Breaking Providence (Original Fantasy)

Chapter 22: The Crown Princess Pt. 3

The news of an Orc Warband forming in the Southern Wildlands had rapidly taken the Capital by storm. It had, after all, been hundreds of years since such a thing occurred. In fact, most in the Holy Empire didn’t believe the orcs were capable of forming an actual warband these days. There weren’t supposed to be that many of the creatures left. And yet, by all accounts… there were. This was happening. It was real, no matter who wanted to deny it.
“Her Holiness will see you now.”
Elsenthia spares a single glance and a nod to the woman at the Holy Pope’s door, before slipping into the office beyond. As she walks the Crown Princess tries to do so with her head held high, her back straight, and her shoulders squared… rather than acting like the child skulking about that she somewhat felt like at the moment.
See, she wasn’t exactly here with her mother’s permission. In fact, Elsenthia hadn’t gone to the Queen at all this time around. She’d known how Lisanna would react to the news of a full-blown Orc Warband forming on their borders. The older elf wouldn’t even let Elsenthia go and join the Destined Hero’s Party, and he was just a half-orc! By comparison, if the Queen had her way, she would never let Elsenthia within viewing distance of a full-blooded orc.
But that was just it. The Royal Family needed a win. By all rights, the warband fell under the purview of the Church and its Paladins. The Nobility had already made a largely ceremonial gesture by calling an Assembly and professing their faith in the Church’s ability to deal with the threat. Meanwhile, the Church was already mobilizing a full Crusade of Paladins, five hundred strong.
Technically, it was being taken care of. Really, Elsenthia didn’t need to do anything. Except that wasn’t the case. She needed this. She and her mother needed this, for all that Lisanna would never allow it if she knew Elsenthia was here. Luckily her mother had no idea she was here. The Queen had taken Elsenthia’s silence to mean she still hadn’t heard about the Warband. It was only a matter of time before Lisanna learned that her daughter knew, however.
“Elsenthia! Look at you, darling! You look so good in that armor!”
Flushing, the Crown Princess immediately ducks her head and smiles as Serafina meets her halfway, rising from her desk and striding forward. Known as the Holy Pope to most, to Elsenthia she was something akin to an aunt. She’d been there all Elsenthia’s life in fact. When Serafina pulls her into a hug Elsenthia can’t help but feel small, despite the fact that she’s wearing her armor while the Holy Pope is just in her robes as usual.
It's only for a second though, and then Serafina pulls back, holding her by the shoulders and looking her up and down with a knowing glint in her eye and a small grin on her face.
“My, if I didn’t know any better I would say you’re getting ready to go to war.”
Elsenthia stiffens before swallowing nervously. She should have known she wouldn’t get anything past Serafina.
“… That’s why I’m here, your Holiness. To ask for your permission to join the Crusade you’re sending out against the Orc Warband.”
Serafina raises an eyebrow at that, before smiling a little wider.
“Please, call me Auntie Sera. Like you did when you were younger. Come on, let’s sit and talk.”
Flushing, Elsenthia nevertheless takes some solace in the fact that the Pope hasn’t immediately kicked her out of her office. Even still…
“I can’t call you that, your Holiness. It would be… demeaning.”
As they move to the desk and sit down, Serafina gives her a knowing look.
“Demeaning for whom my dear? Me or you?”
Once again, Elsenthia feels far too seen. Lowering her gaze, she finds herself at a loss for words. Perhaps coming here was a mistake. Perhaps she should have just snuck out of the city all on her own and found another way to make a name for herself. If her Holiness decided to inform Elsenthia’s mother of her plans… she was doomed.
“Oh, don’t look like that Elsenthia. I’m just teasing you. Let us speak plainly, dear child. There are orcs gathering at the Southern Border. More orcs than have been heard of in living memory. Something must be done, yes?”
Elsenthia swallows and nods, lifting her gaze.
“They must be stopped. An Orc Warband hasn’t been seen in hundreds of years. The devastation they might wreak… we have to put an end to things before innocent lives are lost.”
For a moment Serafina just watches her, as if peering at her will allow the Holy Pope to ascertain the veracity of Elsenthia’s words. For all the Crown Princess knows, it just might. Serafina’s connection to the Light is second to none, and her power with it is unmatched by all as far as Elsenthia is aware. That’s why she’s the Pope.
“Quite right, my dear. Quite right. You should know, I am not adverse to putting you in command of the Crusade of Paladins currently assembling just outside of the Capital. Brave men and women one and all… do you think you’re ready to lead them into battle, Princess?”
Elsenthia’s eyes widen at that. That had not been the plan, actually. Not in a million years had she thought she would get the chance to lead, let alone lead the entire Crusade. Rather, she had hoped of course. Deep in her heart, it was a possibility she’d barely allowed herself to dream of. It was everything she both wanted and needed in order to shore up the public’s flagging respect for the Crown.
Still, was she ready? No, that was the wrong question. Rather, did she have any other choice but to BE ready? She was the Crown Princess of the Holy Empire. If she couldn’t seize an opportunity that was right in front of her, then she didn’t deserve to be the Queen. She didn’t deserve to ascend to the throne.
