Bow and Arrow

SS 28 — (Final) Daddy Got Me A Good Husband~!!

(Final) Daddy Got Me A Good Husband~!!




...In the 1,015th year of the Legendary Era...


It has been more than 900 years since Yun Beishang, the Chief of the Unparalleled Unification of the Life Races and Lord of The Order had set out with the greatest fleet that the Prosperous flourishing Universe could muster.

Consisting of at least a full fleet of 30 Atalayas, tens of thousands of fleets with a few hundreds of fleets of cargo in the middle and surrounded by all combatant fleets holding all that was needed for even an entire quintrillion to be fed and maintained for thousands of years, they were holding fuel, food, materials to create and repair clothing, beds, life support and the most practical tools and utensils that a large expedition would need; almost an odyssey.

But, it was the very first step of this large expedition that was the most powerful obstacle keeping the Prosperous Flourishing Universe from even getting out of their Universe. In the end, it was Yun Beishang himself the one and only way to get out of it, he was the key once again for his greatest misfortune; oh no.

But, it was a majestic sight/image, one that the entire Life Race Union was going to write in history, in a way that it would even remain in both Universes, with time, on murals, several different art museums, as artistic design for even spacecraft and space stations. The way that Yun Beishang ‘opened’ this naturally entrapped Universe…broke away all sense of mortality from the minds of all living beings of the two Universes that Yun Beishang originally started his first large expedition with.

Just as the plethora of fleets were waiting for the moment that their Leader would open their gates to the future of their Universe, everyone could pretty well remember how it all began; shaking.

The entire Universe, from one extreme to another, from one star very far away producing more stars for the future to the smallest forms of existence within the Prosperous Flourishing Universe. It all began rumbling; the stars, the planets, the space itself and their own minds…the sun even! That untouchable, most precious source of life that the current Universe couldn’t live without. EVERYTHING TREMBLED.

And while their eyes were at all times blurry, as if going blind at any moment but never actually doing so, there was only one spot that was visible. That was…exactly Yun Beishang’s back.

No matter who or from where and what was in front of them and obstructing them from Yun Beishang, as long as they all looked in that one and only direction, they could see a back that was so powerful…it could shoulder the heavens. In an event that made two whole Universes tremble alike, one barely knowing why and how and another only doing so when looking at Yun Beishang’s back despite the unthinkable, impossible ‘distance’.

All they could see was both, as if they were directly behind Yun Beishang and his strong back was the only thing visible to them, and millions of kilometers all around him from his back, his small figure naturally not seen as even the fleets weren’t seen as well.

Yet, just as they were marveling at this…’sense’ of their view and mind, as this strange connection between Universes left them clueless of what even being alive meant ever again. Yun Beishang’s wings fluttered out. However…this time, it wasn’t only his Unparalleled Projections and his Pure Death Projections…but his Evil God Projections as well!!!

Just as the entire Prosperous Flourishing Universe was exalted by the seemingly eternally staying changes in the whole Universe, a verdant, gloomy and with leaves patterns - wing ranging an unmeasurable length and width that was probably limited on its own to just a few hundreds of thousands of kilometers from Yun Beishang’s left.

And from the right, a wing of the very same properties that had a bright-metallic main color with each tip of every feather, as every feather didn’t had a ‘beginning’ and it was more as if they were a double edged feather, had a pitch-black dark like abyss metamorphosed substance that bade it look as if each feather was an eye filled with emotionless might.

Just as those wings appeared, as the Evil God Projections appeared for the first time in the world, everyone was shocked to their utter core when they saw those wings move instantly!

From being at Yun Beishang’s back, to suddenly appearing like a pair of curved blade-limbs that ‘struck’ both at the same place and got stuck within an invisible space or…’gate’.

While everyone was still watching and losing their hearts and heads over these images, Yun Beishang’s back became more and more veiny, his other wings began fluttering more and more, until they suddenly stiffened and ‘faced’ the Evil God Projections.

In that manner, the other wings began enlarging, their overall sizes quickly reaching that of the Evil God Projections and overlapping each other. The Unparalleled Projections went to ‘support’ the Evil God Projections underneath, while the Pure Death Projections went over the Evil God Projections and seemed to enhance the latter with divinity!

Slowly, those wings began, finally, moving outwards. The Evil God Projections had a huge hole being formed as if a black hole, but it was of a light blue color and like a typhoon, but also like a tunnel that couldn’t whether to suck in from their side or from the ‘other side’ that was the vast expanse of the Existence!

