Brightest Doom

Chapter 5

The Brightest Doom

Chapter 5

It had been roughly two weeks after I had made my move while in Metropolis, and things have been getting weird ever since. It was fun to watch the wrench I threw into the timeline or whatever stood as fundamental continuity. Three days after I had my little interview with Luthor, he announced to the world that Mercy would be his protege, and the world exploded with news and shifting balances of power. There was nothing better than sitting back in my chair and laugh at the foolishness of it all. Mercy went from a minor character in the Justice Leagues eye's to the new emerging power to contend with.

Then again, the fact that this helped to shift the eyes of Bruce away from me was also a very nice consolation prize. Though a consolation prize or not, there will be complaints from this guy.




I turned my line of sight from my monitors that were showing over twenty of the different news stations. My attention was drawn to the completion of the latest serum I was working on. Normally, any geneticist would be beyond ecstatic with the advancement that Ivy and I have created. With access to some rare and natural plants that we grew in our greenhouse, our discoveries were near limitless. Unfortunately, we currently don't have any of our products on the open market. Any geneticist that caught a hint of our advancements would kill us and bury the bodies one hundred feet below to keep such discoveries to themselves. I had plans to release incremental improvements to milk the current state of biotech. Better antibiotics that nothing on the current market can compare to but also nothing that's an automatic cure-all.

One of the major discoveries made recently when I came back from my little excursion was that Vibranium could also function as a living metal. The battle had opened my eyes to the energy absorption of the metal, but it was the fact that I found it within the Mother Box that gave me a surprise on the living applications of the metal. The metal was absorbing and storing the kinetic energy on an atomic scale, but within the Mother box, it was doubling as an organic bonding agent with the bio-organic substance that the Apokoliptian tech used. That hint alone gave me a very solid idea on how to help reverse Waylon's condition.

That brings us to my current situation, after Waylon helped me on my little heist and I brought Harley back. We had a little talk, and we made a trip down to the base where he was stationed in the Florida Keys. Granted, it made me sound like an asshole that didn't want to be around while Harley was going through her detox of the Joker, but life had to keep on moving since I made promises that I planned to keep.

Finding the base wasn't that hard since they were in the Keys island chain, and Waylon was stationed there for a few years before his betrayal. My only issue with the whole thing was how long it took me to sneak past the cameras. Lucky for us, once I was able to get within the hospital ward they still had his blood sample on file before their tampering. The issue that they still had Waylon's DNA on file was something that worried me when I remembered that I was in DC, and Cadmus loves to clone interesting people.



That DNA sample and the living function of Vibranium brings us back to my promise to Waylon to help him find a cure and bring back his human form. With some help from Pamela, we rewrote the healing serum we created to combat the joker gas to combat the aggressive mutagen that the army used to combine Waylon's DNA with their versions of fresh and saltwater crocodiles. The Vibranium nanites bonded to the healing serum, and with Waylon's previous DNA implanted as the blueprint building blocks, we had a pretty solid plan to reverse the damage. Half a pound of Vibranium and forty-eight hours later and millions of genetic coding and subroutines later and Waylon was now a step closer to being mostly human again.



Putting all those thoughts aside, I left the safety of my basement lab to head into the greenhouse to check over the serum. When I looked at the centrifuge, everything checked out. Now it was time to call Waylon for the next step of the procedure for which he was needed.

"Computer: ring Waylon and tell him to meet me in the greenhouse," I said out loud as I took a seat on one of the lab chairs. "Ivy, sweetheart, it's time for the use of the incubation chamber you have been growing."

"Harley don't you dare,"


Looking over to where I heard Ivy yelling, I watched as Harley knocked something over with her hammer as she came swinging in my direction. Harley was in a long white t-shirt that hung down to over her knees. The shirt had the logo of Queen on the front, but what drew my attention was the massive hammer that Harley had up over her shoulder as she tried to balance it for a swing. Pamela was standing in front of Harley with her hands up in placation. I couldn't help the raising of an eyebrow because she was standing naked during all of this. Floating out of my seat, I brought myself up behind Ivy as I eyed the irate Harley Quinn.

"Move Pammy," Harley said sternly as she eyed her best friend before her. "He took my Mistah J Pammy; I gotta make it right."

