Breaking Providence (Original Fantasy)

Chapter 65: The Wedding Night

It’s a testament to how insane their lives have become that she and Marcus don’t get a chance to sit down and really talk until their wedding night. Or maybe it’s merely a testament to the fact that Elsenthia had begun planning the wedding the moment word of Marcus’ eminent arrival had reached her in the Capital.
… She’d probably been a little bit of a tyrant, looking back at it all. Demanding that everything be in place for a Royal Wedding of all things three DAYS after Marcus came home was… more than a little over the top in hindsight. That her courtiers and servants had managed to do it anyways was more a testament to their skill and ability then her foresight. She expected too much of them, that was for sure.
And yet, they’d delivered hadn’t they? The ceremony was beautiful. She and Marcus had been married in front of those among the Nobility and Church that were left in the Capital after the Shadow’s surges. The wedding had been gorgeous, incredibly stately and regal… and entirely over the top. It was Royal with a capital R, needless to say.
And in all of it, Elsenthia had only cared that she was standing next to the man she’d come to love. Maybe it was a whirlwind romance… but she didn’t care. He’d saved her life. More than that… she’d longed to lose her virginity to him for months now, and finally… FINALLY she was about to do so.
She’s practically tearing her way out of the dress as soon as they’re alone, only for Marcus to grab her by the arms and stop her.
“Wait… please. We need to talk first, Elsenthia. About… everything.”
She knows he’s right of course. It doesn’t make it any easier for her though. She’s fantasized about him damn near daily since they parted ways. She regretted not going with him that night every single waking moment of every hour since the banquet. But he’s right. They need to talk.
Marcus goes first, explaining the situation involving him, his Jobs, and his parents. To say Elsenthia is a little shocked would be an understatement. But it lines up quite well with what the Pope’s Shadow told her. Marcus’ mother and father, Gral-Ra and Caleb, were the previous Dark Lord and Destined Hero. And the Pope before Serafina had had them both killed, sending assassins to keep them from forming an alliance that threatened the Holy Empire.
That said, the bit about Marcus being both the Dark Lord and Destined Hero… that wasn’t something the Shadow had known, and thus Elsenthia didn’t know it either. But when she performs the Identification Sign it’s there, clear as day. Marcus IS the Destined Lord now, giving truth to his words.
“My parents wanted to end the cycle. They wanted to be the last Dark Lord and Destined Hero that the Holy Empire ever saw. And with the help from some of their… peers, I was able to make their dream a reality. There is no more Dark Lord. No more Destined Hero. There’s only me now… and whatever comes next.”
Elsenthia digests all of that for a moment before scoffing and turning away. She finds her arms wrapping around her body of their own accord for a moment, while Marcus looks at her worriedly.
Finally, she finds her words.
“It’s just… it’s just all so STUPID. Your mother and father shouldn’t have had to die for their cause, Marcus. Generations of Dark Lords shouldn’t have been sacrificed on the altar of my family’s greed and generations of Destined Heroes shouldn’t have been forced to be their butchers! This entire Empire is built on their bones, on their suffering. It’s not FAIR.”
Whipping back around, the young Queen of the Holy Empire, soon to be coronated right alongside Marcus as her King, stares at him with big, soulful eyes.
“How… how can you even stand to look at me, Marcus? Knowing what my family did? K-Knowing t-that-!”
His arms are suddenly wrapped around her. He hugs her close and Elsenthia lets out a sob, burying her face in his chest. It’s just… she’s been trying to put on a brave face ever since she learned the truth. Sending her mother back to the Higher Plane and locking up the Pope had helped keep her focused, had allowed her to keep her eye on the prize. However, after that she’d been forced to wait while the Shadow went and found Marcus. She’d been left stewing in her own feelings and thoughts, forced to contend with her origins.
“Hey… Elsenthia, look at me.”
Hesitantly, fearfully even, Elsenthia looks up into her new husband’s eyes. Marcus smiles at her and brushes a tear from her face with one large green thumb.
“Would I have married you if I couldn’t stand to look at you? Would I have agreed to all of this? Do I seem like the sort of man who would settle for a match with someone he hated just to accomplish my goals?”