Eyes blazing with an unquenchable fire, Elsenthia looks Serafina right in the eye, her jaw clenching as she nods sharply.
“I am, your Holiness. I’m ready.”
Serafina smiles at that.
“Indeed, I do believe you are. Your Job might be that of Knight, but you have trained with our Paladins, haven’t you? Why, we might as well call you a Holy Knight.”
Elsenthia flushes, reading a bit into the Holy Pope’s words. Serafina wants to make it clear that this will be as much the Church’s victory as it will the Crown’s, no matter if Elsenthia is leading the Crusade or not. Ducking her head, she makes sure to pay the leader of the Church the respect she is due. She makes sure to inject as much respect and deference into her voice as she possibly can.
“No matter the outcome of this Crusade, the Church will have its due your Holiness. All I ask is that when all is said and done, the people know that this was a joint venture between both the Church AND the Crown.”
She waits a beat before raising her head to see Serafina’s reaction to those words. The Holy Pope has a wide grin on her face now, even as she tilts her head to the side.
“Mm, not the Nobility, dear child?”
Straightening up, Elsenthia shakes her head resolutely.
“I do not see the Nobility sending men to the border, your Holiness. I do not see them doing much of anything save for making empty statements and passing the responsibility onto you and yours.”
Left unsaid is that the recent scandal regarding Baron Graham’s fourth son has stained the Nobility just a tad. While most of them have gained something from the Baron’s fall from grace, there’s still the reputation of the Nobility as a whole to be considered. They stand on shakier ground now, and a victory on the battlefield is just the thing Elsenthia needs to put herself higher in the public’s esteem than those noblemen who seek to usurp her throne.
Inclining her head in acknowledgment of Elsenthia’s point, Serafina gives her a proud, beaming smile.
“I accept your offer, Princess. You will lead the Crusade to the Southern Border and crush the Orc Warband forming there. In doing so, you will save many innocents, and show that both the Church and the Crown are doing all that must be done in order to keep the citizenry of the Holy Empire safe. However, there is one other condition.”
Elsenthia blinks at that. A final condition? She furrows her brow, not quite sure what it could be. But then, if she can’t think of anything too objectionable… then what’s the problem with hearing Serafina out?
“Of course, your Holiness. What is it?”
Leaning back in her chair, Serafina hums for a moment before explaining.
“We live in interesting times, Elsenthia. If it were just us, I would be happy to leave things as they are. But the Destined Hero has Awakened… and that means the Dark Lord is out there somewhere. They say that this Orc Warband is the work of the Dark General Roka-Ra, the last and least of the previous Dark Lord’s appointed Generals.”
Elsenthia slowly nods, having heard that rumor as well. She didn’t know much about Roka-Ra, other than that she was the final Dark General given the title before the last Dark Lord and Destined Hero slew each other in single combat. Because of the nature of how the last fated pair died; the Dark Lord’s armies had not been routed in open battle. In fact, there was not a single recorded battle between the forces of the last Dark Lord and the armies of the Holy Empire.
The Crown Princess had always found that rather strange if she was being honest. The previous Dark Lord had been around for over a decade by all accounts, and yet she had never waged war on the Holy Empire. Oh, there were plenty of grievances against her. Plenty of atrocities attributed to her Evil Nature. But there weren’t any battles for the history books. No clashing of soldiers against soldiers.
“I believe this is a ruse. I believe the Dark General Roka-Ra is covering for something… or rather, someone.”
Elsenthia’s eyes widen as she catches on to the Holy Pope’s meaning.
“You think…”
“Indeed. The Dark Lord has joined with the orcs, perhaps even Awakening from among them. It would be quite surprising, seeing how little of their species is said to remain, but either way, I don’t believe for a second that the Dark General has seen fit to form an Orc Warband without the Dark Lord at her back. After all, what purpose would she have for doing it now, rather than earlier? Her confidence is telling, for all that they’re trying to hide the Dark Lord’s existence.”
The half-elven Princess slowly nods. It makes perfect sense. In fact, the more she thinks about it, the more she’s sure that Serafina HAS to be right. Honestly… the Holy Pope is brilliant, isn’t she? A genius tactician as well as a phenomenal religious leader. Elsenthia is glad for the chance to learn at her feet.
“That’s why I want you to make sure Marcus and his party join you on this expedition. If I’m right and the Dark Lord is there, then you will need the Destined Hero to have even a chance of slaying them. If I’m wrong… well, a Dark General is still no laughing matter. Marcus will increase your chances of victory.”
… She knows the Holy Pope is right. She knows Serafina’s logic is sound. And yet… her mother’s warnings echo in her ears all the same. Butterflies flutter in her chest. Is she ready to face off against the Destined Hero? Fighting orcs is one thing, even if her mother might disagree. Elsenthia fully believes she can handle the monsters on the field of battle without issue.
