Breaking Providence (Original Fantasy)

Chapter 13: The Crown Princess

While the Destined Hero and his party make their plans in a tavern on the edge of the city, everyone else in the Holy Empire continues on with their daily lives. They do not stand still, nor sit idle. The world is not frozen in time waiting for Marcus to decide what he is going to do. Everyone has their own story; everyone stands at the center of their own tale.
On the far side of the Capital, across from the Cathedral of Most Holy Light, sits the Royal Palace. It is within this Royal Palace that a young, silver-haired woman with slightly pointed ears quietly makes her way down the hall to a meeting with her mother. Her name is Elsenthia Seradina Leliana… and she is the Crown Princess of the Holy Empire.
One day, she will be Queen. As her father’s only direct heir, it is her birthright. But while she is technically of age now, she has not been crowned just yet. For the moment at least, her mother Lisanna Layla Leliana still rules as Queen Regent of the Holy Empire. Technically, her mother was in charge of everything. Lisanna sat upon the throne with the crown upon her brow, holding court, taking petitions, and making decisions that had lasting effects across the entire Holy Empire.
But in truth, there was actually quite a bit of nuance to her mother’s reign. For one, she was only Regent until Elsenthia ascended to the throne. She ruled in Elsenthia’s name in place of her late husband until the Crown Princess could be coronated as Queen in truth. Said coronation should take place within the year, and Elsenthia felt that she was more than ready to take the reins of the Empire from her mother. It was long past time, in fact.
However, there were some… minor difficulties to be overcome first. Queen Lisanna only ruled the Holy Empire by the grace of the Nobility of the Empire and the Holy Pope of the Church. If she were to lose the backing of either, then her position as ruler would become quite tenuous indeed. If she were to lose the backing of both, then their time as Royalty would come to an end, and Elsenthia couldn’t quite say what would happen next.
It was an awkward situation brought about because of her mother’s status as a pureblooded High Elf. The term ‘High Elf’ was not hyperbole. Elves like Elsenthia’s mother quite literally came from a higher plane of existence than their own. The High Elves had long since abandoned the mortal realm, but thanks to an ancient pact between them and the Holy Empire that stretched back unbroken for thousands upon thousands of years, certain expectations and obligations were maintained.
One of those obligations was to the King of the Holy Empire. Each King was sent a High Elf Maiden to become his Queen when he was coronated. The maiden was to live with him for all his days, bearing him at least one heir before returning to the Higher Planes once he passed away. A string of political marriages that stretched back to the dawn of the Holy Empire.
Unfortunately, Elsenthia’s father, King Albert, had passed away a decade ago, back when Elsenthia herself was but a little girl. The King had died of illness from what she’d been told, and ultimately the Holy Empire had been left without a male monarch for the first time in its history. With King Albert dead, one might think that Lisanna would have returned to the higher planes by now, but that hadn’t happened.
See, there was a very simple reason that Queen Lisanna had not returned to her people on the higher planes after her husband’s death. Put bluntly… Elsenthia was an aberration. In the entire history of the Pact, throughout the whole of the Holy Empire and the High Elves’ relationship together, every single child born between a High Elf Queen and a Human King had been a boy. An entirely human boy, to be specific. That was all that was supposed to be possible.
Oh sure, the Kings of the Holy Empire certainly benefited from their mothers being pureblooded High Elves. They lived twice as long as normal humans, tended to be markedly more handsome, and were usually immune to most diseases and sickness. Which was why it had been so shocking when her father died like he did, or so Elsenthia had always been told.
That said, children born of the Pact between the Empire and the High Elves were not supposed to be… physically elven. They weren’t supposed to have almost entirely elven features like Elsenthia had. They weren’t supposed to have pointed ears, even if hers were half the size of her mother’s. And they definitely were NOT supposed to be female.
A human boy with a longer lifespan and good looks. That was all that was supposed to be possible. That was all that had ever BEEN possible. The Royal Family’s line had remained unbroken as a result of this for thousands of years. And then Elsenthia Seradina Leliana came along. The first half-elf born in all of the Holy Empire’s history. It should have been entirely impossible, but she was living proof that it was all TOO possible.
Needless to say, Elsenthia had spent her entire life trying to live up to the expectations of those around her. No, more than that… she’d done her absolute best to surpass them. When she was younger and her father still lived, all she was to the Nobility of the Holy Empire was a curiosity. Her mother’s people were aware of her of course, and while they had made no attempt to come down to the lower planes to see her for themselves, they had declared her existence ‘tolerable’ and left it at that.
While King Albert still reigned, no one else had cared that her mother had seemingly done the impossible and given birth to a girl of all things. It was so far out of the realm of possibility in fact, that it was more interesting than damning. Besides, everyone had been so confident that her father had plenty more time to get her mother pregnant with another child, one that would no doubt be the son they needed to continue the family line unbroken.
… That had never happened, obviously. King Albert had died without him and her mother ever conceiving another child. Suddenly, Elsenthia went from being the realm’s curiosity to its only heir. Suddenly, she’d gone from being interesting to dangerous. The Holy Empire had been ruled by Kings for the entirety of its history. And she, as the only child of her late father, threatened to overturn that tradition.
