Regeneration: 5, MP Regeneration: 15, Stamina Regeneration: 15

Hit Rate: 25%, Dodge Rate: 25%

Critical Hit Rate: 25%, Pierce  Rate: 25%, Critical Hit Damage: 12%

Attack Speed: 125%, Movement Speed: 125%

Core Elemental Resistance: Fire: 0%, Water: 0%, Earth: 0%, Wind: 0%, Lightning: 0%

AP: 0, SP: 13,609


Thanks to his hardworking of BOSS farming, he reached the necessary points for upgrading Battle Frenzy to LV9, which may seem worst to do so instead of Combustion, but considering he now had 25% Critical Hit Rate or Pierce Rate, and that in the future it'll hopefully keep on growing, the best action according to obvious common sense.

[Unparalleled Angle]: Skill: Passive, Trigger, MAX LV 20, LV: 10, SP needed for next LV: 1,536, cooldown: 0 seconds, cost: 25 mana and 50 stamina. Usually, to start an attack one needs to accumulate force, raw strength. Use this skill in the opportune moment to change the direction and angle of attack of your melee weapon without losing any strength, and with accurate precision. Costs 10 mana and 20 stamina. Additional Effect: When activated Physical Damage+9%. 

[Tongqiu's Rain Showdown]: Type: AOE Active Skill, MAX LV: 20, LV: 10, SP needed for next LV: 10,240. Cooldown: 8 seconds, cost: 10 MP, 10 Stamina. Range: 0-30 meters. With Tongqiu's weapon or weapons in use, point with it towards the sky to activate this skill to create from the sky an AOE rain of attacks with the shape of the weapon  or item in use (arrow, bolt, javelin) without stopping for 15 seconds. Creates around 18 of the weapon's shadows per second with damage equal to 180% of Tongqiu's Attack Power and Magic Power for each shadow.

[Combustion]: Type: Activate/Deactivate Skill, MAX LV: 10, LV: 7, SP needed for next LV: 6,400, cooldown: 0.3 seconds, cost: 200 MP and 200 Stamina. Once activated, all attacks (can explode at will) have an explosive effect to it from the user's essence type. It has an AOE of 5 meters melee, 17 meters ranged. This effect can be activated and deactivated in any moment and situation, and only attacking consumes MP and stamina. Damage dealt equals to 220% Magical Power as well as 220% Physical Power.

[Battle Frenzy]: Type: Passive Skill, MAX LV: 10, LV: 9, SP needed for next LV: 25,600, effect: every critical or pierce attack adds 1 stack while every critical and pierce attack adds 3 stacks; dodging an ability or attack adds 1 stack. Once in battle, the longer you keep on fighting and destroying your enemy, the more stacks you'll accumulate. Each 10 stacks grants the user physical and magical power+240. Cap of 190 stacks.

[Low-level Rising Essence!]: Type: Ultimate Skill, MAX LV: 3, LV: 0, SP needed for next LV: 100,000, cost: all your essence stored without affecting your stolen essence contributing towards your main stat. Use this skill to first create an impossible to dodge, block or negate burst of essence that dries completely the user's essence. Damage equal to that of 15,000% Physical and Magical Power. This is not even the complete version (LV0).


And just as well, he managed to get another 'accessory' for his body, at least now he won't feel the stares down there...

x2 [Sunfacing Brilliant Gladius]: Type: One-Handed Dual Sword, Grade: Magical(Violet), Equipment Requirements: Tongqiu, Attributes: Physical Attack+156, STR+32, REC+17, LCK+6. Able to evolve to the next grade. However the required materials and skill capable to do it are extremely demanding.

[Tempered Chestplate]: Type Upper Garment, Grade: Powerful(Dark Blue, Equipment Requirements: LV 6 or higher, Attributes: Physical Defense+62, REC+13, DET+5.

[Demoniacal Defenders]: Type: Lower Garment, Grade: Powerful, Equipment Requirements: LV25, Attributes: Physical Defense+128, REC+24, WIS+12.

