Bow and Arrow

SS 26 — Peace Before Leaving…

Peace Before Leaving...




New Earth, down the streets of the already expanded Peaceful Rain City for the 3rd time in these 10,000 years since the Lineage Era was formed.


The Unparalleled Unification of Life had already become the Union of the entire Prosperous Flourishing Universe, acting as an empire whose emperor never cared about any political struggle and whichever fool chose to take what belonged to him, the emperor, would be turned into dust along with their entire relatives. After all, Yun Beishang did give them a few decades to re-think about it again and again, it was only their choice whether they went on with it or nay, they all almost ended up dying as a result.

…Oh well, all in all, without anything to worry about, Yun Beishang was walking down the streets with Amaya and one of their children, one that was created and conceived here on New Earth and not partially-the-most in Main Kingdom. It was a little child that looked around 6 years old but that was actually 3 years old, the magic of Yun Beishang and Amaya’s banging indeed.

Amaya’s flawless, porcelain-like picture perfect face, small and upwards pointy nose and her ordinary black and brown eyes which one would only find themselves drowning in once it was too late; a ponytail tied right behind her nape of her dark brown hair, those insane pair of tits that Yun Beishang loved abusing only slightly inferior to Yun Yun’s and her well-formed, meaty tush.

She was the all too famous Field Marshall of Main Kingdom, the one who can even become an Admiral whenever she wants and who scored the second most kills in the Kingdoms Wars that are no longer existent and had even been banned. And banned by who? The one and only who the scary Field Marshall of Main Kingdom could be second to in kills from back then, The Order.

Nevertheless, while men and women almost killed themselves walking on the streets in whichever marvelous and ingenious ways they could find by simply looking at Amaya, the little girl in between herself and Yun Beishang, an even scarier entity, was contently calling out cheerily and pulling her parents’ arms with her little hands with all of the strength in the world.

“Are we meeting with Powlniu just like this, are you sure?” Amaya said, her black and brown eyes visible as she looked with her sunglasses sliding to the tip of her nose, towards Yun Beishang. The latter smiled with his own, but just before he wanted to speak, a tiny little hand extended out from the flo- no, from below. To which Yun Beishang took his sunglasses off and let their daughter put them on.

“Yep, since her sons and daughter began giving lectures and training up our most talented soldiers, Powly decided to bring us all to eat in her favorite restaurant.” Yun Beishang commented casually, while their daughter had to lift her chin so as to not let her Daddy’s sunglasses fall off. Amaya took the glasses away from them, her fingertips flashing with incandescent warm, red fire and enveloping the sunglasses, turning them into mini glasses.

“In a cheap restaurant?” Amaya asked after the little shit between them became all too content and glad of now having her own sunglasses, having stolen them from Daddy with Mother’s help. Yun Beishang responded to his wife Amaya, “Eh, you were eating half the restaurant’s food the last time w-”

“Mn! Such a great place, oh my, let’s gooo~!” Saying that, Amaya ignored the people murmuring at them but not daring to either take a photo, video or look at Amaya’s hugely bouncing rack for fear of being turned to sweet nothingness. And Yun Beishang, after seeing Amaya speed up, he disappeared from everyone’s eyes as he teleported right in front of the gates; the people around went on with their own business afterwards as this was a typical thing nowadays.

…Walking into the restaurant after giving Amaya a ‘rebuking’ gaze as he waited for 2 minutes for her and their little daughter to come, they then walked towards Powlniu, where her sons and daughter were eating in one table, and her sons with Yun Beishang were in the surrounding 4 tables, standing up to meet their Father.

Holy shit, there were easily a hundred of his offspring. It was a good thing that this genuinely humble and cheap restaurant was so damn big, or it wouldn’t be holding all of the family that had come in and practically reserved ¾’s of the entire restaurant inadvertently. After Yun Beishang gave them all of his grown up babies a smile and a pat on the shoulders to the boys while a strong hug, kiss on the forehead and both cheeks to his daughters— not biased at all —; Yun Beishang then went to the main table right away.

