Brightest Doom

Chapter 10

The Brightest Doom

Chapter 10

Clark Kent


Smiling to himself, Clark finished up the article he was writing for Perry. Using his hearing, vision, and a little farm boy charm, Clark had been able to get himself a nice little interview with a Nun at Saint David's Church in downtown Metropolis. Hopefully the article would go a long way towards saving the church and keep Luthor from paving it over.

He had finished the article in record time but had taken the liberty to go out and interview some of the Nuns and Pastors that worked for the church. Munching on the muffin that one of the nuns gave him, Clark got up and prepared his satchel and other items so he could head home. Once his things were gathered, Clark made his way to the elevators. Selecting the button for the first floor, Clark hummed along to the tune of the music as he waited for his floor.

One floor down, a delivery person entered the elevator looking down as he held a flower arrangement in his arms. From what Clark could see, it appeared that the person he was looking for had just gotten off work. Giving the delivery man a smile, Clark kept to himself as he noticed his phone vibrating in his pocket.

Pulling his phone out, Clark sent a reply to Matthew about his request to get drinks later. Yet, while he was replying to the test message, something tickled at his nose. His eyes widened in surprise and Clark fought to catch the sneeze that was about to blow inside such a small compartment. Swiftly putting his phone in his pocket, Clark then clamped both his hands over his mouth and nose as he felt the sneeze power it's way forward.

There was a moment where he huffed and puffed, but it passed right as they arrived on the first floor. Not taking any chances, Clark gathered his things and made his way to the emergency exit he liked to use for his speedy entrances and exits. Making his way out the exit at great speed, Clark was high up in the air when the sneeze came back and hit him with it's full force.


He sneezed once then twice, then thrice, this was when Clark knew something was wrong. His chest ached and his actions of sneezing sent out gale force winds. The pain in his ribs resided but he couldn't help but notice that something was wrong.

So very very wrong.

In his attempt to hold his chest Clark finally found out why he felt so different. The first thing that Clark noticed other than the pain in his chest was that his hand was far too small. The other thing he noticed was the mammary glands located on his chest. Clark flowed there up high in the sky looking down at his hands stunned and what he was seeing. For some reason he couldn't believe his eyes but he had to because his hands were no longer his: yet they were his. They were far too small and dainty like a lady's yet, he was able to feel the air move across his skin as the currents above the clouds ebbed and flowed.

Clark had to swiftly pull his pants up as they threatened to fall down from his waist. Eyes widened from sudden realization, Clark looked and checked, but then wanted to cry as he noticed his missing family jewels.

Eyes wide, Clark shot off towards his home, he needed to get to the Watch Tower pronto and he had left his communicator at home. He needed help, something was very wrong and Clark was certain that he was not going to be able to solve this one on his own. His shirt flapped in the wind and Clark couldn't help but notice how sensitive his nipples were. Normally this wouldn't have been an issue for him but all of these new sensations were overloading his system.

Ignoring the sound of the sonic boom behind him, Clark flew down into the city and into his apartment before any of the high speed cameras could spot him. Like a tornado, Clark flew into his apartment on a mission: but try as he might, Clark was not able to locate his communicator as he had hoped.

What he did find though was a note on the door of his refrigerator to let him know that his mother had collected his laundry and for him to stop by to pick it up. Pulling the note from the magnet that held it, Clark wanted to grumble but he couldn't since he now knew where his Watch Tower communicator was. Without a second thought or glance back, Clark was already flying back through his open window.

Flying as fast as he could, Clark was already in the air space above Kansas within mere moments. He was so panicked that he didn't even notice the hidden camera retracting into the roof of his apartment. Having to hold his chest as he landed, Clark couldn't help but grumble since he was not used to his balance shifting so much. Suppressing a wince, Clark had to pull his hands away as he almost fell over from the pain he received from grabbing a hold of his chest.

He had no communicator and he had no suit made to fly through vacuum to the WatchTower, honestly Clark just wanted this all to be over. Stepping out of the mini crater that he had formed, Clark noticed that somewhere along the way he had lost his shoes. Looking up in the air, Clark had to take a deep breath before releasing it in one big puff.

Putting aside the latest issues he was having, Clark looked around and found his clothes flapping in the wind. From the sound of things his Ma and Pa were inside. For a moment he was stuck with indecision because he could hear the communicator inside the house, but it was also in the same room as both of his parents. Sighing to himself at how he didn't have the skills to stealth through this time, he made his way into his childhood home. Noting that the one saving grace was that his cousin Kara wasn't here to witness this.

