Breaking Providence (Original Fantasy)

Chapter 43: The Succubus

She was Sepia the Succubus. One of several of the Dark Lord Gral-Ra’s Dark Generals, she was an Infiltration Specialist. Under Gral-Ra, she had seduced many a Paladin and Priest alike away from the Church to the point that they had labeled her the Great Corruptor and given lessens to their clergy to avoid her and her wiles at all costs.
More than that, Sepia was over a hundred years old. Long before the last Dark Lord had even been a twinkle in her mother’s eye, long before she’d been known as the Great Corruptor, Sepia had been a demon grown.
And yet… and yet, it had been a long time since she’d been caught flat-footed liked this. It had been a LONG time since she’d been called out in her own damn house.

And this Convent WAS Sepia’s house. Don’t get it twisted, she had made this place her home. She had wormed her way in and turned it into her own private little paradise. It wasn’t like she’d had anywhere else to go after the Dark Lord was assassinated. Sure, she could have left the Holy Empire like most of the Dark Generals had wound up doing, but that would have been letting the Church win, something Sepia was loath to do.
Instead, she’d come here. A nice, cozy little Convent far out in the countryside. Away from the vast majority of the Church’s influence, a place where Sepia could settle in and remake this Convent and its denizens into something more in her… image.
Except, as much as it pained her to admit it, the little Priestess was right. The blonde had hit the nail right on the head. Sepia never had and never would force anyone to do anything they did not want to do. The most she’d ever done was use her abilities to alter the memories of those leaving the Convent so that they did not recall her true nature. It was for her and her flock’s protection, something she would never regret nor feel guilty about.
But the rest of it? The rest of it was as consensual as the buxom blonde Priestess had pointed it out to be. The fact was the vast majority of the Convent’s Sisters were all too ready to fall into ‘sin’ with very little provocation on Sepia’s part. Honestly, she’d barely had to do a thing. She’d arrived in the Convent one day as a new recruit, disguised to hell and back. And then she’d begun to work her special brand of magic.
Within three months, the Priestesses of the Convent had held a vote and replaced their former Mother Superior with Sepia herself. The coup was bloodless, but not without its fair share of bodily fluids… mostly because the previous Priestess to hold the title of Mother Superior had been one of the ones to vote for Sepia! In a rather debauched handing over of power, the Mother Superior of the time had seen fit to submit to Sepia sexually in front of the entire congregation, kneeling there between her legs and licking the Succubus to completion as Sisters watched on with wide eyes and flushed faces.
Not all of the Convent’s Priestesses were on board with such depravity, of course. Not all were so eager to succumb to Sepia’s advances willingly. But where the Church would likely have expected the Great Corruptor to FORCE them to submit… that couldn’t be further from the case. No one was forced to do anything they didn’t want to do. To violate someone’s Free Will, to abuse and prey upon someone who wanted nothing to do with her special brand of pleasure… went against who Sepia was at her core.
She did not molest those that did not want it. Full stop. In the end, the members of the Convent who were not interested in what Sepia or her new flock desired were sent away, their memories gently altered. Even those who were fully on board but eventually decided to leave the Convent in order to pursue other things, such as baby-making with male members of the Church, had their memories carefully edited.
It was purely a security measure, and while Sepia COULD have used her memory altering abilities, as well as any other number of her abilities as a Succubus to abuse her flock… she never had and she never would.
But never in a million years had the Succubus thought that she would be called out on such things by a brand new Holy Priestess who had arrived alongside General Roka-Ra, Gral-Ra’s son, and Volupa’s daughter. This whole situation was a little bit mind-boggling… but to have this Priestess be the oddest, most vexing member of the young half-orc’s party was not to Sepia’s expectation whatsoever.
Narrowing her eyes at the blonde, Sepia smiles a smile that doesn’t quite reach them, even as she clasps her hands in front of her.
“And what, dear child, is your name?”
The Holy Priestess seems relatively unperturbed by the amount of attention she’s drawn. Clasping her own hands in front of her, she bows low at the waist, her bosom jiggling as she does so.
