Bow and Arrow

Chapter 7 — Gearing Up!

Gearing Up!


As his seemingly non-ending of killing a few Wild Murderous Boar, resting up for some 10 minutes to slowly recuperate his HP and then once again find another victim that separated from the rest, took Tongqiu about that of 2 hours. Fortunately, before the two Reinforced Gladius Swords were done for he was able to level up to LV2 and farm another 2 gold coins. Once again deciding to put 4 intro STR, 3 into REC and 1 each for DEX and LCK.

Character: Tongqiu

Race: Human — Innate Race Talents: Adaptability, Racial Reproductive Wonder, Warmonger — Race Ability: Union

Level: 2

Class: None

Basic attributes: STR: 20, DEX: 10, LCK: 10, REC: 10, WIS: 2, INT: 2, DET: 3, Luck: 3, Charm: 3

Association: None, Money: 0

HP: 135

MP: 65

Stamina: 115 

Attack Power: 80

Magic Power: 14

Physical Defense: 15, Magical Defense: 6

Hit Rate: 15%, Dodge Rate: 5%

Critical Hit Rate: 5%, Pierce  Rate: 3%

Attack Speed: 100%, Movement Speed: 101%

Core Elemental Resistance: Fire: 0%, Water: 0%, Earth: 0%, Wind: 0%, Lightning: 0%

Skills: None

Once reaching 10th stat he, as expected, got the small little bonuses for each stat. But he had no weapon anymore and not even enough money to get more. The only possible option for someone in that situation was to simply look for a party, but, who would give a damn fuck towards an useless leech? Could they go faster with a leech? Even if he was tasty? Of course he may just be 'used' and then scared away if he was an easy-to-take advantage coward.

'Which reminds me... how come that guy didn't come back? I'm pretty sure i gave him the scare of his life but even then, he should've definitely have come back at some point.'

While he was thinking in a somewhat unnecessary unimportant matter, all little boars started trembling around the Wild Murderous Boar hunting area. Now hunting, thanks to Tongqiu. Which he obviously noticed right when he was about to take a look at his hands. Henceforth his attention was seized by a loud. vulgar snorting-breathing- an animal's.

Wild Murderous Boar trembling all over the arrival of such big ass cow was not undeserved after all, it was a gigantic bull-like beast. Immense curved horns to each side of its head, and even an extra one that seemed to come from its neck going all the way above its head, aiming at the direction of where it looked at that moment. 

'Oooh, am I going to fight, that?'

He kept a fixed glare at the bull-like beast in front of him.

[Alpha Ferocious Bull]: Type: Beast, Grade: 1 Star Elite, Level: 6, HP: 500. As the supervising leader of the surrounding territory, it takes care of its own in the most brutal of ways, even more so for humans more than any other race.

'Oh, I am!!'

Without an instant of delay he took out the 'Self-Harming Dagger' he stabbed once his left hand but nothing happened, immediately after he stabbed his right hand, as deep as the stab done in the left hand. As if provoked, the Alpha Ferocious Bull instantly made its charge towards Tongqiu.

Ping... 'Self-Harming Dagger' 's effect +15%  Hit Rate, +5% Attack Power. -5, -5.

Instantly, his Attack Power went from 80 to 84. Pretty bullshit but that wasn't the point of it, his hit rate went another 15% up, giving him an entire 30% Hit Rate!

Towards an enemy not only more than 3 levels higher than himself, but also a special mob unit, that was quite a lot although not enough to ensure a successful hit a 5 of 10.

Its speed was obviously much more than that of those little boars, but even then its speed wasn't that fast that Tongqiu wouldn't even be able to take it! Knowing he would only have his fists, kicks and even head -if required- to fight a beast whose skin was countless times more tough than that PingPong Master idiot's defense that he killed earlier. 

As the bull was about to reach into him, he jumped, shocking him for a moment before he made a quick jump dashing to the side in his best effort. As the bull fell down, Tongqiu was already a few meters away from its calculated area of effect. 

The bull fell down and when it was barely starting to feel dizzy and couldn't move nor see clearly, at that moment however, Tongqiu was already swinging his fists at its left back leg!

-4, -3, -5, MISS, -1, -1, MISS, MISS, MISS

As far a he could tell, where he about to stay and try to kill it, it'll take a long damn while. 

Nonetheless, he did.

So he gave a ruthless kick to impulse himself backwards, -4.

