Bow and Arrow

Chapter 32 — Hellish Trial

Hellish Trial


Bloodstained Wolf HP: [52,391/ 120,000].

Taking advantage of the time few seconds he had left before the rest of its summoned friends started tackling him without stop, Tongqiu aimed with his bow once more as he made the very best of himself to mange to jump 6 meters in the air right when the Bloodstained Wolf was about to tear him apart with its claws; as it was confused towards the obviously disappeared Tongqiu, Tongqiu instead had already shoot 7 arrows on it way.

With the sight of one of the arrows already prickling at its nose, the Bloodstained Wolf was impulsed backwards as the rest of the arrows went struck the rest of its body.

-3,175, -2,198, -3,012, MISS, -3,019, -2,922, MISS.


Bloodstained Wolf HP: [38,065/120,000]. With the wolf now barely getting up, Tongqiu had already reached 3 meters before it with his Sunfacing Brilliant Gladiuses on each hand as he ferociously dashed at the Bloodstained Wolf. He had his right arm move around with his best capabilities to attack with the many slashes, thrusts, hacking down on it as well as any swing in the most flexible manner. While his left had would only extend when he rotated around the Bloodstained Wolf, dancing around it and hitting it with his left Sunfacing Brilliant Gladius once every 2 hits of his right-handed Sunfacing Brilliant Gladius. 

-2,922, -2902, MISS, 2,817, MISS, MISS, MISS, MISS, -3,128, -3,129, -3,132, MISS, MISS.

Bloodstained HP: [20,035/120,000].

From afar, one could say that it looked as if Tongqiu was genuinely dancing while trying to 'tease' his little pet. If it wasn't a battle to the death, it'll for sure be a heartwarming scene instead. Unfortunately for the now about to die Bloodstained Wolf, it wasn't at all. It only required for Tongqiu to keep on for a couple times as if it was so close to its death, besides, that'll be at least 400 SP! If the other summons had such level too, then he'll for sure be able to farm those SP he needed in copious amounts much more easier and faster than if he were to do so in the low-level mines or harvesting areas.

-2,922, -2,930, -2,999, MISS, MISS, -2,819, -3,007, -3,605.

Bloodstained Wolf: [1,753/120,000]. 

At this second, Tongqiu's eyes widened exaggeratedly, not because of the rush of adrenaline at the moment to finally slain this Fallen, but rather, the fact that those several shadows were already here! He once again did his utmost to jump as high in the air as he could.



Once he jumped, all those other summoned, were straight away stupidly charging at one another as they hurt each other while their objective was safely looking at them. In fact, not only was Tongqiu disdainfully glancing at them as he was also aiming his bow bringing about his extreme focus, this was a great chance to bring about big numbers to every single one of them at the same time!

As the diverse quantity of summoned were still 'joined' together from their joint attack, there was this vastly weakened anthropomorphic wolf in the middle of them all. Subsequently, a myriad of arrows flying through the sky were heard.

Tongqiu first pointed to the sky with his bow before he achieved his highest jump height, activating Tonqiu's Rain Showdown beforehand. By the time he arrived at his limits in heights, his skill was already about to be launched towards the Fallen Summoned below! Meanwhile, he was already about to shoot his first round of double arrow wide-shots.

As previously mentioned, Tongqiu had wanted to try again venturing into the 'abnormal' state he managed to enter before while killing that Demonic Scorpion-Rose. He'd been trying and trying again while he was farming little 'pets' on the surface just a few hours before and now, he was doing just about the same.

Unfortunately for him, although his vision visibly slowed for his own two eyes, his movements were such as well; meaning he failed but he was at least getting the hint of it. Unfortunately for them though, along with the 32 shadowy arrows which unfortunately couldn't mimic skills yet, could only hit once and then disappear; meanwhile, the at least 25 wide-shots with combustion were capable of hitting every single Fallen Summoned enemy for as they were way too close to each other.

Hell, if this wasn't a fight to the death, one might even think it was a fight to the 'end' instead.

Anyhow, the sound of a myriad of arrows traveling from Tongqiu's position towards the area the bunch of summoned monsters was ephemeral as the sounds of out-of-this-world explosions echoed deafeningly everywhere around this floor.


