Bow and Arrow

SS 19 — The Fallen Summoners

The Fallen Summoners




New Earth, Peaceful Rain Capital City of Humanity. Miriam's bedroom, in the 11th year of the Lineage Era.


"How is she?" In the middle of Miriam's main bed, its owner was with her body lying on the right side of the bed, her cute, delicate feet extending over the bed and her right arm embracing a little girl of about 10 years old-ish who looked to be slumbering like a log. Yun Beishang came to the left side of the bed with his knees, asking Miriam who immediately hushed him with her left hand that was just now supporting her head.

"...She just fell asleep." Whispered Miriam, returning her left elbow right where the pillow didn't reach and on the edge of the bed, sinking her elbow before once again resting her head on her left palm. Yun Beishang looked at all of this, grinned and quietly made his way to come cuddle the little girl as well, without any shame for appearing as a predator; because his mind is pure all the way!

"Your mentor, she looks so tiny, I thought she was supposed to be a beauty, look at her cheeks and hair. She looks messy, chubby but with a stick body and, mm mn mn, she definitely has 0 progress in herself. Just look at her, being taken care of by her own apprentice," Yun Beishang's words, while shaking his head, made Miriam silently smirk as well as forcing her to contain a few bouts of laughter here and there.

“Stop messing with my Master~! I will tell her that you said that when she grows older an-” Miriam was all proud as she boasted of her perfect, most powerful and unmatched master’s prowess, but as she was remembering a little something important, Yun Beishang directly interrupted her. “I was born an existence, I am back with such a level, what about your Master? Huh, huh~?!”

“Oh yu- ah…” Miriam, flabbergasted a little bit, she looked at her husband with troubled eyes that threatened to become pitiful and strike at his heart! But Yun Beishang was too experienced, and Miriam didn’t know the level of what he could resort to just to win, as such, he moved his left hand towards Xiao Yin’s left armpit and…

“No! Ah- ahem, no~, baby~~. Please forgive me, alright? I am really sorry, baby, you’re the boss. Okay?” Yun Beishang had to now hold his laughter instead, seeing Miriam just like this surprised him. If she was already like that with her tiny master, how would she be with their children? A smile surely made its way to his lips…

“As long as my wife knows then,” nodded Yun Beishang and said as he let the pitiful and defenseless, vulnerable little master alone and Miriam could finally calm down.

“...Isn’t she beautiful?” Miriam said once quite a few minutes went by, her eyes were looking at her still but moved momentarily towards Yun Beishang, he caught on to such an antic which made him mentally smile craftily. But looking at Miriam’s eyes full of admiration, Yun Beishang maintained silence for a couple of seconds before muttering out. “Mn, very beautiful.”

“Hee…” Silence ensued again, Miriam let her head rest on the pillow, no longer masochistically forcing herself to let her little master sleep without any interruption or the slightest of motions. Following her actions, Yun Beishang laid his head on the pillow as well and the center of it became a bit more bountiful, a little smile appeared in the deeply sleeping little master.

“Good night, baby…” Miriam murmured ever so lowly, her voice a mosquito’s with her eyes staring half-closed at Yun Beishang on the other side and through Xiao Yin’s face. Yun Beishang looked back at her, and after seeing her eyes getting really sleepy, he said within her head. “Goodnight to you, my Miriam.”

“Well, goodnight to me, now let’s go back to sleep, okay?” A little girl’s voice, full of energy and not at all sleepy, suddenly spoke out at such lovely and warm moments, giving a fright to both idiots who were about to sleep.

“...” - “...” Xiao Yin didn’t even open her eyes, but her dumbass of a smile on her face as she turned towards Yun Beishang and hugged his shoulders with sleepiness washing all over her face was seen by the left out Miriam with an agape mouth. Right then, Xiao Yin said as she turned around and hugged Miriam’s arms instead. “Mm, no. Too young, better go with my sweet-smelling disciple, hmm~.”