People did so love their traditions, and the people of the Holy Empire loved their traditions even more.
At least… at least Elsenthia knew she was loved. Her mother loved her, even if no one else did. Lisanna had had the opportunity to leave Elsenthia behind when they’d originally sent word to her people of King Albert’s death. The Crown Princess wasn’t supposed to know this, but she’d eavesdropped on a few important conversations. As such, she knew that her mother’s people, the High Elves, had decreed Elsenthia unworthy of ascending with Lisanna to the higher planes. In the same breath, they had reportedly beckoned Lisanna home.
Lisanna had refused to go. The Queen had stayed out of love for her daughter, refusing to abandon Elsenthia on the mortal plane. In the end, she had made her excuses and the High Elves had allowed her to stay until Elsenthia was of age and could look after herself.
… Part of the Princess wondered if the reason they were putting off the coronation for so long had to do with that decree. Lisanna didn’t know Elsenthia knew, but that was partly why the Princess had not pushed harder to be coronated and made Queen. She knew it had to happen eventually, and she wanted to be Queen with every fiber of her being… but she couldn’t help wanting to hold onto her mother for a little while longer.
That said, Elsenthia knew the truth. That really, the reasons for her coronation being put off this long had more to do with problems closer to home than anything so far off in the distance. The Royal Family had the full backing of the Church at this point, but the Nobility was far less of a Monolith. Plenty of them also shared blood with the Royal Family, as more than one second and third son of said family had ultimately become a Lord or Baron or Duke as their elder brother ascended to be King.
Elsenthia knew, even if her mother tried to shield her from such things, that there was plenty of talk among the Nobility of her not being fit to rule the Holy Empire. To them, even if she were the direct heir to the previous King, she could never be King herself just because she was lacking the critical equipment betwixt her thighs.
Many of them could be swayed, but some of them would never accept a true Queen ruling over the Holy Empire in the same way they’d reluctantly accepted Lisanna’s temporary rule. Especially when none of them knew how long Elsenthia would live. Elsenthia herself didn’t know if she would be immortal like her mother and her mother’s people, or only have twice the lifespan of a human like her father’s forefathers had had. Like HE should have had.
… All of this runs through Elsenthia’s head as she finally comes to a stop in front of the door to her mother’s sitting room, let in by a guard a moment later. She’s not thinking about these things because she’s always thinking about these things, though she usually is. No, she’s thinking about all of this right now because of the news that reached her ears just moments before her mother’s summons.
Stepping into the sitting room, Elsenthia spies her mother already waiting for her at the table, a wine glass in hand. As Elsenthia enters, Lisanna doesn’t hesitate to pour her daughter a glass of wine as well, something the Crown Princess nods at as she takes the offered glass.
“Have you heard the news, daughter?”
Taking a fortifying sip of the blood-red wine, Elsenthia regards her mother in silence for just a moment to collect herself. She’s not looking forward to this conversation, no matter how much she knows it to be necessary. So, she takes the opportunity to catalogue her mother’s looks and bask in her presence. Lisanna Layla Leliana is just as beautiful as Elsenthia herself. No, rather, she’s more beautiful in every way. Elsenthia is younger, it’s true, but she’s really little more than a pale imitation of Lisanna’s pureblooded High Elf looks.
They share their silver hair, and Elsenthia has begun to grow into her mother’s hourglass figure over the past few years. But aside from that, everything Elsenthia likes about herself, her mother is all that and more. Lisanna’s knife-like ears are twice again as long and flowing as Elsenthia’s pointed ears. Her elven angled features are perfectly proportioned, while the Princess’ are barely off in a way that isn’t readily apparent until she’s stood right next to her mother.
Lisanna even wears her gorgeous royal dress better than Elsenthia does, looking like she belongs in the flowing garment while Elsenthia has never felt entirely comfortable in her attire. Though, that has more to do with the Crown Princess’ Job than anything else.
Regardless, Lisanna has asked her a question and proven more than generous in waiting for an answer. It’s about time Elsenthia gave her one.
“… I have, mother. And I’m aware of what it means as well.”
Lisanna raises an eyebrow at that, her perfect lips thinning out ever so slightly but still managing to look downright ethereal in their beauty.
“Are you now?”
Elsenthia tries not to bristle at her mother’s questioning tone. It’s a test, obviously… yet another test. But that’s something the Crown Princess has long come to appreciate. She knows that her mother means well. That she only does this because she cares. She wants what’s best for her daughter, and Elsenthia wants nothing more than to make her proud.
“Yes, mother. The Destined Hero has been found. Which means the Dark Lord has likely already been discovered by our enemies. The Holy Empire must prepare for war.”
Lisanna tilts her head to the side.
“Do you think I called you here because the Empire is under threat by the Dark Lord, dear daughter?”
Here, Elsenthia can’t quite hold back her sigh.