But the more the Evil God Projections spread that light blue hole in the middle of space, the more the shaking, rumbling and blurriness exacerbated.

Yun Beishang wore a face that was all of himself exerting all of what he could muster, several colorful lights appeared around him and enhancing his already sweaty body with bulging veins and some tear-shaped blood droplets coming out from pores around certain parts of his body.

But the Evil God Projections not only did not slow down and kept on continuing spreading the phenomena, as they instead sped up at universal-gigantic proportions without anything being able to stop it!

The most mind-eating factor in all of these images was, perhaps, the fact that there was absolutely no sound for these matters, NOTHING!

And when it came, finally, to the point that the ‘gate’ no longer had anything else to offer, as if time had come, a greenish, as if venomous, poisonous and everlasting; wall of smoke was visible with the light blue phenomena completely disappearing. But, such an image, it completely disappeared in the next instant, and the only thing that was left were countless tiny pieces of glass broking from all over the edges of the Prosperous Flourishing Universe…For as there was finally a noise, one that resonated between the hearts of every living being within both Universes…the sound of freedom, and onwards to their first expedition!!!

Meanwhile, Yun Beishang’s final image of his face, appearing so pensive but so confused and so relieved at the same time, was just going to be all of these Universes’ image that would last…for an everlasting, timeless; eternity.



If there was a matter to mention, then it was the fact that the fleet of the Life Races Union…met with the fleet of The Order, just 400 years after the Life Races Union’s fleet departed from the Prosperous Flourishing Universe. With a shocking surprise, and the Godly Journeyers whose virtual bodies had been getting worse and worse lately in the last few hundred years - the era of Rising Essence was coming to an end; one where it would…finally become a peaceful game after so long.

In a way, Rising Essence became and will always be remembered…as the first and only game to ever last more than ten thousand years, with all of its playerbase always living together with the other world of Main Kingdom and its Farsighted Clairvoyance Universe. But the moment that ‘realities’ broke and met one another, the essence of the game was taken away and…it would remain, but as a farming game perhaps.

Not a bad way to ‘go’, it was at least not forgotten or directly taken away from each other. At the very least, both Universes could now not only still contact each other through this ‘godly’ method of the Crestfallens, but they…could now even directly set actual connections between each other. Now, that was something that both Universes were looking forward to more and more, slowly letting ‘Rising Essence’ gain its peace…

In any case, after both grand expedition fleets met each other, they, under the same Leader, continued on to their travel around the Existence and to see what the rest of this empty Existence with only their two Universes had to offer. Those were Krayeke Crestfallen’s words after all, and Yun Beishang and his family and people…soon became aware of it.

In the future, wars would continue, especially between the two Universes…for the conquest of each half of this entire Existence!

…But, that…was just the way that life is.



…Back in the 1,015th year since the beginning of the Legendary Era, in the KATARINA-01 Mothership, which was the flagship of the grand expedition fleet.


Yun Rang was with her heart bumping a bit wildly; to say the least. Her steps were consistent, but whenever they stomped on the squeaky clean floor, they were sluggish, and when they were lifted, they were also sluggish.

All in all…has she become a little girl yet again? Sigh…such regression.

Tap-ste-tap tap-st-tap!

But Yun Rang couldn’t help it, she went from her room with a strapless, black and dark violet, from the door to her bedroom towards the Caged Mirror Space that was being used to hold the incredible banquet… All for herself; and her future Husband.

Since this was the KATARINA-01 Mothership, and it had been honorably improved, becoming almost 3 times larger than an Atalaya already, but faster than any other Spaceship her father has built up to now…well the 12k+ old lonely daughter was having her father show up to her future husband. What else could she ask for?

Furthermore, after Yun Beishang came back from his ‘disappearance’, the Caged Mirror Space has been upgraded by him more and more, one could even say that…he had made his own little word…in a sense.

Standing right in front of the smallish Caged Mirror Space, Yun Rang looked at it as if her soul was nonexistent anymore, blinking and with a glint of not knowing what to fucking do! Her eyes slowly regained vitality, and her pale countenance eased up a bit more, returning her creamy white pure skin a bit of rosiness.

Without further ado, she crossed over the 0.85 meters diameter metallic ball with glowy lights coming off of it with a thought and place in her head.

. . .


Within a banquet on a building that was…almost like a whole City in terms of diameter, and that covered the sky of that whole diameter with just one room within such a quirky building.


