Breaking Providence (Original Fantasy)

Chapter 5: Her Holiness Pt. 3

He looks so much like Caleb it hurts. Forget the green skin, he has Caleb’s eyes. Forget the small tusks poking out of the corners of his mouth, he has Caleb’s face. Not to mention a full head of hair, thank the Light. It’s all just too much for Serafina, but she hides it well, like she always has. Her façade is second to none.
Still, it’s obviously all too much for poor Marcus as well. The young man was visibly overwhelmed from the moment he’s escorted into the chamber, and so in a somewhat inadvisable, most definitely heavy handed use of her power, Serafina had cleared the room. She’d kicked everyone out, and while that might prove to have consequences at some point in the future… she simply did not care.
Now, with it just being the two of them, she was offering him her chair. It was obvious that Marcus didn’t know what to think of that. The half-orc is staring at her and her Papal Throne in disbelief, gorgeous blue eyes wide in confusion.
“U-Um… what? I… I couldn’t. I shouldn’t.”
Technically he’s right. The Papal Throne might be more of a particularly ostentatious chair than an actual throne, but it was still very important… to the extent that it was considered a holy relic of the Church at this point in time. Not that it had any actual holy properties whatsoever. It was merely a very finely crafted chair. But it was also the place where her delectable derriere sat for any number of important ceremonies, rituals, and functions, and for that it was perhaps… uncouth for her to offer it to him.
Serafina didn’t care. There was no one else in the chamber with them at the moment. Besides, it would be easier to do what she wanted to do if he were sitting down. Chuckling, the Holy Pope shakes her head.
“Marcus… you’ve been on your feet for hours now, have you not?”
He blinks owlishly at that, before flushing a little bit.
“How… how did you know?”
Eyes twinkling, Serafina shrugs her shoulders expressively, knowing full well the effect it has on her bosom. Normally, she keeps such movements to a minimum. It could get so tiring being one of the most powerful individuals in the entire Empire, only to have men so far beneath her it wasn’t even funny STILL unable to resist staring at her chest when she talked to them.
But here and now? Let’s just say Serafina doesn’t mind the way Marcus’ eyes drift downwards for a split second before he catches himself. Honestly, it’s rather cute watching him keep himself in check. It also speaks well of his character. Then again, she already knew his character had to be excellent. He was Caleb’s son after all, and the Destined Hero besides. She’d confirmed THAT bit herself.
“I have my ways, Marcus. I was informed of the events of your Awakening within the hour of them happening, did you know that? And yet, despite sending multiple runners to have you brought to me, it took all these hours for you to be located. Let’s just say… I am well aware of my Bishops and their… ambitions.”
Marcus doesn’t seem to know what to say to that. To be fair, there really isn’t anything for him TO say. The attempt at turning the new Destined Hero into a pawn for the ambitions of certain members of the clergy had been nipped in the bud and Serafina had no desire to explain to him what had almost happened. He had, ultimately, been brought to her before he could be squirreled away, mostly because Bishop Archibald simply HAD to show off instead of moving more swiftly and more intelligently.
That there were any members of the Church who would dare try to keep her from Marcus now that he HAD Awakened as the Destined Hero… well, Serafina would be having words with some. For others, there would be a reckoning. Of that they could be sure.
For now however, it was fine. Marcus was here with her, and everything… everything was going to be just fine.
“Please, Marcus. If not for your sake, then for mine. Please sit.”
Marcus squirms for a moment, before a light seems to come on in his eyes. Serafina can only furrow her brow as he suddenly looks as though he understands exactly why she’s asking for him to sit down. Averting his gaze, the young half-orc swallows nervously.
“O-Of course… I didn’t… it wasn’t my intention to make you feel uncomfortable, your Holiness.”
As he finally sits down on the Papal Throne, looking mighty uncomfortable all the while, Serafina has to spend a moment parsing what he thought he understood. Finally, she gets to where he got to and realizes that he thought her afraid of him. Or at the very least, discomfited by his stature. He thought she wanted to switch up the dynamic so that she was the one towering over him, rather than the other way around.
Well, her next actions would no doubt lay that assumption to rest very quickly, Serafina supposed.
“Please Marcus. Call me Serafina.”
Marcus jolts at the request, but whatever his response might have been stalls hard in his throat as she promptly kneels down in front of him. Those blue eyes of his… his father’s eyes, they follow Serafina down to the floor as the Holy Pope of the Church of Most Holy Light reaches out and grabs him by the knees, spreading his legs apart.
“W-What are you doing?!”
Chuckling throatily, Serafina looks up at him with a smile, her hat still sat atop her head, her red locks tucked beneath it primly.
“You’re stressed Marcus. Overwhelmed by everything that’s happening to you and around you. It’s perfectly understandable. Allow me to show you that it’s not all bad. The Church has no intention of sending you off to fight the Dark Lord alone. We are with you every step of the way. And… there are perks to being the Destined Hero.”