-3,200, -3,170, -7,233, -2,198, -3,605, -8,099, -2,160...

Multiple, actually, endless digits went into Tongqiu's mind as he saw how every single Lord BOSS had fallen from either close to 50% HP to even lower than 50% HP!

*PING* ... you've successfully killed a Lord grade BOSS Bloodstained Wolf LV40, as a reward: SP+400, Fame+400. 

Sooner or later, Tongqiu had to fall down and even worse, fall down into them though. The good thing is that thanks to all the explosions happening in the same area and in less than 15 or so seconds, the majority of the Fallen Summoned were lying down in pain or sent a few meters away from where he was falling. And that, alone, was enough for him to really start 'dancing' with sweat and blood.


As Tongqiu's feet stepped on the ground that despite all previous shocks and destruction, still managed to be perfectly untouched, shocked Tongqiu a little as well as sparking a flame on suspicion/interest in him. Nevertheless, no time was to be wasted as he took out his Sunfacing Brilliant Gladiuses for each hand as he dashed towards the nearest animal lying on the floor as it was trying to lift itself up; it wasn't a CC ability, if one were to be bombarded so fucking much and along with so many bodies around you, one would naturally simply grow sick and their mentality would just collapse even if it is for a couple of seconds only.

[Fallen Summon, Mother Bear]: Type: Fallen (beast), Grade: Lord, Level:40, HP: 87,691/160,000. It may have been one of the most beloved legendary species for a City Guardian status of even Divisions, but now, it was a tremendously weakened and lowly Fallen.

With the killing of the Bloodstained Wolf, he had already recuperated all his Stamina and MP with his 10% conversion of 10% into his MP and Stamina. As for why he was using his gladius, well, he was about to be squished into human meat, bones and blood juice if he were to stay in one place seeing how the many Fallen Summoned were already heading towards him. A couple of them even managed to already be stepping on his tail as he started cutting down the Mother Bear.

-3,346, -3,203, -3,409...

Barely managing to attack the Mother Bear for about that of 7 swings, the Fallen Summoned he had right behind him was immensely about to reach his back! Tongqiu did a little jump after dodging an incoming paw onto the Mother Bear's belly, the nanosecond his feet touched its belly he slashed at its forehead before executing a complete somersault. The Mother Bear was infuriated from getting its forehead hit on as her belly was next cruelly sunk by the same human attacking it, it went out of control with its paws extending forwards menacingly towards that human as its gigantic snout with those terrifying fangs were wide open in an intended bite. 

What happened next, however, contrary to Mother Bear's expectations, was instead its body being tackled by another Fallen Summoned as well as the fact that its paws and snout going after the human went straight into the other Fallen Summoned's limbs, while its gigantic snout and terrifying fangs went ahead at the nape of the Fallen Summoned. Mother Bear wasn't intact though, as the Fallen Summoned which looked to be an ape with pale-white fur and blackish grey skin at its face and fingertips, while tackling her- managed to hit Mother Bear again where Tongqiu did a somersault. He may have not posses a lot of raw strength,  but he did had an incredible build; his STR, REC and even DEX allowed him to use his body in the most eccentric ways to injure his enemies when they lest expected it. Taking this somersault at the Mother Bear's belly for example, he easily made the Mother Bear roar in pain and it even lost control because of it.

As a result, the fists from the pale-white furred ape did some extra damage to her already injured inner body. Such a simple, quick, and typical move easily downed quite a lot the HP of these two animals. As Tongqiu was already aiming his bow towards them, shadows of exactly 32 arrows around him, he once again started an endless bombardment.

He focused Tongqiu's Rain Showdown skill at the Mother Bear; and as an excruciating mental pain invaded him so as to focus each and every single one of the 32 arrows towards it, he kept on shooting with wide-shots, not having a single dull moment nor mistake.


As the Combustion attacks went right after.


-3,760, -3,642, -3,504, -3,964, -3,682, -3,703...

As another endless bombardment overwhelmed those two little idiotic love birds which didn't had the opportunity to stand up or separate as they were attacked even before they touched the ground, each of their bar HP was quickly downing at satisfying levels.