The Alpha Ferocious Bull finally stood up and it slowly made its way towards Tongqiu. Understanding that the animal decided to not used that again in the short time being, he prepared himself to what was seemingly a very likely defeat consisting in him being impaled by those obvious-to-notice three horns all around its head.  Tongqiu wasn't a boxer, let alone martial artist so he could only put both his fists in front of him, his right fist in front of the center of his collar bone while his left fist closer to his face. His idea was crazy, but simple. Make use of its horns to grab onto them, those two at the side at least, and affect its direction when charging towards hitting something hard, preferably a solid boulder or a big tree, even those wandering Wild Murderous Boars that where coming to aid in the fight would vastly help him just as well.

Even then, he knew that wasn't the only way of the Alpha Ferocious Boar to attack him, so he rather got into a position ready to dash away from it head- or rather 'hornbutts'. The bull, getting increasingly enraged, kept on missing and missing on striking down Tongqiu successfully, it may be fast when it was charging but its total agility wasn't that much better than Tongqiu in real life. So naturally he was able to deal with it in such a way, the only problem were those Wild Murderous Boars getting increasingly closer, inching towards him slowly as if waiting for their leader to decide whether or not they'll allow them to fight the piece of human garbage that just moments ago was slaughtering their kin.

Their 'leader' however, was way too much proud of an idiotic animal beast so it of course wouldn't willingly accept any kind of help when facing an enemy, so they were declined. 

Tongqiu's method was simple, after all even if it had more than one way of attacking like charging and headbutting, it was but a LV6 special mob, so nothing really impactful was coming from it, not even having  a real skill for an example. So he dashed somewhat shakily at first, then started hitting its head aiming specially to its eyes. The first few minutes were all about getting almost fucked by its horns thanks to his not experienced fighting and unused to his 'new body' in the virtual world- vastly differing from his real one in capacity. 

Towards the time where the Alpha Ferocious Bull was 350 HP, he was finally able to easily dodge but still quite not perfectly so, which made him lose many opportunities to hit its head or legs. And whenever the bull started to charge like crazy and Tongqiu got a hold of its horns he would suffer some minor damage, merely -5, he was able to use it so that he could get some easy kills from the Wild Murderous Boars in the surroundings which he got full experience points for making him quite glad. But not being able to regenerate his HP, it was quite the drastic circumstances when the fight kept on going endlessly. Fortunately, this time it seemed no one was coming here. Furthermore, Tongqiu was already on guard his whole time towards any possible need of reaction if any sneak attack came aiming at him, so he just 'felt safe with himself' and kept on fighting.

The effect of the Self-Harming Daggers ran out twice, forcing him to take distance and mutilate himself again and again to keep on having his attacks not being negated, running down his hp to that of 67 HP thanks to the also injuring acts of holding onto its horns.

At some point, the Alpha Ferocious Bull's bar HP was reduced down to 251, 50%. At that moment, the bull stopped attacking while Tongqiu fell a bad premonition so he 'bersekingly' punched the neck of the now roaring to the skies huge animal. Nothing happen even after it stopped roaring, with its head still looking up and neck quite easy to punch though, so he didn't stop for one second. While all the little Wild Murderous Boars where either mostly dead or too far away from his fight for him to care.

The Alpha Ferocious Boar's bar HP reached 125, but it was at that moment that it made a 180 a ran a few meters before charging back at him, however, this time it jumped and was going to actually successfully smash into meat paste the poor little human figure, Tongqiu didn't even think for a second letting his instincts be the deciding factor of his impossible escape. He put his feet together on the ground and made a slightly crouching-bending over position before tapping the ground with his feet, it wasn't enough force or else by the time he accumulated enough strength to his legs his jump would only let half his body be away from the rapidly crushing down bull's body, ending him. He rather performed a flexible and soft tap with much less power which allowed him to completely avoid being smashed to shit, but it wasn't that simple as the shock waves from that huge stupid animal reached him and crudely sent him flying.



He took obvious damage, even if it was from the shock wave it was already big enough to take 1/4 of his bar HP at once, and it definitely didn't help that much now that he had about 67 hp, downing it all the way to 29HP!

The bull received obvious damage as well, downing his bar HP all the way down to 80 as well. No one was exempted from such all-out final move from the bull thanks to Tongqiu.

