Bow and Arrow

Chapter 5 — Lore, Walking the Walk

Lore, Walking The Walk


An image of a cruel, massive battlefield was shown into the minds of all the players. Though it was all blurry and truly impossible to discern anything at all.

A voice suddenly emerged, it was majestic, grand and powerful. And as it talked, new images -this time close-ups- where being shown one after another. However, even these images were extremely distorted and barely had any real time to take notice of them, except that they were cruel, extremely cruel, bloody and nonsensical.

"The Myriad races have had all been unquestionably enlisted to face off all the Demons, [Demon Race]; for all Demons are the source of Unending Wars from the past, the same ones who became the nightmare of any Race in the Universe. Needless deaths and countless terror along atrocities; they're the cause of all unknown  erased history from the myriad races, as well as the pitiful current state of the remaining ones. To completely dispose of all darkness, from the always-foggy mysterious damage they've caused, and that included the new-coming, the "Journeyers", the Demons must be exterminated. Coming from a distant place, to keep the hearts of men and women, children and elderly at ease."

"We, your 'guiding voices' as you'll have the honor to call us, have done their last to summon an enormous amount of reinforcements to fend off against such evil. Now, it is your obligation to obey in exchange of power; only then would the operation of the Demon Race extermination be infallible. Finally leading to the Main Kingdom complete, utter peace!"

Even though the voice was unquestionably like a God's, its tone was commanding, derisive and disdainful to surprisingly high levels. Totally disregarding the ones the voice and supposedly others' sacrificed 'their last' for.

Nonetheless, everything went all black again, and players found themselves sitting in what seemed to be an immense classroom. Except, it was at least 100 meters large and 25 meters wide. And in front of them, there was an instructor-like person in waiting for all of the players in the room to wake up. Once everyone was up in the room, the big doors at the side were opened and many other players who were still in an asleep state were being carefully carried in wooden wheelchair to what seemed to be other doors, hence 'classrooms'. The room that Tongqiu was at, was then being lectured for about that of 10 to 15 minutes of the things in consideration to the 'world' they've been called from.

Basically, there is some kind of royalty here. A 'planet', although known to be one, are rather called [Kingdoms]. And the one they were called to was the [Main Kingdom], which among all Kingdoms it was the most acknowledged and respected as well as feared of them all. However, as for other Kingdoms, it is said that it was way too long ago when they either lost communication or forgot the way to communicate with them completely. Ever since then, they've been living in a constant peaceful -> bathed in flames of war to --> peaceful yet again non-stop periods of time. As for within the Kingdoms. Each Kingdom has multiple Regions, which are the largest land territory lorded over by Emperors. Within each Region, there is 1 Divisions, being the Main Division where the Emperor's territory resides within. And within each Division, there is 4 lower sub-divisions which take over the obligation to protect and rule over the citizens of smaller cities of the ones at every Division; as well as managing affairs that are not important enough for a Main Division to meddle in. From which, City Lords are the leaders with the highest authority, even if royalty where to appear, they'll have to treat them with utter respect and formalities.

 It wasn't until almost 2,000 years ago that there's been from priests to Knights of the royalty which would occasionally have dreams of an imminent danger. At first, in the initial 100 to 200 years, it was barely a commotion. The only remarkable result of such 'dreamers' was that their every death was the same cruel, gruesome and man-eating kind of death.

When such occurrences were drawn all the way to more than two hundred years without stopping. It finally got to the ears of the Emperors all over the Main Kingdom, and decided to try any kind of message or hint left by possible other Kingdoms in the past, of course. Everything was but futile, the only thing they got from those 'dreamers' is that each time one had a starting event, they'll go crazy over how the Demons have been unchecked for far too long, and hiding would definitely end up well for them once they decided to carnage through Main Kingdom once again. 

Time passed, and when it was 1,500 years ago from the moment they were being lectured about the recent history in Main Kingdom, they finally managed to have a slight contact with those who gave dreams to their people. They learned about the existence of the Demon Race and their unimaginable capabilities to bring chaos and terror without a single thought of pity. But in the Main Kingdom there was no sign of them, not in recent history at least, so they had no possible way to know about them in any way. Hence, the short message from the dreams did all it could to be delivered successfully. They were told that Demons are the cause of their 'disconnection' and that in the distant past, were also the cause of most bloodshed and extermination through All Myriad Races. Successfully inducing complete fear in their every hearts of the races at Main Kingdom.

Ever since then, Main Kingdom had been a nervous almost sleepless search for them, their manpower and resources every time were becoming more and more scarce, yet, hundreds and hundreds of years kept on passing by and there was no longer any sign of the evildoers for their whole lives. From generation to generation, from bards singing, painters describing the "Demon Terror" and soldiers making a vow to exterminate them and bring Main Kingdom and the Myriad Races their well deserved peace as their one and only life goal.

