Bring Dragon Ball to Marvel

Chapter 61 Colleen Wing gets into big trouble

"Well, I'm happy to help you. Mobile m..."

Before Saint could even finish his words, people appeared on the ground. Using a purely crushing method that had no skills at all, he knocked down the last two ninjas one by one with one punch.


After Natasha silently compared her own hardships with Saint's ease, she curled her lips and said, "I take back what I just said. I actually do mind it..."

"is it?"

Saint shrugged again: "If there is a next time, I will leave one for you. Goodbye."

"and many more!"

Natasha stepped forward quickly, and before Saint was about to fly away, she extended her right hand to him: "Get to know Natasha Romanov."

Saint first used his breath sensor to scan and found that SHIELD's hunt for the Alliance was almost over. Then he turned around, held Natasha's fingertips, and shook it gently. He shook his head and introduced himself unabashedly: "In Saint Lee."

In fact, it's not because Saint doesn't want to hide it, but because he knows very well that his transformed form is enough to fool ordinary people, but trying to hide it from SHIELD is just a fantasy. In this case , rather than arousing suspicion and then being exposed later, it is better to admit it openly.

"Really you?"

Natasha raised an eyebrow, obviously not unfamiliar with Saint: "You can actually fly? And... how did you become like this? Not only did the color of your hair and eyes change, but your appearance also changed a bit. Subtle differences.”

"you know me?"

Because Saint avoided answering Natasha's question and retorted the question, he was actually a little surprised. He didn't expect that SHIELD would take him so seriously. Apparently, even the famous Black Widow would. He had read information about him before, and although he had already made a pretty good guess, he did not show it. He said, "I think we have never met, Agent Romanoff."

"You're welcome, you can call me Natasha."

Natasha gave her a wink as she was accustomed to her profession: "Yes, this is the first time we have met, but I have admired his name for a long time, because Saint Lee is the only disciple of the Turtle Senryu and an extraordinary martial arts master. Home, in our bureau, your confidentiality level is the highest level ten, and coincidentally, besides our director, I am the only level ten agent."

"Should I say it's an honor?"

Because Saint used up great perseverance, he was immune to this flirtatious attack. He considered his words and answered Natasha's previous question: "If that's the case, then you should also know that I have mastered many kinds of applications." The skill of Qi, the 'Dance of the Sky' technique that can control the air and fly, is one of them. As for my current appearance, it is not permanent. I can change back to my original appearance at any time."

Natasha nodded clearly: "You mean, you are able to fly because you rely on some kind of martial arts? Is changing your appearance just a disguise for you?"

"You can understand that."

Since Saint had no intention of explaining in detail, he left directly and said, "Nice to meet you, Natasha. I have something else to do, so I'll go ahead."

Natasha watched Yin Saint soar into the sky and disappear into the dark night sky. She frowned and said to herself: "Weird, this little guy... seems to have recognized me a long time ago. Moreover, I I deliberately told him that I was a level [-] agent, and he didn't show the slightest surprise, and seemed to know me very well, so what channel did he use to get the news...Kamesenryu?"

"I should inform 'Fury'..."

Natasha didn't say anything in the public communication channel. Instead, she took out her military-style encrypted mobile phone. After dialing a number, she said: "I met that 'flying superpower'. You must not have guessed that he is who……"

On the other side, Saint followed the detection of the breath sensor and flew straight to the direction of Colleen Wen. The reason why he suddenly left in a hurry was precisely because according to his sensor, Colleen Wen was following the "Defender" After the four people from the "Alliance" gathered together, a large number of Qi suddenly began to gather around them, and the situation seemed a little not right.

Back to 5 minutes ago, Colleen Winn, Danny Rand and others ran wildly across a street, got into a small alley on the side of the street, and hid behind a corner.


Just as everyone stopped, Danny Rand grabbed the civilian Daredevil by the collar: "Are you crazy?! Why did you attack SHIELD agents?!"

Matthew Murdoch did not resist, and showed a half-bitter expression (half of it was blocked by the scarf covering his head): "Because...the person they set fire to before was Erica..."

"Your ex-girlfriend? Isn't she from the Shinsumi Kai? Why is she wearing the uniform of the Hand?"

"I don't know, but I would never admit someone wrong."

It's a bit ironic that a blind man claimed that he would never admit a wrong person, but Danny Rand couldn't refute it. He could only grit his teeth in depression: "Damn it! We are in big trouble!"

"No shit!"

Jessica Jones angrily echoed Danny Rand's "big trouble" with a curse word, and turned to Luke Kay and said: "What did I say before? Let them give them a ride, for sure Nothing good happens!"


Luke Kay was speechless and said with helplessness on his face: "Jess, now is not the time to say 'I told you so'. You should think about what to do. Although we didn't do anything, I don't think at all that SHIELD will let our 'associates' go easily."

"Who is that shameless bastard's accomplice?!"

"Jess...this is not your decision..."

Jessica Jones curled her lips, then suddenly turned her head, continued to use her talent as a "map cannon", and said to Colleen Wen, who had been silent, "Hey! Girl in white clothes, what are you doing?" The attitude of staying out of the matter? You personally killed two SHIELD agents, and you also deserved a lot of credit for what happened now!"

"I just knocked them unconscious."

Colleen Wen frowned, obviously dissatisfied with Jessica's tone, and her tone was also sarcastic: "Those two agents are preparing to shoot you, would you rather take two bullets? ?”

"Come on, they must be targeting my 'blind lawyer who is not actually blind'. What does it have to do with me? You got into trouble by meddling in your own business, don't try to blame me!"

"Because Saint is absolutely right. You are indeed a crazy woman and you are completely unreasonable!"

"What did you say?!"


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