Breaking Providence (Original Fantasy)

Chapter 41: Convent

“You can’t possibly be serious.”
Marcus’ deadpan tone is met with an amused snort from Roka-Ra.
“I’m afraid, my Lord, that I am.”
Ever since their first night together, the orc woman has become more and more relaxed around him. Truth be told, fucking her into the ground night after night has helped him relax too. He hates to say it, but it’s been much easier to accept her ever since they became bedmates. That said, there are obviously limits to Marcus’ approval, and this is probably one of them.
All four of them are standing on the peak of a small hill in the Northwestern part of the Holy Empire, overlooking a quaint valley. Their plan to escape their pursuers had worked beautifully, in no small part thanks to Erised, who even now was so exhausted that Angelina was carrying her. The lithe little demon had done well, and Marcus supposed he should probably let her know that… but he had other things on his mind at the moment.
“You’re telling me that there’s a Dark General down there.”
That was what Roka-Ra had said, after all. That they were seeking out one Dark General in order to get information from another Dark General. It seemed a little ridiculous, but it wasn’t like Marcus had had any better ideas at the time. Even now, all these weeks of fleeing from the Capital later, he didn’t necessarily have a better idea.
Though, anything would probably be better than what Roka-Ra appeared to be proposing…
“Indeed. I assure you, your Lordship, you have nothing to worry about. You-!”
Roka-Ra stiffens at that, cut off mid-word by Erised’s mumbled, exhausted insult. Whipping around, the General narrows her beady eyes at Erised, growling angrily.
“Oh? If you weren’t so tired little one, I’d demand you back up those words with some actions. As it is, perhaps you shouldn’t be picking battles you’re in no shape to fight!”
But Erised appears to have no fucks to give, because she just scoffs, nestled as she is against Angelina’s bosom. Giving Roka-Ra a lidded stare, the disguised demon just shakes her head.
“You think… you can convince the Dark Lord to desecrate a Convent? Don’t be… ridiculous. He’s never going to go for such a thing.”
She’s right, though Marcus is surprised to hear it coming from Erised’s lips instead of Angelina’s. Though to be fair, the Holy Priestess is a bit distracted with tending to the exhausted demon. Either way, as Roka-Ra bristles at Erised’s words, Marcus finds himself glancing back down into the valley.
There, nestled at one end of the valley, is a sizable town with one of the area’s major roads going through it. However, at the other end of the valley, far away from that road and with only a small dirt path connecting it to the town, is the Convent. The only problem is, a Convent was a type of Chapel of the Most Holy Light. The very people that they’d just spent WEEKS running from.
From what Marcus knew, Convents in the Holy Empire were specifically set up for Priestesses to meditate upon the nature of the Holy Light away from all… masculine distractions. This wasn’t to say that they were celibate or anything like that, but more that they spent a few years in quiet seclusion and contemplation, among only their Sisters in the Most Holy Light, before returning to the Church properly.
Erised was right. If this was why Roka-Ra had brought them here, he would be very upset indeed. At the same time though, he was loath to just assume the worst of the Dark General at this point. Funny that, but even still, he was trying to keep something of a more open mind when it came to her these days.
So, he stands quietly, staring out at the valley before them and waiting for Roka-Ra to explain herself. Whether she’s going to explain herself to Erised or him, it makes no difference in the end.
“… It is not my intention to have the Dark Lord desecrate a Convent, no. Such a thing should not be… necessary.”
Potentially emboldened by Marcus’ silence, Erised continues to demand answers.
“Then what… is your intention?”
Growling now, Roka-Ra stomps one foot into the ground, almost like a petulant child.
“My intentions have not changed! That Convent down there is the last known location of one of my fellow Dark Generals. If she’s still here, we’ll be able to talk to her and find out where we need to go next. If she’s not, they’ll know where she went.”
Marcus can’t help but slowly blink at that. The way Roka-Ra was talking, it was as though the Priestesses down at the Convent were in on it. But that couldn’t possibly be the case, could it? As silence falls, Erised and Angelina having to take a moment to process Roka-Ra’s words right alongside him, Marcus frowns, grinding his teeth together for a moment.