Once all history stuff was finally told, the players were lead to another huge, immense area where only figures were in front of them in an elevated stage, there was nothing else but those three figures sitting on steel chairs, the one at the center and the very front was an old, experienced man and with clear yet stern eyes. Behind him to his right was a feminine young looking male, so slim that if he had breast protruding out he would've been taken as beautiful and charming as the woman behind the old man to his left. He was black-haired and while his features were surely feminine and carried a trace of such character too, his eyes demonstrated depth in which an observant person could make out a resolute determination, just as much as his aura was bearing an extremeness of decency and strength. The woman -behind the old man to his left-, however, was red-haired and her bosom was modest but her waist was definitely a child bearing perfect shape. Undoubtedly charming, but there was a reason even the feminine man was quite distanced from her seat, as well as the old man's. Her face exuded nothing but a casual and easy-going aura, so it was a wonder why there was such peculiarity. Her eyes were big, darkest grey colored and her lips were quite soft yet elastic looking even from afar with a pale-pink touch on them.

Time passed fast and when the immense 1 km area was finally filled, the old man stood up which made those two behind him to follow as well so as to line up with him as he spoke.

"Greetings Journeyers, name's Alexys Forgchirch, I'm the General Chief in Command of the Bright Sunset Region, the Region you've been brought forth to. As for below that, it is the Mystical Beast Division; and currently, you are all closer to the Azure Dragon Sub-Division in that Division. Understood?"

No one talked, but there was instead a tacit agreeing atmosphere filled with silence. Alexys Forgchirch nodded casually and stepped back towards his seat, then after pondering for a moment he just sit down and allowed the other two to continue.

The woman was the one to speak next first "Hello brave and young heroes and heroines! I'm called Faouzia Dirnn. My rank is instead a little lower..."

She smiled sweetly and even her eyes contained a charming touch "I'm the Lieutenant General and I'll be the one in charge of the Azure Dragon Sub-Division, if you choose to stay, we may even be able to see each other often."

At the end of her speech, she gave a playful wink as she somewhat sensually turned around to also sensually sit down, slowly. The young looking man, without looking at her merely rolled his eyes in annoyance and helplessness, as he said "That, please forgive the rudeness, she just can't help it when she is seen by so many at the same time..."

He didn't need to look back to know she was about to reveal her murderous, warmonger side so he instantly stepped forward to the edge of the stage and presented himself: "Rather, hello I'm Hetiss Dirnn and I'm merely Brigadier General, so please let us just continue with our final words towards you all, you aren't the only ones after all. Oh that's right, I'll be the second in command here in Sub-Division Azure Dragon, basically her secretary and since we are obliged to definitely not let you in the dark to such matter; we hence have to tell you all this." 

Finishing his sincere speech, he turned around and elegantly walked back to his seat before accommodating himself comfy yet uprightly enough.

At this point, Alexys Forgchirch stood up and without moving away from his seat he concluded: "I won't waste much time with you, since you all aren't the only dipshits I have to deal with, I'll make it short. Once you arrive to the next room, select your weapon and once again go to the next room from that. You'll see an extremely beautiful woman with deep-blue hair color. Tell her to send you to any place you want, from a forest, to a desert, and even hell if you'd like, but either way it'll be close to a village where you'll be able to start your journey towards strength; of course you have to find your way there. Oh, and I'd advice you all to behave, otherwise do as you wish but losing your balls would be the best of thing that could happen to you; of which many may very well happen. This is for both sexes, now get the fuck out of here you slow fuckers!"

Somewhat bemusedly, all players looked at each other as they made their way to the only visible door that wasn't from the same as the one they came from, and sure enough once they started moving out, another group of countless players were heard from the door where they came from, kinda inciting them to go out on their way faster.


Tongqiu was browsing through the weapons, there were quite a lot, truly a lot; but since he was recommended to go for an archer profession, he went into a search for a bow or even a crossbow. He first found a crossbow and found it hella boring, so he right away left it behind, where other players were instead amused and excited to select. Then he finally found a bow, which he liked the design of. When he got to the bow he actually got an immense interest in such architecture. It was absurdly ordinary but it draw his attention like it was Ellie laying naked in bed for him along with a shy Cindy covering her eyes while lying in the same bed, it was extraordinary.

He picked up, but instantly his face fell. The bow... was empty, that's all he felt. But he didn't just gave up, after all such an advanced game that could even get into your brain to give you delusions of world-dimensional travel was no joke or mistake. He pulled the string and sure enough, he felt quite the synergy he had with such action, the string was but his mere veins moving along his wishes, his every thought and all but every single pore and atom of his being.