"You can't face him Harley, so stop this," Ivy said with her soothing voice as she tried to talk down her other lover from doing something she would regret. "When I asked Vince to bring you here, we had created a cure for the Joker, but I can promise you I didn't know he was going to kill him."

There was no such thing as a cure for insanity, but what I did find was a permanent cure for the Joker gas that had a mutation effect that allowed it to adapt to any type of gas that might still be floating around. Once I have Harleen on my side, we might be able to find a cure for insanity if I cant get The Scarecrow on board if he doesn't cause me to kill him first.

"Why... Pammy, why?" Harley asked, exasperatedly out loud.

At this point, I was floating right at the shoulder of one Pamela Isley,

"Because the man was an infection that needed to be removed from the world."

"You don't know that!" Screamed Harley as she swung the hammer at me. The mallet from the size of the thing froze midair; I didn't even need me to twitch a finger to exert any mental force. With the mallet held there, I lowered myself and wrapped an arm around Pamela's waist. Was I possessive? Yes, because Poison Ivy was mine.

"He beat you for shits and giggles, then turned around and killed hundreds of people to gain another man's attention. Why?" I asked Harley, her bottom lip quivered at my question. "Because he was in love with another man and not you, so I removed him from your life."

"If he cared for you, dear, he would not have treated you like that," Pamela said as she raised a hand and lowered the mallet that I had frozen in the air beside us. "Those who care for you would never treat you that way."

I watched as Pamela talked Harley down as my hand trailed up and down her svelte and toned stomach muscles. My fingers trailed the tone muscles as I felt the shiver of pleasure roll up her spine.

"Harley honey, that's not loving, and that's no way to live your life," Pamela whispered as she pulled Harley in for a hug. Breaking down into tears, Harley cried on Pamela's shoulder, relieving herself of all her pent up emotions.

"I miss him so much, Pammy," Harley cried out hard and loud as she kept on weeping.

With a sigh, I picked the three of us up and floated our way over to the miniature bedroom that Harley and Pamela were currently sharing. Once Pamela and I started to sleep together, I had taken the large petal bed that she made and replaced it with a California king-sized bed. The petal bed was exotic but lacked so much compared to a bed purchased from the store, and I just had to replace it.

Granted, the persuasion to have the bed replaced was well worth it, and so was breaking in the bed for normal use. Removing the mallet from Harley's grip, I floated it over to the sidewall and hung it on a set of pegs from the rack I had Waylon build for jackets and a few other things. With the mallet out of the way, Pamela laid Harley down onto the bed. Out from the left corner, snaked one of the vines Pamela used as her helpers. The vine was green with purple flowers and yellow dots along with the petals.

Once Harley was down on the bed, the vine snaked up and did a small puff of spores into her face. Within moments Harley was asleep and out of commission. Shaking my head at the incredulity of the situation, I picked up Pamela and with some change of clothes, then floated us into the bathroom.


Forty Minutes Later…

Toweling down Ivy's toned legs, I placed a kiss on her toned stomach before leaning back and allowing her to run her towel over my head and shoulders to get off what's left of the excess water. Our shower was fun and quick, but it was time for our fun to come to an end. Dropping the towel that I used to dry Ivy's legs, I grabbed the larger blue one I had floating at our side and ran it up the rest of her body.

Standing up, I ran the towel under Ivy's arms around the rest of her body before allowing her to dry the rest of me. The kiss she gave on the crown of my head wanted me to take her back to the shower. The thought of taking her back into the shower, my lips against hers as our bodies grinding together put another smile on my face. It's to bad, I had so much to do today, and I was already behind schedule for the day.

Turning away from another kiss, I tossed the towel into the air with a flourish of my wrist and summoned my clothes. With a shake of my head, I was dressed within moments, but once I was finished, I was greeted with the pouting face of Poison Ivy.


"You know, we can't spend the day in bed, right?" I asked with a raised eyebrow at the insatiable minx.

The pout was devastating and could be called a critical hit to the heart.

"You know it's been years, and now that I'm finally able to water my garden, why shouldn't I indulge?" Pamela asked as she ran her hand up my shirt.

"And I have proven that I'm more than willing to water your garden, but we have a promise to keep and a world to save in our own way." I replied huskily as I stepped closer to Pamela as I whisper in her ear.

