Brightest Doom

Chapter 15

Brightest Doom

Chapter 15

By : BigToFu


Bruce Wayne: Man who used to have a plan

Coffee wafted into his nose, yet Bruce chose to ignore it as he waited for the analysis from his computer. Barbara had come back to the Bat-Cave with a story of meeting Doom, but what really pulled his interest was the snapped cable of her grappling hook.

From his initial inspection, it was clear the snapped section wasn't from structural failure. Doom had called himself the master of magnetism, then there were the items he acquired for his assault.

Frowning, Bruce waited for his computer to give its analysis while he read over the after-action report Barbara handed in. Doom had acted authoritatively while leading Mister Freeze by the nose to get his cooperation. That pointed to him being either a manipulator or a master planner, only time would tell.

What did strike Bruce as odd was the flirtation that he attempted with Barbara. Interestingly enough, upon reviewing the bio-monitors during the confrontation. Bruce noticed elevated heart rate and endorphins within her neural network. That was something he was going to have to handle carefully. If Barbara was compromised, it would mean she couldn't do her job.

Maybe he should leave Dick a hint and have him pursue that angle. Jealous boyfriend mindset would keep him acting with a certain edge towards Doom that Barbara would lack.

Putting the profile he was constructing with the help of Barbara, Bruce decided to look into this deal Doom spoke of. It didn't take him long to find the information, not with his vast network and being one of the only two main tech companies within the world.

Reading over the proposal, Bruce gritted his teeth, and his hand clenched at the armrest to his chair. One of Talia's well used cover names was on the document as a person of responsibility. Not only that, but also Harvey Dent's name could be found. Bruce ground his teeth at such a revelation.

Harvey Dent had gone missing and here he was working for the enemy. Something had to be done and soon. Harvey had shown up, yet still the Joker remained elusive to his probing. There was a ping and Bruce turned to look over the completed analytics of the grappling cable.

From what he could read on the report, the metal was melted from high-intensity vibrations. There was also slight polarization around the tips from where the wiring broke. Hmm, he did call himself the master of magnetism.

Leaning back in his seat, Bruce brought up the new advanced ceramic plating his company was working on. Maybe it was time to call Lucius and have him reshuffle a few projects.

Vincent Doom

He who will save the world.

My arms moved with slow graces as I flowed from one kata to the next. Chi flowed up and down my limbs as my focus flowed from one move to the next. My mind was calm like a still lake without any disturbance in sight. Solid lines of gold flowed as my fingertips alight with the golden color of chi.

Shifting stance, I turned before lashing out with a quick kick towards the metal T-bar planted into the training field. I transitioned from form to another as I drilled into the metal post set up just for this kind of testing.

Pulling back and taking a breath, I circulated the chi around my body once before flaring as much as I could. Chi gathered in both palms, but after releasing the breath that I was holding, I absorbed it all.

Ohh yeah, I was one step closer to Saiyan, pushing that thought aside. I stood straight and turned to look over the rest of the training room. Looking down at the training map, I found ninjas sparring with chi of different colors. There was green, purple, and even blue mixed among them.

It's funny, if Ra's had a little more imagination he could have been a real terror to face. He had the knowledge of chi, but he only took it far enough to enhance his reflexes and defend his mind. All he had to do was push the limits of chi and he could have been a pure superhuman. All natural without any of the craziness that DC caused.

Anyone could grasp chi because it was fundamental energy to human life.

Shifting my gaze from those sparring, I looked to the ones on the other side of the training room. Down below were ten ninjas wielding chi as they struck out at dummies.

The dummies they were striking all had their tenketsu points set with fiber optics connected to sensors. This allowed the ninjas to know if they had struck the correct points. I of course was going to move them up to working robots later but for now, practice with stationary targets was the way to go.

Pairing chi with what I knew from naruto was turning out to be extremely dangerous. At first, I didn't believe that it could be that simple. Then again, I didn't think I would fall into the DC Universe either.

Yet, I rolled with the punches.

It didn't take much to test using chi to attack the tenketsu. All I had to do was ask for a volunteer and with how fanatical the League of Assassins were, I had plenty. The moment I shared the secret behind chi, those that were sitting on the fence instantly joined my side. Granted there was no other side but my own, but there were those hold outs thinking that Ra's Al Ghul would return.

That was until I decided to share some of what I got from Ra's head and then put my own spin on things. Once the chi was shared around, I then brought up the tenketsu idea and found that it was a thing here in DC. That was perfectly acceptable because one plus one equals two.

Talia had picked out an assassin that she didn't like and jabbed him with two fingers. Just tapping him with two fingers and injecting chi destroyed a lot of soft tissue and muscles in that area of his body.

After a few tests, it was discovered that the intent behind the blow was the most important because doing the same thing with chi also healed. There were of course plenty of other effects, but those two were the most important.

