Bow and Arrow

Prologue and Preface


Hello, this is my first novel ever, well, writing to be more exact. I'm not a chatty person so I'll just keep it short.

I'm a huge fan of some chinese novels, hence why this novel will not only have some characters coming from different ethnicity, but also the MC is from such a family as well. In other words, I'm quite influenced by them so I intend to honor them as I can in my first 'writing' ever and I hope no one finds it unacceptable .

This world, this universe I'm trying to show to you (because I've already created it, well prepared) works in many different ways because of a reason, reason that you'll have to read the story to know about... or maybe not... but also one where our MC becomes something he never thought of, at least for someone whose only thought in life is to wait how it ends.

It's a slow grow I can warn you all for sure and is also not a happy novel. Of course it won't have disgusting stuff like Netorare/se and the like, but what I'm saying is that it won't be an easy pill to take.

Take notices of this, it's gonna be a "long" ride.



"Understood?" Mom asked.

"Yea, just send me the addresses and and I'll do my best to not get lost in the way. I'll even try to call a taxi!" 


"So- I have to leave, got nothing to do and it's really problematic if I postpone it for too long, byee~" He said amiably as he just ended the call then threw the phone to the ground with force; well, his little force, towards a wall with but a casual face. He stopped in motion, thinking of how much trash he could get and he has gotten since the separation from his 'family'- from them.


New Earth, 1987, a sadly cloudy day in Nascent Herb City.

In a modest apartment, a man in a sofa was watching the smaller than regular TV's with complete focus and with highly skilled and experienced observant  eyes.

"So, Mr Kay... uh K. Cr-" It was obvious that the interviewer was slightly nervous and even his eyes showed a clear sight of utter respect and admiration to no ends.

"Haha, just call me CEO or Crestfallen if you'd like, but I like being called KC the most so don't hesitate as well." A middle aged man that looked quite humble and had the charm, answered.

"O-oh, haha, Mr Crestfallen is really kind, we're immensely glad to have you honor us with this interview, I... I-I-" The interviewer seemed to recuperate himself, but just a few seconds afterwards he became dumb again, it was obvious he got fan girl troubles.

"HAHAHA, it's alright kid, listen, even if a person is standing before someone whom is undoubtedly formidable, as long as one inches downwards their back just once, it's enough to put that person to shame and take advantage of the slightest disposition so let me help you a little." With KC, having a strict yet encouraging speech with a kind face but magnetic voice, this was but the norm whenever he was willing to give "teachings" to anyone. Probably not his little brother, but surely anyone else is fine.

"The reason I'm now launching Rising Essence, is not only because is ready or because is an opportune moment for humanity at least not entirely." He makes a dramatic pause, then continues. "It is because of destiny, mostly that is."

"A-ah. De-destiny? But Mr. Crestfallen, how is it possible d-did- did y-... ehem, are you hinting perhaps, that Rising Essence was already ready some time ago?" The interviewer asked with an incredibly astonished wide-eyed face.

"Not just some time ago, it was 300 years ago, it's destiny I tell you, [Destiny]."

Befuddled, the interviewer took a few seconds to re-compose himself while listening to the commands from the higher-ups from his very well hidden communicator. He gulped down somewhat dryly with his mouth, clearly empty,  and continued his interview. "Then, Mr Crestfallen, what kind of... destiny are we talking here about?"

"The necessary one."  

With a big smile, KC took a last meaningful glance at Kim Choi, the interviewer, then took his leave in a carefree and energetic manner.



Somewhat out of it, the man watching this in the sofa at the modest apartment simple took the control remote and turned it off. 

'I guess too much shit 'bout destiny for today was really not good. Damn coincidences.' He said while putting down then throwing in the trash the 'in-bad-shape' scissor awfully cutting his arm with his other hand. 

He himself knew how unnecessary and truly idiotic such actions were, yet he did them nonetheless, for no reason. He just always does the same... Ever since then. Just as a little kid would cry over and over for things that he or she may not even understand a damn nothing for. Just as damn senseless as he's become.