But that’s not the same thing as coming face to face with the man she’ll probably be expected to marry. Half-orc or no, Marcus is likely to be her future. Elsenthia is forced to admit that she’s a little afraid. And yet… what choice does she have? No, more than that… how can she let a little thing like insecurity keep her from doing what’s right?
Against the orcs, they’ll need every advantage they can get. Especially if they’re going to stop the Warband before it reaches any Empire Settlements. The border towns are already evacuating along the Southern Border where the Warband is said to be amassing. But eventually there would be nowhere to run if they didn’t halt the orcish advance in its tracks.
Letting out a slow breath, Elsenthia nods.
“O-Of course. The Destined Hero must be there, especially if the Dark Lord is there as well. I wouldn’t… I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
Serafina smiles almost knowingly, her eyes twinkling as she taps her fingers on her desk.
“Very good, Princess. Then I suppose you have a war to fight, don’t you?”
As Elsenthia rides out on her warhorse a few hours later, her heart is in her throat. She half-expects her mother to have caught wind of what she’s doing and have sent word to the gates to have her barred from leaving the Capital. But no, even though she’s out in the open, albeit amidst the final contingent of Paladins from the Cathedral… no one stops her. No one questions her presence. The gates are opened, and Elsenthia rides through with the Paladins.
She’s done it. She’s managed to slip her mother’s leash without Lisanna ever even knowing she’d gone. By the time word reached the Queen of Elsenthia’s whereabouts, it would be much, much too late.
They come out of the Capital and almost immediately come upon the Crusade’s camp. Hastily formed but no less disciplined, men and women of the Church can be seen in all directions, each of them wearing shining armor crafted in the Cathedral Foundries. It was quite an inspiring sight if Elsenthia was being honest, and she got so caught up in it for a moment that she didn’t even notice the Paladin walking up to her until he was right alongside her.
“Your Highness!”
Blinking, Elsenthia finally looks down into the handsome Paladin’s smiling face.
“U-Um… yes, Sir Paladin?”
Nodding to her respectfully, he takes her horse’s reins and begins leading her carefully through the camp.
“Right this way, your Highness. I’d show you to your tent, but we’ll be leaving shortly… within the hour, as I’m given to understand. So instead I’ll take you to the cart that holds your belongings.”
Feeling slightly self-conscious given she’s actually never been outside of the Capital before, Elsenthia slowly nods along.
“Ahem. That would be just fine, Sir Paladin… ah, might I know your name?”
Glancing back at her, he gives her another smile.
“Eric, your Highness. It means quite a lot that you’d even ask, I appreciate it.”
Elsenthia can’t help but feel a spark of pride at Paladin Eric’s gratitude. It was only right that she ask. If she was going to be fighting alongside these brave men and women, she wanted to know as many of their names as possible. And sure, maybe learning five hundred names before they found themselves in battle against the Orc Warband was a little unrealistic, but she’d try her best all the same. Not all of them would be making it back after all. Someone… someone needed to remember them, especially those who fell in battle.
Though, that makes her remember the Holy Pope’s last condition on Elsenthia’s leadership of this Crusade. As she and Paladin Eric arrive at a cart that likely contains her things, the Crown Princess clears her throat.
“Thank you, Paladin Eric. If I might rely on you for a bit further?”
The Paladin looks at her and nods.
“Of course, your Highness!”
“Then please, can you make sure a missive is sent out immediately to the last known location of the Destined Hero and his Party. I wish to have them invited to join our Crusade at once. We will need them in the battles to come.”
Rather than agree and hurry off to fulfill her orders, Paladin Eric looks confused for a second before shaking his head.
“Ah… your Highness, as I’m given to understand, such a missive has already been sent off under the orders of the Holy Pope herself. Unless… your Highness wishes to send a more personal message requesting the Hero’s aid?”
Elsenthia’s face colors as she belatedly realizes Serafina’s ‘condition’ wasn’t so much a condition… as it was a certainty from the very beginning. She should have known. She should have guessed, to be honest. Instead, she’d made a fool of herself, but at least it was to only one Paladin. Paladin Eric didn’t seem like the type to gossip either, so Elsenthia shoots him a smile that doesn’t quite reach her eyes and quickly shakes her head.
“Ah, no, that’s quite alright. Merely a simple miscommunication. Thank you, Sir Paladin. I’ll be ready to leave whenever we set out.”
“Of course, your Highness.”
With that, the Paladin bows and then leaves her to her own devices. Elsenthia doesn’t doubt that she’ll soon be dealing with a dozen people as the leader of the Crusade about to set out on the road towards the Southern Border. For this moment though, things are quiet and the Crown Princess lets herself relax.
Then, she takes in a deep breath and pushes down any nerves she’s currently feeling. In their place is a steely resolve. She will face the threat of this Orc Warband head on. She will defeat the Dark General Roka-Ra. She will support the Destined Hero in slaying the Dark Lord, if such an entity exists in the South. Not just because she wants to secure her position as Crown Princess… but because the consequences of failure are too damn high.
She won’t let anyone, monster or man, prey upon her subjects. For those who wanted to try… let them meet the end of her rapier.


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