Nodding my head at what I was seeing, I then turned my attention towards Harley's colorful display of acrobatics. Harley was swinging around the strips of cloth hanging from the rafters, as she ran from Damian. Harley being Harley of course took a shine to the kid, and everyone else.

She had a type of infectious personality that just made people want to get along with her, even hardened killers. It was interesting to watch the big bad Mister Freeze fold like a wet tissue against Harley's ever bright personality.

Summoning a towel to my hands, I watched as Harley took Damian on a wild chase around the training room. Turning away from the fun the kid was having, I headed for the lockers and took Talia with me. She was glaring at Harley and Damian as they played. Maybe she needed some more vitamin D, it had been a few days after all.

Humming softly to myself, I gave her ass a nice firm swat as I pushed her into the locker room before me. Smiling at the light blush on her cheeks, I reached out with a little bit of telekinesis to turn on the showers as we both started to strip.

Nice firm bubble but with thighs to match, slim figure with a generous bust. I guess that was why she always had that neutral expression on her face, as if the world was beneath her. Smirking at the swaying hips as she sashayed to the shower, I noticed the anal plug I had commanded her to wear at all time.

The glittering gold of the plug was inlaid with an emerald that matched Talia's eyes. Stepping up behind Talia as the hot water washed over us, I gave the plug a little pull with my telekinesis.

Talia stifled a moan as my crown pushed against her chocolate spider, growling into the nape of her neck. I wrapped one arm around her waist pulling her backward as I slowly pushed my hips forward.

Her sphincter gave way as heat rolled up my shaft. Holding both of her wrists above her head, it was time for Talia to get her attitude properly adjusted.


Walking down the hall with my arms folded behind my back like Morpheus, I listened as Talia read me the reports.

"Vandal Savage has tried to make contact, but we have turned him away as you commanded."

"Good," I replied. "Let me know once you have found his location."

"Noted," Talia replied as she wrote on the tablet. "We have located Zatana and have made an appointment for a consultation."

"Good, what about locating Cheetah?"

"The last sighting was in Paris," Talia said looking up from her tablet.

I hummed in acknowledgment as we walked. "Were we able to get into contact with anyone from Atlantis?"

"No sir, Atlantis hasn't made it known how to contact them without going through the Justice League," Talia replied smoothly then flicked a hand above her tablet. An image came to hover before my eyes as we walked. It was of a man with a wide helm and red lenses. "I have sent word to Black Manta that we will be having words with him."

"I would rather we liberate his equipment and knowledge for our own." I replied as I peered at the image. I still found it strange that Ra's didn't have the location for the city of Atlantis. It wasn't even among his memories, but then again he was always so short-sighted.

"Noted," Talia replied smoothly as the hologram changed. "The appointment with the British Prime Minister to discuss their dependency on coal will be in two days time."

"Hmm, good, make sure there is a team to guard the mobile reactor at all times. Luthor isn't going to make a play but I don't want the league to pull rank and steal my tech." I said before coming to a stop in front of the turbo lift. "Has Star Labs gotten back to us yet?"

The doors opened and Talia walked in first.

Talia walked into the turbo light before turning and replying to the question. "They have and I have raised concern about the Justice League getting their hands on your technology as you have asked. They of course signed an NDA with our lawyers. The contracts also cover us from their open partner clause to make sure our technology stays proprietary tech."

There was no hiding the smile on my face once I received that answer. That meant any of my tech that showed up in anything they used would be open for exploitation.

"The consolidation of Wayne Industries stocks is underway and there are three financial advisories available to play embezzlement whistleblower against Bruce."

Taking a moment to mull that over, I had to shake my head at the foolishness of it all. Anyone with two brain cells could run them together and see all of the Wayne tech Batman is using. Pretty sure he felt protected with Lucus Fox watching his back, but you can't swindle the IRS. Regardless of the universe, the IRS was still a force to reckon with and it would be such a shame if Bruce lost his company legally instead of a nasty corporate takeover. "Good, keep everything with a feather light touch, I want it all prepped for 'GO' once the order is given."

The turbo lift came to a stop, the doors opened and Talia stepped out before me. I followed right behind stepping out into a world that was completely two halves of a whole. One side was pure snow and ice from the I-beams up above down to the silicon covered flooring. On the other side of the very large room sat a rainforest of sorts, foliage and roots spread out in an archaic system of nature.

In the middle of it all sat a pool with that of a bio mixture of tech and nature, a rare snow lotus on its surface. Inside the lotus was the wife of Mister Freeze while the heart rate monitor and EKG machine beeped for all to hear.

Talia went off to finish her work while I hopped into the air and floated to the other side of the lab. Landing on the soft moss that acted as the flooring to Pamela's side of the lab, I made my way to her sitting form at a computer station.