Steeling his nerves, Clark pushed open the front door after he had finished his procrastinations out front.

Pushing the door open, Clark called out. "Ma!." What came out of him was a purr that sent a shiver down his spine.

"Kara, is that you?"

Clark had to take a moment to center himself as the voice he used was far to sultry and far too rich for his own taste. Rubbing the bridge of his brow, Clark walked into the kitchen to find his parents sitting around the dining table. Clark noticed his Pa look at him before snorting his coffee.

"Come on Kara we told you to wear a bra," Pa said as he picked up his newspaper.

"Careful Kara, or are you trying to poke someone's eyes out with those things, where is that cute bra we bought yesterday." Ma spoke as she stood up from the dining table.

Trying not to huff, Clark removed his hands from his now very female face. "Not Kara, it's me Clark and something happened."

Both of his parents looked at him and Clark tried not squirm underneath both of their gazes.

"Well, I don't mean to kink shame, but I'll accept how my grandbabies come into the world." Pa said as he put his paper back down on the table.

"Ohh, Clark, what happened?" Ma asked in concern as she looked him over.

"I don't know," Clark grumbled to his Ma. "One moment I was alright, the next I was sneezing and somehow I turned into a woman."

"Do you plan on changing back?" Ma asked as she looked him over.

"Yeah, I need to get to the WatchTower, that's actually why I stopped by." Clark spoke looking around to spot his communicator on the countertop. "I left it with my laundry and you took it with you by accident."

"Clark, wait, don't be so hasty." Ma advised, but Clark was already moving.

"Superman to WatchTower, one for transport."

"WatchTower, transporting now."

Before he could reply to his mother, Clark was engulfed in a wash of light from the WatchTower's transporter beam. As the lights faded away, his eyes quickly adjusted and what Clark found made him want to bury his face in shame. Standing around the transport pads and off to the side was almost the entire team.

"Dibbs," Green Lantern said to the Flash before walking over towards Clark. "Hubba hubba, hey beautiful, you, me, dinner later."

Clark tried hard not to throw up in his own mouth as he walked past Green Lantern to J'onn.

"J'onn, I need your help." Clark said towards his other green teammate.

"How may I be of assistance, Clark?" J'onn the Martian Manhunter asked as he turned the upper parts of his body towards his now female friend. "Are you perhaps stuck in transformation?"

"Kryptonians can't shapeshift, J'onn." Clark answered his teammate. "Can we please take this to the medbay?"

"Wait, wait, wait, are we not going to talk about this?" The Flash asked as he zoomed over to the both of them.

"Yeah, like how you're a hot babe now." Green Lantern asked as he looked Clark over once more.

"I really don't want to talk about it," Clark grumbled as he started to levitate into the air. "J'onn, can I ask for your help?"

"Of course, I shall meet you on the medical level." J'onn replied before phasing down through the floor.

Without another word, Clark turned around and zoomed away from the other two currently on monitor duty.

Bruce Wayne


As his last nerve started to go, Bruce couldn't help but notice how his irritation levels were rising, it had taken him some time but he had finally found the location of his target. It had been months since the Joker had gone missing and Bruce was starting to think that something was up; but he couldn't put his finger on it. Yet, his instinct was telling him that it was so.

He had gotten lucky one night when he had spotted Harley Quinn leaving a bar. Last he heard from Selina was that Harley was with this Doom character now, but she didn't know where they were living. When he had Barbara look for the location, he was greeted with a dead end.

This was why he was out this night tracking him down: Bruce wanted the information he had on Joker and he was going to get it. The ping from his dashboard drew his attention to the GPS that he had placed on Harley's bike. From the information he was getting the tracker's ping was coming from deep inside the woods outside of Gotham City.

Pressing the activation button for his Bat Wing's stealth-mode, Bruce brought his jet around for a fly over before opening the canopy. Taking one last careful glance around, Bruce jumped from his Batwing down into the forest below. The wind rustled by his ears, but Bruce blocked it all out to focus on his landing point.

The trees and ground closed in on him meter by meter, but Bruce had his steely determination to see him through. Pulling out his grappling hook, Bruce shot it out at the tree below him as he got closer. He felt the catch on the tree and activated the grappling hook to pull the string taut. This was done with such smooth precision that Bruce was able to swing himself upwards and onto a waiting branch. Checking his sides and surroundings, Bruce made his way across the treetops one branch at a time.