It was lavish, though, it had great reflecting, white floor and ceiling with jet black pillars that had a diameter of 80 meters. It was a really quirky and unnecessary building, for more than sure. But the things one could do with it were beyond comprehension, like the extra addition of troops residing in the KATARINA-01 could be hidden here, and only those who are allowed by Yun Beishang can enter it so…

In any case, right now, this quirky empty building had been decorated with shiny, some were gold and some were silver, bronze, crystalline colors and watery-metallic colors; ornaments all over the place. Hanging from the ceiling, on top of tables, flying around as well with the intention to entertain guests with automatons instead of ‘dancers’ and ‘female accompanists’ which Yun Beishang and his family gladly adopted.

Right now, there were really a ton of people in this building, some of them wore elegant outfits, quirky outfits, casually and some almost naked yet were pretty damn interesting. In the same form, there were Races of all kinds, a whole lot that not even her father’s Universes had ever seen before and that were either ugly but intelligent or sexy and fuckable, to say the least.

And within these people, some of them were from the grand expedition fleet and some from the ‘guests’ of honor, not necessarily the elite meeting the elite, but all randomly chosen and with anyone able to enter at these moments; really. A ‘little’ Yun Rang that was shyly making her way through the crowds of people was being greeted respectfully by all 3 parties’ people; 2 from the guests and 1 from the grand expedition fleet.

As she was being recognized, she did find it strange but…she was way too focused on something else to care about them, there was only her right now!!

“Yeah, what a way for you to hide the grade of them, did you just made someone post those interrogatory marks just for me?” - “Aahahah! I guess it could be said so, but you realized too late, I was already gone.” - “Oh my~, how could you be so sincerely evil with your son-in-law? You’re bullying him, even I don’t know you well but ah…I do know very well how shrewd you are ‘K’.”

Yun Rang kept following those three voices; at first, she only heard two and thought that Krayeke had brought a ton of people with him, but when she heard her Daddy speak to Krayeke and that…incredible…unspeakably hoarse, but…charming…devilishly and…profound - as if the owner of that voice knew it all; Yun Rang frowned as she realized that he might the the third guest aboard of the KATARINA-01.

She kept on following their voices as she couldn’t hep but think that, maybe…just maybe…that person was going to be…her husband… And she…His wife?

“Sigh, ‘Life Making’ grade, very ingenious. Is it even a thing, at all?” - “Ahem, of course it is, ah-” - “Mmm~, it is indeed, and is something that K shouldn’t be playing with. But, wife is all mighty and she rules, so I can’t say anything, hm.”

Step, step… step… step… step step step…

“Mn, Beishang, Son-in-law, tell me… Did you set Main Kingdom and New Earth’s Spirits?” - “Oh, this I’m interested in.” - “Arr, yeah. It took a while, they became connected after I finished fixing up little KATARINA-01, it was also when this little one’s mother married me off to her that I began sensing New Earth’s Spirit; ‘Him’.”

“Ohh, that is good, is good…”

…step step step… Step. Step…

“What is that little girl doing? She should’ve been here by now, sigh, and to think that my daughter was so eager to…hmph.” - “Err, ‘Fatha’-in-law, that’s my daughter you’re talking about, careful.” - “Oh~~, now that tension is starting, how about you and I fight a bit, Yun Beishang? Wifey has told me so many things that I wish to experience myself. Especially- ah?”


“H-hi… …?” Yun Rang, after spending 1.5 seconds gulping down saliva and breathing through her mouth while her eyes were trembling, finally stepped out from the crowd and showed herself to what she thought was Yun Beishang, her grandpa Krayeke and…possibly her future husband?

But at first, she saw Rozelle Yunyu, Kara’s daughter, and her big belly as she blushed slightly while Yun Beishang warmly embraced her with his left arm. Also, Yun Beishang, her Father, was looking directly at her with smiling, playful eyes as he turned around and said to Krayeke with a smile, “Okay, fast. Mister you, we can fight before we depart, just to remind you who’s daughter you’re taking away from me in a few thousands of years. My baby, meet your new, future husband, alright I’m gone. Let’s go, Father -in-law, time to let you meet your grandkids.”

Then, Yun Beishang turned his face to Rozelle Yunyu, smooching her pretty left temple and making her tremble, melt and blush even more. “Let’s go, your mother is still waiting for me to get you back, this baby isn’t going to be rubbed all night alone, right?”

...stepstepstepstepstepstepstepstepstepstepstepstepstepstepstepstep... ... ... Step, step step... step, step...

