Breaking Providence (Original Fantasy)

Chapter 17: The Crown Princess Pt. 2

This time around, the Crown Princess does not make her way quietly towards her mother’s sitting room. This time around Elsenthia walks with purpose and no small amount of clanking as she strides down the hall. In fact, she barely even pauses to give the guard outside of her mother’s door a nod before barging in on the Queen.
Lisanna looks up and immediately wrinkles her nose and frowns at the sight of her, though even that action does nothing to detract from the elven Queen’s beauty.
“… What are you wearing, my daughter?”
Elsenthia stops short and the tips of her half-elven ears burn a little bit. Normally, she would do everything in her power to keep her mother from seeing her like this. Normally, she would never in a million years come before her mother dressed as she is now. However, desperate times call for desperate measures.
“Armor, mother. I am wearing… armor.”
Lisanna’s lips thin out into a tight line and for a moment she just stares at Elsenthia’s pristine attire. A beautifully crafted chestplate made by the Royal Blacksmith himself, along with ornately crafted gauntlets and greaves. Underneath she wears a carefully tailored dress, the skirt of which is reinforced with chain mail under its frills.
The entire ensemble is as beautiful as it is functional… perhaps even more so beautiful than it is functional at the end of the day. But Elsenthia isn’t complaining. It fits her like a dream, and with all the proper enchantments too. That despite the Royal Blacksmith’s enmity and rivalry with the Chief Blacksmith over at the Cathedral. It also affords her full range of movement, allowing her to utilize the rapier at her side to great effect against her foes.
“… Take it off. You look absolutely dreadful dressed like that.”
Unfortunately, her mother still hates it. But then, Elsenthia knew she would. For as much as Lisanna loved her with all her heart, having sacrificed her chance to be with her people just to stay in the mortal plane and keep Elsenthia safe… their relationship wasn’t perfect. In fact, there was one rather large black mark upon their bond with one another. Elsenthia’s Job.
When her father had died a decade ago, Elsenthia had had to quickly come to terms with both that and her new place in the world. She’d gone from being the curiosity of the Royal Family to becoming Crown Princess of the Holy Empire practically overnight. Her mother might not have liked it, but Elsenthia had realized very early on that she needed to be more than just a Princess if she was ever going to make the Nobility accept her.
Some of them would never consider her ‘worthy’ no matter what she did due to the absence of a certain instrument between her legs, but others could still be swayed if she could manage to be just kingly enough for their tastes. And so Elsenthia had split her time between her lessons on being a princess and new lessons on being a warrior. A King had to be able to fight their own battles. That much was always clear to her. And if Elsenthia was going to be the next Ruler of the Holy Empire, she had to be able to fight her own battles as well.
Her mother had… entertained Elsenthia’s desire for martial training as a passing fancy at first. By the time Lisanna realized it was NOT a passing fancy, it was too late. When Elsenthia’s Awakening took place last year, she received the Job of Knight.
It was a good, solid Job in Elsenthia’s opinion. And something she’d undeniably earned through hard work and valor. But it did not make her mother happy. According to the Queen, Knight was not a Royal Job. Knights did not rule over Empires, they served under Kings and Lords. Never mind that neither of those was an actual Job. It was Lisanna’s vocal opinion that by becoming a Knight, Elsenthia had harmed her chances of ascending to the throne, not helped them.
Elsenthia disagreed. It was, in fact, the one thing that the Queen and Princess could not actually agree on. Sure, there were some Nobility who disparaged her behind her back, calling her things like “Princess Knight” in a ridiculing, derisive tone. But that was fine. Those were the same nobles that Elsenthia knew she would never be able to convince of her right to wear the crown.
Others were quite pleased to hear she was a strong warrior. Her Job as Knight represented her ability to lead the Holy Empire through any martial challenge that might come to it. With that in mind, Elsenthia squares her shoulders and stares the seated Queen down.
“I’m not here to talk about what I’m wearing, mother. Have you heard the news?”
Lisanna’s eyes narrow at her daughter’s obstinance. The Queen isn’t used to being disobeyed, especially not by Elsenthia. But in this case, the Crown Princess stands her ground, jaw clenched and head held high as she rests a hand on the pommel of her rapier. Not that she would ever draw her blade on her own mother. No, it’s just a comfort of sorts to grip at it while they speak. A way of bolstering her self-confidence if you will.
“You’ll have to be more specific, dear one. Which bit of news are we talking about?”
Flinging her free hand up into the air, Elsenthia gesticulates wildly.
“The bandits, mother! The Destined Hero! He’s managed to clear them all out in a month and a half! Bandits that were plaguing the Empire for years, dealt with in just six weeks!”
Lisanna pauses and then shifts in her seat for a moment before sniffing delicately.
“… Yes, he’s certainly done well for himself, hasn’t he?”
Elsenthia gapes at that, before letting out a half-scoff, half-laugh.
“I think his accomplishments can be described as a bit more than ‘doing well’ mother! He’s making fools of us! Of both the Royal Family and the Nobility!”
The Queen lets out a sigh at that.