In them, besides the 8 sons of hers and her daughter, there were also Shiley, daughter of Yintaya and wife of Pawya as well as of his son, Yun Xuanmiao. The latter stood up and, with his demeanor changing to that of a filial son as his wives stood up with him to greet Yun Beishang starting with their husband, “Father, please sit.” - “Father-in-law, so goood~ to see you!” - “Daddy, welcome, please come sit, I’m dying of hungerrr.”

With a smile and with Yun Beishang sitting their little daughter on his lap since Amaya wouldn’t allow their little shit to eat in peace with those huge meatbags behind her head unless she hid between them, but by then, Amaya’s breasts would end up dirtied by food. And that wasn’t a family friendly image, only one that Yun Beishang got to play with when it was talking about life-time.

This seemingly most powerful Household in the whole Universes that connected two worlds; finished up their greetings very fast, all so warm and with little smiles here and there at the beginning. Powlniu, of course, was seated on Yun Beishang’s right while Amaya was on his left.

“Husband, Pawya and Shiley are once again pregnant, they won’t be around once their bellies get bigger, understood?” Taking out her ‘pregnancy care’ card and putting it on the table, Powlniu’s hidden meaning was only noticed by Yun Beishang and Amaya, while Yun Xuanmiao blushed a little.

‘Even if you want to be together for as long as possible, don’t discuss it right now!’ Yun Xuanmiao thought as his wives giggled among each other, as if hearing that their Daddy/Father-in-law and Mother fucking all day for years was but a simple, casual thing; sigh.

“Mn, of course ‘curse, take all the time you need. Just make sure to prepare everything before taking a break, Little Paw Paw.” Yun Beishang said, making his sweet adopted daughter blush intensely and lowered her head, but she felt so glad that she then murmured out, “Mm’kay, Daddy.”

…Hence, a breakfast, lunch, dinner in family-day took place in this cheap restaurant, forcing it to close early and not accept any other guests since this one family left them with impoverished resources but thousands of credits in return; which was damn mighty fine.

Seeing more than a hundred blue skinned Elves was a rare occurrence, there were all kinds of Elves in New Earth, but to see so many of similar features to one another was as rare as it would be for the Human Race as well. Yet, it wasn’t too strange nor innovative, New Earth has been coexisting with Life Races since the first few thousands of the Lineage Era.

… … … … … … … … … … … … … … …


New Earth, 12th year of the Lineage Era, through the corridors leading to Sash’s bedroom. Both Yun Rang, Cyn and Fosk Yao were rushing up to see how Sash was doing after taking a lil’ break, just in case.


“How was it, did she scream very loud?” Fosk Yao asked with 2 parts concerned and 8 parts curious, they were walking in a bit of a rush towards there as they were told how much Sash went through with this very first delivery of hers by Natalia who then had to leave so that she could rest. For this delivery, after all, both Yun Rang and Natalia were needed to act.

“Mhm, Mommy Sash is well and completely safe though.” Young Yun Rang said, adding after cleaning her forehead with the back of her right hand on Fosk Yao’s right, “And her babies are fine too. She just consumed a lot of strength, reminds me of whenever she uses her own ‘talent’s and Race’s’ skills in Rising Essence.”

“Don’t worry, Mommy Yao, Mommy Cyn. Mommy Sash was left alone with Daddy, she might even be sleeping! With all that exhaustion, I know I would too,” Yun Rang became silent after saying so, her facial expressions becoming a bit somber and shadowed until she felt a small but warmy hand on her left shoulder. Looking up, she saw Cyn’s loving face as she tenderly advised.

“Don’t worry, Rang’er, you’ll go through just the same pain and terror as we all did. I’ll make damn sure about it, hee~.”

“...” Yun Rang became silenced even more, but her face blushed a strong red as she became so flustered it was cute. “What ‘through the same’? Mommy Cyn~~!! I-I-... I am a lesbian! I won’t have babies, I’ll have safe sex without an ounce of sperm, just fine wom-”

But suddenly, just as she was defending her honor, Yun Rang was closed in by Cyn while Fosk Yao, who was in the middle, scurried away to let Mommy Cyn do her stuff. And once Cyn came incredibly close to ‘ Rang’er’s ’ face, Yun Rang became a little mouse that obediently heard Mommy Cyn’s words, “Don’t think we don’t smell or see how you are masturbating every morning, twice; every noon, thrice. And everynight…ten times!”