Yun Beishang: “...”

Miriam and Xiao Yin: (ɔᵒз(♡ᴗ♡c)

That night, Yun Beishang slept with not a soul nowhere near him while there were three people in total on the main bed. Nights could be so cold - who would’ve thought.



Another 10 years passed, Main Kingdom, within the Thousand Words Region’s Endless Yearning Sub-Division in an area designated for extremely special tasks and training.


“Now! Everyone!” Xiao Yin was in front of a bunch of old men and women, some were not really old and their appearance was neatly that of a young man or woman and they were rather packed up with muscles and tonified marks of being hella mighty alright. Xiao Yin continued, “Today I will present to you the new instructor, who will be my demonstration dummy today!”

With her hands on her hips, her neck a bit extended forwards and her lips somewhat pouty as she frowned due to the sun that was covered by the clouds. She then smiled and stood straight up, her beauty showing as she made a blatant gesture of presentation with her arms to her left and cheerily announced. “I present to you, my husband~!!”

Her voice was much like a child in terms of youthfulness but definitely that of a young woman, nobody of her previous comrades seemed to be weirded out that it was only her who became a tiny baby and had to grow back up year by year.

Meanwhile, she was the same as before, as beautiful and as simply mystical as always.

Slim long legs, small butt, smallish chest with her delicate, cute and adorable face. A hair that had an almost ‘innate’ touch of wilderness but that is still extraordinarily neat and orderly, with a medium short length and of a natural blonde, light color that is even somewhat transparent. In the same manner, she was also what Yun Beishang more or less imagined her to be so many years ago.

Her eyes were of an azure golden color, and her mouth of an orange, thorny rose, small lips. As she shouted her words, the Fallen Summoners’ eyes glinted with gratitude and respect right away, as everyone in Xiao Yin’s circle attended her wedding with the Lord and only the ants of another world wouldn’t know whom she was married with.

“...” Yun Beishang made a teleportation and directly appeared where Xiao Yin’s palms gestured with her whole arms extended. He did it so casually and silently that only Xiao Yin’s face scrunching up in joy was the only thing left alive from the scene. But it wasn’t Yun Beishang’s fault, since he became an existence and his Essences and him became one, his teleportation lost its cool sound each time he activated it.

Well, it is indeed his fault, but it wasn’t intentional. He is just…that badass; sigh.

“Hehehe, lovely!” Xiao Yin jumped and hugged Yun Beishang’s head, smooching his slightly crooked nose as she then turned around once her feet landed on the ground and began explaining the situation to the overly excited and honored Fallen Summoners. “Today! My hubby will be showing you what to do…when you’re uselessly being countered or facing someone you cannot defeat even if there were trillions of myself around.”

“First, I will demonstrate my power…” Xiao Yin said, her hands forming a hand sign similar to a yin yang but of a much circular and less ‘fitting’ shape to each other. Then, with her body slowly turning round towards a hill that was close to 500 meters tall became her objective and everyone looked on with rapt attention at the sad hill.


Suddenly, a gigantic godzilla-like two-legged turtle without any other limb descended onto the hill. The hill in question was flattened, not destroyed or made into flying rocks at hundreds of kilometers per second at the very least; flattened.

“...tsk.” Yun Beishang looked on, and seeing the hill gone, he tilted his head as Xiao Yin began changing her hands’ forms. In a jiffy, she made 3 different shapes with her hands, needing her legs and head to move and ‘dance’ along with her hands’ gestures being formed. Right after, she aimed at Yun Beishang and the same godzilla-like turtle with a length of very little; 2 or 3 kilometers - appeared above his head.

“Well, this one’s easy. Summoning them once more consumes tons of energy, so you have to choose a deciding moment. But if you do, the adversary would also know of it and wait for you to do just that; it’ll be an useless move then. That’s why…” Xiao Yin said as Yun Beishang ever so slooowly swung his left arm after extending it and folding it, only actually moving his left forearm.

