Brightest Doom

Chapter 7

The Brightest Doom

Chapter 7

Another week had gone by while Waylon and Harley got used to their perspective upgrades. I, on the other hand, was going through school work like it was water. Test after test, project after project, everything placed before me was completed in record time.

Now though, I had finished another project and wanted to leave and not sit with the bat glare directed at me by Dick Grayson of all people. It would be so easy to tweak a blood vessel within his cerebral cortex. To remove him from my sight, but I knew that doing this would draw unwanted attention from not only the League but Superman.

There was no doubt in my mind that he would not be able to solve such a problem. And while he was in my thoughts. I would have to make good on my deal with the imp soon before he makes his displeasure known. Not willing to give in to his childish acts, I went over the work I wanted to be completed for Harley's frictionless hover skates. It would have been easy to pull out my notebook and work on the design in that. Or maybe use one of the datapads that I had stashed within my bag, but Doom knew better.

There was a little known fact that Barbara Gordon had an eidetic memory; this meant that she would be able to recall any design she might have caught a glimpse of me working on. It didn't take too long for the course to be over as I finished up the mental schematic I was working on.

I didn't know if I could suffer another month here before they could cut the first degree after I had completed a four-year course within three standard months since my enrollment.

Pulling on my helmet, I pulled out into traffic to pick up the parts I would need for Harleys new boots. I knew the prankster villain that the Flash always face is located within Coast City, and that would be on the other side of the states, so there was no way I would be able to talk shop with him until I completed my work on the teleporter. I made a note to self to have a conversation with Captain Cold or Mr. Freeze later. I'm sure they would like some business opportunities to fill their coffers with clean cash.

Noticing the vehicle following behind, I revved the engine and gunned it down the straight then took a curve turn. That was where I leaned the bike right then at the last second I switched shooting down the road to the left cutting off traffic and everything else in my way. It was far too easy to lose the low powered sedan that thought I wasn't paying attention to them following me.

Silently I scoffed at whoever had such a notion of following one such as I. A flick and change of gears had me shooting down the street before taking a right into an underground garage. Swiftly, I made my way to the top as I listened out for my followers. I opened my mind creating a sort of mental sonar that I had developed for tracking those in my surroundings. From its first iteration, I noticed I had the strength and range to cover half of the United States with just a passive display of power.

What I was able to notice with the mental sonar was more than just another person's mind, I was picking up their nervous systems and their mental projection of thoughts. There were already plans in place for me to take advantage of such vast telekinetic talent.

That was not only unnecessary but would also draw unwanted attention from other telepaths or magic users that might feel the true breadth of my mind. Placing those thoughts aside, I parked my motorcycle in a free parking space, activating the security I took to the skies. Keeping my helmet to help filter out the air of Gotham, it didn't take me long to find the store with the parts that I would need.

For what I had planned, I would need a few microcircuit boards. Unfortunately for me, the only dealer I could procure such an item from would be on the shadier side of town.

Touching down lightly within a back alley of sorts, I exert my power over the locking mechanism to allow myself entry within the store. Wrapping myself within a field that produced an influence of another's mind, I was able to wall around with everyone, not noticing my presence. With that, I boldly walked through the store and out the front.

Taking a left, I went over two more stores before I found the shady parts supply store that I was looking for. Ignoring the man I noticed behind the counter, I scanned the store for anyone else before noticing the hidden camera within a clock hanging on the wall.

It would seem that this proprietor would like to keep track of the information on the clients that buy his materials. A twitch of my brows broke the camera by overloading the micro board that controlled the unit. It was also such a shame that the tape deck became ruined in a fashion that matches the hidden camera. With a smirk on my lips, I finished checking the rest of this establishment before dropping my cloak.

The owner jumped in surprise then reached for the shotgun under the counter.

"Ahh, no," I said, raised a finger that stopped him dead in his tracks. "I have only come to pick up my order. Reach for your weapon once more, and you will find yourself with medical bills or maybe ventilation of your cranium."

"Alright, alright, just don't kill me man." The owner all but stuttered out.

"Perform your duties as the owner of this establishment, and there will be no bloodshed this day."