"But I promised you a week's worth of hot steamy sex when you brought Harl's back to me," Pamela whispered sultrily as her lips grazed my own.

"Your femme fatale ways will not tempt me," I replied back, brushing my lips with her own.

Pamela took my hand and moved it up her thigh tempting me more and more, but that smirk on her face had me aware.

"Come, I believe another taste testing is in order," Pamela said huskily as she trailed my fingertips across her folds, damping them with her dew. Looking Pamela in the eye, I dipped a finger in then brought it back to my mouth.

"I believe breakfast was already served. We can have lunch later," I replied as I turned around with a smirk on my lips. Taking a few steps, I stopped at the exit of the bathroom and turned around and looked at the minx. "Coming?"

The look on Pamela's face was priceless, and she was in full pout as she looked at me, preparing to leave.

"Fine, let's get this finished," Pamela growled fiercely at me. With a step and strut, the full Poison Ivy came out in her walk as she walked past me in the buff out into the greenhouse. Following behind her, I was given a show as Pamela sauntered on with a delectable sway of her hips. Shaking the thoughts that came to mind, I watched her walk up and into an empty plot of land directly beneath the glass roof that allows sunlight to rain down upon it. The tree's started to rustle, and vines grew from underneath the brush around us, but I ignored it all as I watched the beauty before me.

With a wave of her hands, Ivy had the vines surround her in a quad-helix form. Ivy's left hand came up, and with a snap of her fingers, leaves sprouted from the vines, and with a flourish of her right, the leaves created a shirt that turned into a full sweater. Out of the bottom layer grew moss that I didn't know how to start classifying as it worked its way down her legs.

The moss took on a texture of latex supple and pliable yet springy or that could just be her ass that I was staring at. My attention turned to the nudge at my shoulder, and I found one of her vines holding up my lab coat. I retrieved my coat and scratched the vine under its head, which earned me a wiggle from the plant before I turned back around and donned my coat.

A vine was off to the side with a coat for Pamela, but I retrieved that coat with some telekinesis while I walked up to the now dressed Ivy.

"Ready to get to work?" I asked with a smile on my lips.

With an upturned nose and pout, Pamela took the lab coat from me as she turned in the direction of the labs. Chuckling softly, I followed behind as Pamela opened the door, and we entered the section of the greenhouse we sectioned off as a lab space. Inside the lab sitting on one of the chairs was Waylon Jones.

Waylon was sitting on a reinforced stool that could hold his weight while under examination. Waylon was a man that stood at eight feet tall with green scaly skin, sharp claws, and teeth: but here in the labs and waiting for a doctor's visit, he looked like a small child visiting for their shots.

"Ahh, Waylon, thank you for waiting on us," Pamela started as she picked up a datapad that I mad Mercy deliver to use in a shipment of items that I had ordered.

"So tell me, doc. Can I be cured?" Waylon asked, but I noticed the whiting of his knuckles as his grip on the stool increased

"Well, there is no cure…" I began to say but was wholly interrupted.

"You promised me a cure: that's why I have been hanging around and helping you out!" Waylon growled as he stood up to his towering height of eight-plus feet. Big mistake on his part because Doom always demands respect. Yet, before my anger flared, I noticed the same spike of dissatisfaction pouring out of Pamela.

There was no time for me to say anything because Pamela took umbrage with his reaction on my behalf.



Taking a step to the side, I was able to dodge the venus fly trap the size of a dog that came in the door behind Ivy and I. The other side of the lab windows broke as more and more dog-sized vines with mouths large enough to eat a man whole entered. At this time, Waylon realized that he was in deep shit, but I noticed that he didn't back down at all.

"Vince offered his assistance, and we solved the issue," Pamela replied with a hiss at Waylon. "No, it isn't a cure, but that doesn't mean you fly off the handle without waiting for what we have to say."

Waylon's hand clenched and unclenched, and I watched as his claws move back and forth as the gears moved along within his head.

"Then how do you plan to solve my problem," Waylon asked as he looked around at the menacing vines with mouths ready to snap him up and eat him. I just leaned back against the lab table and watched the mouth drool a little on the floor while I let Waylon sweat a little bit.