He moved to his bedroom, then with clothes in hand and towel at his shoulders, he moved to the bathroom. His 20 cm long hair was becoming more and more of a problem while showering, while thinking about cutting it all off clean, but never giving the care to even think twice about it he just started showering.

Once he was done, with his right hand moving with the towel to dry himself, looking at his body in the mirror with a lifeless and same as always indifferent glance. A body with a lot of fat in some parts but not too excessive, however his tummy was the most obvious, it was clearly a fat belly and whenever he thought of it again, he'll felt a kind of suffocation in the sides of his ribs, just to feel even worse about it but still clearly not give a damn care about it, as always.

He moved into the bedroom once again and put any clothes on, the horrible fashion of this man was something that even those thousands of years ago from where Earth was still a war planet, would find as a rare innovation leading towards the most tasteless of colors and combinations, truly horrifying, a sight to behold in awe.

Earth, as it was known was destroyed; destroyed by war, not in one sole nuclear bombing kind of dipshit's generic game writer's imagination. It was actually the same old soldiers moving around with vehicles of any kind to nourish the land of complete utter garbage, one way or another. While making it even more exciting when animal's stampede became a normal thing anywhere, even in peaceful and war-free cities, let alone the poor villagers who died while waking up or the tribes thinking the gods where sending them a trial, or punishment. Even more horrifying was the sea itself chewing at any places on earth close to it, drawing it down to the deepest parts of the ocean itself. And if that wasn't enough, the true 'last standing' of earth itself was when a commonly seen missile flying through the air didn't explode at first impact but instead 'mistakenly' hit a spot that no one knew of, could trigger a chain in explosions of a large area, eventually hitting some very not safe unseen material, making it go all the way down to the core of the earth and start the massively destruction of Earth itself.

If it wasn't because a century before that, a family became renown for their amazing intellect, knowledge and advancement in technology, managing to 'secretly' build thousands of ships that managed to bring with them only 9 billion people, leaving 4 billion of them to agonizingly die in the soon to become another sun-looking planet along Mars. However, it was at that moment, where everyone thought they'll have that movie-like life of spending 100 years in a space ship to finally go down to repopulate the world like heroes, that an oval shaped half grey and half gold-yellow was seen moving at fast speeds towards Earth, at that moment everyone could clearly see it, which meant that it was at least half the size of the moon that was also victim of Humanity hundreds of years before Earth's destruction.

In any case, it approached what was seemingly the core of the Earth, the core that was also seemingly being torn apart as if suffering a thousand cuts per second, what happened next was something that almost all of them would forget once woken up in their new sci-fi filled beds; they could swear they heard the mourning howls of the earth of the core, making everyone understand the final pain brought by its own inhabitants, it's own children. Then the previously oval-shaped half moon sized object seemingly entered the core, the next second it happened as if it had finally stabilized itself in within it, an explosive azure, clear, bright blue emanated out of it as if large amounts of 'dust'-like energy were being massively ordered out in formation of cylinders shouting out from there. All the 'dust' managed to form a kind of circle, which they'd say it reminded them of a magical, runic or even cult-like circle. Then time stopped, the dust, the universe, the star ships... themselves, they were just... immobile, but alive. And from the completely still universe, an aura of silver seemed to come out of the very center of the core of the Earth, and while such was happening, an immense golden colored flame was making circles in the shape of the core but 30 times larger in diameter. Then they all fell on the floor of the star ship and many by many, they all started closing their eyes, except for a few selected individuals who not only saw it, but managed to resist the incredible need to close their eyes, to acquiesce, to survive. The man who designed such star ships, the leader of the Crestfallen Clan back then, smiled while shaking his head somewhat helplessly before waving his hand casually as they then also fell asleep. It all ended there.

300 years later, once it -the core- finished reforming itself.

