Breaking Providence (Original Fantasy)

Chapter 67: The Demons

Her mother was alive and well. That had taken some considerable time for Erised to wrap her head around. Not that she’d ever thought her mama was actually dead, but it had been easier to think of Volupa as gone-gone, rather than just… insane. Unfit to be a mother. Abusive and neglectful. It had been easier to just… assume that her mother passed away once Erised was no longer there to take care of her. The alternative was too sad to bear thinking about.
Or so the lithe demon assassin had thought. Apparently, there was a third option. Beyond just dead or insane. There was the third choice, where Volupa regained her sanity in Erised’s absence, realizing what she’d done and… going to try and set things right.
Erised couldn’t deny that Volupa had somewhat succeeded in that. There’d been bumps in the road along the way, but overall, her mother had managed to clear the path and make it possible for Marcus to ascend to rule the Empire, just like Erised had always wanted. Sure, it wasn’t precisely in the manner Erised had expected, with him marrying the Crown Princess turned Queen and becoming King instead of conquering everything as the Dark Lord and usurping the throne from his new wife.
… But then, that was kind of the story of Erised’s life, wasn’t it? Nothing quite turned out as she’d anticipated. Nothing quite happened like she wanted it to. Even her mother’s explanation for abandoning her for all these years had been a little hard to swallow. To hear Volupa explain it, when her mama had come back to her senses, when she’d regained her sanity after Erised’s departure… the very first piece of clarity she’d had was associated with Erised.
Namely, she was not fit to be Erised’ mother. She wasn’t fit to even breathe the same air as her daughter. In one of many late night conversations they’d had since reuniting in the Barony of Thornswood, Volupa had confessed that for a long time, she’d looked at Erised and only been able to see her own failure in protecting Gral-Ra, Caleb, and Marcus. If she hadn’t had Erised to look after, then she might have been there when the Church attacked. She might have been able to change things.
This, Volupa shamefully admitted, had twisted what should have been unconditional love for Erised into something dark and sick and hateful. She’d gone mad, in part, because she could not reconcile her own self-loathing with the love she was supposed to be feeling for her daughter.
… Yeah, like Erised said, it was hard to swallow. But… she would be damned if she let a little thing like that keep her from being happy now. Especially when she finally had her mother back… and more than that, they’d succeeded in putting Gral-Ra’s son on the empire’s throne. Or they would anyways, soon enough. The coronation was set to happen in another week or so, and Erised could hardly wait. But before that…
“Erised, you wanted to speak with me?”
“Daughter, you wished to see me?”
Erised smiles as her Lord and her mother enter the room from opposite doors. They both raise eyebrows at the sight of the other, but she quickly claps her hands together before either can begin asking questions.
“Good! You’re both here! We can finally fuck!”
There’s a brief pause, before a soft smile spreads across Volupa’s face. Marcus, on the other hand, is a little more confused, blinking rapidly as he processes what Erised just said. He looks at her and then her mother and furrows his brow for a moment. Before Erised can elaborate however, her mama speaks up.
“I think that’s a wonderful idea, daughter of mine.”
Erised brightens at Volupa’s support, even as Marcus still looks a little baffled, glancing between mother and daughter.
“Uh… are you sure?”
Nodding vigorously, Erised is already working on opening up her top. Meanwhile, Volupa slinks forward, the more mature and voluptuous demon woman chuckling throatily.
“Oh yes, milord. You wouldn’t know this, given the Empire’s efforts to suppress all things to do with demonic culture… but, ah… there is no greater demonic tradition a mother and daughter can take part in then sharing a lover. And to have it be you, such a virile… strong male specimen… well, that just makes it all the better.”
Here, Volupa pauses.
“Of course, in the end you have final say, milord. If you do not wish to partake of my flesh, you do not have to. My daughter and I are your loyal servants in all things and you should not feel forced into any course of action that you do not wish to take.”
Erised almost scoffs at the idea that Marcus would reject her and her mama together. They’re so hot! Volupa doesn’t know him at all, not like she does! And yet… at the same time, there’s truth to her mother’s words. It’s Marcus’ decision in the end. He’s their Lord… the Destined Lord now, another of those instances where things didn’t turn out as expected.
For a long moment, Marcus hesitates as he absorbs both their words and their eager faces. Finally, he shrugs and nods.
“I suppose if you’re both willing…”
The moment he gives his consent, Volupa’s hands are on Erised’s both, making the smaller demoness squeak as she’s suddenly manhandled by her mother.
