Breaking Providence (Original Fantasy)

Chapter 47: The Succubus Pt. 3

At some point, he loses track of things. He can’t say when, really. All he truly knows is that when he finally comes back to himself, he’s sitting in a large bath, his knees drawn up to his chest, the blood and viscera being washed off of his naked body.
For a moment, Marcus doesn’t do anything. Then, he realizes that it’s not his hands doing the cleaning, but someone else’s. When he registers just who that is, the young half-orc can’t help but stiffen for a moment. It’s not his party members who are giving him this bath. It’s not Roka-Ra. No, it’s Sepia. The Succubus’ gentle and tender touch moves across his naked form carefully and slowly, treating him as though he is some feral animal.
To be fair to her, until mere moments ago, he had been. It was only now that Marcus’ mental faculties were returning to him. That wasn’t to say he’d been confused before. In fact, he had felt a clarity of purpose all throughout the duration of his blood rage. No one had survived him and his rampage, of that Marcus is sure. Even still, he feels the need to ask.
“… Did anyone manage to escape?”
He dreads the answer, not because he regrets what he did, but because he needs Sepia’s response to be ‘no’. No one can have escaped. If they escaped, they might bring more… and then Marcus would have to kill them too.
“No one escaped, Dark Lord. Rest easy. Your work is done.”
Marcus’ jaw clenches at that, his hands curling into fists.
“Is it? Surely that wasn’t the entirety of the garrison.”
Here, Sepia’s fingers still as they trace Marcus’ muscles. The Succubus pauses for a moment before humming.
“No, that was not the entirety of the garrison. You need not fret, however. With Commander Williams dead along with every single one of his Paladins who could properly ride a mount, there is no one coming for us. We are safe now. I and my flock owe you much, Marcus.”
He doesn’t want it. Their debt. Oh sure, he wants the information Sepia carries. He wants his damn answers more than anything. But he didn’t kill Tobias Williams and his men to protect Sepia and her girls, not truly. He did it because Tobias threatened Angelina and Erised. And from there, Marcus had just… acted.
Instead of addressing that final part of what Sepia had said, Marcus shakes his head, grunting.
“How can you be sure? It might be done today, but what about tomorrow? Serafina gave Williams a Writ of Authority, didn’t she? What’s to stop his successor from taking up the torch and continuing the harassment? And what’s to stop the Church from sending an entire Crusade out here once news of what I did reaches the Capital?”
As he speaks, as he questions her, Marcus turns in the bath. When he’d initially come to, Sepia was behind him, washing his back. Now though, he faces her, red-tinged water sloshing slightly as he looks her directly in the eye. Red eyes stare right back at him as Sepia smirks, shaking her head in amusement.
“Did I not say you need not fret? Hear me, Dark Lord. The danger is passed for me and mine. Tobias Williams was not the kind of man who trusted easily. And he certainly didn’t trust the men who he had gathered around himself, brutes that they were. He kept the Writ on him, and it is now in my possession. His successor would have to write to the Capital asking for a new one, and that will not happen.”
Marcus frowns, his brow furrowing. Sepia sounds downright certain of her words. But how?
“… Why not?”
“Because the embarrassment will be too great. No one knows you’re here, Marcus. No one knows that you killed Commander Williams and his men. It took several hours, but we set things up perfectly. Your… single-minded ferocity helped of course. As far as the Garrison will be concerned, the dearly departed Commander and his retinue fell afoul of a Yeti… and died to the last.”
Blinking stupidly, Marcus just stares at the Succubus.
“A Yeti?”
Grinning now, Sepia just nods.
“They are large, lumbering creatures that sometimes come down from the mountains to the North. Yeti are pushed out of their territory by others of their kind all the time, and at times that means they’re pushed down here, where they have to be dealt with by the Paladins. It is one of the things that they are in this area to protect us all from, after all.”
Marcus opens his mouth and then closes it. It takes him a moment to wrap his head around what Sepia is saying. In the end, he finds his incredulity too hard to overcome.
“There’s no way that they’ll believe it. Surely that bastard told someone what he was on his way to do. The Paladins back in town will still blame you and the Convent, won’t they?”
Sepia’s red eyes flash and she smirks.
“Not if they know what’s going for them, my young Dark Lord. Even if they don’t believe it, they can certainly believe that my Convent and my girls are well-protected now. Even when you and your party leave this place, that protection will remain. Tobias Williams will become a cautionary tale, one that will act as a shield for us for quite a long while, I suspect.”