“Yes. Bad business that. Baron Graham has never been one of our staunchest supporters, but he’s at least proven to be neutral. His son’s crimes have weakened his position considerably. We shall have to make sure our allies pick up what pieces fall from his estate before our enemies can.”
Shaking her head, Elsenthia frowns as she finds a chance to ask a question that’s been plaguing her since she first heard the news.
“There’s no… evidence that the Baron knew about it, is there?”
Raising an eyebrow at her, Lisanna smirks.
“Do you think a man of the Baron’s position would be foolish enough to leave any such evidence just lying around, Elsenthia? Besides, it’s out of our hands regardless. The Hero sent all of the proof of Lord Robert’s misdeeds straight to the Church. By doing so, he has made his decision to have the Church investigate this matter quite clear.”
Elsenthia can’t help but scoff again at that.
“So the Baron will make a sizable donation and the Church will sweep it under the rug then.”
Eyes flashing, her mother pins Elsenthia with a glare.
“You would do well not to speak ill of the Church, daughter. Not even behind closed doors. Her Holiness is one of our most powerful supporters and without her backing, you will never wear your crown.”
Immediately, Elsenthia backs down, suitably chastised by Lisanna’s words. Her mother is right, after all. Holy Pope Serafina has stood by them all this time. To spit in the face of her loyalty to the Royal Family isn’t just ill-advised, it’s simply plain wrong. Besides, when the time came, Serafina was the only one who could call for a coronation. She would also be the one to place the crown upon Elsenthia’s brow with her own two hands. To have anyone else do so was blasphemy of the highest order.
“Apologies, mother. Of course I don’t doubt her Holiness one bit. I just know that she is only one woman, and that there are those in the Church beneath her who get away with abusing their positions.”
The Queen doesn’t try to deny that accusation. In fact, the silver-haired High Elf even tips her head in acknowledgement of Elsenthia’s words.
“As there are in any large enough bureaucracy, dear daughter. You will not escape the politics and the backroom dealing, not even when you are Queen. In fact, the amount of politicking you will have to do will grow tenfold once you finally sit upon your father’s throne.”
Elsenthia grimaces. She’s not looking forward to it… but at the same time, she can’t just stand aside and let any of the other options come to pass. All of the noblemen who would put themselves forward as possible candidates for becoming King are ambitious, cold, bloodthirsty bastards who would only take the Holy Empire even further into decline. Their gain would come at the expense of everyone else. Elsenthia couldn’t allow that to happen.
But then, that brought them right back around to why they were here, didn’t it? Straightening up again, holding her head high once more, Elsenthia inhales sharply.
“That’s why I’m here, mother. Politics.”
The Queen raises another eyebrow at her daughter, looking decidedly unimpressed. But Elsenthia isn’t going to let that stop her. Not this time.
“You’re the one always telling me how important perspective is, mother. How people see you is just as important as how you really are. Isn’t that what you’ve always said? What’s actually real pales in comparison to what people perceive to be real.”
“… Get to the point, my daughter. I do not need you to parrot my own lessons back at me, I remember them perfectly well.”
Nodding in understanding, Elsenthia considers how to proceed for a moment before deciding that there’s no helping it.
“The bandits were not our fault. They were organized and led by a lord, one of the Nobility, and their continued existence was ultimately the failing of the Church and their Paladins who we have entrusted with the defense of the Empire and the enforcement of our laws. But it doesn’t matter, does it? Because at the end of the day the Royal Family will be blamed all the same. We will be tarred with the same brush as the Nobility, and we will be held accountable for the failings of the Church.”
She knows she’s right, especially when her mother doesn’t have an immediate response to her words. Emboldened a bit by the Queen’s silence, Elsenthia continues on.
“Baron Graham will take a hit, but the rest of the Nobility will get fatter off of his losses. Meanwhile the Church’s reputation will only grow stronger, since the people will see them as the ones who sent the Destined Hero out in the first place. Six weeks, mother. In six weeks, the Destined Hero eradicated a bandit threat that’s been festering in our borders for years.”
Lisanna lets out another sigh and Elsenthia immediately pauses, recognizing when her mother has something to say.
“You clearly have a suggestion, daughter. Get on with it.”
Right. She’s taking her sweet time, isn’t she? But then to be fair, that’s mostly because Elsenthia believes she already knows what her mother’s answer is going to be. Still, she has to try.
“We have to be seen doing something, mother! The Destined Hero’s Party is only three strong, including him! Allow me to go out and join them! I-!”
“Absolutely not!”
The Queen’s sharp response and cutting tone brooks no argument, but in this particular instance Elsenthia refuses to back down.
“I should have done so from the beginning, mother. Their successes need to be our successes, especially if I am to marry him to strengthen my claim to the crown!”
“You weren’t ready six weeks ago and you aren’t ready now! You are not equipped to handle his presence, daughter of mine!”
Bristling despite the respect and adoration she feels for her mother, Elsenthia grits her teeth.
“I’ve been meditating every day, mother. I have done nothing but center myself and follow your lessons to the letter! If I’m not ready now, when will I be ready?”