“More than willing, milord~”
Volupa’s hands work open the rest of Erised’s clothes with such ease that the younger demoness isn’t sure whether it’s an Ability her mother uses or not. She’s never actually known what her mom’s Job was. She just knows it wasn’t Assassin, like Erised had ended up with.
Regardless, she can’t do much beyond squirm as she’s stripped naked the rest of the way by her mama, only to be lifted into the air by big, strong arms. Finding herself with her head laid back against her mother’s breasts, Erised can’t help but gasp as her legs are spread wide, her puffy pussy lips on display. Meanwhile, her tail is currently intertwined with her mother’s tail, the two appendages wrapped up in one another.
… She’d set this whole thing up, so why was she suddenly the one caught off guard?! Things never went the way Erised was expecting, d-damn it!
“Well, milord? She’s ready for you. I know you’ve had her plenty of times before… but it is the greatest privilege a demon mother can possibly enjoy, to be able to offer up her beautiful, supple, nubile daughter to a shared liege.”
Erised doesn’t know if that’s true in all honesty. She’s never been taught all those bits. But she likes the sound of it at least! Marcus, looking a little incredulous but also turned on, steps forward as he casually reaches down and flicks open his pants, freeing his massive, green, half-orc cock from its confines.
“… I see. Well then, far be it from me to keep you both waiting.”
Yesss… who cared if it wasn’t how Erised expected it to go?! This was looking good too! Quivering in anticipation, the lithe Demon Assassin watches as Marcus steps in between her spread legs and places his cockhead against her slit. Behind her, she feels her mother set her stance just a moment before Marcus thrusts forward with a grunt, spearing into Erised hard enough to rock her back into Volupa’s bosom.
A loud, wanton moan explodes from the Demon Assassin’s lips as she’s impaled upon Marcus’ cock right in front of her own mother. Not just in front of her either, but while being held aloft and PRESENTED to be fucked by said mother. Sure, it’s not what she expected. It’s BETTER. Erised’s head lolls back into her mother’s bosom, her eyes threatening to roll back in her head right then and there before Volupa digs her nails into Erised’s legs a little bit.
“Focus, my daughter. It’s all about your Lord’s pleasure. Not just your own. You must always have your eye on the prize.”
R-Right… right! Erised focuses, reaching up and wrapping her arms around Marcus’ neck, a hand going through his hair as she brings him in for a kiss. In return, the Destined Lord grunts and kisses her right back, even as he begins to fuck her quite savagely, his cock stretching her smaller body out like there’s no tomorrow. It feels good… better than good, it feels amazing. Erised quickly reaches climax, but with her mother’s words ringing in her ears, she fights against the drowning sensation and keeps her head above water.
Not just because of what Volupa had said either. Erised has ulterior motives. Ones she thinks her mother will appreciate, but even if she doesn’t… it’s just as Volupa stated. It’s not about them. It’s about Marcus. And so, even as she cums on his cock, Erised leans in and whispers into her Lord’s ear so quietly that she’s confident only he hears.
He grunts and nods ever so slightly at her words, before drilling into her even harder than before. It only takes a few moments, and then he’s cumming inside of her. Erised moans throatily as she’s properly sandwiched between her liege lord and her mama… a demoness’ wet dream, to be clear. It feels right, being held up by her mother while Marcus fills and fills her with his seed.
Unlike usual, Erised doesn’t absorb his cum. She lets her belly remain bloated, even as Marcus pulls out of her. She clenches down as hard as she can so as to avoid letting even a single drop of his jizz flow out of her cunt, but Volupa still notices and furrows her brow, moving over to the nearby table and setting her down on the edge of it so she can give her a look of concern.
“Daughter? What are you-oh!”
Before she can finish her question, Marcus acts. Their Lord’s hands fall upon Volupa’s curvaceous hips and his fingers dig into her bottoms before tearing them clean off her body with his strength. As her mother’s purple skin, the same color as Erised’s, is exposed, she gasps as she’s suddenly bent over by Marcus’ hand on the small of her back.
At the same time, Erised does the unthinkable. She reaches up and grabs her mama by her horns, before yanking Volupa down to eye level with her crotch. In an instant, the older demoness is bent over between the two of them, her yellow eyes flicking up to Erised’s face as she looks down at her from above.
“Mama… you still have a lot to make up for. You abandoned me… you abandoned your Lord’s son. So… so you’ll have to be punished. And you’ll have to apologize. At length.”