He didn’t like it. Mostly because they’d already escaped the Church. And now Roka-Ra was telling him they had to put themselves right back on the Church’s radar. Sure, Serafina might have sent that warning by way of Angelina, but even still… ugh. If Marcus wanted answers, he would have to probably go down there. And yet…
“My Lord… I think it might be too dangerous…”
It’s the first time in weeks that Erised has dared give her advice. Their relationship has been ragged and frayed from the lack of trust between them, and the disguised demon has been very careful not to overstep again. For her to speak up now means she feels very strongly about this. And yet…
Marcus lets out a sigh and turns to Roka-Ra first.
“How certain are you of this? How out of date is your information?”
The Dark General just lifts an eyebrow.
“I visited this Convent six months ago and was welcomed with open arms.”
THAT garners quite the reaction and not just from Marcus. As his eyes widen and he inhales sharply, Angelina gasps and Erised jerks in the Holy Priestess’ arms in the periphery of his vision. He suspected that both of them had thought the same thing he had… namely, that Roka-Ra’s information was probably years if not decades out of date.
And yet… apparently, he’d assumed poorly. Roka-Ra’s words are laden with conviction. She fully believes what she’s saying. In the end, there’s really only one path forward, isn’t there?
Turning to his original two party members, Marcus steps away from Roka-Ra, looking both Angelina and Erised in the eye. Despite the personal conflict in her eyes over learning about this strange Convent that was willing to accept an orc woman into its walls, Angelina’s expression is still one of complete devotion. She’ll follow Marcus anywhere, even into the jaws of death.
Erised, meanwhile, doesn’t even try to hold his gaze. She lowers her eyes right up until Marcus reaches out and tucks two fingers under her chin, lifting her head. Only then does she look at him, a little surprised by his touch. It is the first time he’s touched her in weeks, after all. Smiling softly, Marcus lets out a sigh.
“Erised. Your assistance these past few weeks have been greatly appreciated. Without your help, getting the Church off of our trail these past few days would have been all but impossible. Thank you for your hard work.”
Blushing like mad, eyes as wide as dinner plates, Erised’s lower lip wobbles.
“M-My Lord… o-of course.”
Marcus just nods, giving her a simple smile. He’s not forgiving her. Not quite yet. But he wants her to know that their relationship CAN be repaired. Especially since he’s about to ignore her advice wholesale.
Turning away from her and Angelina, Marcus sets his jaw as he walks back over to Roka-Ra.
“You’re absolutely sure this is the right play? The same trick won’t work twice. We can’t afford to have the Church back on our tail so soon, not without at least getting SOME answers first.”
Straightening up at his authoritative tone, Roka-Ra nods sharply.
“I’m sure. I understand that you’re leery of going back into what most would consider a place of power for the Church. But not all is as it seems. You do not need to worry, my Lord. We will find the answers we seek here, and so long as everything goes according to plan, we’ll be in and out before anyone outside of the Convent even knows we’re there.”
Well, that was about the best he was going to get, in the end. Letting out an explosive sigh, Marcus glances down towards the Convent in question. The compound’s walls seemed to be fairly tall, but nothing too spectacular. They would keep out wild animals and some monsters he was sure, but not anyone of real power. Still… Erised was right. Marcus had little desire to desecrate a Convent. And he especially wasn’t going to lay siege to one.
“… How do we get in? Is there a back way? Or do we have a method of calling your fellow Dark Lord out to us instead for a midnight rendezvous?”
Roka-Ra blinks and then grins.
“I think you still misunderstand, my Lord. This isn’t the kind of place where you need to sneak around. Follow me and I’ll show you what I mean.”
Without waiting for a response one way or the other, Roka-Ra begins making her way down the hill at an angle, entering the valley and heading straight for the Convent. Lips pressing tightly together, Marcus glances at Erised and Angelina before sighing and following.
Roka-Ra better be right about all of this…
“Ho there!”
Marcus can’t help but tense as Roka-Ra walks them right up to the Convent’s front gate and calls out to the Priestess manning said gate without a care in the world for how she looks. She’s a full grown orc warrior wearing pitch black armor. You’d think the Priestess’ reaction would be total terror and high-pitched screaming, right?
Instead, without batting an eyelash, the Priestess bobs her head up and down.
Her gaze sweeps from Roka-Ra to him and then to his companions. If anything, her eyes actually widen in surprise at the sight of Angelina of all people, rather than anyone else. The buxom blonde Holy Priestess is no longer carrying Erised. The disguised demon is walking under her own power at the moment, wearing her Beastkin Thief glamor.
“We’re here to speak with the Mother Superior. Is she available?”