“Mn, yes, Husband. Let’s go, um, nice to meet you Sir.” Rozelle Yunyu responded meekly and all doofus in love to Yun Beishang, before turning around and saying to the other guest while Krayeke had already fastened his steps fast as fack to meet his grandkids; he was told that they were in the thousands after all - he had to get to know them all!!!

“...ugh… Daddy~, you’ve abandoned me.” With a teary face and a pout, Yun Rang looked towards the direction that Rozelle Yunyu looked at when she spoke politely and lady-like, unlike when with her father which she spoke all honeyed of mind and soul with uncontrollable infatuation that was seemingly shared between mother and wife to her father.

At once, Yun Rang became stiff as her eyes became as big as saucers. Her body reddened a little as she saw the devilishly handsome young man looking down at her, he was so damn tall, and his black, dark-bottomless eyes caught her eye right away. In the same manner, the devilishly handsome young man seemed lost in Yun Rang’s black, broken-glass eyes.

Knowing that she just behaved like a little girl, she became a ton more embarrassed, but also a bit more fitting in with some heat entering her body thanks to her strong resilience. Just as she was going to introduce herself, she felt a set of right handed, long, slender and cold but somehow…really comfortable fingers grasp her chin.

“Ugk~.” Making a cute noise as she was forced to look directly up at the young man accompanied by a young woman, Yun Rang only now realized that he was with his frontal body fully against her frontal body, her breaths rapidly quickened and became heavier; hotter.

When Yun Rang saw the young woman, she looked back at Yun Rang, and it instantly made Yun Rang feel as if she had just met not only another ’mommy’ but that she was also reminding Yun Rang of Mommy Miriam.

Chestnut curly hair, short length but with a pair of obscure, greeny eyes that looked at her as if she was her child. But then, that was where the devilishly handsome young man spoke to her and sent his cold but, yet again, comfortable - breath directly against her face.

“You are Yun Rang, isn’t that so? Well, it’s an honor to meet you, really…” His voice, just as she heard before, was extremely hoarse yet charming and simply so…virile and devilishly to her sweet, reddening ears.

“This is my wife, you don’t have to worry, I'm not a bad guy.” Rights after the devilishly handsome young man said that, the wife in question rolled her eyes before covering her mouth with her left, little knuckles up against her lips, then giggled and said in a motherly tone. “Oh, deaaar~ dooon't be so naughty already. Eh, Little Rang Rang, your name isn’t just for show, it ends up defining what you can achieve, it’s just a matter of time.”

Step, step. Step, step step…

The wife brought Yun Rang away, with the devilishly handsome young man not saying a word and letting the two of them lead the way as he followed them right after. Really, right after, Yun Rang looked back to gaze once more at her husband only to be kissed right above the bridge of her nose and below her glabella by his cold, but meat and comfortable, extremely pale red lips.

“Ah…” - “Hmm, darling, can we get a room? I think ‘Little Rang Rang’ isn’t able to hold herself in, we should…” - “Oh, mn! I thought so too, we’ll have to skip introductions right away and exchange information in bed, let’s go!” As soon as Yun Rang exclaimed softly, almost a moan and her pussy lips, lonely and with spider webs around, clenched; the pair of husband and wife chatted a lil’ bit before dragging her away.

“AHH! Uaaahh!! No, wait, I can’t, it’s not- it wasn’t lik-mmmmf?!” Yun Rang was screaming out widely when she suddenly found herself not in a bedroom nor on a bed; or on anything for that matter but in space itself. Becoming disappointed, however, she only saw the endless darkness up ahead and all around her, when that familiar cold feeling but this time left hand softly held her nape.

“Don’t be afraid,” his voice was devilishly, tempting and seductive. Her ears felt softly being licked before the voice returned and made her crazed with those sensations, “I just really, really, really, really, really, really… … … Am fond of you.”

“Ah💓…” Before the young man could start touching her, he already felt his pants being expertly but nervously taken off in less than 0.03 seconds, surprising him right away alright. All he could do was to comply and accept her needs, letting her wantonly experiment all over his body, giving him little twinges here and there that made him believe he had found something that didn’t exist before, amazing him and his hidden voyeur wife.

“AAH, ummf AAH YESS!!” For a long time ahead, Yun Rang’s cries were all that could be heard across the space several tens of thousands of kilometers around them. As for Yun Rang herself who seemed crazed by finally knowing a love between man and woman, she was way too obsessed with this devilishly, shadowy handsome young man’s body, every inch and fiber of it and the way he felt; he touched and caressed her…and dicked her damnably AND damply good.


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