Leaning over Pamela's shoulder, I snaked an arm around her body before pulling her up and back into a kiss. She released a squeak of surprise before melting with my kiss. Leaning her back over, I took the seat before depositing her on my lap.

"So tell me, how are we going with waking sleeping beauty?" I asked nuzzling into Pamela's neck.

"Hmm," Pamela hummed as she settled onto my lap. "Things have been running on schedule, there was a moment where it was touch and go, but we were able to get her into a stable coma as we slowly brought her out of cryo-freeze."

She saw the raised eyebrow and decided to elaborate on why we almost lost Mister Freeze's wife.

"She was placed into cryo without any bio-monitors, it was Zelda that alerted us of her vital signs failing," Pamela said before turning my face to look at the large lotus pod in the center of the room. Right there around the top of the lotus pod was Zelda floating around doing periodic scans on the patient.

"Hmm." I hummed as I spied the cyber lines on the outside of the pod. "You have used some of the regeneration nanites I see."

"Nora was placed in deep cryo for quite a few years, there was a lot of tissue damage that not even Victor was aware of." Pamela said before turning my head back to look her in the eyes.

"So you use the nanites to replace the tissue damage, what about that healing salve you were working on?" I asked leaning back in the seat.

"The salve needs viable organic flesh to work, not cryogenically frozen flesh.

I grimaced at the sound of that, frozen flesh was still flesh, but I still didn't know how Victor was able to move around with it. Somehow he was able to keep himself at subzero temps while keeping his flesh viable. Then again, there was that one comic where his head ran away on a little spider bot body.

Pamela saw me grimace but didn't say anything about it. So I pushed forward for her, "What about the solution he has been pumping into his body?"

Pamela never got a chance to answer as Zelda came flying over to hover at my shoulder. "That solution was incompatible with her illness."

"And where are we with that?"

"Cured within zero point four two minutes of opening the cryostasis pod." Zelda chipped her little form flashing blue with each word.

"Thank you, Zelda." Pamela replied to the little hover ai with a smile.

"You are most welcome, ma'am." Zelda returned before zooming back off. Getting up, I placed Pamela back into her seat, but not until after I had squeezed that nice firm peach she called an ass.

"Remember, we still have dinner at six. So don't overdo it." I told her as I walked to the cold and frost ridden side of the lab. A light hop had me floating in the air as I glided over the silicon flooring. The good doctor was as stoic as ever as he worked methodically on the task I had set before him.

Instead of disrupting his work, I took a moment to look over all of the numbers and the device he was constructing. No, scratch that, it wasn't a device it was a full-blown air fortress and the look of it reminded me of a Young Justice episode. Yeah, I had to stop him here.

"Stop, that won't work," I said flicking my hands at the hologram. "Building something like an aerial fortress would only work counterproductively to what we are trying to accomplish."

His hands paused over the hologram to look at me. Rolling my eyes, I made some changes, miniaturized the chamber, tweaked the diamonds needed, and swapped the compressors for some star labs high quality units. It looked a lot like his freeze ray, but without the trigger.

All it was good for was hovering in place.

Taking that into account, I then ran some calculations on the surface area I needed covered. The count came out to two hundred and forty evenly spaced out over the slowly melting continent.

"That ice fortress would see this project canceled and the UN looking to draw us up on charges," I told Mister Freeze as he looked at me with a critical eye. "Here, look over these and make whatever improvements you might like, but we want to keep them cheap and easily mass-producible."

Mister Freeze gave me a disgruntled look and I could already see that he knew that I had figured out his ploy. Yeah, there was no way I was going to let him create such a thing. Megalomaniacs were always the same and even with his wife's life dangling in the balance, he was still going to try one last time to one up Batman or the world.

The best I could do was remove such temptations while keeping a close eye on all of his projects. Helping him cure his wife or not geniuses of a certain caliber bowed to no one and had an ego that was a mile wide.

Ignoring him, I turned and took Zelda with me as I exited the lab. My next destination was to get properly dressed then make a little home visit.


North Pole

Outside Fortress of Solitude.

Hovering in the air, I was dressed to the nines and ready to rumble. My armor was cleaned and shining in the light of the new day, so why not poke a giant.

"I know you heard my arrival, Superman," I said out and into the wind of the north pole. It was only proper to say hello if I was going to be a neighbor. A negligent wave sat my throne down and I settled in to wait.

Smirking behind my mask, I wondered about the look on Clark's face when he realized I was here for him. I was certain that I stumped him because unlike everyone else, I actually knew where the upper limits of his powers lay. On the arm of my throne, I tapped out a simple morse code for him to figure out. It was simple and nothing way out there, just letting him know that I wouldn't be waiting all day.

Unlike everyone else, I had a life to get back to while he had a life to escape. I smirked as I received a couple of Wayne Tech satellite updates. Looks like Clark was really moving with some haste.