Scowling fiercely, Lisanna cuts through the air with her hand.
“It’s only been a month and a half! Patience, daughter! This is the problem with the denizens of the mortal plane. You all rush about with such desperation and never stop to consider if perhaps you should move a little slower!”
Another admonishment that Elsenthia would have normally been happy to listen to. Her mother was a High Elf after all. She literally came from a higher plane of existence. By all rights, the High Elves must have done something right to have ascended in the first place. And yet… and yet, in this instance, Elsenthia can’t help her feelings. And her feelings say Lisanna is wrong.
“It’s only been six weeks, and in that time the Destined Hero has slaughtered a few hundred bandits, torn their entire operation out by the roots, and sent the head of their leader back to the Capital on a silver platter. Mother, if that’s what he does in the first six weeks, what will he do in the next? At what point will even our staunchest supporters begin to wonder what use we even have? At what point will we be set aside in favor of having the Destined Hero start a new Royal Bloodline altogether?”
Lisanna stiffens at that.
“… That would not happen.”
And yet, Elsenthia thinks she hears a bit of doubt in her mother’s voice. She surges forward, trying to seize on the moment as best she can.
“And why not? Why shouldn’t the Destined Hero rule the Holy Empire? Sure, there would likely be a civil war as those who refused to be ruled by a half-orc took up arms… but the Hero singlehandedly destroyed an entire organization of bandits in a month and a half. I don’t doubt that he’d make short work of those nobles who stood against him, especially with the backing of those who stand beside him, to say nothing of the Church! And all the while, we’re left out in the cold!”
“… It’s never happened before.”
Seriously? That’s her mother’s defense. Elsenthia can tell that even to Lisanna’s own ears, her words are weak. Once again, the Crown Princess presses the attack.
“I’ve never happened before either, mother. My very existence is proof that things can change, that we must be ready to adapt to the shifting of the tides! You know if we don’t act now, we might not get a chance to act later. The Royal Family must be seen doing something or the people’s faith in us and the crown will only erode further. This is our chance to attach ourselves to the Destined Hero’s rising star. We would be fools to let it slip us by!”
For a moment, she thinks she might get through to her. Her mother looks truly lost, eyes flicking back and forth as she stares off into the distance for a beat. Then… her eyes trail back over to Elsenthia, taking in her knightly visage. In an instant, that lost look disappears as Lisanna’s face suddenly hardens and she regains her regal bearing.
Elsenthia blanches. So close! She’d been so close!
“Mother, I-!”
But Lisanna isn’t listening anymore. She cuts her off right then and there.
“I said no. Fool am I?”
Wincing at the Queen’s tone, Elsenthia clutches at the pommel of her rapier for dear life.
“Is it so foolish, wanting to keep my daughter’s mind intact? You aren’t ready, Elsenthia. That so-called Hero is half-monster. As you are now, he’d chew you up and spit you out if he didn’t decide to swallow you whole. You will have to marry him, that there is no helping. But yours will be a marriage of equals. I will ensure that much at least. You will not submit. You will not bend to his power. You will be Queen and he will be your King Consort… I will accept nothing less!”
… She’s lost her chance. Wearing her armor to this meeting had been an attempt to show her mother she wasn’t messing around, but Elsenthia can see now that it’s backfired. All it’s done is alert Lisanna to the fact that this entire conversation was a battle in and of itself. And if there’s one battlefield where her mother excels above all others, it’s the battlefield of words.
Her cause would have been better served if she came to her mother with her head bowed, dressed like a proper princess. But Elsenthia had never been very good at subtlety. She had never excelled at cloaking her true intentions, nor was she some great manipulator to be able to trick her mother of all people into doing what she wanted. Being blunt and upfront about her desires had been Elsenthia’s best chance, or so she had hoped.
“There will come a day when you need to prove yourself to both the peasantry and the Nobility, dear daughter. There will come a day when you and the Hero will stand side by side. But that day is not today. You aren’t ready. Return to your room. Continue your meditations and your lessons. Once you have shown me that you can control yourself, then we shall revisit this conversation. Do I make myself clear?”
Lowering her head in submission, the Crown Princess’ pointed ears have drooped a little bit.
“… Yes, mother.”
With that, Elsenthia leaves the parlor. There’s nothing more to be said. For a brief moment after departing from the Queen’s sitting room, the Crown Princess is struck with the urge to go out and do it anyways. She’s already dressed for battle, after all. She could go down to the Royal Stables, grab her horse, and be out the gates of the Capital by the end of the hour.
… But no. In the end, Elsenthia lets her steps carry her back to her room, where she slowly, regretfully divests herself of her beautiful armor. She knows her mother wants what’s best for her. She knows Lisanna is afraid for her. She wants… she wants to make her mother proud. She’ll do everything in her power to avoid disappointing her.
Sinking to her knees in the middle of her room, Elsenthia lets her eyes drift shut and slows her breathing as she starts meditating. Focus and Discipline. These are what she would need when she finally met the Destined Hero face to face. Focus and Discipline.


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