But it was still empty. Disappointment in face, and a feeling of his soul leaving his body begets him as he lowers the bow that all players seems to treat as a normal bastard sword or ordinary knife they see. As he went  on to look randomly instead.

Players were all chatty when browsing a weapon, and when some arrived to the next room to meet the beautiful deep blue-haired woman which astounded them to no equal degree as before in their entire lives, but sobered up assuming her innocent and extremely cute appearance was but the calm before the storm, should any one of them go ahead and 'try it'. They first wondered whether they could go to their fist zone as a group, which the deep blue-haired woman answered that as long as they all agree and think together the same place with the same people of their group and themselves, she'll be able to effortlessly do it, but only up to 7 people, those are the rules.

Immediately all players that were kinda lonely but not rejecting any form of interaction started to mingle, somewhat anxiously which made it worse for themselves and took a long time to find a party while some others were quite charismatic and managed to get a party easily. Of course, maybe most things that people liked was the fact that sex between players was the same as actual physical sex on their real bodies. It was even able to produce the same motions and sensations than if it were in person to person, not just some stimulation in the right zones... so charismatic and handsome people couldn't get a no so easily even if they wanted to, the thrill of not being caught if you were taken or to take anyone you could was the young and even matured players best form of excitement at any moment. Of course, you couldn't alter your appearance, you could only use a mask or veil to hide your ugliness or perfect picture face. The only physical change from the real world was if you put quite some point between STR and DEX, you'll get a much slimmer and toned body, but quite limited to the one in real life, never going to big changes in appearance. As for WIS and INT, there would be an almost visible aura that denominates an intelligent, capable and sage-like person anywhere, with the right amount of them both. As for REC, it'll only give you some good 'plump' sides here and there, specially muscles but these effects are even lesser and more limited than that of STR and DEX.

Some tried to bring Tongqiu to their side but he wouldn't even look at them, even when one of them was flashing their genitals to him -female of course-, which astounded everyone who was still without a complete party or a lesser one at least.

Time passed, probably 15 minutes and Tongqiu calculated it was almost time for the next group to come. He didn't noticed it but, the deep-blue haired woman was watching him ever so intensely once he was really the only one left. At some point she just decided to go towards him.

"Hey, little sheep, picking your weapon won't define your profession nor your future growing strength, so, you can pick as you fucking wish and stop making me look at you as if you were my prince, don't you think?"

Tongqiu was softly grazing his right hand against a normal-looking shield, he had the half right of his back and the back of his head towards her, then suddenly stopped moving and after a second of stillness he turned around to face her, glaring right into her eyes, her deep blue oceanic eyes that would sometimes become clearer and some other times would resume their deep-blue color everywhere except her pupils.

"Well, since you are so devotedly waiting for me I'll just choose these pair of Gladius swords, how about it? Sweety?" He talked back to her, politely and kindly, though his words were blatantly flirtobvious. 

The woman, or rather, mature looking girl found herself a little speechless. She then proceeded to widen her eyes on purpose and got close to his face, approximately 30 cm before his. "How about you just tell me where you want to go? Yes? Then maybe I can follow you secretly, who know what could happen in the middle of nowhere, am I right?"

Unshakable, Tongqiu rather even went as far as to touch his nose as if 'in accident' from his sudden movement forward before retracting barely a couple of centimetres, before speaking with this time not only polite and kindly, but also with a magnetic voice "I rather have you make me follow you into a journey through the hills when the sun is starting to hide, but your real womanliness is purely mine."

She didn't said anything back, only smiling sweetly and ignorantly back at him, but before she had any ideas to talk back, Tongqiu spoke first.

"It is a nice way to die, no? A beauty like that, with a body that is just to my liking. Dying in your arms is but otherworldly, eh?" He kept on speaking as he was caressing one of the Gladius he chose, both of them were twins with an obvious perfect-steel color on them, there were some designs of two thick lines going from the base of the sword through the edge in a straight line. And he was bleeding his five finger tips from his right hand as he spoke.

"May I know your name?" He asked.

"Tornyllia, no last name." She answered with her head and chin high, almost pointing at his nose, yet without her knowing, it was extremely provocative.

Tongqiu's eyes sparkled intensely for a second in understanding after hearing her out. Then he said "Please send me to a forest, I'd like to see one from this world."

She merely nodded but her eyes slightly narrowed while looking down, she was a bit sad and a bit disappointed, but it wasn't anything she hadn't felt before so she just lifted her left hand and made a graceful gesture while clear azure colored energy, somewhat looking like watery flames, revolved around her hand.

Tongqiu saw this, and smirked kindly. He gently opened his mouth and spoke in a soft voice which he'd only had the opportunity to use three times in the last decades, as he left "Tongqiu." 



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