[Durable Iron Boots]: Type: Shoe Garment, Grade: Powerful(Dark Blue), Equipment Requirements: LV5, Attributes: Physical Defense+32, DEX+12, DET+4.

[Sorrowful Glorious Crown]: Type: Helmet, Grade: Powerful, Equipment Requirements: True Wish relic's acknowledgement. Attributes: Mind Power +1, INT+24, Effect:MP and Stamina Regeneration+15. Main Quest reward, cannot be dropped, cannot be traded, cannot be discarded. It is capable of evolving with its user.

[Bloodstained Iron Armguard]: Type: Armguard, Grade: Powerful(Dark Blue), Equipment Requirements: LV5, Attributes: Physical Defense +24, DEX+11, STR+3.


Finally achieving his own pre-requisite to start delving into this new Main Quest he obtained from the Mysterious Key, Tongqiu decided to spend 2 or 4 hours more in the game before taking a rest, as he started to feel a little fatigue. Killing hundreds of players, as well as killing some little pets, yes Lord graded BOSSES are now 'pets' to Tongqiu; is extremely easy, yet takes so much time.

Of course, little Tongqiu didn't know that a <Hidden> name was in the top first of the Levelling Leaderboard, in fact, he didn't even know that the Gear Leaderboard was his too thanks to his double Sunfacing Brilliant Gladius swords.

He closed his eyes as he focused his Mental Power.

*PING*... your Mental Power has reached 340.

With his eyes still closed, he put the image of the mysterious key and his new 'task' on his mind over and over again.

*PING*... location has been marked, please go and find the Ancient one the fastest you can!

'Alright, once again heading south... I'm starting to like plants even... it'll be so good if I had a pet that'll aid me in CC'ing my enemies, it'll be such a huge help.' Tongqiu had dreams, of course, and his dreams were that of whatever could make him feel good. He could out Tonkia and do this little questing together, but knowing she didn't had much time before her little belly became her huge fat belly and that more now than ever, she was trying to train to the best of her capabilities. He also had not much time to lose considering how fast she was advancing as an NPC. And based on his inference, NPCs at the Novices Villages could really be highly talented individuals, so he was itching to help her to the best of his capabilities one he has to go through that unknown 'trial' in the future.


The location was marked as a huge translucent yellow pillar of light that reached beyond the clouds. 

And there was Tongqiu using a Sunfacing Brilliant Gladius sword in his right hand to cut through the vegetation that assaulted him at every step in this deep jungle-forest like environment. He has been moving towards here for 2 hours already, and he was getting increasingly bored as well as irritated. 

Who would've thought that such a simple walk would take already so much time of his? No wonder the time limit is that of 50 days, if it was of that of 10 or so, taking into consideration how long this simple journey was already, he'd fear a quest failure was incoming. Fortunately, his overpowered movement and agility -at his level- allowed Tongqiu to precisely move around everywhere. Whenever there was a mob that discovered him, he'd pull out his bow and send them to oblivion with merely basic attacks.

After actually 3 hours, Tongqiu finally arrived where the pillar of light was indicating. 

The exact pinpointed location was exactly the roots of a normal-looking tree, at its front facing north which was exactly from where Tongqiu came from. As the 'marking' disappeared from his vision, anything that he could see was completely ordinary and there was by no means any kind of secret around. Even with his Mental Prowess probing around he still didn't detect the slightest clue. So he walked forwards, and it happened, as he walked forwards.

Suddenly, there was a square-like black portal, 5-6 meters each side. The portal looked like a completely darkened pit without an end, it was completely black that even the atmosphere around the portal was starting to make everything go darker and darker in color, at its perimeters however, there was a violet gradient colored flame that would envelope the portal as if trying to restrict its expansion.

Just as Tongqiu leaned his head over, he felt his whole body have an enormous change in gravity as he suddenly felt the same sensation one would have when their body entered in a freefall while being completely defenseless. And indeed, next thing he knew, his surroundings were now completely black as he slowly came to the acceptance that he had already fallen through the portal and was now descending at speed even more unusual than it would be, as if he was being ever so forcefully pulled towards whatever was down there.