“This one’s name is Angelina, Your Reverence. Thank you for allowing us into your beautiful Convent.”
Sepia’s eye twitches as Angelina addresses her as a Priestess would be expected to address a Mother Superior she was not directly under. Reverent Mother was the proper address when you were a Sister serving in the Mother Superior’s Convent, while Your Reverence was the proper address when you were just visiting.
The blonde Priestess’ respect is more galling than the Succubus cares to admit. Her smile becomes increasingly wooden, even as she tilts her head to the side once more.
“You truly hold no fear of me? You know who and what I am, and you act as thought nothing is amiss. This Convent is under my control. Your Sisters are my sexual slaves. They long to serve me, to fulfill my every debauched desire. Sister Irene.”
Sepia’s tone suddenly shifts as she snaps out a name. From the pile of wiggling, writhing bodies she’d been using as a throne, Sister Irene pulls herself free after a moment and crawls over to her. Without missing a beat, Sepia grabs the naked Priestess by her chestnut brown hair and drags her in between her legs. She does this without breaking eye contact with Angelina for even a moment, staring the blonde down as Irene eagerly starts to lick at Sepia’s cunt like the good little girl she is.
“Do you see now? The control I exert over your fellow Priestesses? I could do the same to you, if I wanted. I could chew you up and spit you out.”
Of course, Irene’s favorite place was on her knees between Sepia’s thighs. And the Succubus would never begrudge the Sister her favored pass time as cunt licker. It was all consensual. All willing. Sepia wouldn’t have it any other way. Succubi got a bad rap because of their innate beauty and Job Abilities. Their reputation as man-eaters and husband-stealers and overall corrupting influences didn’t help either.
The fact was, Sepia couldn’t speak for all of her kind. She couldn’t say that every demon who awakened with the Succubus Job was like her. But what she did know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, was that she’d never met a man or woman she couldn’t seduce without anything remotely underhanded or abusive. Those who came to her, those who ended up on their knees before her, or even pinning her down and having their way with her… they do so of their own Free Will.
But of course, Gral-Ra’s son and this Priestess Angelina didn’t need to know that. Sepia has no problem conveying a certain persona to the both of them, especially when she still didn’t fully understand what the half-orc boy even WAS. Was he actually the Dark Lord? Or was he the Destined Hero? Each Identification Sign gave a different reading, so Sepia didn’t really know what to think.
She did know, however, that she was more than happy to burst this blonde little bitch’s bubble. Only… watching Sister Irene service Sepia on her knees doesn’t seem to make Angelina as outraged as the Succubus is expecting. The blonde Priestess just watches for a moment, her cheeks lightly tinged with blush, before staring once more into Sepia’s eyes.
“… I have no doubt that you could, Your Reverence. And I have no doubt that I would enjoy any time spent with you quite a bit. However… I do not think I would consent unless Marcus could join us, I’m sorry to say.”
Sepia’s eyes widen at the way the blonde Priestess shrugs ineloquently while delivering that statement. For a brief moment, she sees it in her mind’s eye. A dozen different positions that she could take with the blonde and the half-orc standing before her. Some with her on top, riding Angelina’s face while Marcus fucked the Priestess. Some with her on bottom, being fucked by the half-orc.
A barely noticeable tremble goes through the Succubus. It’s not often that SHE’S the one being tempted by another’s words. But then, nothing about this encounter she finds herself having with Angelina is normal. Somehow, they’ve gotten massively off track. Somehow, she’s the one on the back foot here, when mere minutes before she had been teasing Marcus and little Erised about whether the boy was the Dark Lord or the Destined Hero.
And yet, she can’t just let this go. Glaring at Angelina, tightening her grip on Sister Irene’s hair, Sepia lets out a growl from deep in her chest that causes some of the Priestesses watching the interaction to cum on the spot. When she finally speaks, her tone is half-snarl, half-purr, and positively dripping with both malice and promise.