Holding him there, I looked into his eye and let him understood the severity of the situation and what would befall him if he were to attempt anything. I could be magnanimous when needed, but I can also be ruthless when the time calls for it. There was no need to steal such things when I can pay for it, but I was also not remissed about removing a problem that might arise due to this transaction.

I knew he understood what I was dishing out as the sweat poured down the side of his face. He shivers as the fear sets in, and the sweaty palms said it all to my senses. With a nod of finality, I placed the owner back on the ground and removed my hold over him.

"Now, I came to pick up a shipment of micro boards under the name Doom."

"Ye, ye, yes sir, right away sir."

With that, I watched as the owner ran into the back room as I looked around the place for anything that might interest me. There was nowhere else to get the tech I wanted without being on the radar of Bruce. With his Wayne tech, that man had a spy in place for all major tech industries besides LexCorp and Queen industries. Most of the other companies just don't carry the expertise that can detect what Wayne or Luthor has accomplished with their stranglehold on the industry.

It took time to work around such things, but it was turning out to be well worth it for my long term and short term plans. For example, this store owner was one of the very few that had access to sell technology created by Professor Ivo himself. The owner didn't even know he was the salesperson for the mad genius professor, but Mercy knew, and that was all that mattered.

The work I had completed within the mind of Luthor was quality over quantity and buried deep within his subconscious, but it was best not to rock that boat when I had access to the one that will rule his empire in the unfortunate fate of his demise.

Two apex predators may not roam the same hunting grounds without blood inevitably drawn.

The back beads rang out, drawing me out of my musings as the owner came back to the front with the items that I have been waiting for. Ignoring the man, I summoned the box to my person to examine the micro-programing boards I have been waiting for. Five wafer-thin boards floated before my person; each of these could be installed within anything from a supercomputer to the satellites in space to the space ships that the Justice League uses.

Taking note of the integrated processors that Ivo had installed for me per my specifications, I gave the owner a nod before sending a stack of bills onto the counter. Soon, I would like to get my hands on the schematics to Amazo, but I would have to settle for these boards today. Amazo was not the only way to take on Superman without the rocks, but it was an option.

Placing back up a field that would allow me to go unnoticed, I left the store for the alleyway around the corner. With a small jump, I took to flying back to my motorcycle.

When I arrived, I found my motorcycle blocked in by four nondescript vehicles. It would seem that a color change would be in order, but first, let's check to see who hired these goons. Landing next to my bike, I sent out a wave of telepathic force that stuns everyone within the vehicles. Ignoring the rest, I found myself the leading goon in command.

The place I found him was in the Cadillac look alike in this dimension, and he didn't see me coming when I struck. There were no basic defenses I found as I took the information I wanted. What I found wasn't too much of a surprise to me considering where I am. These goons worked for Black Mask, one of the largest mobsters.

With a snort, I sent the vehicles three spaces down from my location. It was beneath me to work for some two-bit gangster who thought a little bit of money, and a moniker placed him on my radar. He had nothing I needed or wanted; the only things I see working with someone like him would be the downsides. Also, given what I know about his personality, I might end up killing him before any partnership could be put into place.

Ego or not, there were no deals to be had with a man that would like to place himself above my station. Tossing a leg over my bike, I zipped up my jacket and placed my helmet onto my head. My motorcycle revved to life as I closed down my visor. The red blinking light attracted my attention, but I paid it no mind as I lifted both my bike and myself from the top of the car park.

I flew three blocks to the west before touching down in a side alley away from the cameras. With a mental push, the button located on the side of my helmet activated the neural receptor. The display fluttered as I went through my options: weather, air traffic control, and traffic.

Four things pinged all at once; the traffic cam brought up a location ping; I got a profile on two drivers, and Harley's message played with the accompanying video.

"Doomey, I'm gonna be late for lunch."

I could hear the shake in her voice like she was running from something. The video showed what I was wondering, and I found out that I was correct. Some goons of some sort were chasing behind Harley. Well, the ones she didn't already brain with her bat. The video played out until someone hit her with a car from her blind angle.

That sparked a little anger within me. Whoever they are tied Harley up and placed her in the back of the van. The goons wore half and half suits that were clearly dyed in two different colors. There was no stopping the groan that escaped my lips.