“… No, mother. I know why you called me here. The Destined Hero will save the Holy Empire like they always have. The Dark Lord will fall. And in the aftermath, the problem of my legitimacy or lack thereof will seem like its’ solved itself.”
She wasn’t stupid. Her mother had made sure of that. The Queen silently toasts her wine glass in Elsenthia’s direction, letting the Princess know she’s gotten it in one.
“Indeed, daughter. Though as usual, it is not as easy as all of that. It feels like nothing can be, ever since your father’s death.”
Ever since Elsenthia’s birth, or so the Princess felt her mother truly meant. But no, that wasn’t fair to the Queen. Her mother usually always spoke her mind, at least where Elsenthia was concerned. So she probably meant exactly what she’d said. Still, now the Crown Princess is confused.
Quirking up the corner of her mouth in a sardonic smile that nevertheless manages to still look wonderful on those perfectly sculpted High Elven features, Lisanna sighs.
“Some of the Nobility will insist that you marry the Destined Hero once he’s defeated the Dark Lord. Some won’t stand for it, due to his heritage. If only the boy had been fully human.”
Blinking rapidly, Elsenthia feels caught flat-footed. All she’d been told was that the Destined Hero had been discovered. She’d assumed that was why her mother had called her here, and of course it was. But apparently there was more than that. More than Elsenthia understood.
“Pardon… his heritage?”
Lisanna gives Elsenthia a bit of side eye at that.
“Fire your spies, dear daughter. They’re doing a terrible job keeping you abreast of the situation.”
Elsenthia flushes, feeling suitably chastised as her mother lets out another sigh. It seems to be a day for them where Lisanna is concerned.
“Our new Destined Hero is a half-orc, Elsenthia.”
That sends a jolt through the Crown Princess’ mind. A half-orc?! Truly? They might not be as unique as her own existence, but they were still quite rare… and utterly reviled. But then, it made sense. Orcs were monsters, plain and simple. They had luckily been pushed out into the dark recesses of the Holy Empire’s border territories, but that didn’t stop them from being a massive threat. In fact, the new Dark Lord might very well be an orc. Plenty had been before.
Half-orcs were commonly understood to take more after their orcish parents then their human parents. Only a handful had ever proved to be productive members of the Empire. The rest turned out to be no better than the monsters they so greatly resembled.
For the Destined Hero to be a half-orc… Elsenthia immediately understands why this is a problem. If he had been human, marrying the Destined Hero into the Royal Family would have neatly solved all of their political woes almost immediately. The Nobility wouldn’t dare go against a human Destined Hero as King Consort to Elsenthia, Queen of the Holy Empire.
It would still be breaking from thousands of years of tradition, but all she and the Destined Hero would need to do was have one son, and they could then return to the ways of the Pact once the child came of age, with the High Elves sending down another maiden at that time. Everything would be perfect.
But a half-orc? Some of the Nobility wouldn’t stand for such a creature to be on the throne. And they would no doubt clash with the Nobility who would demand that Elsenthia marry the Destined Hero as soon as he succeeded in slaying the Dark Lord. The Crown Princess didn’t doubt for a second that he would do so either. All of the stories ended the same way. The Destined Hero ALWAYS succeeded in slaying the Dark Lord.
Finally sitting down, feeling a heavy weight on her shoulders, Elsenthia takes a long draw from her wine glass.
“What… what are we going to do, mother?”
Lisanna scoffs.
“Prepare, dear daughter. As always, we will prepare. If we’re lucky, he’ll get himself killed defeating the Dark Lord. It certainly happens often enough.”
Elsenthia grimaces at her mother’s dark, macabre tone. She’s not entirely sure how that would help things though. Even if the Destined Hero did die before she could marry him, wouldn’t that just leave them right back where they started? Parts of the Nobility would still be entirely against the idea of her coronation and ascension to the Throne.
Still, there was nothing for it. Elsenthia was her father’s daughter as much as her mother’s, no matter what anyone said. She was Crown Princess of the Holy Empire. The Throne was hers by birthright, and she wasn’t about to let anyone take it from her.
“Of course, if the Nobility knew the truth, they would be even more up in arms over the idea of you two marrying.”
The Crown Princess jolts, pulled from her determined and resolved thoughts as she looks to her mother, baffled. Lisanna, meanwhile, quirks the corner of her mouth up.
“We elves have a certain weakness to orcs, dear daughter. How that will affect any interactions between you and the Destined Hero, I know not. You will redouble your lessons in self-control and meditation. What do I always say?”
The words come to Elsenthia quickly, even as she reels at the reveal of High Elves having ANY sort of weakness. But then, a weakness that wasn’t applicable when they were all on a higher plane wasn’t a weakness at all, was it?
“If our bodies are our temples, our minds are our palaces.”
Lisanna tips her wine glass in Elsenthia’s direction and nods.
“Very good. But you will need more than a palace in the coming days. Your mind will need to be a fortress, if you are to keep your wits about you dear daughter.”
She’s surprised at how… concerned her mother sounds. But Elsenthia merely bows her head in acceptance of the Queen’s degree. After all, mother always knows best.


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