Prrs rrr- rrr- rrr…

Just as the ‘slightly’ tall godzilla-like turtle was descending, 4 other portals that had the diameter of only about 30 meters appeared at each of Yun Beishang’s cardinal point, From one of them, a tiger, a huge bird, a humanoid armored falcon and a dragon!

“You must go all out instead of thinking you’ll have any chance to do even a single move!” Calmly said Xiao Yin as she turned around, her right leg off the ground like a ballerina as she faced her old comrades. Behind herself, Yun Beishang was halfway through his severely slow swing, when all the beasts around him were torn to shreds in the next instant.


Like a glitch in the entire system, the images of the Summoned became bloated with white dots and blurred, gray colored pillars which dragged on from certain parts of their bodies to behind them; all of these were as if directly deleting all of the beasts at the same time with only the beasts being affected as not even a blade of grass was forced to sway.

“...Ooooww~~~! My husband is so mighteeeeyy~~!!” While her old buddies were awestruck, Yun Beishang was taken aback by her behavior before he remembered that her Summons were  immortal as long as she was so, it was only Xiao Yin herself who was joyful as she ran straight to Yun Beishang’s chest and hugged him tightly.

‘How clingy.’ Yun Beishang ‘complained’ as he hugged her back with his left hand on her back, the other Fallen Summoners looked on still awestruck at Yun Beishang and Xiao Yin. The latter finally let go of Yun Beishang once she had hyped herself up enough; for the moment.

“Alright! Now see for yourselves, I found this new little thingy in one of my dates around the Universe, it has the capabilities of borrowing power from any of your other Summons and can use said power to transform it into an ever so powerful energy. Hehe, don’t they look like slimes? They are a warmonger type of Summons though, and they can’t feel pain, they are really amazing living beings-shields!”

Uncaring of the tiny light blue and dark blue slime-like creature that also didn’t seem to care about its well being, Xiao Yin began explaining a lot of things to her old pals, Yun Beishang remained a few steps behind but not for long, as Xiao Yin urged him to come closer and closer each few seconds.

With each step that Yun Beishang walked because of her, he took 2 minutes before joining the circle. While her left arm embraced his back, his right foot was harshly stomped on as she gave him a kiss on the right cheek. Yun Beishang hid the pain that his abuser inflicted upon him and smiled candidly at her old family. Shortly after, a mellow Xiao Yin never seen before, slowly explained a bunch of other things, one after the other, as well…

. . .


A few days later, within the same area of the Endless Yearning Sub-Division where three figures could be seen sitting together as if they were in a picnic and watching over three children not too far away from them.


“...” - “...” - “...” Miriam, Yun Beishang and Xiao Yin were eating a few pancakes of cheese and jam that Miriam did for their family hangout, in that very same order and with Yun Beishang placing both his palms on each of the young women’s thighs. On the other hand, they each had one hand to feed themselves and the other to fatten their ugly bastard of a husband.

Xiao Yin was much more focused on the children playing in front of them, two were girls and one was a boy. The little boy was the youngest, barely a year and a half old and he was the fruit of Yun Beishang and Xiao Yin’s crazy nights. The slightly older girl and the oldest girl were Miriam and Yun Beishang’s fruit of banging like retarded pigs nonstop for days.

In the end, it all came out well, Yun Beishang had another two daughters to spoil and pamper more than any of his sons, life was good ey.

Unlike her master, Miriam was more focused on feeding her husband until he became fat and he couldn’t draw in anymore wifeys. She was feeling a bit embarrassed since she was the one skiing Yun Beishang to keep trying to get into her master’s pants, finally doing so and with the surprise of her master being a closet fan, admirer and enamored of Yun Beishang.

“Thank you for coming these days,” Xiao Yin uttered out, her head then ‘smacked’ his right arm as she became a limp dead fish that relied on leaning on his body for survival. Yun Beishang nuzzled her light blonde hair, her large blonde eyelashes fluttering, a show of her reaction at being caressed by her husband.

