Bow and Arrow

Chapter 35 — Revisiting and Tender Interactions Between Two Oblivious Lovebirds

Revisiting And Tender Interactions Between Two Oblivious Lovebirds



"Ah... of- of course! Ehem, I'll gladly go with Mr Yun to whatever business he has to do. Ah, I should first dress accordingly, I only wan- I can't be seen like this at such a place, haha, you know ehem, there- yeah..." Diana spoke her first few words as if enchanted, then she sobered up a little as she then tried to fake professionalism once again by addressing him in a polite manner. But when she thought about her current attire, she almost spoke what shouldn't be spoken -while blushing- as she lowered her head in a panic before embarrassingly trying to recover an already lost 'battle'. 

"Of course, of course. I shall help you get into a room first though, unless you wanna dress up in front of... me?" Tongqiu's devilish smile made a number on Diana as her eyes opened up completely in shock from his sudden silliness! "Pffft! A-alriiight, let's have our nice walk, then?"

"Mhm! Lets. Ah, would you like a room upstairs or downstairs? Also, do you want your room to be anywhere or closer to mine, ah?" Tongqiu didn't let go of his nonsense as he kept asking Diana. At least she didn't mind. Diana's eyes wandered circled for a bit before answering seriously and without a single hint of hiding a deeper meaning behind her words, none at all: "Mm! I got it. It's better if you show me just around everywhere. Perhaps I'd like the buildings connected to each other more than others. Who knows, I may want an entirely isolated room for myself, far away from the main entrance, or... I may just want to be closer to some other rooms that are closer to the dinner room and the soon-to-be built gym... ah, I'm sorry I didn't meant to confuse you, let's just take a long walk instead, yes?"

Then Diana politely tugged at Tongqiu's long sleeved t-shirt while forcing a smooth smile on her lips, trying her best to portray her expression as one that wanted to cooperate with her employer for the sake of their professional relationship.

'I know I'm not the brightest... but maybe you also aren't the "brightest" either, Miss Diana.' Tongqiu remained speechless while his mind took over his desire to bark back at her from her cute foolery, thinking she could ever get into the mind of Tongqiu, sweet little thing.

Smiling politely in return as well as assenting cordially before moving before her and leading the way. He said: "Well, let's look to the downstairs rooms first, the are mostly boring and smell funny sometimes so we can take a brief moment to review them. Then we'll go for those rooms upstairs, those are really good but there may be ghosts around which feed on either the week or the easy prey, so please take this advises in consideration." At this point he turned around and said: "This is serious and may endanger your lifestyle."

Then he turned around and continued to lead the way. Diana, seeing all this silly act, almost got convinced when he turned around with such serious and dignified face. Of course, because she saw with her extremely sharp eyesight -Tongqiu did it on purpose- a little grin formed at Tongqiu's lips right as his face was about to disappear from her line of sight. Hence, she immediately deduced his schemes, how vicious!

'Ah, but how dumb, he could just tell me he wanted me to stay in a nearby room in case something happened... ah- he could- he couldn't have realized my earlier speech was to spend some more time with him, right? RIGHT?!... nah, what am I thinking, I planned it well, I planned it well...' Diana thought to herself, her face changing ever so easily that even a dense person would be able to tell a few things right away.

Meanwhile, Tongqiu 'saw' once again, that she was going crazy in her thoughts so he decided to play a little before continuing their touring.

"Ah. Uhm? Oh, s-sorry. I- uh.... hehe..." Diana was so lost in herself that she didn't notice Tongqiu abruptly stop walking as she unintentionally headbutted his feeble back like a complete dummy not watching where she's going. Tongqiu utilized his whole mental strength to avoid coughing out loud or falling down right away. His back was so straight and immobile that Diana unreservedly forgot about Tongqiu's current unhealthy body.

"It- uhum. it's alright. I'm- here for- you. Ehem, ekh- Wo-... would you like me to take you by the hand so that you don't viciously attack a wall next time, eh?" As the last words were being spoken, Tongqiu extended his left hand backwards as his fingers made little wriggles, which, he didn't notice was at the perfect height to 'investigate' there. Diana's pupils constricted as an enormous flinch along a powerful ruthless and unstoppable electric jolt of high magnitudes struck her 'core'. She felt that her utmost fleshy and sensitive segments of her body be filled with a comfortable hotness as a relaxing yet tempting feeling of a current going out and around her flesh exploring in curiosity, where it never had reached before...

Tongqiu, as sharp as he can get, had never noticed a female getting wet from him just talking or acting other than Natalia. Whenever it'd happen before, well he'd never had the curiosity towards women, so he'd never looked at them even when engaging in a conversation. Who knows how many times he'd been weirder than most men or simply blunt and they... had an inch, which they were glad didn't stand out as their counterparts of their species do.