From the heads up display in his cowl, Bruce had noticed broken trees and scrubs: noting a battle had taken place pretty close to the house he was heading towards. The other thing he noticed was that some of the growth was far too new to have grown naturally. Taking a moment to double check his utility belt Bruce found the pesticide he had created for battling Ivy.

Pulling out the canister and prepping it for battle, Bruce made his way to an overhanging branch. Checking his surroundings once more, Bruce jumped down without his cape making any sound at all. Now perched on top of the house, Bruce looked down and around to see if there was anything he needed to be aware of.

There was no movement and the only sound was that of nature going back to normal as it recovered from him intruding on its solitude. Pressing a button on his left gauntlet, Bruce's cowl lit up in his vision as the echolocation sprang forth around his location. The only thing that showed up and came back to his sensors were some mice in the lower basements. Checking the time and his position to the Batjet overhead, Bruce made a mental note before making his way to the closed window on the top floor.

Out of his index finger came a small lockpick that Bruce slowly worked into the outer edges of the window seal. Running it along the sides of the frame he found the latch and with a little wiggle and push. The lock easily slid back to the other side: this opened the lock on the old styled window. Before he pushed the window open Bruce double checked to be sure and noted there weren't any alarms in place. There were no laser triggers, no weighted catches, nothing was there to stop him from working his way inside the house.

Placing that as another mental note to be aware of, Bruce silently made his way inside. Another press on his gauntlet brought up a scan of the area and he noticed the footprints on the floor. The prints led to two different rooms and what appeared to be a restroom. The other set of footprints lead down the stairs and, after doing a quick check of the bedrooms, that's where he went.

Swiftly and silently, Bruce made his way through the home with speed and grace. There was no wasted movement or hesitation as Bruce did a quick search of the upper and lower levels of the home before he found something interesting in the kitchen.

On the dining table before him Bruce found a box with a note on top. The note read : For Battise from Harley. Lots of hugs and kisses.

Inside the small box Bruce found a pendrive with his symbol on it. Narrowing his eyes at the pendrive, Bruce plugged it into the open port on his utility belt. What he did not know was that a second signal piggy backed his own back to the batcave, which then uploaded its way to the Watch Tower systems which Batman had a permanent connection to. Inside the Batcave was Barbara Gordon, the current Batgirl. The Justice League's center of operations also know as the WatchTower, today, several of those same heroes were on duty.

Those currently on duty in the WatchTower were one Diana Prince also known to the world as Wonder Woman, Black Canary otherwise known as Dianah Lance, The Flash known to friends and family as Barry Allen. The Green Lantern, a well known fighter pilot and womanizer by the name of Hal Jordan, Green Arrow, and the second billionaire on the team, Oliver Queen. Superman and J'onn J'onzz were currently in the med bay going over Superman's situation.

Those in the batcave and Watch Tower received a signal with a video attachment while Batman was getting more than an eye full of what Harley wanted him to see.

As the video played, the fists of Bruce Wayne curled up as he started to plot his next step.


The image that showed on Bruce's gauntlet was one of Harley Quinn standing in front of the camera lens without a stitch of clothing on her person. Her skin was a creamy white color with bright cherry colored nipples.

"Heya Batsy, I heard you were looking for my honey bunny," Harely said with a laugh, her mountainous peaks jiggling in the camera's view. "So when I told my hubby about it he was like, NOPE not sticking around. He then said something about you being crazy or cursed with whatever Bat-fetish you are into. And to be honest, I totally agree. After I took the time to step back and psycho-analyze your situation I came to the same disturbing conclusion; but you don't want to hear all about that, now do ya?"

[ Loud moan behind Harley. ]

"No you don't want to hear about that because you want to see what's happening." Harley laughed before twisting the camera around. Laying on top of the table was one Selina Kyle with her Catwoman leathers on and partially covering her face. Selina was laid out on top of the table with her legs wrapped tightly around a person's head; and Bruce was now more than furious because he knew who that was.

"You see how good a time she is having, Batsy?" Harley asked rhetorically as she did a close up of Selina's face. "That's a serious orgasm face right there, but I bet you didn't know that, did ya. No, you've got too many personal psychological issues to bring your partners that much pleasure."

The Justice League in the WatchTower were left speechless as the video progressed. Wonder Woman and Canary were oddly silent as they watched the strange video that came in. Behind them the rest of the male members present at the time, minus Superman, were in a state of hysterics.

"What is he doing with his tongue? Why does she scream with such… rapture?" Wonder Woman asked her female team member.