Suddenly, the Succubus lifts a hand to his face, gently caressing Marcus’ cheek. He stiffens, before relaxing a bit.
“It is as I said, Marcus. You need not fret; the work is done. We are safe… because of you.”
Marcus scowls at that and looks away, before finally whispering the truth.
“I didn’t kill them for you or your flock, Mother Superior. I killed them because they threatened Angelina and Erised. Because they challenged me for… for what my instincts claim is mine.”
He’s not sure why, but he’s expecting Sepia to react with disgust. He’s expecting her to mirror his own self-loathing. That, of course, doesn’t happen. The Succubus lets out a soft laugh and is suddenly kneeling before him in the tub, having sat up. This allows her to press her forehead against his, leaving Marcus frozen in place.
“… You have your mother’s possessiveness.”
Her free hand falls beneath the dirtied bathwater… and wraps around his cock.
“However, in other ways you are better equipped than Gral-Ra ever was.”
Marcus blushes but makes no move to stop Sepia from stroking him off. He wants it. He wants her. Even if he feels like he shouldn’t, even if it feels like he should stop this… he can’t help himself. There’s a part of him that Marcus quickly identifies as his orcish instincts demanding that he claim her. He’d EARNED her after all, hadn’t he? He’d earned all of them. By all rights, Sepia and her girls owed him this much.
The half-orc hates that instinct, and he fights against it with all his might. But while he does not grab Sepia by her hair, bend her over the edge of the tub, and have his way with her right then and there… he cannot deny that her touch is enjoyable, and that he wants more of it. And so he sits, almost motionless as a statue, watching her watch him while Sepia smiles softly.
“You have remarkable self-control, Dark Lord.”
She keeps calling him that. She’s called him Dark Lord and Marcus interchangeably since he came back to himself, but not Destined Hero, nor any of those other amalgams she’d used the other day. Marcus grits his teeth, even as his cock throbs in her grasp.
“… I would disagree…”
He thinks to how he slaughtered the Commander and his men. It’s starting to all come back to him now. Tobias Williams didn’t even get off a single order. The fastest and most cowardly of his mounted men didn’t even make it halfway across the valley. Marcus ran them all down and killed every last one of them. It might as well have been a Yeti, he supposed. He’d certainly been as savage as a monster in his pursuit of each and every Paladin who might have done his women harm.
Really, he-
Marcus grunts, as Sepia intrudes upon his inner monologue by lifting herself up and sinking into his lap in one smooth motion. His cock slides right up inside of her without pause as she impales herself on him, not showing a single ounce of hesitation. The Succubus throws her head back and moans, and Marcus’ eyes are drawn to the curvature of her slender neck, her feminine jawline, her thrusting breasts.
His hold on his instincts breaks for a second there, and he leans forward to sup of her chest. Sepia’s bodacious bosom is his for the taking, her breasts both capped with a rock hard nipple that Marcus all but savages as the beautiful demon cries out in his lap. Her inner walls clench down upon his cock and her entire body shakes and trembles, shuddering as she begins to ride up and down his length.
Her hands come up and both grip at his hair, her fingers lacing through his black locks. Marcus hadn’t even realized how long his hair was getting, but then it wasn’t like he’d gotten it cut a single time since being Awakened. There’s certainly plenty for Sepia to latch onto as the motherly Succubus holds him to her chest, moaning in response to his ravishing attentions.
Marcus’ own arms come up and wrap around her. He’s afraid he’ll crush her at first, but she’s tough enough to handle him. Not all of him… his strength is no laughing matter. Still, so long as he holds back enough, he won’t break any bones. She might bruise… but then, her pale flesh gave Marcus the impression that she already bruised easily. And more than that, her personality gave him the impression that she liked how easily she bruised sometimes.
“Yes! Yes, Marcus! More! Ravish me!”
He half-snorts, half-growls into her chest. She’s the one controlling the pace here. He’s sat cross-legged now in the tub and is barely moving his lower body. His cock is nothing more than a pillar of meat for her to ride up and down on at her leisure… though calling Sepia’s riding ‘leisurely’ at this point would be a bit of an inaccuracy.
No, the more they go at it, the faster the Succubus moves. Of course, Marcus can handle her. He can take it. He suspects other men might have struggled though. Certainly, if he weren’t empowered as he is, his pelvis would likely be creaking at this point, if not already developing fractures. As it is, he can only cling to Sepia for dear life as the Succubus rides and rides him. Water sloshes out of the bath until more of it is on the floor then is in the actual tub itself.