"Calling Waylon." My helmet responded into my ears as my mental commands began to fly. I didn't wait for the connection as I shot off out of the alley.

Someone was going to die today.


Waylon was relaxing back in one of the chairs located on the porch. Today he had one of the most grueling workouts since he was able to get his body fixed. Waylon had gone through hard training in reaction time and healing thanks to the demonic robot that his boss had created.

Waylon leaned back, sighing in the contentment of a hard day training. Before he could take a sip of the ice tea, his phone began to ring. There was no missing the foreboding feeling that ran down his spine.

With a gulp, Waylon answered the phone. What he heard on the other side was the odd hum of his boss's bike. He was even able to pick up the odd hiss as the speed changed with whatever action was taking place.

"Yes, sir?" Waylon answered as he stood up.

"The Two-Face Gang has Harley, she killed a few, but they hit her with a truck and kidnapped her." Waylon's boss Vioncet spoke over the line rapidly. "I'm in pursuit but called that charred face fucker and tell him; he's a dead man if he doesn't let whatever issue he has with Harley go."

"Boss, nobody has seen Dent since the break out of Arkham." Waylon replied as his other hand went over his bald head in panic. There was no reply on the other line, for a moment Waylon though his boss had hung upon him. Then there was a grunt on the other line; then there was silence.

"Shit, shit, shiiiit." Waylon breathed panicking. Without a second word, Waylon vaulted off the porch heading for the greenhouse.

"Ivy, Ivyyyyy." Waylon yelled as he barrelled into the greenhouse, looking for help.

What Waylon found were some very aggressive plants that wanted to skewer him.

"What do you want?" Ivy with clear ice in her voice as she looked at the broken beaker within her hand.

"Dent took Harley and the boss in on the warpath." Waylon replied as he eyed the plants ready to strike at him.

"When?" Ivy hissed out as she stalked closer to Waylon's position.

"Just a little bit ago, the boss is in pursuit." Waylon responded in a clean fashion; all fear gone now that he had her full attention.

"And you're sure it's Dent and his crew." Ivy returned, trying to make sure that everything was clear cut. Before Waylon could reply, the smartwatch on Ivy's wrist came alive, showing her the kidnapping and the police profiles hacked from the GCPD. "Fuck."

"What do you want me to do? I don't know where Dent is?" Waylon asked since he normally didn't talk to the ex-lawyer.

"Get the car; I know a few of Harvey's hideouts since he used to give me legal advice." Ivy replied as she placed away her lab tools. "The least I can do is prevent Vince from ripping his spine out."

"Do you think there will be anyone else out of Harley now that word of the Joker's demise is spreading?" Waylon asked while pressing the summon button on the car fob.

"I would hope not since Vince would surely kill them for such a thing, but that is not for me to speculate on." Ivy replied as she followed behind Waylon out of the greenhouse labs.


The van that had Harley in it spotted me as I rounded the corner. The eyes of the driver met my own, that was when he knew; he fucked up. All of the cameras died along the beltway that leads into the Kelt tunnels that lead to Bludhaven. There would be no witnesses, but I had to swerve off to the left, missing the turn do to a car driving out in front of me.

I wanted to snarl and rage as I came to a stop letting the van get away from me. My head whipped around to see who was foolish enough to impede my path. There was no stopping the grimace that escaped me as I noticed the little old lady behind the wheel that looked so confused and lost.


The truck drove away into the tunnels while I turned around to attend to the old lady. There was nothing stopping me from finding them after since Harley still had her tracker within the smartwatch.

A wave of my hands moved the car from the intersection. Ignoring the other people in the other car, I checked on the elderly first.

"Ohh dear, ohh dear."

Ignoring her mutterings, I checked her over then switched to the grandpa in the passenger seat. They both had minor cuts and bruises, with a sigh, I did quick work. The cut located on the old man's cheek was healed as I washed my psionic energy through his body. From there, I lube his joints as I gave his neurons a little refresher.

There was a spark of understanding that I noticed in his eyes. The old man gave me a smile before I turned around to help his wife. The cuts located on her arms healed within seconds as I gave her brain a quick floss bringing back the spark to her eyes also. I noticed the damage that her joints had as I smoothed and healed the pains away.