Naturally, he didn't perceived such a thing now, and so he ignorantly turned around to check on her. Seeing  her face had once again flushed albeit somewhat differently this time, he unambiguously thought she was shy or maybe didn't know how to approach such as the actual situation. So he made a few steps forwards, intending to grab her hand suggestively but then retracted such a thought and rather, assertively aimed for her waistline.

He arrived at her front, still with her head lowered, Tongqiu took the opportunity to flash a cute smile before extending his right arm before lowering it. At the same time, he got infinitely close to her before turning around abruptly yet smoothly as his right hand grazed at between her lower and upper back before softly tapping on her waistline at her right side. Then he smoothly placed his hand with the gentlest and mildest of motions, grabbing at her, successfully clawing her waistline.

Of course, he wouldn't just go way too far. He wouldn't take his hand back but at the same time, he wouldn't draw her body closer. There was approximately a 5-8 inches of distance between each others lower waist as they walked forwards, together.

Towards this crazy decision of his. She once again frowned in her own unique paramount tender way as her head shook a little in quick motions. But then her eyebrows calmed down as a hidden sense of struggle was shown in her eyes. After taking a couple dozen steps, she got used to it and no longer held a hidden struggle in within her eyes. Solely, her body warmed to his brusque yet 'polite' or rather, restrained touch; as she was no longer burdened in any way by it, as well as reaching a state of not even actually feeling his hand there as though it is supposed to be there...

As they went around the whole immense residential area, they took approximately 45 minutes in what looking inside the rooms and staying on every single one of them for a couple of minutes in silence while exchanging some words here and there and for other reasons such as Tongqiu pulled a fast one whenever Diana showed 'interest' in staying on one of the rooms which was not close enough, according to his standards. Overall, Tongqiu behaved decently as he also started treating her carefully but not with any kind of fear or as if to avoid creating misunderstandings. He rather did so as a form of enjoyment towards their time together.

At some point, Tongqiu started to let go of her supremely tantalizing toned waistline and let her wander around the rooms while he himself took a few steps around. When Diana was ready to go for another touring, she would 'wait' at position before the room's one and only exit as she purposely slowly and calmly rubbed her hands together, letting her lower torso be entirely exposed for any of his right away grabbing. This feeling of letting go casually and then of being hurried into taking 'it' back, gave Tongqiu a wholeheartedly warm feeling and unknown confidence; as if even if they were to stop contacting each other for years, her heart wouldn't do a weak change in ideals for the sake of 'remembering' him as in a form of waiting for his return, just as he felt he would do for her- knowing she would never deny him. An unexplainable mutual connection that yet neither of them had come to its complete understanding yet were thinking of at the same time. A pair of fools having the correct answer in front of them yet not considering it even once.

Overtime, the distance between their hips being of that from 5-9 inches became that of 2-5 inches. Diana would even sometimes lean her head towards the left every now and then, as Tongqiu would 'inquiringly' tilt his towards her in response whenever they engaged in conversation. Though it barely happened more than a couple of times, such a childish and simple method of 'unknown' affection drove their hearts warmer and into an ever strengthening bond.

They however didn't neglect their business talk. They talked about the type of diet Tongqiu would work on to which he flatly answered with "whatever you want me to eat" with the obvious meaning in his expressions and smiles of 'whatever you cook for me'. Which this time, shockingly, she more or less understood right away! They also went to the topics of the necessary practices to stimulate the different potential of the human body. Basically to bring it back to life from its current almost dying state. In which Tongqiu was finally aware of the deep worry coming from her, his heart warmed ever so slightly more and more without signs of ever stopping.

When having gone through most of the rooms, Tongqiu finally realized that there was not two rooms that looked the same in the entire residential area, not even a bit. Every single one of them was quite different in a certain aspect. Though it wasn't an incredible and magical-like change or a crazy amount of different colors, each change was more or less essential for each room.

Anyway, when they got closer to the rooms nearest Tongqiu's, he stopped talking much or trying to unjustly slander the condition they were in. He simply looked at her complimenting the quality of the rooms as she stole a glance from him for every such kind of compliment.

When they arrived at his own Room, noticing how insanely big -mostly wide in a circular fashion- the bed was made her immediately look back at him with a blank expression on her face, as if waiting for an answer. Tongqiu sighed bitterly there and then as he ambiguously confessed: "As a person I may not be much. Even then, I ask too much, though that doesn't produce self-shame for me. I... never want to restraint myself nor put unnecessary difficulties all around my decisions and so... hmph~ I just want you to remember that I'm not a gutless, fickle and, or, indecisive man. And that when there's a person I care for. I don't have second thoughts or hesitation. I try my best, in short."

Following his words, he turned around and left the room, heading to the main doors. While Tongqiu made his way to probably get things ready to go out, she took a little tour inside his room. When she arrived before the bed, she thought that the huge window overlooking the gorgeous pool should be one of the most attractive wonders to wake up to. It made her instinctively think of a certain person she venerated oh so much. 