“And you think I would care if you consented or not, Priestess of the Church? You who are my enemy? You who stand before me, proclaiming the so-called ‘Justice’ of the Holy Light?”
Her little act certainly has an effect on Gral-Ra’s son. He stiffens and looks ready to step forward, his jaw clenching as he aims to get between her and his Priestess companion. But then Angelina speaks and stops him in his tracks.
“Yes, Your Reverence. I believe you do. I believe consent is the most important thing to you, and that you will never do anything to someone who does not grant it. And I do not believe us to be enemies either. I’ve learned a lot on my travels with the Destined Hero. The latest of those lessons is that the Light and Dark aren’t nearly as far apart as Church Doctrine would have us believe.”
Sepia can only stare, as Angelina continues on unabated. The blonde Priestess’ blasphemous words ring through the Chapel Hall, everyone watching her with wide eyes.
“After all, I would have to be blind to ignore what is right before my eyes, would I not? I stand on Holy Ground, talking to a Mother Superior who is also a Succubus. And yet, for all that your nature is demonic… it is obvious that you care deeply for your flock, as a Mother Superior should. I do not doubt for a second that of all the Sisters here… you are the right woman for the job.”
That is… this smug… little… bitch. Sepia’s jaw clenches, as Angelina’s words once more ring with truth. In that moment, the blonde Priestess has laid her true nature bare, not just in front of her flock though that would be bad enough, but also in front of her fellow Dark General as well as Gral-Ra’s son and Volupa’s daughter.
Sepia knows, in that moment, that she has to act. The only warning any of them get is her fingers tightening ever so slightly in Irene’s hair, before she flings the brunette Priestess away from her. She tosses Irene rather gently, and even angles her so she will land in the pile of wiggling bodies still going at it behind her. The landing is soft and no one is injured by her throw.
Not that anyone is paying attention to Irene anyways, not when Sepia has flung herself across the room at lightning speed. Her swiftness shreds her clothing, leaving her naked as she pounces on Angelina, taking the blonde to her back in no more than a mere moment.
The Priestess might be completely right, but that doesn’t mean Sepia appreciates how smug the little brat is. So, she endeavors to remind Angelina that she IS still a demon, with all that that entails. As she drops her glamor, revealing her bright red demonic form along with her piercing red eyes and incredibly sharp fangs drooling with saliva, she sees the widening of Angelina’s eyes and feels a surge of satisfaction.
She might not be one for nonconsensual lewd behavior, but she’s more than capable of taking a pound of flesh from a disrespectful little brat. Her wickedly sharp spade tail comes up over her shoulder with the tip pointing unerringly at Angelina’s jugular as she holds the Priestess in place.
“Is. That. So? You think just because I won’t make you my plaything by force that I won’t hurt you? You think that you are safe, just because I would not compromise my morals to prove you wrong? After everything the Church has taken from me and mine, don’t think for even a second I cannot justify removing a few fingers from one of their smug Priestesses in recompense. What exactly keeps you safe from me doing whatever I want to you, little Priestess?”
Sepia stiffens, as a shortsword alights under her chin, the incredibly sharp, enchanted blade pressing ever so slightly into her throat.
Glancing down at the beautifully made blade, Sepia recognizes the work of one Chief Blacksmith Karn in its crafting. Now that was a man she’d wished she could set aside her rules to force into her bed. During a long-term infiltration of the Cathedral, she had made a play for him… but alas, to no avail. Heh, she’d even blown her cover in the process, and ended up with nothing to show for it.
Shame, but the man was more in love with his Foundry than he was with pursuits of the flesh. He may or may not be entirely celibate, but he certainly wasn’t willing to set aside his loyalty to the Church for a roll in the hay with her. She could respect that, after a fashion.
Following the glinting blade to its handle and the half-orc wielding it, Sepia smiles thinly as she sees the thunderous expression on the face of Gral-Ra’s son. She’d wondered what might finally get him to engage with her. It seemed that threatening his companion so directly had done the trick. He was certainly engaged with her now, there was no doubt about that…


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