Breaking Providence (Original Fantasy)

Chapter 11: The Sneaker & the Healer Pt. 2

Priestess Angelina was a bad spy. She knew she was a bad spy. Ostensibly, she was there to keep an eye on the Destined Hero and report on his activities to the Church of the Most Holy Light. After all, by all accounts she owed the Church everything. Her first loyalty should have been to them above all others, right? There was just one problem with that.
Sure, Angelina was a Holy Priestess. Sure, she had been raised by the Church all her life. But while her Job was set in stone, it was not all she was. It was not her whole identity, not by a long shot. Deep down inside, Angelina had a secret desire. One that the buxom blonde had been harboring pretty much all her life. Ever since she’d grown old enough to even have those kinds of feelings, she’d had a certain sexual fantasy.
She’d done everything she could to fight it, of course. Her desire was wrong, Angelina knew as much. She knew just how awful her secret perversion was. It was why she’d never told a single soul. She’d never dared to say it out loud… that deep down inside, Angelina wanted to be treated like a piece of meat by an orc. She wanted to be hunted down. She wanted to be caught and fucked. She wanted to be bred, used, and abused.
It was shameful. Embarrassing. Humiliating. Every year, so many human women suffered at the hands of orcs according to the Church’s reports. Angelina had never met any herself unfortunately, but she’d heard the stories. Orcs were monsters by all accounts. The Church made that clear. And she… she was secretly a monster-lover.
Honestly, Angelina didn’t know if she had managed to fly under the radar, or if someone at the Church somehow discovered her true nature. It shouldn’t have been possible, she’d never whispered a word aloud of her innermost desires. But perhaps someone had figured it out and decided to offer her up as a sacrifice upon discovering that the Destined Hero was in fact a half-orc.
Personally, Angelina had been taken aback from the very first moment she’d seen Marcus. When he’d towered over her, awaiting his Awakening, she’d been forced to ask him to kneel just so her heart would stop beating so rapidly in her chest. Not because she was afraid of him or anything like that, but because she wasn’t sure she could have made it through the Awakening Ceremony without stuttering and stammering as he loomed over her.
Then, from the moment she’d first Identified him as the Destined Hero, Angelina had been awestruck. Not only was he a half-orc, not only was he the personification of her deepest, darkest, and most depraved desire, but he was also the most important person in the entire Holy Empire.
When the Holy Pope herself had come to Angelina some time later with the offer to join Marcus’ party, the Priestess hadn’t so much as hesitated. She didn’t even need to think about it, really. In the end, it was like a dream come true for her. Not that she’d expected him to fuck her silly right away or anything. Marcus was a good sort and didn’t seem the type to force himself upon her or anyone else, no matter what people said about half-orcs.
But then Angelina stumbled upon this. She was supposed to be the Church’s spy, so when she heard Marcus going to the Beastkin’s room, Angelina had made the decision to follow after him. And the door… the door had never fully closed. So she’d stood out in the hallway and heard EVERYTHING.
Eris wasn’t a Beastkin at all, but an actual Demon Assassin named Erised! Angelina had been terrified upon learning that, but also still reeling from what the other woman had said just before that. Erised had Identified Marcus as the Dark Lord.
That wasn’t possible though. Angelina had quickly and quietly performed her own Identification Sign immediately after to confirm what she already knew. Marcus WAS the Destined Hero. Whatever Erised was seeing had to be wrong. Or… or at least misinterpreted or something! Angelina refused to believe otherwise!
Still, she had feared for Marcus’ soul… until he had so easily taken control of the situation. The way he’d manhandled Erised even as she told Marcus her life story… it was everything Angelina had ever wanted for herself. Perhaps that was why she hadn’t fled in the face of all of Erised’s revelations. Or perhaps… perhaps she simply knew that Marcus needed her in this moment, now more than ever. Yes, that certainly sounded more noble than the truth, didn’t it?
The truth was, Angelina knew what she wanted. And if she told the Church about Erised, it might ruin everything. B-But more than that… Marcus was very clearly torn in this moment. He was the Destined Hero, but also being told he was the Dark Lord! Apparently, if Erised was to be believed, his mother was also the previous Dark Lord!
Angelina didn’t know about all that, but she knew one thing for certain. Her place was here, at the Destined Hero’s side. Or m-maybe, if she was incredibly lucky… h-his feet.
“Angelina… how much did you hear?”