“If you could at least not whisper so cutely words like ‘my man’s dick’ or ‘pound my womby wombee womb, aaah!’, then we wouldn’t know! Sigh…aiyo, you little silly girl. Do not worry, your Daddy would never let you suffer loneliness. At most, you’ll live with us for the rest of your life, we will only torture in fridays and sundays, how about it?”

“...” With Mommy Cyn’s perfect advising, Yun Rang fell silent but looked at her Mommies with affectionate eyes, a bit apologetic as well as Fosk Yao smiled gently at her. Straightening up her back and giving them each a neck-hug with the top of her head, Yun Rang lovely said, “Thank you, Mommies. I love you~.”


Walking a few more minutes, the trio opened the door to Sash’s bedroom, only to walk into it and directly seeing Yun Beishang on top of the bed with his left arm leaned over by a slumbering, mouth opened and salivating from the right corners of her lips - Sash as they held the baby, sweet, chubby pair of daughters in-between.

“...” - “...” - “...” The three of them went silent upon seeing this, though Sash talked mostly to only Miriam and Yun Yun and basically was silent with the rest of them unless they brought a child with them, to which they could see Little Sashy’s straight up Universe-killed smiles and narrowing eyes as she adorably interacted with their children.

Now, that adorable Sashy was all fed up with the previous 3 days’ exhaustion, her skin healthy and her curly, long orange hair no longer in disarray. Her temples no longer worried like before when Yun Beishang went missing, recuperated once he came back and now, as they seemed to have become stronger at the prospect of…having children of her own and raising them all up. Raising them with all of her love and Yun Beishang’s love; with eternal love.

Step, step step step.

From the three, Yun Rang stepped back and took a thin but cozy blanket from the drawer behind them and on the other side of the room, before returning to their side and unfolding the blanket with her Mommies’ help. Then, once the blanket was almost ready, she stepped forth slowly, imprinting this image deep into her memory as she adored it tenderly.

“...gasp-.” Yun Rang got to the front of the bed, it wasn’t the main one but an auxiliary one for situations like this one. She began softly laying the blanket on their feet and slowly lifting them up to cover their bodies, all the way up to the little babies wrapped in a single mantle. First, she went to the bed’s left side to cover Sash first, bumping into her left tit once from looking at the twins.

After blushing and whispering sorry, Yun Rang went to the right side of the bed to cover her Father, but just as she was covering his chest and already stepping backwards, her left wrist was gently and weakly held by Yun Beishang’s right handed fingers.

“...go ahead, touch them.” Yun Rang thought for 2 seconds, before coming back to the bed and, very damn carefully, grazing her thumbs on the twins’ cheeks, left and right respectively as they moved a little. Before she could feel guilty of waking them up…they held her thumbs, and continued on sleeping with her thumbs held hostage with just one of their hands.

…Slowly, and against Yun Rang’s wishes, their tiny hands that didn’t even fully cover her thumbs let go of them, as if done with thanking them in the most baby-ignorant and primitive of ways. Yun Beishang’s voice made her look up at him as his eyes were sleepy, barely noticing a new spot right to his left. “Come, they are already gone so it’s only you. Come on.”

Rustle, rustle- crank-...rustle rustle.

With that Yun Rang hopped into the bed slowly, at some point in time making a noise from her knees pushing too far into the mattress and forcing all movement to stop from her part, all while her Daddy silently laughed with short, cut-off chortles. After 2 minutes, Yun Rang resumed her movement and laid her body between the twins and her Daddy on the bed.

Spooning her, which was fine since Yun Beishang wasn’t a sex deprived ex-convict for 60 years in prison for aggravated, several rape assaults, which were a difference; Yun Beishang delivered a smooch to his daughter’s back-top of her head. In return, Yun Rang softened out a ‘mnuuh’ as her face became very close to the twins and her Daddy’s warmth made her want to fall asleep asap as well.