“Not needed, it’s my duty.” Yun Beishang said, his hands now leaving his wifeys’ thighs to feed himself, a man can’t always depend on hugging women’s thighs to survive, thrive and conquest! Also, he was noticing they started feeding him slower and the pancakes were quickly becoming scarce. He had to act; do or die.

“Thank you anyway, you are my love; my boy’s father.” Revealing her ‘hubby only’ cute side, Xiao Yin made Miriam all the more comfortable, and seeing Xiao Yin no longer preoccupied of her little boy’s not tripping over or something, which she could understand as she went through it with her first baby daughter; she felt eased up as her head went over to land on Yun Beishang’s lap.

Taking a closed side to his stomach, Miriam’s head arrived all the way down to the right thigh, where Xiao Yin blinked profusely for 4 seconds when suddenly seeing this embarrassingly cute scene of her apprentice saying ‘hi’ in this way. Miriam also became awkward, but before she could say something stupid, and thankfully at that; Xiao Yin did the same with the back of her head landing on Yun Beishang’s left and her back all over his right knee.

“Mmm, it’s so nice, never knew that using our husband’s legs for pillows would be this nice. Now I know why no maid complains about resting their heads all over his body, I’m gonna try it tonight~!” Xiao Yin declared to the high heavens and raised her fist to the sky! The earth would’ve shaken and the sky cracked if it wasn’t because she was just a tad short of becoming a Goddess; a Godly being.

Ruffle, ruffle…

Playing with Xiao Yin’s hair, Yun Beishang’s hands made a massage so pleasant that they made her eyelids relax, almost closing inadvertently at all times. Meanwhile, Miriam was caressing her temples, her fingertips dancing slowly but semi-deeply as well. With this 2v1, Xiao Yin was left helpless, only her sighs and yawns that could melt the others’ hearts became her only salvation.

But she gave up, too much struggle and mind games gnawed at her head until it was all over, she became tired of even opening her eyes again as she slowly began to descend into slumber. The Bully Party was gaining victory over the Cheerful Girl Party, just about to defeat the latter when Yun Beishang suddenly said with his voice’s sound waves resounding against her face.

“I see what Krayeke saw in you, my wife, back then. You are really worth grooming, you are powerful, okay. You are smart, you can find and develop things nobody else could. You had a humble upbringing, even tragic, and I hurt when I go back to see it, but you raised and only raised from being thrown back towards the ground. It wasn’t Krayeke who helped you become who you became, he only patted your back, and you simply; suddenly, started running.”

“But you are my love. You bring me caring, warmth and peace. You make me wanna stop for a moment and listen to just yourself, talk. I can even do nothing and remain at your side, and that is fulfilling to me. You gave me kids, made us into parents and now… Well, now you are about to undertake a larger series of long steps; with your family by your side this time. There to pat your small, but tonified, butt.”

“...puchi!” Xiao Yin was starry eyed, completely awake as she heard Yun Beishang suddenly talk so much, this kind of speech was like his vow towards an eternal life with her. Not simply of him being with her, but of the entire Peaceful Rain Household being with her. Giggling at his last, ‘lewd’ words, she grabbed at the skin of his face like a baby would, mimicking the way their son did when he wasn’t able to walk. “You are the one who’s silly.”

“Hmph~,” Yun Beishang inadvertently snorted while Miriam had a silent smile of mirth that melted even the air itself… Inside his head, Yun Beishang once more directed his heart at a cruel father-in-law. ‘Thank you for bringing her to me.’

“Wait, kids? We only-...oooooh… EHEHEHEHE~~!!” Having been busted, Yun Beishang quickly thought as he locked eyes with Miriam, this beauty with her curly hair sprawling all over his right thigh and the rest on the ground nodded fast as hell towards him. And Xiao Yin’s ribs became a warzone only the most suicidal entered.


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