Canary couldn't help but release a cough in her hand before answering Diana. "That's called cunnilingis. Catwoman's partner seems unusually skilled at it. Maybe we should cut the video feed."

"No, no, I would like to learn more of this!" Wonder Woman answered as she squinted her eyes at the display. Green Lantern and the Flash were left standing with their mouths agape at what was transpiring before them.

"See Batsy, you gotta eat the kitty cat to make her howl. Look, look! There goes another orgasm."

"Fuck!" Selina screamed aloud, as another orgasm shot through her body. Bruce was livid, so livid in fact that he broke the table before him. Selina was his, that he was sure of but here she was laying with another man. Yet, he could not tear his eyes away from the video playing on his arm.

[ Moan in background. ]

"Ohh yeah! Hear that? That's a lady having a damn good time, but that's not all." Harley sang like a commentator towards the video. The video shifted around and followed Harley as she went behind her hubby. The video then shifted to a floating view and Bruce watched as the man he was looking for stood up to give Harley a deep kiss filled with obvious passion and feeling. Bruce's eyes narrowed as he watched Ivy walk into the camera's view, but, before he knew what he was doing, his infamous control slipped and he released a full on growl at what he saw next.

Bruce had noted the mask the man was wearing, but he was more than sure it was the Vincent Von Doom that he was looking for. Yet what set him to growling was the unexpected person that walked out into the view of the camera. The dusky beauty wearing a domino mask that walked into the camera's view moaned aloud. Despite the mask hiding her face, this woman possessed a distinctive birthmark that Bruce immediately recognized.

Bruce continued to watch, as while Ivy was delving between the open legs of Selina, Talia was on her knees servicing Doom.

"Look at that, Batsy, she didn't even gag! Ninja girl swallowed that monster whole! Damn! Even I have trouble doing that." Harley's voice cut harshly across Bruce's conscience. "Haha, look at her go! Damn she is really enjoying herself! Look at her eyes rolling back in her head. That is a dedicated girl who obviously loves sucking cock!"

Diana watched in fascination and kept asking her fellow female member questions about moments she needed clarification on. "She must be supremely talented to be able to repeatedly swallow something so large."

Green Lantern couldn't take it anymore and did a spit take with the drink he was sipping on. The Flash was off sputtering at the side as he was trying to catch his own breath, and the worst part of it all was that just yesterday Hal was wondering why Bats always looked so constipated. One of the theories they were throwing around was that he wasn't getting laid enough. And here, not a day later, they were watching the women that Bats frequented, getting plowed by someone else.

Barry's eyes widened to comic proportions as he looked at the screen to witness what was about to happen next. On the WatchTower's monitor, Barry watched as the guy released a load down the ninja lady's throat before pulling out...and he was still rock hard! The green skinned babe had stopped eating out the Cat, and was now licking her man's member from base to tip. The man then lined himself up with Catwoman's entrance. Barry's eyes snapped to the face of Harley Quinn as she came on screen once more.

"Right about now, I bet you are telling yourself that this is all a trick and that she would never do such a thing. Right, Batsy?" Harley spoke towards the camera. "But you'd be wrong; you see Kitty Cat comes by quite often to get that itch of hers scratched, and well, I thought why not introduce her to an XXL-sized scratching post!"

As the video played and Harley continued to talk, Bruce couldn't help but start to pace. More and more he was starting to lose the control of himself that he held so tightly.

[ GASP! ]

Bruce looked at his arm in time to see Harley lean down to run her snake-like tongue over Selina's delicate folds and he wished he hadn't because, right after that, Doom thrust forward up to the hilt and Harley caught it all on camera.

"Arrghhh!" Bruce raged as his leg lashed out; plowing a hole into the wall beside him. The rage that was simmering under the surface came to the top and boiled over as he threw a fit in the confines of the home. The flash drive that was plugged into his utility belt was yanked out and broken and the push of a few buttons on his arm gauntlet summoned his Batjet. Without looking back, Bruce fired his grappling hook upwards before pulling himself up into his plane.

Once he was inside the cockpit of his Batwing, Bruce turned the targeting system on the house. Within seconds the lock on was confirmed and without a second thought Bruce pressed the firing triggers. The sides of his batwing opened up and two missiles dropped out before activating and firing at the home.

Bruce didn't even wait for the explosion, no, he turned his batjet in the direction of home and took off with a blast of afterburners. He was going to find Doom; even if it was the last thing he did.

End Chapter…. Maybe….

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