I knew I made small tweaks to his mind, but I wanted to see his reaction when something that he desperately wanted was dangled in front of his face. Yes, it was cruel of me, but no matter how much he wanted something, it's always best to not show such strong interest because it could always be used against my interests.

"I'm… I'm sorry, okay. It's been so long since I last saw my own face. My hands without the scales," Waylon said softly as he sat back down on the lab stool.

"Good," Pamela said with a nod. Then with a smile, all of the vines removed themselves from the lab. Walking over, I stood next to Pamela with my hands in my lab coat.

"Now, as we were saying," I started as I pulled out the tablet so I could give a better explanation. "We can't cure you because of the damage that they did to your DNA, but what we can do is reset your genes back to before they began to experiment on you."

"But.. but that's a cure," Waylon stammered out.

"Let me reiterate; this is not a cure. We are resetting your genetic structure before the change because we can't heal the damages to your body." Pamela said with a little more force.

"Correct, we can't cure you, but we can reset your physical biology to before the changes," I said, seconding what Pamela said as I brought up the datapad and what was going to happen with the procedure.

"Okay… Okay, I think I understand," Waylon said slowly.

"Good good, because it's about time to give you a list of what is about to go down," I said with a smile as I brought up the holo image on the datapad. "We will reset you back to your peak army physical fitness, and then I added in high-speed healing and strength to keep you at peak and extend your lifespan. The serum will also give you heightened senses and equilibrium."

"Okay, so let's do this," Waylon said with excitement. "Do I drink the serum, or do you inject it?"

"Now, I don't know if I want to help you," Pamela mused as she tapped a finger on her chin.

There was no helping the smirk that played across my lips as I watched the larger man sweat.

"Let's play nice, my dear," I said as I walked up behind Pamela. With a shake of the head, I looked at the larger man in the eye. "There is no need to deny the man something I promised him because he decided to be rude at the last leg of this race."

The wince from Waylon put a smile on my face because he realized I could have withheld my assistance because of his desperation and how he lost his cool.

"I would like to apologize again to you both," Waylon said solemnly with a small bow.

Good, good he is learning; slowly, but he is learning.

"And apology accepted," I said with a smile and a nod. Releasing Pamela, I gave her a quick swat on the bum before walking over towards the little fridge on the side. Pulling on the door to the miniature fridge, I hit the button on the centrifuge that was located on the top shelf with the serum within it. I watched and waited for a few moments for the humming to stop as the centrifuge came to a slow and easy stop. Slowly I took the vial out of the centrifuge, and I could feel a piercing gaze focused on me on my back. When I turned around, I found the extremely hard gaze of Waylon watching my hand with the serum inside it.

"Alright, so the plan is to use one of my babies incubation chambers," Pamela said as she waved a hand to the outside of the window to the labs. Outside the lab window sat a small pond within the greenhouse grounds. Within the pond were two giant lotus pods that sat on the water, but the distinct difference from another lotus besides the size was the large membrane that was able to fit a person.

"Woha, woha, woh, Your about to feed me to one of your plants?" Waylon asked as he started to wave his hands in the negative.

"Ohh, stop being a big wuss. I'm not feeding you to my babies. This is just a minor stasis to suspend you in so that the nano-serum can do its job," Pamela said with a huff.


"Look, you're just going to be in a suspended state while the nanites do their work," I said to the big man. Then without a second word, I levitated him up in the air and over to the lotus-pod. Waylon growled and flailed around in the air for a moment while I just watched his futile struggle. "It's about time you calm down and take your nap time like a man."

"You can't just expect me to just go along with all this?" Waylon asked as he waved his hands at his surroundings. "You gotta understand bossman this all a little strange, ain't it?"

With my arm outstretched, I had Waylon hovering over the lotus pods. Tilting my head to the side, I looked at him before speaking up.

"Well, it's time for you to man up," I replied to the big man as I lowered him into the pod and watched Pamela raise her hand to active the pod. Clear-water membrane raised and enclosed Waylon. He was yelling and screaming profanities the whole time as his body became enclosed within the pod. With a chuckle, I brought up the floating serum that glowed a bright orange. With a nod, I brought the floating serum to the pond, then had it lower into the water and connected to the roots system.