When he was about to get down to business, this time in fury, again; he noticed a slightly bumping hump over the distance, not visible by some rocks and trees on the way, but merely seconds later, the figure revealed was another gigantic bull! Staring fixedly at it, Tongqiu checked what it was.

[Alpha Bull's Queen]: Type: Beast, Grade: 1 Star Elite, Level: 5, HP: 350. As the female toy partner of the Alpha Ferocious Bull, this 'queen' depends entirely on its master-like partner to become stronger, but forever weaker than itself.

Tongqiu's eyes despaired a little with slightly widened eyes.

'How could this happen to me~?!'

There was nothing else, no other choice; try and fight to die or win, or rather just run away. The second seemed more tempting as it had such a stress-free relieving of nerves and tense muscles, but the first option was to end it all at that point. However if he died, others may even come before him and slay them, even if all of them almost died as long as they have a full party they may be able to get the Alpha Ferocious Bull with low HP, that'll be enough to boost them up! And about winning... he really didn't think much of himself, how could he do it?

At this moment, his straight standing body suddenly was suddenly arched forwards a little, then he turned his head. At the moment he did so though, already well prepared, he lowered his body quite a lot and dashed in a jump -imitating the bull's charge' towards a certain white-clothed figure behind a tree. 

He tackled the figure down and had to sat on the figure's abdomen to keep it at bay, while his right hand was cruelly grasping the figure's neck though not too tight, enough so that if it moves it's easy to hurt them. 

But at that moment, he saw the figure was completely defenseless and had not a single action of taking defense and getting out of such a peril situation. He saw a mask and extremely beautiful cinnamon-honeyed colored clear eyes that were surprised and scared yet with a such an unshakable will that didn't move for a motive. He looked the figure's body around and as soon as he directed down his gaze he more or less, as any other human being with a sense of beauty and carnal emotions, got stirred up one way or another.

She wore a bride-like A-Line dress with long sleeves entirely white colored. Her quickly yet stable breathing allowed her modest but perky breasts to move non-stop, outlining her complete torso more and more; she had a delicate slim figure, though not that much and in fact, was quite fit, some abdominal worthy muscles were even noticeable through the dress, which made his gaze wonder how the rest of her body would look like, even though he could not see anything at all, he was sure her bottom part of her body was anything but 'immature'. He looked back at her and finally noticed the strangely white lion-like mask with graceful decorations like that of a lion's mane but in an effeminate shape as well as looking like a bridal veil only around her hair. The front face of the mask was like the small face of a White Lion roaring in anger with its mouth grotesque, but had two small little holes to see through where one close enough like him -1 inch from her face- could delight at seeing her eyes. In contrast with the ferocious, gallant looking mask, it seemed rather extremely adorable, tender and cute.

"Ah." She realized he wasn't being so hostile anymore, so she extended her hand.

"W-W-wanna be a party? I'll help you, okay? Just make sure to not die in front of me after such a fight, okay?" she started talking somewhat absentminded, but as she continued, she began to feel more courageous with this violent but highly observant man in front of her. Then, after pondering for a few a little of moments, she timidly and bashfully added "Oh! If there's anything that I can use... could-... you please give it to me?" 


Tongqiu sensed a spark igniting withing him. Such a sense was nothing like before. Not even the proud small-mountained breasts of dear Ellie where so effective against dear little Tongqiu. Not even Cindy's innocence and sudden devotion was as captivating for our small inexperienced Tongqiu. As this. 

He immediately sent an invitation towards her, while looking slightly above he head, reading 'Yunalesca'.

He spent a few tens of seconds looking between her name and her mask, or rather, beautiful pure eyes. Which made her tense and alert, not because of his gaze, nor his reaction but the male and female lovebirds coming from behind him were already only a dozen of meters away from them, she would also like to keep looking at him, of course, but first deal with the problem at hand no?

Tongqiu seemed to notice something, he turned around and simply charged back at them, stunning Yunalesca quite the lots as she could only reflexively lift both her hands facing downwards as she started to conjure a spell to heal him. 

What Tongqiu first got notice of, was her LV7 with an extremely unique icon right at the side of her nickname above her head. Thus figured that not only is she to have had a 'found something somewhere' or a special quest, but much more. 

Without questioning nor overthinking it, he rapidly moved towards another direction where it wouldn't affect Yunalesca in the slightest, all while receiving a healing spell, only one.