Marcus finally speaks up, even as Erised’s eyes narrow dangerously. Currently presenting as a Beastkin Thief once more, the disguised demon reaches down to what appears to be an empty belt. But of course, Angelina has already seen the wicked daggers that the lithe assassin has there.
For a moment, she considers lying. It might truly mean the difference between life and death. But she can’t bring herself to do it. Not with Marcus.
“Everything, Sir Hero.”
Marcus flinches at that, while Erised curses and draws something invisible from her side. Seemingly realizing what’s happening a moment later, the Destined Hero grabs Erised by her wrists, halting her attempt to throw an unseen dagger at Angelina.
“Erised, no!”
“She knows too much, my Lord! You can’t possibly let her live now!”
“I already said I wasn’t killing her! And I’m not about to let you do it either! Are you mine or not?!”
Erised flinches at that last part, before ultimately ducking her head.
“… Yours.”
Marcus holds her for a moment longer before nodding sharply and releasing her wrists. All the while, Angelina remains where she is. She decided to put her life in the Destined Hero’s hands the moment that she stepped into this room and closed the door shut behind her. There was no helping it. Either she died here… or everything worked out.
Thankfully, Marcus seemed inclined to fight hard for the latter option even now. His blue eyes are nevertheless troubled and filled with turmoil as he looks over at Angelina, clearly confused.
“Priestess… you say you heard everything…”
Bobbing her head up and down, Angelina hums.
“That is correct, Sir Hero.”
“Then… why do you call me ‘Sir Hero’? You know now that I’m… that I’m not really the Destined Hero.”
His pause gives away what he wanted to say. That he’s really the Dark Lord. Angelina smiles softly and shakes her head, before rapidly performing the Identification Seal in the air in front of her yet again. Both Marcus and Erised tense up at this, likely for different reasons, but Angelina just lets her smile grow as she reads out the results to herself, her faith shored up once more.
“You are the Destined Hero, Marcus. No matter what a Demon tells you.”
Erised squawks at that, but Angelina pays her little mind. In truth, the Holy Priestess had been utterly terrified when Erised’s disguise had first melted away. Only Marcus’ presence and the revelation that the demon thought him to be the Dark Lord had kept Angelina from fleeing on sight. After all, Demons were said to be vile, wicked, corruptive creatures capable of turning even the most stalwart Paladins to darkness, especially if they were allowed to work their wiles.
That was what Angelina had thought Erised was doing to Marcus at first, and she’d even been looking for an opening to try and save him at one point. But then things had continued on and Marcus had not only turned the tables on the lithe demon… he’d also extracted her life story from her.
Angelina considered herself a good judge of character. Like for instance, she really appreciated Paladin Eric. At the same time, she wasn’t dumb, nor was she naïve. Bishop Archibald was bad news and she’d taken Paladin Eric up on every offer to accompany her around the Chapel so that the Bishop couldn’t get her alone with him. Despite that, she’d never actually developed feelings for Eric like she’d hoped she would. He just wasn’t… green enough.
That was all to say, Angelina might have seemed like a dimwit to the undiscerning eye, but just because she was blonde and voluptuous didn’t mean she was stupid. Erised… Erised hadn’t been lying when she told Marcus her story. Angelina hadn’t caught a single note of deception in the demon’s voice.
And wasn’t that odd? The Church taught that demons were the greatest deceivers ever. But Erised… she’d had a hard life. Angelina could tell. Her heart went out to the other woman in spite of her demonic status shockingly enough, and that was part of the reason that Angelina had decided she wouldn’t report Erised to the Church. It had been a tough, tough call. But… her eyes drifting down to Marcus’ naked cock, it was one Angelina had to make.
Still, the look on the Hero’s face is visibly conflicted even now. He needs further assurances… assurances that only she might be equipped to give.
“Sir Hero… no, Marcus.”
That gets his attention. He looks at her then, big blue eyes wide.
“The Holy Empire is in a state of decline. It’s not talked about very much, but we hear whispers in the Church. The Empire needs a Hero. It needs you. I know you might be afraid. I know you might think yourself incapable but know this; I see in you the future of our Empire. No matter what comes next, you will be needed. You are so very important.”
Marcus frowns, while beside him Erised snorts derisively.
“Hmph. She’s right about that much at least, your Lordship. You’ll be the future of the Empire once you conquer and own the place. You deserve to sit on the throne, not those prissy elven bitches and-!”