There was a ripple along my telepathic field miles away as something darted within my field of awareness. He appeared long before my fingers could react. Tall, handsome, and blue-eyed all-American farm boy floated there before me. It was so fast that it could have induced a heart attack in a weaker man.

Interesting enough, mentally, I was able to keep track of his approach, my only failing was the body. It was clear that Kryptonian physiology was broken on so many levels.

It took every ounce of self-control that I had to keep myself from showing any sort of reaction. Having full anatomical control really came in handy as I crushed any sign of weakness before it could rear its head.

My finger kept on tapping a morse code for Superman to hear as he approached. Things felt almost surreal as I looked at the man's frowning visage. Smirking underneath my mask, I knew it burned him not being able to easily x-ray my suit.

Eighteen dollars at Home Depot and my suit was snoop proof from Superman's prying eyes, such a glaring flaw in his abilities.

The man hovering there radiated far more power than either Super-girl or Powergirl ever could. The silence stretched between us before Clark decided to break the stalemate.

Things finally broke between us as Superman spoke first, "So why did you call me here?"

"Just a neighbor saying, hi," I replied smoothly. "After all, I will be working within the area and it's only proper manners."

Clark's brow twitch and I took a picture to sell to Luthor later. I was pretty sure he has never seen a baffled Superman before. Then again, I was pretty sure that no one has ever fucked with him the way I planned to bend him over.

"You came to say, hi?" Superman was clearly confused with the situation.

Shrugging so he could see my armor shoulders move, I spoke.

"You live in that gaudy fortress do you not?" I asked pointing a finger in the direction of his fake home. Superman nodded his head in the affirmative, I acted as if I didn't see him almost shake it in a no manner. "Then you understand that I have to warn you since I am a contractor for the UN in repairing the ice caps. There might be shifting ice shelves and since your home is located on such a shelf. It's either you understand these terms and risks or find yourself evicted. The last I checked, alien homes are not protected under any UN charters."

Clark looked clearly confused, "Wait, you can't do this."

Letting out a fake sigh for him to hear. "Actually since you are classified as an Illegal alien under the UN charter, I can, I have, and I did."

Clark reared back as all those hammers fell over his head. Funny how they think that just because they put on the cape, that they are clear to do anything. All it really takes is for someone to use the law against them and they fold. It felt almost cheap, like I was kicking a puppy; but if you wanted to beat Superman don't bring a nuke, just bring a lawyer.

I wondered how he was going to deal with the IRS of the UN because I'm pretty sure that there are legal exploration or expedition fees for being here in the north.

"As much as you have saved the world countless times, you forgot to file legal papers and they are going to use that against you," I said, throwing out a bone for the man who was obviously far too dense to get the game that was going on. "As of the moment you showed up, I have notified the nearest UN branch to dispatch someone to serve you the legal papers. Do not try and avoid them, they would only command me to legally condemn and confiscate your home." The look on his face was one of brief fury shifting to confusion. Getting up from my seat, I dusted my ass off before prepping for a portal back home.

"A lawyer will contact you later in the week with the proper papers. I would suggest finding someone to take your case pro-bono" I said smashing him over the head with more information. "After all, it's widely known around the world that you do not have a job to pay for your legal fees."

Clark finally found his footing as he approached and asked. "Why are you doing this?"

"Last I checked, I lived on the earth and the failing ice caps have caused massive flooding over the years. Also, the freshwater is causing desalination problems along a lot of reefs which is killing wildlife."

Clark hovered over the ice thinking things over before speaking. "That doesn't answer the question of why you are doing this."

Looking at him, I let out another sigh at the foolish farm boy attitude. I looked at him and gathered my thoughts on how to put this without hurting his feelings.

"Let's be honest, this could have gone a lot worse. Unlike you, I'm fully within my rights and backed by legal law to kick you right out." I told him needling the fact that he didn't ask any permission to set up illegal housing in the north. Strange wasn't it, to know that Superman himself had set up a hobo house in a legal sense. " Luthor was offering me fifty billion and a pretty lucrative contract to be the one to give you the news. That means he would have had the power to twist the narrative however he liked."

Clark's face twisted into a frown and I knew that I hit a sensitive spot.

"Unlike all of you costumed heroes and villains, I'm actually trying to save the world. You can either work with me or against me, but know this. Doom always wins in the end, always."

Then before he could react, a hush tube opened right beneath my feet and I slipped right away. Since everyone wanted to play games, it was time they learned how Doom played.

Doom always wins.


So that just happened, funny how the easiest way to beat costumed heroes isn't to face them in battle just serve them papers. Shame the world might love him, but he is a dead carcass that politicians are gonna pick at.

Batman has jumped down the rabbit hole like he always does.

Very Minor Edits By Pineapple

Removes the - for the internet links

www - DISCORD - GG - p2QJNck

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