+200, +200

Astounded, as well as glad, Tongqiu then was about to make a charge at the incoming Alpha Ferocious Bull that was taking the lead, obviously the Alpha Bull's Queen was obviously much slower than it in speed, even in charge mode. As he was about to, he received another notification.

Ping... skill 'Ambiguous Tough Will' +40%Physical and Magical Defense. Becoming even more confident, he launched himself at the bull taking a hold of its horns.

-2, -3

Easily deducting the damage taken from just holding its horns he right away directed its aimless charge towards the female bull's direction. At that moment, he felt something and looked towards Yunalesca without losing control of the Alpha Ferocious Bull. He saw her lift her left arm in the air pointing at the sky. while her right hand danced about in front of her chest. Practically in an instant, a spear-like shining white light shot towards the Alpha Bull's Queen, impaling her downwards its partner right in the head, while Tongqiu made a swift jump impulsing his body from the bull's hump, he saw -in the middle of the air- how the bar HP of both 1 Star Elite mobs were almost disintegrated in an instant. The only survivor from the attack being the female bull now kingless, while she only had a couple of dozen HP points left.

Once Tongqiu landed on the ground, he rolled towards the female bull to directly bombard her at fists and kicks until the last bit of her HP points went to 0.

Ping! Congratulations, you've successfully killed the 1 Star Elite, LV6, [Alpha Ferocious Bull], as a reward SP+3, Fame+3.

Ping! Congratulations, you've successfully killed the 1 Star Elite, LV5, [Alpha Bull's Queen], as a reward SP+3, Fame+3.


Normally, for 1 Star Elite one gains SP and Fame equal to x1 of the mob's LV. But since it was a party and Yunalesca participated, she got exactly half of it, while uneven numbers like 5 take precedence on the higher value for all members.

Exhausted, he sat down in-between the two now dead love birds who've terrorized him for so long. He learnt his lesson, not going to fight ever again without a weapon, much so without skills as well. Since gore stat was still there, he checked for Yunalesca and suddenly noticed in her behavior that she also had gore settings on. Thumping up in his heart in honor, he stood up to look for the spoils of battle as Yunalesca reached behind him to tip-toe a little, allowing him to do the search himself.

He found.

[Oceanic Fanged Dagger]: Type, One-Handed Dagger, Equipment Requirements: LV5, Grade: Valuable(Light Blue), Attributes: +15 Attack Power, +25 Magic Power, WIS+3.

[Horn of the Alpha Bull](x3): Type: Item Material, Grade: Valuable(Light Blue), Effect: Extremely sharp and sturdy. Find a blacksmith, let him or her do the wonders.

[Hide of the Bull's Queen]: Type: Item Material, Grade: Valuable(Light Blue), Effect: Somewhat tough but definitely soft and luxurious, if used well it can become really flexible and tough.

[Minor Heart of a Beast](x2): Type: Item Material, Grade: Powerful(Dark Blue), Effect: If prepared by the right experts, it can give a tremendous boost in stats.


There wasn't any useful equipment for him. He understood that the female bull drop was shit and the male bull's drop kinda okay, fucked up.

"It's okay, see  those hides and hearts? All yours." As if she could understand his crestfallen emotions, she lightly embraced his shoulders from behind, as she softly grasped his arms to comfort him, she continued "Oh, but that dagger's mine, too pretty, you're pudgy to be using such delicate dagger or you'll break it! Hehe."

'At least I can get some NPC to craft me a modest gear.'

As she was naughtily behaving right after comforting him, he felt frivolous as he turned slightly around, enough to not move around much to keep that embracing position, but still able to take a good close look at her front directly. He slowly raised his hands to cup her little chin as he smiled deviously, saying "Your too naughty, you have to win it by yourself."  

Yunalesca merely stuck out her small, little rosy-red tongue as she rebuked him "I basically saved you and then even aided you to kill them, you're just trying to take advantage of my pure and innocence, you big meany!"

Tongqiu was left astound for a moment, it seems like he underestimated this little chick. He picked it up and pretentiously gentlemanly gave it to her "Oh, that's but the truth, I feel so ashamed, please accept my gift as an apology."

He grabbed the blade of the dagger on purpose, and as Yunalesca 'innocently' wen to grab the handle that was glued to his wrist he took a step forward and his other free hand took her soft waist ever so smoothly as he tilted his head close to her left as he said "Thank you, for helping me."



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