Now, those selected few who managed to witness such wonder, true wonder; are the 'forefathers' of each most important family Clan in the whole world, the whole new world, New Earth. Which 30 years later, with the technology saved from destruction in the star ships, they only needed 20 years to bring back satellites in orbit and  connection, albeit to a much more smaller scale than that of the whole '30 times larger than Earth' planet.

As per the Crestfallen Patriarch request, there were no more wars, no more distancing between different nations and ethnicity, there was only peace, a luxury Earth forever had forgotten and was damned for.

For years, it at least maintained itself as such, but weird thoughts of grandeur appeared in a few 'powerful' men and women; but by the time they finalized forming plans against each other and for total control, there were Crestfallen Clan's 'warriors' with only their fist to take their lives away, brutally in one simple and casual move as they all perished one by one and without stop. Which is how the Crestfallen Clan managed to contain 9 billion people on its own for more than 300 years, and it's now being useful in New Earth. As such, the 'never called out' but 'everyone knowing' era of the Crestfallen started, but unlike what anyone thought, the Crestfallen never intended to bring themselves to power. It was genuinely amusing, because their role form more than 2 thousand years has been that of Humanity's protector. And of course there were doubts of them 'creating' New Earth, it's just that, if he had such capabilities then why would he bother with letting it be destroyed? Hence, New Earth ended up in a peaceful world and peaceful race for more than 2,000 years. Truly a sight to behold, wonderful.


The man lost in thoughts once again, as always, could only do that- remember. Only like that could he ever feel something, from the people's wonder, emotions, fear and personal thoughts to his personal view or opinion on the matters, truly crazy within himself, as always. Terrible.

'Anyways, I got 3 weeks, In 3 weeks I can... I get... life, I guess'

And so, he wondered what to waste his next few hours before falling unconscious, so as to sleep. Jacking off stopped working long ago, not even doing it robotically helps 'it' so he may as well forget about it, disdain it. But he could still look at porn or just some very self-confident photos of beautiful women to lighten up those damn dead eyes, dead like a swamp in the night with no sound whatsoever nor ripple in the mud, as always, dead eyes.

After a few hours of mindless browsing and brainlessly staring, he looked towards his 'untainted' PC.

'...maybe I should check info on Rising Essence, after all, they are really making a life out of a game and making even political issues that could even grow to a military extent, to be solved in there. And even... some shit to do with the resources' allocation for the future, being distributed to the best of all Regions mostly, but even for some Cities.'

Having tempted himself like an idiot again, he once again drove himself and his unnaturally fat-slim body to the 'untainted' PC and started his browsing, he however, first had to create an account which he never did, because he never thought he'll have such damn dumb-lucky opportunity, such self-carelessness, as always.

'Would you like to create an account?'

'Yeas, duh.'

Please register your username and password...

After getting out of the dull stuff, he shockingly discovered that 'GT''s, Gaming Tools, were already being sold at an unimaginable level at any part of the populated New Earth, because of course such immense planet can be traversed only so much without danger, so at some point they -the Leaders- decided to leave it for a next generation, which is to say, at least a few hundred years much so like 200 to 300. As the Crestfallen Clan announced their almost successful 'medicine' to live for 150 years before the destruction of Earth and remolding to New Earth. With time those 150 years of lifespan became 200 - 300 depending on the money spent.

Which is a damn lot, which he himself decided to deny at 'that' time, how crazy, living like a normal person with less than 60 years of lifespan -taking into consideration his amazing figure- when he had the chance to get some 'easy' way of obtaining such medicine.

'Sigh...' Taking a deep breath, he moved along to his previous decision and made his way to the forums. Only to find the immense guide in it, brows up, mouth down and eyes surprised yet tired he clicked through them to open a new tab for each. Them being, classes available once LV10 is achieved, stats, item's grade, sub-classes and even players system and something called 'Associations'...


Author's note: Don't worry, I won't tire you out with never-ending game data nor such a character forever, I'll keep to myself the tiring stuff. I hope I'll be able to make you feel intrigue at least \_(|___|)_/.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.