*PING*... you've successfully killed a Lord graded BOSS Mother Bear LV40, as a reward: SP+400, Fame+400.

[Icy Mountainous Ape]: Type: Fallen (beast), Grade: Lord, Level: 40, HP: 26,440/130,000. Once the friend of the many races inhabiting Main Kingdom that would get visits very often, until its demise came, that is.

Even though Tongqiu had his MP and Stamina completely recovered up, he still took out his Sunfacing Brilliant Gladiuses to attack the back of the Icy Mountainous Ape as it was trying to get up. 

At this moment, Tongqiu thought to himself: 'Goddamit, I need to have my own CC spell, I keep telling you, I need CC!!! FUCK.' 

While cursing the void, gods, his mom, even the stray dogs around the streets even, Tongqiu downed the Icy Mountainous Ape while taking a little bit of damage from a simple swing of its arm which he gave a fuck about, ignored and as such, he killed it even faster.


*PING*... you've successfully killed a Lord grade BOSS Icy Mountainous Ape LV40, as a reward: SP+400 and Fame+400.

All this happened in less than 15 seconds as he didn't have to use the best of his abilities to calculate the area of Combustion to hit them both, but even only 15 seconds were more than enough for even more Fallen Summoned to arrive before him.


From then on Tongqiu fought while having all the rest of the 7 Fallen Summoned glued to him as if he was a perfect flavored, juicy and alone human... that was normal. Instead, each of them would receive a tremendous clowning every time they thought they were finally gonna catch him! But Tongqiu would always first, poke them with his 'little' dual swords, afterwards he would jump on whoever came to him trying to get him just to pull out his bow, aim to the sky and then poke once again that previous Fallen Summoned with an arrow before jumping, dodging, rolling, somersaulting, dashing around, avoiding all possible hits... slowly, his stacks went all the way up to 190.



*PING*... you've successfully killed a Lord grade BOSS Golden Minotaur LV 40, as a reward: SP+400 and Fame+400.

Before having this 'Golden Minotaur' killed, he achieved LV26 the previous killing, that being from a 'Fallen Summoned Magical Crane'.

Breathing heavily while looking around himself, correctly counting 10 long dead carcasses, Tongqiu's confused face was perspiring as he then furrowed his brows while he looked at the Nameless Fallen Summoner with its head low.

As if intending to show Tongqiu what he shouldn't have provoked, it simply held its crosier with both hands as sparkling azure energy-links connected to each of the Fallen Summoned materialized from it.

*PING*... a Fallen Summoner has sacrificed 10 of its total mana pool to liberate a Fallen Summoned of its Fallen destiny. It has recuperated a slim percentage of its true power and has gained intelligence once again. However, it'll die after an hour.

*PING*... the Fallen Summoned 'Bloodstained Wolf' has been reanimated for a short time, evolution of its grade has been granted.


Tongqiu hastened to look towards the long killed Bloodstained Wolf, sure enough his damn grade was higher now! However, its appearance went from that of a white furred anthropomorphic wolf towards that of a beautiful golden colored gigantic wolf with bloodstains all around its face and paws as if they were birthmarks.

[Bloodstained Wolf]: Type: Beast, Grade: Enlightened, Level: 40, HP: 1,336/970,000. An extremely weakened version of a Legendary Wolf species, able to force even deity level of beings to morn and find death gloomy once again.

'What?! Wait... it's regenerating! I-I-I still have a chance. Fuck, this is too much. I need to finish it up as f-' Tongqiu's thoughts were cut off mercilessly by another system's notification:

*PING*... a Fallen Summoner has sacrificed 10 of its total mana pool to liberate a Fallen Summoned of its Fallen destiny. It has recuperated a slim percentage of its true power and has gained intelligence once again. However, it'll die after an hour.

*PING*... the Fallen Summoned 'Mother Bear' has been reanimated for a short time, evolution of its grade has been granted.

Tongqiu: (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)

'What he hell! Agh, just gotta hurry up!'

As the Bloodstained Wolf had already recuperated 20,000 HP, Tongqiu decisively used Tongqiu's Rain Showdown. As long as he used a skill to kill something or someone with his essential armory, it'll count as them being the item/weapon to kill it and so, the 10% conversion to MP and Stamina would happen.