Marcus’ tone is tired, but surprisingly authoritative. It sends a shudder through Angelina’s body, even as Erised falls silent with a shiver. Then, their eyes meet and the two women blink at one another, each having noticed the other’s reaction. A contemplative look appears on Erised’s face, but before Angelina can give that further consideration, the Destined Hero draws her attention back to him.
“You’re really not going to report us to the Church? Why?”
Luckily, Angelina had an answer prepared here. Straightening up, thrusting out her chest and lifting her chin, the buxom blonde smiles.
“Because, Sir Hero. It is as her Holiness said. You are not of the Church. You are ABOVE the Church. No matter what some might say, you ARE the Destined Hero. You are beyond reproach.”
Marcus opens his mouth to speak, but Angelina cuts him off. Not with further words, but with actions. It’s past the time for words, she feels. Reaching up, she grabs at her already loosened robes. She’d prepared ahead of time just outside the door, feeling utterly scandalous as she did so. After all, they were in an inn of all places. Anyone could have stepped into that corridor while she was getting ready and it was only sheer luck that no one had.

Regardless, it was all worth it. In one smooth motion, she pulls her priestly garb off of her body, removing her robe and dress right then and there. As she exposes her pale, voluptuous body to him and Erised, Marcus rears back as if struck, his big blue eyes widening in shock. Erised, meanwhile, licks her lips and leans forward.
But Angelina doesn’t pay her any mind. This moment is between her and the Destined Hero. This moment is between her… and the well-hung half-orc sitting on the bed a few feet away. Those big, strong hands of his rest loosely on his legs as he sits there, watching her undress. Pulling off her chest wrap, letting her soft, large mammaries fully bounce free, Angelina tosses the cloth aside.
Normally, she wrapped her chest, pushing it down to try and keep her sinful, buxom figure from causing dangerous thoughts in both Bishop Archibald and the Paladins of the Chapel. Not that it truly helped, for even with her breasts wrapped up, she still looked quite curvaceous. With them unwrapped, well… she’s exposed now, her massive tits bouncing and jiggling all over the place as she reaches down and hooks her thumbs through her panties.
Sliding them down her legs, she steps out of them with one foot and then the other, before tossing them aside as well. Now entirely naked, completely exposed to the Destined Hero and the Demon at his side, Angelina slowly descends to her knees, her head bowed all the while.
Then, she goes a step further, prostrating herself before him, her hands palm down on the floor in front of her and her forehead pressed into the top of them. Her large chest squishes against the floor as will, pillowing out from either side of her torso.
“Sir Hero. I, Priestess Angelina, swear myself to you. I pledge myself to your cause. Your legitimacy is not in doubt. Your righteousness is beyond suspicion. I am here to serve the Destined Hero, not the Church of the Most Holy Light. And I shall, in whatever way you desire of me.”
Until this moment, Angelina’s voice has been relatively calm, clear, and strong. Now… now it turns throaty and thready, her breathing coming out faster as she continues on, her hips unconsciously wiggling in place at the same time.
“W-Whatever you desire of me… i-including my body. Y-You don’t need to ask, Sir Hero. You can j-just go ahead and t-take it.”
… There’s a pause, followed by a lustful yet exasperated growl.
Her name comes out of the Destined Hero’s lips all gravelly and deep, his voice rough with arousal. Angelina is pretty sure that it’s the first time he’s called her by her name and not her title. It makes her all the more turned on. And yet, he doesn’t tell her to stand up. He doesn’t demand she stop what she’s doing. So Angelina doesn’t.
She’s said all she has to say. And nothing that passed from her lips has been a lie either. She believed every last word of it. Marcus was their future. He WAS the Destined Hero. He had to be, because so long as he was the Destined Hero, then she could indulge in her deepest, darkest desire guilt free.
Angelina can only hope that she’s gotten her sincerity across. Her voice had trembled with desire and arousal at the end there. Now, in silence, she wiggles and squirms in place while waiting for his true response. Her need for his big, fat orcish cock is readily apparent, she feels. But only Marcus can decide what happens next, and she’d not have it any other way.
The bed suddenly creaks, heralding his approach as he rises and begins plodding over to her. Angelina keeps her head down, but eventually his boots come into view. She has to resist the urge to lean forward and lick at them, tempted as she is in her primed and incredibly aroused state. But no. She can’t do a thing but wait. HE has to be the one to decide what to do with her. Fuck her. Throw her out. Kill her.
It's all up to him now. And Angelina can’t wait.


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