The poor lad is so frozen in fear and confusion that he doesn’t make a move as Serafina sits her plush posterior back on her heels and begins to slowly but surely remove her top layers. First comes the shawl from off her shoulders, then all of the jewelry and finery that adorns her. Finally, she’s able to reach the laces that hold together the front of her dress.
It was a common misconception among the general populace of the Holy Empire that members of the clergy were expected to be abstinent for life. This was not the case, though it wasn’t something you would actually know unless you were a member of the Church itself or a member of the Nobility. As far as the peasantry was concerned, clergy WERE abstinent.
This was because they kept it in house, so to speak. In fact, it was not unusual for members of the clergy to be encouraged to find love with one another. Many a Priest or Priestess had been born from an in house coupling. Many a Priestess had found love in the arms of a Paladin, only to go on to produce more Paladins down the line.
They couldn’t rely on all of their new recruits to come from the orphanages after all. There would be no way to continue expanding the Church beyond its current numbers if they did that. They would inevitably stagnate and ultimately go into decline, and that certainly couldn’t be allowed.
So yes, while it was very much discouraged for a Priestess to bed down with a commoner, it was likewise encouraged for a Priestess to pair off with a Paladin or even a Bishop. After all, such couplings could only bring about children who would one day grow up and Awaken to Jobs that allowed them to serve as members of the Church in their own right.
Was such a set of traditions ripe for abuse? Perhaps. But so long as Serafina drew breath, she did everything in her power to keep such abuses from taking place. In point of fact, Marcus’ Awakening at Bishop Archibald’s Chapel had in turn come with reports of certain… overtures the rotund Bishop had been making to his resident Priestess of late. Young Angelina had been gentle but firm in her refusals so far, but Serafina saw the writing on the wall.
Eventually, Bishop Archibald would stop asking and start telling the poor beautiful blonde how things were going to be. If his gambit with Marcus had worked out in his favor, not that she would have ever allowed that, then he likely would have had the confidence to make that eventuality sooner, rather than later.
Serafina could have let the worst come to pass and then used it as an excuse to have the aged, rotund Bishop excommunicated, but she wasn’t so cutthroat or soulless. She would much rather save the young Priestess from any grief altogether and merely keep an eye on Archibald going forward. As of today, the Holy Priestess Angelina had been reassigned and by Serafina’s own actions, the Bishop would never get his hands on her.
But that was that. This was this. As Serafina frees her large, pale breasts from her top, allowing them to bounce free and then spring back up in their eternal perkiness, she gives Marcus a coy smile while he stares at them, wide-eyed and amazed.
“Do you like what you see, Marcus? You can touch them if you wish.”
His mouth opens and closes but no words come out. Serafina can imagine what’s going through the poor boy’s mind. Its those instincts of his. Those nasty, nasty instincts he inherited from his mother. Half-orcs weren’t a complete mystery to the Empire. A handful had existed and even made it to adulthood before young Marcus came along. Their lives and experiences had been recorded, with one half-orc even rising to the rank of Archbishop at one point and leaving behind multiple well-written journals detailing what he had to deal with on a daily basis.
Serafina had read those journals back to front several times over the years in order to prepare herself for Marcus’ eventual coming of age. He was only half an orc, but that did not mean he did not have the instincts of an orc.
And yet, to his credit… his self-control is phenomenal. In the end, Serafina has to reach out and grab him by the wrist, gently and slowly guiding him to one of her breasts. Once there, he does squeeze down with surprising force however, prompting a throaty moan from the Holy Pope’s lips. This sound, unfortunately, spooks Marcus something fierce, and he’s quick to withdraw his hand.
“I-I can’t!”
He can, of course. He can do whatever he wants to her, she won’t fight him. He’s Caleb’s son, after all. But Serafina just smiles and nods… and reaches for his trousers.
“That’s fine, Marcus. Let me do all of the work.”
“Your Holiness…”
He trails off, clearly fighting against his desire for her to do exactly what she’s suggesting. But just like one should not attempt to fight a difficult battle on two fronts, Marcus is visibly struggling to fight himself and fend her off at the same time. Smirking, Serafina’s eyes twinkle as she looks up at him while freeing his cock from its confines at the same time.
“Didn’t I tell you to call me Serafina, Marcus?”
“That wouldn’t be proper!”
He’s as big as she expected. Big and… unfortunately green. But Serafina doesn’t let that bother her. He’s still Caleb’s son. After all, he’s the Destined Hero, not the Dark Lord. He took more after his father than his mother. His incredible display of willpower with her kneeling half-naked before him is proof of that.
Leaning forward, Serafina wraps her breasts around the base of Marcus’ cock. She feels his large testicles against the underside of her bosom, churning with heat and need. His breath catches, even as she looks up at him, into those beautiful blue eyes.
“You are the Destined Hero now, Marcus. And I am the Holy Pope. Together… WE get to decide what’s proper.”