Next, I turned to the car that appeared to be totaled after crashing into the other. With some focus, the front end of the car evened itself out. With the major damage taken care of, I finished it up by taking care of the finer details. Piston's, head gasket, everything was fixed back to their proper shapes and functions.

I gave the old couple a smile before tossing a leg back over my bike.

"Aye, what about us?" Some random guy yelled from his own wreckage.

Too bad for him, I had no more fucks to give.

My bike revved, and I shot off into the tunnel. The tracker placed Harley on the other side of town, and that was where I was going to go. Nothing was going to stop me from getting my woman back, nothing.


The tracker led me to an old-style suit store. I was wondering who would be in their right mind to take over a suit store before I realized I was looking into the grey skies of Gotham. This fucking city does things to people, and it was quickly becoming time to leave.

The building was a cobblestone make, there were two stories to the building, but I could tell that there was far more here than what you would see from the street level. In my rush to get here, I had left my armor and weapons home. Never again, I told myself as I scanned around for something to use as my improvised weaponry.

Standing on the roof overlooking the hiding location of the people that took Harley, I noticed an abandoned construction site. The construction site was a few blocks down from my location, but I knew instinctively that it would have what I want. The grin that split my face could have frozen the oceans from the chill I emitted. Eye the I beam that stuck out at an odd angle, I summoned it to my location.

The beam curled into itself as a ball before taking to the sky to swing around behind my location. I would need a weapon that was going to make a statement but also something that could be used with some reach.

The number of goons below me was something else; the choice was made for me. This was going to be an old fashioned God of War slaughter tonight. Before I died, they had come out with a God of War on the PlayStation 4 that used an ax to devastating proportions. If memory serves, that ax was called the Leviathan Ax. Staring at the I beam before me; I warped the metal as the molecules excite themselves heating up.

The first thing I created was the handle as I hyper-compressed and cooled the liquid metal. I threw in a hexxit formation along the shaft to increase the grip. I was able to lift multiple cars with just my mental manipulations alone, so I knew that this handle was compressed under multiple tons of force as I compacted the atomic structure to fit my needs.

Next on my creation list was the head of the ax. The blade and balance was atomic smooth, but something urged me on as I pulled out the one pound of vibranium that I had stored on my bike out. Staring at them both, I had a mental click. With swift work, I had the ax melted down before combining both the metals in an even ratio before reforming the weapon.

Something was different, but I was unable to place a finger on it. Before turning back around to assault the suit store, I noticed the markings along the ax head.

The runes that I found spoke to me, urging me to action. But my will was my own and no one else's. With a snort, I did a quick swing of the ax and delighted when I found hard ice formed with a gash along the floor.

Ho, this was going to be a great exercise in my versatility.

Taking off my jacket, I closed it before folding it. Once folded, I placed it onto the seat of my bike. Taking off my helmet, I placed that on top of the jacket. Second, I took out the smart glasses, a prototype that I was working on. With that in place on my face, I pulled up on my tactical turtleneck.

Or my tactalneck as I like to call it.

With everything in place, it was time for action. While I was contemplating, the place had gotten quiet. People were leaving, and I noticed that it had gotten a lot darker out. Taking a look at my smartwatch told me it was after eight. Damn, the people of Gotham deserted the streets quickly. Placing that out of my mind, I flew up and over the suit shop.

As I flew over the roof, I spotted two guards as they walked around on patrol. Touching down lightly, the skinny guard never knew what hit him as my ax slid through his neck, removing his head from his body. Before the head or the body could fall, I had it caught within a telekinetic grip and then tossed at his partner.


The larger guard went down as his partner's head collided with his own. The guard was down on his knees, trying to recover when I was on him. My large hand was around his throat, holding him up in the air, feet dangling as he tried to breathe.

No words were shared as I delved into his mind and took all of the pertinent information. Havey had ordered the capture of Harley once he found out that the Joker was no more. It would seem that they both visit the same hooker service when they leave Arkham.

That was disturbing on so many levels.

Within all of his years here, the Joker seemed to be a man that showed up no matter what. Once he didn't show up for his services, they grew excited once word got out, he was dead. Harvey didn't even wait to confirm if Harley had any backers, he jumped straight to capture and prove he is the bigger man.