A thick vine came around under Pamela and lifted her up so she could get a better position at the pod. I floated over and hovered beside Pamela as she sat on her vine, and we both watched the serum fill the pod as Waylon slumbered away. Turning to my right, I watched her tap on her beautifully sculpted chin with a well-manicured nails.

"With Waylon indisposed, I believe it is time we discuss our little Harley situation," Pamela said while lost in thought.

As I hovered next to Pamela and crossed my legs while still in the air, I started checking a few of Waylon's vitals; I caused the tablet to hover as I gave Pamela my undivided attention.

"With her chosen substance of abuse disposed of, I believe that Harley would be happy living here with us," Pamela stated as her open.

A bit of silence passed between us while I gently floated in the air beside the jade beauty.

"Given her reaction over the last few days. I don't believe she wants to even with your endorsement," I replied softly as I went over multiple plans within my mind.

"Harley… Harley needs a firm hand," Pamela started as I heard her let out a sigh. "It's not in me to treat her like that."

"Is this a BDSM thing?" I couldn't help but ask with raised eyebrows.

"All you have to do is be firm with her but not rough, and she will be putty in your hands," Pamela replied softly. "I refuse for Harley to fall in with another guy like the Joker."

The soft yet firm tones in her voice made me very aware of the seriousness of the situation.

It would seem that Harley was submissive, and that was why the Joker had gotten his hooks into her so deeply. Then I would have to become her sun and stars.

"Have you ever tried?" I asked the jade beauty at my side.

"Have you ever been on the receiving end of a pouting Harley," Pamela said with some heat. "There is no way to not give in with her puppy dog eyes. It's a weapon I tell you."

There was no stopping the laugh that escaped my lips, but I had to stifle it down with the look Pamela gave me. With a shake of my head, I gave Waylon one last look before setting the monitoring machines to keep track of his vitals. Then I activated safety protocols for when the procedure came to completion. With a look inside, I watched the orange fluid work it's way around Waylon like a whirlpool with him in the middle. I noticed the small flakes of scales and rough skin peel away slowly, ever so slowly.

Turning away from the lotus pod, I extended a hand and levitated Pamela into the air along my side. Turning around, I waved my other hand and summoned the things that I would need very soon for my Harley situation. With a smile at Pamela, we flew back across the greenhouse to our bedroom quarters.


With the door open, Pamela and I floated in to find Harley sitting up on the bed watching the large sixty inches tv. Taking a look at the clock on the sidewall, I noticed that it's been a few hours since we put her to bed for her little nap. Harley turned around, took one look at me, and threw the tv remote directly at my head. With a soft chuckle, I released my hold on Pamela and myself, allowing us to land firmly back on the ground. This allowed the tv remote to go flying right over my head, but with my telekinetic hold, it didn't make it past the door frame.

"My, my, someone is excited to see me," I laugh while walking into our shared bedroom. Pamela just shook her head at our antics while I levitated the tv control back towards the tv stand. With that out of the way, I walked my way over to the single seat we had in the corner.

"Why haven't you fed him to your babies yet, Red?" Harley asked as she tried to give me the evil eye glare. Yet, it didn't work on me, even with the chaotic vibes and hostility I was feeling from her.

"Be nice, Harleen," Pamela said while wrapping her best friend in a hug. Harley let out a gasp and started to check Pamela over in a hurry.

"Well, mussed hair, the slight scent of mating and body wash. Flushed cheeks, glowing skin, the posture of pride, and slight quirk of the lips. Gasp! You've been shagged rotten!" Harley exclaimed loudly with a finger pointed at Pamela, who couldn't keep the smile off her face.

"Something like that, now can you calm down and let us have a chat like civilized people," I said with some firmness.

"You're not civilized company; you killed my pudding." Harley all but screamed at me.

"Yes, yes, your pudding," I said as I crossed one leg over the other and stapled my finger together. "I still hold onto my beliefs that it was for the best that he was taken care of once I was able to locate him. Now the question is, what should I do with you?"

The hard stare that I gave Harley caused a very audible gulp to be heard.

"Now, I made a promise to Pamela that I would bring you back." I continued as I eyed Harley. "The first option I had was to cure ole Jackie boy and bring you back, but I felt that he has been on this earth long enough."