Sepia cries out time and time again, her head tossed back, her hair flying all over the place, her bosom thrust into his mouth. She orgasms for him quite easily and without any sort of hesitation. Her pussy walls flex around his cock, milking his member for all its worth. She cums and cums and Marcus… can Marcus truly do anything but return the favor?
With a savage roar muffled only partially by the Succubus’ teat, Marcus’ cock throbs, his balls tightening up. A moment later and he’s seeding Sepia the Succubus, filling her womb with his thick orcish jizz. He cums for what feels like an eternity, spilling his essence deep inside of her.
When he’s done, it feels strangely freeing. As though a weight has been lifted from him. Of course, that euphoria only lasts for a few moments. Sepia slowly pulls off of his cock, and post-nut clarity hits a second later. He’s right back where he started, except now he knows just how much he needed something to take his mind off of the carnage he just reveled in.
It’s not as though Marcus regretted killing Commander Williams or his men. They were a threat, and he put them down like a threat. He just doesn’t like how he did it. He also isn’t happy with how much he enjoyed it, in hindsight. Battling against the bandits all those moons ago had felt a little bit like that, but not too much. Meanwhile, the battle against Roka-Ra and her Warband hadn’t felt like that at all, though that could have been desperation ruining the fun.
But Tobias and his men? They had died by Marcus’ halberd, by his shortsword… in some cases, they’d even ended up dying by his bare hands. How Sepia and the others had managed to make it look like a Yeti Attack, Marcus didn’t know. But then, he’d never even seen a Yeti before, so he’d leave it up to their more experienced hands.

Even still, now sitting alone in the bath, he can’t help but begin getting lost in his own thoughts. That is, until Sepia reaches down and takes hold of his hand, tugging on him quite pointedly. Blinking, Marcus looks up at the Succubus, noting the thin trail of white already leaking from her freshly fucked quim.
“What? What is it?”
As she pulls him up out of the bath and onto the floor, she scoffs at him.
“I hope you didn’t think you were done, Dark Lord. You’ve satisfied me… but I’m just the first in line.”
Marcus blinks stupidly at that, even as the door to the bathroom opens and a naked brunette walks in wearing only her head-covering. It takes him a moment to put a name to the face… but then to be fair, he’d never interacted with her… he’d only watched Sepia interact with her.
“I hope you have more where that first load came from, Dark Lord. Sister Irene here has waited patiently for her turn.”
For a moment, he wants to deny them. He wants to tell Sepia he sees right through her little game. Making it all about them and THEIR needs is clearly meant to hide the idea that they’re paying him back with their bodies. It’s so obvious that it hurts. They owe him a great debt for saving them, and now they’re offering to let him fuck them.
Except that’s exactly what that bastard Williams wanted from them. It doesn’t make sense to Marcus that they should trade one man for another. He opens his mouth to say as much, but Sister Irene beats him to the punch, unknowingly cutting his argument off at the legs with her words.
“… I’ve always dreamed of being defiled by the Dark Lord… sir~”
He looks for any sign of deceit in her eyes, of course. But there is none. Sister Irene means every word. In that moment, Marcus realizes… its not as much an act as he originally thought. The Sisters of Sepia’s flock, the Priestesses of the Convent… every last one of them is a pervert of the same level as Angelina… or higher.
This isn’t about repaying a debt, is it? This is about them taking the opportunity to fuck him while they still have the chance. And if that’s the case… well, Marcus could certainly use something to continue keeping his mind off of how much he’d enjoyed slaughtering Tobias and his men. So why not… right?
… Dozens of incredibly satisfied Sisters later, Sepia leans in and whispers into his ear exactly where Marcus can find the Dark General Camilla. He can’t help but flush in embarrassment at that, seeing as he had honestly completely forgotten that that was the whole reason he agreed to protect the Convent from Commander Williams and his men in the first place.
Giving his ear a lick, Sepia pulls away from the side of Marcus’ head with a knowing grin on her face. Then, she hums as she runs a hand down his front.
“Do be careful around Camilla, young Marcus. She’s not nearly as… mm, sane as I am.”
Marcus blinks at that, staring incredulously at first Sepia, and then at the pile of exhausted Priestesses all leaking orc cum laid out around them.
The Succubus thought she was SANE? No… more than that, she thought her fellow Dark General was worse?
… This didn’t bode well…


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