Elsenthia opens her mouth… and then snaps it shut. No. No he would not have. Not least of which because she knows there are those who wouldn’t have let him. The half-elf isn’t stupid, after all. She recognizes, even if the Shadow is still somewhat mysterious to her, where the other woman’s loyalties have always truly lay. With Marcus.
Originally, Elsenthia had assumed this was because the Shadow knew the ancient histories that Elsenthia’s mother had told her. About how the Church started as followers of the Destined Hero and were corrupted from that purpose over time. She’d assumed that the Shadow was simply a True Believer whose only real loyalty was to Marcus above all others.
Now… knowing what she did about Marcus’ situation and parentage, she suspected that while the Shadow WAS loyal to Marcus… it probably wasn’t because he had the Destined Hero Job. More likely, it was because he had the Dark Lord Job all this time.
But that didn’t matter to Elsenthia. None of that mattered to her. Because ultimately…
“My ancestors were idiots.”
Marcus raises a brow at the sudden topic change, but it’s not really a change in topic it just seems like one. Elsenthia grits her teeth as she rests against his chest, luxuriating in his embrace.
“No. Seriously. My forefathers were all fucking morons. The Royal Family… the High Elves… they didn’t HAVE to choose the Dark Lord versus Destined Hero Doctrine. They HAD other options, even if what they were has been lost to time. It’s not… it’s not fair. They chose the option that would cause pain in perpetuity. All so that they could be better off. All so that they could reap the benefits of their monstrous actions for centuries and centuries. So much pain… so much suffering… and for what? A device that’s been broken for centuries?”
Elsenthia blinks when Marcus stiffens at that. Looking up, she blushes.
“O-Oh… sorry, I thought the Shadow would have t-told you…”
Tilting his head to the side, her new husband frowns.
“Told me what?”
“I suppose… she was testing me. To see if I would be honest with you. Marcus… the device that the expedition used to put the Doctrine in place and set off this thousand year dynasty… it still exists. The Shadow and I found it together beneath the Palace, after we locked away Serafina.”
Marcus’ eyes widen at that revelation. Of course, it’s not quite the explosive reveal that he probably thinks it is.
“It’s broken, Marcus.”
“Wait, what?”
Chuckling softly at his look of baffled confusion, Elsenthia sighs, shaking her head.
“The device that the expedition used has lain under the Royal Palace for hundreds of years… but it’s broken. It broke centuries ago, according to the texts we found with it. No matter what they did, they couldn’t get it to work again either. It just… shut down. Whatever it did, whatever it could do… it hasn’t been able to for hundreds of years.”
“But then…”
Elsenthia just nods, able to pick up his thoughts almost easily.
“Yes, luckily the Awakening still works. I imagine that whatever component the device played in jumpstarting the gift of Jobs, it didn’t have to maintain any sort of… energy output on that front. It just pushed Jobs into the world, and the situation became self-perpetuating. However…”
And here Elsenthia hesitates. Because… well, this truth hurts more than most.
“However, I don’t think that the Doctrine… the one that pitted Dark Lord and Destined Hero against each other for centuries upon centuries… has worked in all this time. I think that the Doctrine… ended ages ago.”
Marcus looks stricken by this, but Elsenthia pushes onward.
“Marcus… dear husband. It is my heartfelt belief that we can be more than the foolish Pact my forefathers made. I believe that the Holy Empire wasn’t falling into disrepair because your parents refused to kill each other, but because of the wickedness and greed in the hearts of those that have now been removed from power. It wasn’t some curse upon the land causing ruin and degradation to spread, but the baser instincts and cruel desires lurking in the hearts of the selfish.”
Placing her hands on Marcus’ face, she locks eyes with him.
“We can be more than they were. We can be better. But first… first I need you to do something for me, my beloved husband.”
Marcus swallows thickly… and slowly nods.
“Anything, Elsenthia. Anything.”
Licking her lips, Elsenthia squirms in his grasp.
“I need you to take me. Not as a man takes his wife… but as an orc takes an elf. I need you to rip the rest of my wedding dress off of my body and ravage me. I need you to fuck me, Marcus. I’ve needed it ever since the taste of your seed graced my perverted tongue and-mmph!”