"Who's Jack?" Harley asked inquisitively.

"Jack Napier is the original name of the Joker." I said, "Or Mistah J, as you call him."

Harley was silent, and Pamela just sat on the bed and watched the two of us interact.

"So here is the situation we are in," I continued with the silence that sprang forth — bringing out the Joker gas cure that I created from the sample that I picked up. I had it float within the air for all to see. The gas cure was green, and the other one that came up beside it was a bright blue. Now I felt like I was Morpheus and asking Neo to pick his pill. "So here is how we are going to go about this. The green serum is going to make you normal again. The blue serum is going to give you some enhancements."

"Be nice, Vince," Pamela said with some joy in her voice.

My face cracked into a smile as I watched Pamela's shoulders shake with mirth.

"Why haven't you asked Harley to be nice?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Because she is cute and you're a big barbarian looking to plunder her vaults," Pamela teased with a smile. "But honestly, Harley, I recommend you pick the blue one and join us as we take over the world."

While Harley was looking between us, but I did notice the wink that Pamela sent my way. Silently I floated both serums before Harley and waited for her choice. If she decided to go back to being normal, I planned to wipe her mind and call it a day, but with the look, she was sending Pamela's way. I was almost certain that Harley would decide to stay, but she was and will always be a major wild card.

Silence descended as Harley looked over both of the serums with hunger in her eyes. I noticed her fingers twitched, and she bounced on the balls of her feet. Teetering back and forth, I watched and waited for her to make her move. Movement caught my attention, allowing me to notice Pamela walking over towards my location. Pamela gave me a smile before a swishing turn that seated her on my lap as she joined me in watching Harley make her choice.

Pamela took my hand and wrapped it around her waist as she leaned back into my chest, but her eyes never left the sight of her best friend.

"I hope she chooses to stay with us," Pamela whispered in my lap.

"Hmm," I hummed as plans and ideas rolled through my mind. This would have to be Harley's decision because once it is made, I would become her new master. There would be no going back if she decided to side with me.

Before I could follow up and say anything more, Harley grabbed the blue serum and stabbed it into her forearm.

"Yay!" Pamela yelled as she jumped up from my lap. There was no helping the shake of the head I gave as I watched Pamela jump in joy and making a fuss over Harley as the blue in her veins begin to recede into her forearm. The syringe was tossed to the side, and the blue was slowly making its way across Harley's body. I watched as the blue made its way up her neck and down her legs until there was nothing left but flawless skin.

"Yuck! Taste like mold," Harley said as she faked a yacking motion.

"I wonder how you know what mold taste like?" I said out loud as I tapped my chin before standing up. Before I could say anymore, I was greeted with a tongue sticking out in my direction as Pamela laughed at us both. "Fine, keep your secrets then."

"Hahaha, Don't be like that, dear," Pamela said as she brushed her fingers down the side of Harley's face as she watched the serum settle in.

"Well, now that that's settled, I believe that I have available tickets to the roller derby tonight," I said as I levitated the tickets out of the top drawer of the bedside table. "They are even VIP, allowing us into the locker room."

Before Pamela could say anything, the light in Harley's eye's lit up and gave a smile to put the sun to shame.

"You need a shower," I replied to her look with a raised eyebrow. "So Pamela, since she doesn't want to go, would you like to enjoy a night out on the town with me?"

"Yes, yes, I would, and I believe that I would like a second shower with my Harley," Pamela said before pushing Harley towards the direction of the bathroom.



Once the tickets came out, it didn't take more than a few hours for Harley and Pamela to get through a bubble bath. It was all good for me because I was sure they had a lot of the girl talk out of the way that I didn't want to be a part of at this point in time, maybe later. Shaking those thoughts out of my head, I turned my attention back to the down in the seats beside me.

When they entered the bedroom, Pamela had on one of the wrist-watches that created a hologram, which helped her skin blend in with the world. Harley, on the other hand, was being... well, Harley. She came out in a pair of jeans, which were tight in all the right places. She paired the jeans with a red overcoat and a pop t-shirt to complete the ensemble.