The last she saw before inevitable closing her eyes to rest, was a pair of ugly as fuck faces of newborns that were the most pure things in the world at these moments of her about to sleep in. Oh, oh; and when she’d wake up, it’ll to a pair of tiny hands holding the bridge and tip of her nose and another pair of tiny hands grasping her ear and chin…

… … … … .. … … … … … … … … … …


96th year of the Legendary Era, in the greatest space station created just a short few tens of years ago, the one and only space station created by the Peaceful Rain Household.


The space station was hundreds of thousands of kilometers long, larger than even the Atalaya Motherships and by just a little. The main reason it was easily built was that, thanks to the Dwarf Race, Fairy Race and the second-only-to the Fairy Race - the Human Race and each of their most amazing capabilities.

The Fairies had perverse teamwork capabilities, and with their birth rate being 30 times higher than Humans, they were in the sextillions all over the Prosperous Flourishing Universe, becoming the largest populated Race in the whole Universe. As such, they were insane when it came to working, be it building, destroying piece by piece and it was even more so with Yun Beishang’s way of reproducing among females as well as with the tools he made for them to enhance their capabilities in space besides a few Meditation methods here and there.

The Dwarves were…well, Dwarves. Though they were of the last to be discovered in New Earth, even after the Ogres and Giants, Titans and Furr- no, Beast Race. Which, if it wasn’t because it was work in space, it would be the latter ones to be the most required workers in any mildly big piece of work in the Universe.

The Human Race was naturally a Race that had the most incredible capability to adapt and to destroy themselves, but it was with the latter’s methods that made them an incredibly important Race in any Universe, which is a thing that Yun Beishang could very well understand now more than ever.

…The space station had a circular shape, mostly to get things right so that the mobilization of such, if needed but not wanted, could be done with utter precision and maneuver. While, from its outer space, it had a ton of smallish bridges and installations of hatches to allow all and any sort of spacecraft to be stationed there; even Atalayas for that matter.

But the technology in the Legendary Era was just a couple Eras higher than it was before, and this was with Yun Beishang cheating and letting his subjects have some of his knowledge, yet, they were still more than ten Eras away from Yun Beishang’s first generation of Spacecraft. In context, they couldn’t even build a true, most authentic Battleship, let alone a Mothership.

…Walking from the utmost core, vip of the space station, towards the gates that lead to the rest of the ‘party’ of the inauguration of the Unparalleled Union Station #1 - UUS 1. Yun Beishang was holding Elizaveta’s waist as she was in a strapless golden dress with shiny beautiful semi-energy coming off from it on his right, while Yun Monet was being caringly held by Elizaveta’s right arm.

Yun Monet; that one little girl as a slave from so long ago, had already become a fine woman. Her hair was still a very short curly orange, her skin was a more lavish orange-creamy color, and her eyes were still those fabulously loving of Yun Beishang - pitch black eyes that were all full of devotion and tenderness for her Master, husband and Father of her children.

As a matter of fact, Yun Monet was hella fertile. She would either get twins at the very least, or end up taking triplets, quadruplets and quintuplets; only some very few times did she bring sextuples out of her belly like a champ. Though she went through unimaginable hell before, her ones and only children ever conceived were those of Yun Beishang, as well as ever getting pregnant; it was all given to Yun Beishang as much as her whole heart and being.

She wore a golden-orange princess dress with a red long skirt that made her really damn bulging belly appear even charming somehow. She leaned her head on her good, big sister of a friend, Elizaveta, as she instead held Oksana’s left hand with her right one. In this way, both Tihomirovs, mother and daughter, were taking plenty of care for Yun Monet. As she now emanated strength and rare wisdom.

But on his left, Yun Beishang held onto the waist of a Blueblood, in New Earth’s space! Of course, only Yun Beishang and a few selective others could ever accomplish such a feat of bringing one or a few from Rising Essence/Farsighted Clairvoyance Universe’s world.

Jessica wore a one shoulder dress of black and strong dark green colors, with the former being the main color. Her light blue skin on her back was a bit exposed, but Yun Beishang loving her dress and body so damn much, besides, she asked him to make a reality from the design she gave him. And on Jessica’s left…was Kirina.


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