Marcus’ eyes snap to Roka-Ra at that particular reveal. The Mother Superior?! The head of the entire Convent?! There was no way… right?
Humming for a moment, the Priestess at the gate slowly nods.
“She’s a tad indisposed… unless you don’t mind the mess.”
Far from being put out, Roka-Ra’s answering grin is positively shark-like.
“Oh I can assure you, neither I nor any of my traveling companions mind a bit of mess.”
“… Very well. As the Mother Superior’s friend, you are allowed entry.”
What the fuck was going on here? Marcus finds himself reeling as the gates are opened and the four of them are granted entry. Roka-Ra had already said this place wasn’t dangerous to them, but truth be told, Marcus hadn’t been sure he believed that claim. At least, not before. He was starting to now.
His presence not causing alarms to be raised could be explained away as news traveling slowly… but considering Roka-Ra was a full blown orc in wicked-looking plate armor, there was no way that the Convent’s Priestesses should have just accepted it.
And yet, as they’re escorted deeper into the Convent, the reaction from the Priestess at the gate proves to be far from unique. There are plenty of young women in robes and head-coverings moving around the courtyard that they’re brought into. They all stop and stare for a moment, but only for a moment in most cases. And none of them are the least bit frightened by what they see, either.
Those that do spend a little while longer studying him and his part are not doing so out of fear that they’re potential threats… but something else. There’s a hunger in all of their eyes that Marcus is beginning to recognize more and more these days. A hunger he’s seen directed at himself by quite a few women at this point.
He doesn’t want to assume though. Maybe he’s just reading into things. Maybe its his orcish instincts playing tricks on him. There’s a smell in the air that’s beginning to pervade his nostrils. It’s a scent that he would call quite familiar, in fact. Frowning, Marcus considers whether he’s just imagining things or not. However, if he is… the scent he’s ‘imagining’ is actually getting stronger. His grip on his halberd’s shaft tightens, even as the sensation in his crotch also tightens. And yet, even then he’s still in denial.
There’s just no way. A place like this? A Convent? It can’t be. Unless… unless it is.
At long last, their escort brings them to a pair of large double doors. By all rights, what should be on the other side of those doors is the Convent’s Main Chapel. Sisters would be found praying within, and perhaps a particularly important Priestess would be found behind a pulpit delivering a sermon, just as one could have found in Marcus’ local Chapel back in the Capital.
By all accounts, it’s the last place they should be intruding upon. Marcus would much prefer that they take a side passage to a back room where they can wait for this ‘Mother Superior’ to be free to meet with them. In fact, he opens his mouth to say as much, fully intending to try and get a handle on this situation before everything can possibly get any more out of hand.
Alas, he never gets the chance. The Priestess in front of them grabs the double doors and flings them open before he can get out a single word… and the sight within the Main Chapel takes his breath away.
The Chapel itself is just as beautiful as the one he was Awakened in back home. Even more so, from a certain point of view. It was a little cozier, but also a bit more… homey in a way. As though the Chapel he’d grown up with and received his Awakening in back home was something that was copied, a template of sorts. This place was no template, it was the sort of place that a group of Priestesses had lived in for decades and made their home.
… However, for all that the architecture was inspiring, it was what was going on within the space that truly stopped Marcus dead in his tracks. Dozens of naked Priestesses, some wearing only their head coverings but most not even wearing that much… all writhe atop of each other in a pile of undulating, writhing feminine flush.
They’re moaning and wiggling against each other, clearly enjoying one another’s bodies very, very much. Marcus now knows the smell pervading his nostrils was no lie, because he can see exactly where it’s come from. The scent of feminine arousal fills every inch of the room, and seeps out into the grounds of the Convent as well.
Meanwhile, atop this throne of flesh that occupies the center of the Main Chapel… is a woman. Dressed in nothing but a more ostentatious looking head-covering, she gazes down at Marcus and his party with a smile on her lips. She can only be the Mother Superior they’ve heard mention of so far.
But that’s not the only thing Marcus notices about her as he finds himself focusing on the naked beauty to the exclusion of everything else around him. No, he also notices the way her eyes flash a very demonic red, a forked tongue slipping out of her ruby red lips as she grins a frightening… but also incredibly arousing smile.
This wasn’t just the Mother Superior. This was the Dark General they’d come to find. And once again, Marcus couldn’t help feeling a little in over his head.


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