He doesn’t seem to know how to answer that. That’s okay, it’s only another mark in his favor. If he were power hungry, or ambitious, or just bloodthirsty and evil like most orcs were, then he would be leaping to take advantage of not just her offer, but also her. He would be jumping at the opportunity she was laying in front of him.
This wasn’t all fun and games, after all. Serafina wasn’t doing this solely because she wanted to make him feel good, or because she had any lingering guilt over Caleb’s death. No, it was also a test. A test of Marcus’ character. A test of his strength of will. So far, he was passing with flying colors.
That doesn’t stop her from leaning forward and taking the head of his bulbous cock in her mouth, however. As she slides her freckled breasts up and down the lower portion of the young half-orc’s sizable shaft, she suckles at the top portion, rolling her tongue this way and that.
… It had been a long time since Serafina had been expected to do anything like this for anyone in the Church. She’d never met a man after Caleb who she had considered worthy of carrying a child for. And once she rose to the position of Pope, she had not laid with a man in all the years since. That wasn’t to say she had been entirely celibate. Marcus was merely the first MALE she’d been with since becoming Pope.
That said, his cock was exquisite. Despite its unfortunate coloration, Serafina quite enjoyed the taste and size, and the heat throbbing between her soft pillowy tits. She also quite enjoyed Marcus’ reactions. Looking up at his groaning, moaning face as she works her magic, Serafina can almost see Caleb in his place. Its so very easy to transpose the previous Destined Hero’s face over that of his son. Beyond the orcish characteristics, they’re damn near identical.
As one of the very few people in the entire world that knows the truth of Marcus’ parentage, she has to admit… she’s very glad that he took more after his father than his mother. To the untrained and unknowing eye, he was just another half-orc. As far as the vast majority of people were concerned, his father was the orc and his mother the unfortunate human woman in the occasion. That was the obvious assumption anyone just laying eyes on him would assume.
But Serafina knew better. Marcus wasn’t just another half-orc; he was the son of the Destined Hero and the Dark Lord. The former a human man and the latter an orcish woman. Perhaps that was why Caleb’s blood had sung true. Marcus could have been very unlucky, after all. The young man could have been born hairless, with beady orcish eyes and a more pronounced facial structure and larger tusks curling out from the bottom of his mouth.
Instead, he was so much like Caleb that it still hurt, even now. And yet… taking care of him like this, using her body to pleasure Marcus in this manner, it certainly soothed some of that hurt. It helped to lighten the burden that had been weighing on Serafina’s soul all this time. And to see him so resistant to the instincts of his orcish blood… it leaves her feeling as though she’s light as a feather.
“Your Holiness… S-Serafina! I’m getting close!”
Hearing her name from his lips at long last is even better, and Serafina’s eyes widen in delight as she registers what he’s saying. She dives further down his cock without hesitation, slurping at it even more intensely in the wake of his words. He only realizes that she’s not pulling away when it’s much too late. Belatedly his hand goes to her hair, trying to pull her off of his cock and knocking her Papal Crown clean off of her head in the process. But just as his large manly fingers are lacing through Serafina’s burnt red locks, he begins to cum.
Instead of dragging her off of him, Marcus tenses up and then groans as his release arrives at long last. For her part, Serafina happily proceeds to drink down his delicious semen, swallowing every last drop. It tastes amazing, of course. Nothing like a human’s seed, but then Serafina had known to expect that as well before all of this. She gulps and gulps until there’s nothing left for her, caught off guard by neither the sheer volume of Marcus’ load nor the viscosity and thickness. She was prepared for everything.
Only once he’s done is she done. Only once his balls have been emptied and his cock begins to soften in her mouth does Serafina pull back at long last. Rocking back on her heels again, the red head brings up a hand and uses her index finger to push the small droplet of cum that managed to escape from the corner of her mouth back into it. Giving said finger a lick, she looks up at Marcus with a satisfied grin.
He, in turn, blushes and stammers his apologies.
“S-Sorry. I don’t… I didn’t… your h-hat!”
Letting out a light laugh, Serafina reaches over and picks up her ‘hat’, putting it back on her head easily enough before beginning to fix her top. It takes a few minutes to properly tuck her tits away and put back on all of the jewelry she took off, in which time Marcus just continues to sit there on the Papal Throne, visibly floored by what just happened.
He’s adorable, Serafina decides then and there. Caleb would be so proud of the courageous, strong-willed young man that his son grew up to be.
Finally rising to her feet, Serafina graces Marcus with a bright smile and offers him her hand.
“Come, Marcus. Now that that’s out of the way… allow me to show you to your new party.”
What barriers there are between them have definitely been weakened greatly, because he carefully reaches out and takes her hand in his own, letting her tug him gently from the chair and back onto his feet. As he towers over her once more, Marcus looks down at her blankly.
“… Party? What party?”
Serafina’s smile just grows. She was not about to let history repeat itself. She would learn from the mistakes of the past. Both hers… and Caleb’s.


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