Now we were at the derby hall and watching the girls going around the ring-shaped in figure eight. One of the cool things about this ring was that the middle connector parts went down under and back up. The way the ring was constructed though, had everything still on an even ground even if the ring played tricks on your mind. The one thing I did take note of was the away team looked like they came straight from the NFL while the home team looked like they were cobbled together. The vast differences reminded me of the movie Dodge-Ball, and that wasn't a very good starting impression.


The home team was wearing a mix of different pads but they all had the same jerseys but that was nowhere near to how professional the RUS-TERRORS looked. The RUS-TERRORS had blue and white colors. Next to them, the black and yellow of the Gothamites. The Russ-Terrors had all their pads, skates, and everything matched from head to toe with nothing out of place.


Right out the gate with the announcement, a person was knocked over the side. The RUS-TERRORS made it to the breakpoint first and grabbed the ball that shot out of the side along the track.

"Come on 22 don't go down that easy."

Smiling at the shout, I followed the game as another one of the RUS-TERRORS took out another skater. The RUS-TERRORS went under the loop and back up in the flying V formation like the mighty ducks. Damn, these girls were badass, and there was no way the home team was going to win.

"Come on ref, that's a blatant foul. Come on, Pammy, that's a foul right, I know it was."

"Yes, dear, I believe that was a foul."

With a shake of the head, I reached over and got myself some popcorn from the bucket located in Pamela's lap. Pamela sat there, prim and proper like a queen as she ate her snacks. There were another shout and cheer, which caused Pamela to turn and give me a wink before going back to watch the derby and Harley's antics.

"Aye, grab the ball, don't get taken out that easy."

"Harley, dear."

Before she could finish, Pamela just shook her head and gave me a smile as Harley went jumping around yelling at the roller rink. This game was brutal, and I had no idea why, because these women were next level brutal to each other.

[ Ohh and another went down. ]

I heard a sickening crunch that made me look up from my phone, where I was texting Mercy. Down on the derby loop was number 47 of the Gothamites.

[ GOAL! ]

Whipping my head to the side, I watched the replay as the big hardbodied RUS-TERRORS jump and slammed the ball into the large goal hoop. I knew that a pro team was going to be on the circuit tonight, but this was just a complete wash of a game. From the way Harley was reacting, I wonder If I should sign her up and just take over the team so that she can have a safe outlet for destruction.

Turing to Pamela, I put down my drink to ask her the million-dollar question.

"Yes dear?" Pamela asked before I could get the words out. That little smile playing at the edge of her lips was a clear indicator that she had the same idea as myself.

I couldn't help but return a smile of my own, "So do you think Harley would like to show a little hometown spirit and join the team?"

"I believe she would like to join, but you do remember that little villain tag that's associated with her name, right?" Pamela asked with a quirked eyebrow.

Waving my hand in a little shake gesture, [ pish, pish ] "I checked, and she is out on parole, which is odd because she has been showing up for her parole officer. I plan to get that fixed and just have her time fixed, but I'll do it if she wants to go kick some ass." I replied with a shrug. It would be so easy to fix with the number of corrupt officials within Gotham.

"Lead with that, and she won't refuse your offer," Pamela said, but then the smile on her face became predatory. "Is this your idea of getting her out of the house."

When Pamela purred in my ear, the image of the sultry minx Poison Ivy flashed across my mind.

"I believe in helping people become productive members of society," I replied with a smile as my arm went around Pamela's waist.


[ THE SCORE IS 4 - 0 ]

"Come on, Pammy, let's go get a beer." Harley huffed with a pout. "These girls are missing their kickassatude, it's so sad."

Crushing up the bag of half-finished popcorn, Harley threw the offending bag into the bin as Pamela and I got up to leave with her. Shaking my head at the situation, I followed behind Harley as Pamela put her hand around my waist.

I guess it was time to go to the bar.

Happy New year.

Here is the first chapter of the year. Worry not for those of you who thought I dropped the story because I have not. It was the holidays and things have been busy so I just kept off posting until the new year. For those who don't know it does take a lot of time to write and edit but also to get a second eye on the works to help catch errors and to also make sure that the story is following some sort of point. I hope you all enjoy.

Please leave a comment with your thoughts, I enjoy those because they help me understand how people view the story as a whole. Also please think about leaving a nice rating.

You can reach me here at my discord or join my patron and get early chapters.

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