Bring Dragon Ball to Marvel

Chapter 365 You were fired, the fate of Thor and exile

"Loki, hand over the space stone."

Thor did not hesitate to put down his pride and humbly made a request to Saint. It was out of concern for Loki. As far as the "battle madman" is concerned, his understanding of Saint was no less than any other. S: "Trust me, you don't want to be Lee's enemy."

"You underestimate me, son of Odin."

However, what Loki felt from Thor was only contempt: "I have grown up in my exile. I have seen a world beyond your knowledge, and I have also seen the true power of the space gem. Once I Mastered"

"Who made you see the so-called true power?"

Thor interrupted Loki's nonsense and asked with a frown: "Who do you take orders from?"

"I am a king"

Loki's eyes suddenly opened, and he gritted his teeth and roared: "I am not under anyone's orders."

"Here you are not"

Thor also became excited. The question "Who is behind the scenes?" in his mind was suddenly submerged in the surging wave of emotions. He threw away Thor's hammer in his hand and held it with both hands. He held Loki's shoulder and expressed the sincerity in his heart: "Give up the power of the space gem, give up your poisonous ambition, and come home with me."


Loki was stunned for a moment at the word "go home", and then used the word "haha" to laugh at Thor's naivety. While shaking his head slightly, he pushed him away hard: "I don't have a home." .”


Thor gritted his teeth and let out a low growl, showing his frantic state of exhaustion. He stretched out his hand to summon Mjolnir, which fell on the ground, and handed it to Loki's eyes: "Listen carefully, brother. ,I"

"call out"

Accompanied by a whistling sound that broke through the sky, a jet-shaped flame with sparks flying across it quickly passed in front of Loki. Thor and the hammer that were originally in front of him disappeared from his sight. inside

Loki shrugged his shoulders and made a gesture of listening to the air in front of him: "I'm listening."

Thor, who was forcibly expelled from the battlefield by Iron Man, crashed into a building with a "bang" and disappeared from everyone's sight, obviously failed to appreciate Loki's sense of humor.

Saint, who watched this scene happen, is of course fully capable of stopping this farce, but not only did he promise to Iron Man, "When everyone is safe, I won't stop you from hitting anyone." More importantly, he The thing is, Iron Man is not the only one who dislikes Thor being in the way.

Not only did Colleen Wynn and others who had completed the evacuation of the surrounding civilians remain indifferent to this, but even the harvest goddess Sif, who was loyal to the God of Thunder, also subtly adjusted her position. She was thinking the same thing. It's simple. If you help Thor, you won't be able to beat Loki.

Due to the previous injustice, after Thor got up from the ground, although he reflexively assumed a fighting posture, he did not immediately launch a counterattack. He just glared at Iron Man and said: "Have you had enough?"

"You are fired."

Thor's self-restraint did not lead to Iron Man's mercy. While turning and flying towards Loki, he complained again: "We shouldn't have accepted an alien in the first place."

On the other side, although there was no discussion in advance, as soon as Iron Man started spraying flames, Saint also jumped into the air and flew lightly in front of Loki: "So, we are Either the soft one or the hard one.”

Loki's answer was to raise the scepter in his hand, aim at Saint's head and face, and send out a blue energy beam.


Saint showed his right hand with the five-star tattoo and grabbed the energy beam. At the same time, the corners of his mouth curved upward in an obvious arc: "I like it."

The next moment, the Black Widow flying a Quinjet was aiming at Loki, who was suddenly attacking. Colleen Wing and others who had descended to the ground earlier were also attacking him. At the same time, Saint suddenly turned around. , facing the completely opposite direction from everyone else, aiming at an empty ground, and flicked his palm upward toward the sky.

With an invisible force rising into the sky, among the flying sand and gravel, a dark green figure emerged from the air as if out of thin air, screaming and flying straight towards He flew into the sky, and from his helpless and chaotic posture, it was obvious that this flying action was by no means voluntary.

In Saint's eyes, Loki's "transposition" did not have high technical content. It just left a phantom in place and used some kind of "invisibility magic" to cover up the whereabouts of the real body.

It sounds a bit familiar. "Afterimage Boxing" has almost the same principle. The only difference is that the method used to deceive the eyes is different.

"What are you waiting for?"

After Saint forced out Loki's true form with one move, he did not take any combos. He pointed at Loki, who was still climbing up involuntarily, and reminded everyone in the communication channel: "How wonderful. target”

Before he finished speaking, the cannon mounted on the Quinjet fighter roared with a "ta-ta-ta-ta" sound. He talked about the person who hated Loki the most, the Black Widow whose good friend Hawkeye was captured by him. , of course it tops the list

Immediately afterwards, a thick blue-white energy beam also illuminated the sky obliquely. Along with this turtle wave Qigong belonging to Colleen Wen, countless sharp metal fragments also lit up the brilliant aurora Luo at the fingertips. Under Na's control, "sssssssss" pierced the air, roaring straight towards Loki in the sky.

In comparison, the clumps of spider silk that the little spider spreads out from both hands seem too insignificant.

Of course, it's still a little better than Sif who can only stand on the ground and stare.

Just as Iron Man, who was a step late, also fired "bang bang bang" in the sky, Thor looked at Loki's figure and was instantly buried in countless attacks, and finally couldn't help but want to intervene. .

"Feel sorry."

Saint, who had not participated in the siege of Loki for the time being, had predicted that Thor would not stand idly by. Before he could take any action, he held his fingers in a strange gesture and suddenly stopped in front of him: "Your chance has passed."

"Li Bu"

Thor, who was still about to say something, felt a strange pulling force. At the same time, his eyes blurred, and the surrounding area suddenly became empty. Everyone in his sight, including Saint, disappeared at the same time in a strange way. Gone.

Compared to Thor who was exiled to the "Mirror World", in the eyes of others who stayed in the real world, it was because Saint gently waved his finger that the God of Thunder disappeared.

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