Her eyes turned to that of utter shock for a few seconds as she was standing in front of the window while looking at the middle of the bed where its left side of its center was neatly done while that of its right side was made a mess. 

In a trice, her body relaxed when an understating came to her very being as a gentle, comprehensible grin formed at her lips. She stood in that position for about a minute before shaking her head and leaving the room.


Crestfallen Industry, HQ's Outpost.

It was that same entirely unique outpost that even compared to the others, it was the most attention grabbing of every single one of them.

As the shadow-like car the old man was driving arrived close to its 'gates', a military-like guard headed towards the car with steady and firm steps. Showcasing the confidence the people around him had as the protectors of such a gate, and furthermore, such a humanity's best 'holy grounds' for progress.

"Sir, may I as-" Tongqiu cut off, albeit somewhat 'sorrily' as he was with a respectable lady now, then said: "Ah, here, this silvery shiny and cute card will tell you all the secrets you're not supposed to know."

Frowning in utter confusion, the guard merely took that silver card which had blackish borders instead as he started reading. When he read the very first words "V.I.P. Crestfallen Clan" he immediately stopped even looking at the card not even bothering to know anymore so as to avoid even the slightest trace of negative emotion to be revealed in his eyes as if the card itself had a brain and hence, train of thoughts of its own; the guard's heart was already about to jump out of its chest and start slapping him hard and ruthlessly when he lightning fast threw the card back into the card. 

Now in a stance of utter respect and professionalism, the guard spoke once again: "We are honored to have you visit our outpost with the utmost sincerity, Sir! Please allow us to guide you into the Headquarters, Sir!"

Tongqiu could see that his attempt at keeping things low key was not going to happen. So he returned to his usual self and spoke again: "Bro... no need, bro, no need. Just take me and my- eh, Miss Diana here to the HQ's could you? You can leave this despicable and merciless spy over here to rot in boredom. Ah, come on Da- eh, Miss Diana."

Tongqiu's words were like getting her ears teased at every mention of her name, the ambiguous hidden meaning behind every single wording of his was like he was bluntly and ephemerally prickling temptingly into her erogenous zone -ears- in a way she couldn't comprehend. At least she understood that they had an obvious meaning, and about her at that! She was improving by the hour whenever she spent time with him, how cute.

Meanwhile, the old man in the driver seat lifted both his eyebrows in an unnoticeable manner.

"O-ooh, haha... ah, ehem, of course Mr..." at this instance, the guard regretted not having read more into the card previously, but a bona fide Tongqiu easily helped this inwardly hurting man out: "Mr Yun." with a charming smile, not for the guard of course, but to showoff towards 'Miss Diana'.

As for Miss Diana's reaction, a meaty and sonorous click of her tongue plus a beguiling rolling eyes of hers. The contrast of her uniquely white skin with a touch of bronze and golden color to it and her pure black eyes made it a killing move against Tongqiu! Unfortunately he watched, and as such, he was left in a position of that of him holding the door while his foot was lifted, ready to leave the car yet remaining still.

"Ah, ehem, Mr Yun?" Diana alerted Tongqiu again as she became aware of her unearthed potential against Tongqiu, as Tongqiu answered: "Oh! Ah, yes. Let's go, Miss Diana, waste no more time haha..."

Guard: "..."

Old Man: "..."

Tarn Diana: (◕‿◕✿)

Tongqiu: ╚(ಠ_ಠ)=┐


Walking to quite the familiar scenery path of the outpost all the way to the entrance to the main building once again, Tongqiu this time decided to enjoy it, mostly because he had the correct company now, of course. He didn't inappropriately clawed at Tarn Diana's waistline this time as he simply walked along her as close as he could without foolishly hindering each others any steps. He now had a little wooden box on his hands as he wouldn't let any other person carry such valuable and unique 'artifact'. What would he do if he truly lost his unique mask's settings? Besides, they were really nice to the touch...

As for Tarn Diana, though he wouldn't worry about her carrying it, he wasn't willing to let her carry his stuff by no reason. Besides that, she was very well enjoying his -maybe too close- company while walking among the incredible scenery of a simple path towards a building. It fascinated her how well treated are VIPs when it comes to the Crestfallen Industry's standards. As for what Tongqiu's status was in all this? She would never ask something completely unrelated to her even if that other person seemed to be interested in her and would have an advantage of knowledge from such person, let alone of someone she esteems highly, such as Tongqiu. In truth, it was the fact that it was Tongqiu's things that she not only not wanted to ask him about it at all but instead wanted to be told by him, on his own accord. Ah, but it was a bit too early to think of it now, taking Tongqiu's past history of clumsiness and previous ignorance into consideration. Anyways, she could patiently wait by then. Even though she still didn't understand completely from where or why such urges would occasionally arise from the bottom her heart.

Unknown to Diana's expectations, as well as his, Tongqiu and Diana finally made their way through the Crestfallen HQ's main doors.



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