That was good for me but bad for him.

Tossed the goon aside, I twisted the ax in my hands before bringing it down onto the goon's chest. Power flowed as the ac handle lit up blue. Ice formed as the goon died in a frozen heap at my feet.

Interesting, I muttered to myself as I pulled back my ax. It would seem that my intent was carried over to the weapon. This, I would have to explore at a later date. Placing that out of my mind, I took a flying leap over the edge of the roof.

Below me was a compound of things, one was a number of goons waiting their turn to get inside. The other was an array of weapons that they carried. They were carrying an assortment of military hardware, and I knew there was no way they could have gotten these so swiftly with Harvey being back only a week or two.

This would need further investigation, but I could get that from the boss once I wrapped my hands around his neck. The goons never saw me coming as I landed amongst them.


The impact sent up ice spikes into the nearest to my location. Ignoring the impaled around me, I threw my ax at the fleeing trio. The back had his legs cut out right from beneath him as the ax slammed its way into the back of the lead runner. The mental nudge had the ax flying back into my hands right through the chest of the middle person.


The ax made quite the noise as it slapped back into my palm, scaring back the ones that stayed to shoot at me. There was no learning for them if they didn't turn and run once the ammunition fired met the invisible wall of my telekinetic barrier.

The information on how to get into the hidden tunnels was taken from the goon on the roof. So the one that was standing in my way was pure foder. With a twist of my wrist, I launched myself at the one that blocked the door. My spartan kick caved in his chest as I forced my way inside. Taking the ax by both hands, I performed a powerful overhead swing.

My ax bite through steel and flesh as we cut down the person that blocked our path to the hidden elevator. With another double-handed swing, I tossed my ax down the long hallway.

Paying little attention to the ax as it worked its way down the hall dismembering two face goons. I checked my position in correlation to Harleys. She was still underground, but I was on the right trail.

Stretching my hand out for my ax, it swiftly returned like a loyal puppy.

Ignoring the painful moans beneath me, I floated along silently. As I passed, each person became silenced as I shut down their hearts with a little telekinetic twist.

The sound of the elevator doors didn't cover up the sound of the approaching footsteps I heard.

"Ivy, why are you here?" I asked aloud, announcing that I knew who it was.

Red hair on jade green skin peered at me from around the frame of the door.

"I was hoping to talk some sense into Harvey or have you stay your hand in killing him." Ivy replied as she looked around at the slaughter. "I hope they don't give my babies indigestion."

I snorted at that as I held the elevator doors for her. Before the doors closed, I noticed plants walk into the hallway. I knew what was next; it was about to be the reverse food chain.

While the doors closed, I pulled down the coverings I had over my nose and mouth. Ivy looked at me with a raised brow then let out a squeak. The elevator rattled along as I savored the taste of Ivy. She released a moan of pleasure as my hand palmed her ass and pulled her closer.

The elevator rattled to a stop as Ivy sucked on my bottom lip. I grinned down at her as I ignored the hail of bullets pelting my barrier. Ivy removed a Sig Suer from a holster, then shrugged when I raised an eyebrow.

"I have the 2nd amendment on my side." Ivy returned at the look I gave her.

"That wasn't what I was thinking, but remind me to build you a weapon later." I answered as I took my first step out of the elevator. "Something elegant and classy. Not something as barbaric as the common pistol."

"That's fine with my lover, now let's go get our Harley back," Ivy replied with a small smile.

Ignoring the goons, I felt Harley around a corner matching up my smartwatches information.

Doing a small head bob in confirmation, I raised my ax. Feeling the power swell, I slammed it forward in the air, concentrating on the feeling I felt. What happened next was that a wave of frozen telekinetic force blasted down the passage freezing all those before me. Some statues even had sonic cone trails from where their bullets were fired from.

Hearts slowed, and brain functions ceased as I walked forth down the hall of silence.

Ivy did a soft whistle behind me, but I ignored her to keep myself alert to my surroundings. There was nothing to be worried about, but that did not mean I should give up situational awareness.

The door that leads to where Harley was being kept was an odd mix of yellow with some green flaked rust around the edges. Ivy took up position behind me as I reached for the doorknob.