Marcus’ cock slaps up against Volupa’s undercarriage at that, his throbbing orc shaft sliding along the older demon woman’s slit with a wet smack that tells Erised just how aroused her mother truly is. Meanwhile, Volupa’s lips are a mere half-inch from Erised’s own cunt, her breath ghosting across Erised’s freshly fucked, overly sensitive sex in a way that has the lither demoness shivering in delight.
“… Of course, Erised. Milord. I’ll happily… submit to any punishment the two of you deem fit for me. I want to make it up to you… to both of you. My absence, no matter my goals… was inexcusable. As your mother… as Marcus’ Nanny… my place was at your side. Both of your sides.”
Erised beams as her mama affirms her words and agrees without hesitation. Marcus, upon hearing that from Volupa, doesn’t waste any more time. He goes ahead and does what Erised asked him to do… and promptly impales her mama on his massive half-orc schlong. Watching Volupa’s yellow eyes go wide and then cross-eyed down between her thighs is definitely the highlight of Erised’s week, that’s for sure. But that’s just the beginning.
Even as Marcus is ending her mama’s dry spell in the best way possible, Erised yanks hard on Volupa’s horns and forces her face properly into the crotch in front of her. A moment later and Volupa’s elongated, demonic, serpentine tongue is sliding inside of Erised’s clenching cunt, causing the younger demoness to let out a truly wanton moan as she leans back on the table, panting heavily.
Meanwhile, Marcus’ every thrust sends Volupa’s bent over body jarring forward into Erised’s quim. His cock drills her mother’s pussy just as it drilled hers. Except… in this one regard, Erised can lay claim to so much more experience than her poor, dear mama. She can see it in Volupa’s eyes. The other demoness was strong and experienced and powerful, and she’d managed to clear the way in a manner that Erised isn’t sure she ever could have copied.
But in this moment… in this moment, it’s obvious that Volupa has not had a man inside of her in a long, long time. And even if she had, there isn’t many men alive who can possibly compare to the Destined Lord. The more Marcus fucks her, the more Volupa moans into Erised’s cunt. Watching her mama cum her brains out on her Lord’s cock all while she eats out Erised herself? It’s everything that she could have wanted, everything she could have hoped for.
Sure, maybe most of the time Erised’s plans didn’t work out as intended. And almost always, this was for the best. But in this one instance, for this one time… her vision of things was being carried out right in front of her, and in that regard, Erised couldn’t be happier. Of course… this was just the start.
Even now, even with her mother’s tongue spearing DEEP into her freshly fucked cunt, Erised is holding back Marcus’ load. Volupa is barely getting a taste of his seed, with her daughter keeping the rest deep within her womb and clenching down tightly on her inner muscles to keep too much from spilling out. And yet… she’s not absorbing it.
Looking down into her mother’s eyes, Erised licks her lips… and grins a wicked, demonic grin of vindictive glee.
“I was thinking, mama… what would be better than taking part in the age old tradition of sharing a lover together?”
Volupa, beleaguered by the pleasure she’s experiencing after such a long dry spell, can only gurgle into Erised’s quim in response. Taking that for what it is, Erised just giggles as she explains.
“I think… the only thing that could possibly be better than that, is sharing the father of our children~”
Her mother’s eyes snap wide at that, clarity and focus back in Volupa’s gaze as she looks at Erised in a mixture of hope but also fear and trepidation. Erised expects as much though, and rubs soothing circles in her mother’s horns, even as she continues to grip them both tightly.
“Don’t worry mama. I know you’re scared. I know you’re afraid… but you’ll have our Lord and me with you this time. We won’t let you fail. And we won’t let you run away… so… leave it in our hands, okay?”
For a moment, Volupa still looks uncertain. Then, the fear clouding her vision clears up and she enters a state of contentment as she comes to peace with Erised’s words. Her eyes drift shut, and she focuses all of her efforts on eating her daughter out. Taking this for the acceptance it is, Erised lets her eyes drift shut as well, enjoying the rocking motions as Marcus pounds into Volupa’s cunt which in turn eventually reach Erised.
Soon enough, he cums inside of her mama just as he did her. And just like Erised, Volupa does not absorb Marcus’ seed. The two of them will be using that seed in another way instead… and very soon, they will give birth to daughters for their Lord.
As far as plans went, Erised might never have had hers go very well. But at least in this case, where it mattered… her final scheme had gone off without a hitch~


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