Her words have quite the effect on the half-orc, and Elsenthia finds herself cut off mid-sentence as his mouth slams into her mouth, his tongue forcing its way right down the back of her throat. The half-elf Queen moans as she wiggles in Marcus’ grasp. He’s her husband now. Her King. Soon, they’ll be coronated. Soon, they will rule the Holy Empire side by side and hopefully… hopefully, they’ll make things better. Hopefully they can finally right this sinking ship.
But first? First, Elsenthia wants to be ravished by her orc husband. Her elvish instincts are screaming for her to surrender and submit to him. And she can tell… his orcish instincts are demanding that he make her do the exact same in turn.
His hands roam up and down her body, groping and squeezing at her through the rest of her wedding dress. She’d barely gotten a few of the top layers off before he’d stopped her for their talk, and so the rest of it… the rest of it doesn’t survive his lustful advances. Elsenthia lets out a particularly lewd cry as the sound of tearing fabric fills the room. On the one hand, she might have wanted to keep her wedding dress as a reminder of today. On the other hand… the memories they were about to make would be all the reminder she needed.
Besides, she was Queen now. She could always have an exact replica of her formerly intact wedding dress made if she wanted to. If they wanted to… recreate this night, she just might.
Marcus’ voice comes out dark, deep, and gravelly as he all but snarls. Stripping her naked is just the start, before he grabs at her tits and pulls them up to his mouth. Sucking and slurping at them, his tusks poke and prod at her breasts, causing the half-elf to moan wantonly. Her face is bright red, even as he walks her back towards the bed.
Honestly, she half-expected him to fuck her right on the floor. But the bed is fine too. He throws her down… and flips her over onto her front. Elsenthia resists the urge to squeal ‘yes!’ at the top of her lungs, and happily lifts her hips into the air instead. Moaning, the elven Queen reaches back and spreads her pussy lips apart for him, all while waving her ass back and forth.
“Please Marcus! Please! My tight, virgin, elven cunt is waiting for you! I need it! I need your big fat orc cock!”
She feels the bed shift with his weight as he snarls and climbs on after her. His hands fall upon her wiggling, writhing hips, arresting their motion as Elsenthia gasps and goes still in anticipation. And then… a moment later he’s inside of her. A small yelp leaves the half-elf Queen’s lips as she’s penetrated for the first time in her life. Virgin no longer, Elsenthia’s eyes do well up for tears for a moment in pain.
But only a moment, for she’s so fucking wet that the pain of losing her virginity is RAPIDLY overtaken by the pleasure of finally having Marcus inside of her. His throbbing orcish cock fills her up in a way that somehow manages to transcend all of her fantasies over these past few months. So many sleepless nights spent fingering herself and writhing in a puddle of her own juices, only to find out that her dreams can’t possibly compare to the real deal.
“Yes! Harder! More!”
Elsenthia’s back arches and her eyes threaten to roll back in her head as she cries out, begging Marcus to fuck her harder. Her King complies, one of his hands even going up to gather her blonde locks into a fist and pull them back in a makeshift ponytail. Her pointed ears flick and shift as the rest of her shudders and quivers under the onslaught delivered unto her. Her pussy walls clench and flex around his pistoning prick, until finally… she cums.
Squealing at the top of her lungs, screaming out her ecstasy, the young new Queen of the Holy Empire creams herself on her brand new husband’s cock, her insides spasming as she gushes across his length. This only allows Marcus to fuck her even faster, the fresh flood of her slutty elven pussy juices positively coating his member and her insides, providing all the more lubrication.
As he slams home into her even deeper, Elsenthia realizes she’s not even been experiencing his entire length until now. As he finally buries his whole cock in her gushing cunt, the half-elf Queen’s eyes DO finally roll back in her head, her tongue sticking straight out of her mouth.
She supposed she understood now what her mother was warning her about. And yet… she really didn’t care. She was all too happy to let Marcus have his way with her. He was her husband now after all. Her King… her Conqueror.
The young newlyweds spend all night long consummating their marriage in a rough, lengthy, and altogether messy coupling. Luckily, no one else is there to see just how… depraved they end up getting with one another.


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