As I opened the door, some moron had fired an RPG at me in close quarters. The RPG detonated against my shield, but I had to act because Harley was also in that same room. Throwing my ax forward with an underhand swing. I wrapped the explosive forces within a cocoon of telekinetic force.

Forcing the explosion to shrink, I stepped into the room as I kept the spark alive in my hands. The vibrations of the explosion caused the forces to increase as I shrunk the cocoon down exponentially. The cocoon went from the size of a large car down to the size of a basketball. The forces that I held at bay were enough to level the entire building.

As I was dealing with this, my ax had gone to work. First, the chains that held Harley upside down to the roof were sliced apart. From there, Harley did a flip catching my ax braining two goons swiftly. Harvey Dent, I had held against the far wall while he watched Ivy join Harley in dismantling the rest of his goons.

I held the explosion as I walked up to Dent, ignoring the girls as they kissed and made up. I held up the explosive force in my hand, preparing to jam it into his body when I was stopped.

"Wait, don't kill him." Ivy yelled out as she rapidly moved to my side.

"Why?" I asked, looking at her as I held the destructive forces an inch from the clean side of Dent's face.

"Yeah, what the shit, Pammy?" Harley yelled out loud as she waved my ax around.

"Dent can be useful for our goal. He is one of the foremost lawyers around." Ivy said as she attempted to plead Dent's case.

"He can't be trusted," Was my grunt of a reply.

"True, his pathological need to rely on his coin to make the decision between his multiple personalities make him an ever-changing problem." Harley supplied from the side.

That gave me an idea, an ever awful and wicked idea.

"You are correct in that we do need a lawyer Pamela, but Harley was also correct." I said out loud as I hand Dent float down from the wall that I had him pinned against.

My face must have had more than some edge to it because I instantly noticed Harley's nipple hardened along with Ivy's.

"What do you plan to do with him?" Harley asked with a sadistic smile plastered on her face as she rested my bloody ax on her shoulder.

"Your soul is mine!"

With that said, I placed my own hand on Dent's forehead and forced my way inside.

Walls, white noise, and chaos greeted me as I looked over Dent's mind. I could see where he gained his other personalities as I noticed the large fissures in the man's mindscape. Gathering all before me, I swept it all aside.

I kept the childhood memories that made him who he was, his schooling, college days and everything leading up to today was filtered. Grinding the different personalities under my indomitable will, I sorted for what I would need in the most ruthless lawyer there ever will be in the DC multiverse.

The intelligence was amplified and enhanced with eidetic memory, I kept the gangster ruthlessness and will to do whatever it took to see the job completed. Forcing my psionic energy into Dents body healed the brain clot that was forming. Next, I oiled his joints and fixed the muscle tone before I started on the large scaring that covered most of the upper chest and back, with half of his face.


I heard the distant sound of Harley as I focused on removing dead flesh. In its place grew fresh skin covering over the muscle groups that showed themselves during my work. I did one last check to make sure that Dent would be alive for a very long time before I shoved him backwards as I released my hold.


Bruce was nursing a cocktail at one of his trust bars thinking about a miscalculation that showed up. He was certain that the Joker was planning something and he would strike soon, Bruce just didn't know when and that was bugging him.

Grunting to himself, Bruce made a mental note to run the numbers once more before heading out to get information. A familiar scent drew him from his thoughts as he felt the presence get closer.

"What is it that you want Talia?" Bruce asked with his trademark playboy smile on his face.

"Ohh don't be like that." Talia Al Ghul replied with a sultry pout as she drew closer to Bruce. "I thought, I would visit my beloved."

Bruce took a moment to look at her, the sway of her hips, the curve of her lips. The pinch at the corner of her eyes, there was far more to this than a simple visit, but he will play along, for now.

"Come, I believe you have not had any dinner this evening." Talia said with a smile as she intertwined her arm with Bruce's.

Shout Out to the awesome Joe Lawyer who has picked up his own story called The Adventures of Augment Gothic. Leave your thoughts on the chapter because we are getting very close to that showdown with Bruce.

Please leave a review with your thoughts, I enjoy those because they help me understand how people view the story as a whole. Also please think about leaving a nice rating.

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