This time, even more shadows failed to hit correctly as they went 'puff' before even being able to touch the Bloodstained Wolf. The final damage, however, successfully felled the not-anymore Fallen Summoned in one hit.

*PING*... you've successfully killed a Enlightened grade BOSS Bloodstained Wolf LV 40, as a reward SP+2,000 and fame+2,000.

Then, Tongqiu turned half his body -upper body- around as he expertly aimed once again towards that Mother Bear.

[Glorious Mother Bear]: Type: Beast (half-divine), Grade: Enlightened, Level: 40, HP: 15,765/1,220,000. A Bear species which if groomed correctly, can keep evolving to endless levels of power, with the aid of the people's own very hope and faith. It had already become Fallen, and will disappear after a while.

It now had changed in appearance, the most unique difference being it had a kind of fur-braid in which went across the side of its body before converging into a little crown-like hair on top of its head. Its eyes were of a honeyed brown color as its entire head radiated abundant benevolence. But there was no time for Tongqiu to waste it on pity.

Tongqiu's eyes were cold and aggressive, his fingers on the featherless end of the arrow's shaft were fiercely yet softly holding arrow. Right at this instance, Tongqiu felt that if he just tried for a little bit right now and then, he'd be able to go back into that 'abnormal' state. Just a little...

*PING*... a Fallen Summoner has sacrificed 10 of its total mana pool to liberate a Fallen Summoned of its Fallen destiny. It has recuperated a slim percentage of its true power and has gained intelligence once again. However, it'll die after an hour.

*PING*... the Fallen Summoned 'Icy Mountainous Ape' has been reanimated for a short time, evolution of its grade has been granted.

'No... no, can't be. Uh, fuck it! I'm not wasting time!' Tongqiu's eyes turned even more fierce, they became monstrously enraged as they instead gained a fearful calmness out of nowhere.

He shot 8 consecutive wide-shots as he completely ignored the result it could be. He jumped straight towards the area where he remembered he killed the Icy Mountainous Ape at and after a speedy roll, and he then bolted straight at the rapidly rising body of an ever growing larger and fatter ape silhouette in the distance.

*PING*... you've successfully killed an Enlightened grade BOSS Glorious Mother Bear LV40, as a reward SP+2,000 and Fame+2,000.

While he was a few dozen meters away from the now ready to battle yet still incredible low HP colossal ape, information of another killing was wholly put out of existence from Tongqiu's heart and mind, with only the thoughts of needing to lead with another 8 of those without a stop. His body, his real body, was starting to get all worked up.

'Fuck. Huff... aaaahh, I had to be so impatient.'


[Glacial King Ape]: Type: Beast(half-Monster), Grade: Enlightened, Level: 40, HP: 40,000/1,150,000. Maybe it was extremely violent as of in its younger years, but at its maturity, the Glacial King Ape had wisdom comparable to that of Sages. It's to the deepest sorriest regrets of such Sages that no one was able to protect such an incredible being in time. Now that it had regained its previous intelligence, it nonetheless, has lost control and fell into a frenzy state.

It still had white fur but it was no longer pale-white, going for a blueish-white instead. All of its skin had a bronze-like tone to it as its eyes were a beautiful dark blue, emanating wisdom for about 3 seconds before turning pale-light blue and starting to go crazy

'Here we go.' Tongqiu arrived with his body dragging his feet through the ground as alarmingly loud squeaky intolerable sound was emitted from them.


The Glacial King Ape was easily annoyed by it as it roared uncontrollably before its back angled 45 degrees before folding its fingers and rushing towards Tongqiu at scary jumps-steps each time.

This time Tongqiu didn't even showed a single trace of excitement nor fervor as his mind cleared completely, his eyes took everything they could into themselves, the colossal size ape, every single strand of hair of its fur, the dust jumping around with each stomp of the beast, the mist and its movements- how it seemed to move with a mind of its own... and it was taunting Tongqiu; finally, Tongqiu saw what he couldn't explain, but according to his inferring it might be particles. Actual particles were visible for Tongqiu and strangely, he saw some familiar things all around this enormous 'floor'. 


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