After 15 minutes...

Most people would probably just lose consciousness at some point, but Tongqiu's mental power allowed him to easily resist through the endless torment of having air plastered in your face without a stop for that long as he also endured the madness of not being able to move around even an inch. In other words, this could very well be a trail of one's will, and unfortunately, Tongqiu had fallen into it without a care ever so ignorantly.

Finally, at some point he noticed a slight yellow glow when he looked 'down'. It was hard to tell which side was which since his body would be rotating ever so slowly. A normal person wouldn't be able to tell they're being 'rotated' slowly and would grow even more mad than ever possible but Tongqiu managed to identify his every side with somewhat of a difficulty, so he could tell that there was something glowing 'below' him as it was slowly becoming more and more clearer.

Tongqiu's eyes opened completely as the realization of actually falling down and being smashed into a pulp was his soon-to-become future if he didn't stop or at least slowed down in midair before he crashed down!

As if to put Tongqiu on his nerves, the falling speed increased at industrial amounts as the smallish yellow glow became now a rapid basketball-like image becoming bigger and bigger in his eyes.

Not having any time to waste, he pulled out his essential weaponry as he began aiming. However, he suddenly stopped, all while still falling down extremely quickly.

After 10 or so seconds, Tongqiu finally acted; he simply took one arrow to the bow as he ever so lightly pulled the bowstring. He released the arrow before doing it again, this time, he pulled the bowstring a millimetre more as he then released the arrow again. He kept on repeating this action for another 15-20 seconds as he was infinitely closer to the 'ground'. At the end of his actions, there were multiple arrows aiming 'down' towards the ground, they weren't affected too much by the surrounding space, hence they didn't rotate. As for Tongqiu, as the falling speed increased so did the rotation of his body. He was now spiraling without stop while the arrows he threw were all forming a long single line.

Tongqiu did his best to focus on whenever the arrows would each hit the ground. Seconds passed by, naturally, his current state was deteriorating as he was beginning to feel his head lighter and lighter. And then! Finally, Tongqiu's eyes, as if stealing the brightness from their surroundings, became increasingly fierce and shined to no end as his mind was of one sole command: 'First Arrow... explode!'


Debris flying around, dust dancing around the explosion area and even rocks jolting at extreme heights. Then, Tongqiu issued another command: 'Second Arrow... explode!

BOOM!  'Third Arrow...'  BOOM!  'FOURTH ARROW...' 


'Fuck, NINTH ARROW- EXPLODE!' As Tongqiu's face was distorted from the pain of his whole Mental Power being used up, his body was seemingly affected by the explosive waves, but mostly because of all the rubble and debris flying around which were elevated since the first explosion; in response, his body had a tremendous countershock of speed as it suddenly halted in the middle of the air, between where all the explosive waves as well as the surrounding miscellaneous materials and the 'door' which separated the 'falling chasm' and the ground below it. Tongqiu felt an immense pain in his torso as even his heart seemed to have enlarged inhumanely before quickly shrinking back to its usual size. That was when Tongqiu's body, as light and gentle as a feather, slowly fell to the ground that he had to plan so much, just to not die.

*PING*... host has received a significant mental trauma, forcibly expelling from the game until the host has recovered. You did not die, but will remain in a state of weakness once the host logs in over again. Please take care of your health.

. . .

"COUGH, COUGH, COUGH." Tongqiu's eyes abruptly opened up as he sat down immediately after before starting to cough vehemently. After a few seconds of realizing it was only his instincts given the kind of 'injury' he just suffered... even though it was inside the game.

'Yeah... doing about anything in the game without a care has risks, oops.' Tongqiu thought to himself as he put his left hand over his stomach in repose, then he simply relaxed his body as he let himself fall on the bed to rest some more again, "Ah... so tiring, I'm in big need of sleep now, ugggh..." 

Tongqiu fell asleep. He didn't notice that his gauntlets showed a small crack on the tip of the index finger for each of them.



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