Broken Core (A Dark Fantasy LitRPG)

(Chpt. 6) Skills & Interrogation

Edits of previous chapters. Also heavy LitRPG on this chapter, yay! 

Leah, is now name. Instead of branded name. 

Added Tier to affinities. 

Inspection no longer says inspection: at the start 

I massaged my head, finally sorting the information that had been practically injected into me. 

Dungeons. Machines generated from the energies of The Beyond, its true creator unknown. A phenomenon of long periods of constant death, and the conglomeration of beings with mana causes their generation. Or caused my generation. But the so-called instructions didn’t explain why my current situation was so peculiar. 

The Beyond. It was basically the system I had been seeing. And the glitching was corrupted information, or things that shouldn’t exist, or be known. It was… weird. And I had to change the current era, or whatever that meant. 

There were monsters and multiple eras that spanned thousands of years. But I had no actual knowledge regarding these. And my purpose as a Dungeon? World Domination. Whatever that meant, it was rather cryptic since the information wasn’t expanded. 

But there was something that I was certain of. Dungeons, and by extension me, were considered monsters and dangerous things. 

I sighed and looked down, I still had the cloak ⁠— if it could be considered one ⁠— around my neck. But I was also wearing some ragged loose fitting shirt that went down to my thighs. I had some undergarments as well. 

“I swear…” I muttered. “How am I a champion if Computing unit had to share me even basic knowledge?” I suppressed a sigh as I opened my mouth. “Status.” 


Name: Leah | Branded name: Unavailable

Level: 20 | Race: D̶̻̫͗̒ȇ̸̟͖̔̇s̸͈͆̅̓c̶͇͆̎͠ͅe̴͎̍ǹ̵̢͗ḑ̵̜͆e̴̗̰͑̈́̓d̸͕̻̮̒̆̑ Dungeon Core 

Passive skill: Calculated Danger Perception | Blessing: Night’s Embrace

Attribute Average: 57 | Max attribute average: 113 

Mana: 8 | STR: 60 | DEX: 72 | END: 60 | AGI: 60 | CHA: 42 | SUB: 90

Affinities: Darkness (Tier 1) Skills: None

Great! Now my race was corrupted! According to the instructions, I should’ve had a seemingly second-sense and instinct for territory, almost like making it my own. But… I looked at the dirty ground, there was nothing. It was rather weird, but anything I touched was supposed to become my own. And nothing was really becoming my own, so needless to say. 

I didn’t even have the proper skills of a Dungeon! Well I was a Dungeon Core. Which… Actually the instructions didn’t explain that part. I sighed, looking at my stats. They had increased exponentially, but that was probably from the fate-breaker title… And. My mana had changed. Though going from my new memories, it wasn’t supposed to change. I guess it was due to title effects.

“Passive skill… Blessing…” I muttered with intent looking at the status in my mind. 


[Passive Skill: Calculated Danger Perception: A sixth sense to evaluate risks that are dangerous to you, a second instinct that comes naturally.] 

Well that was normal, and the other one… 

[Blessing: Night’s Embrace: Only those monsters who have high affinity for the dark are embraced by the night. The embraced are also called the Children of Reil ⁠— 200% increase to all attributes in-between midnight and sunrise.] 

I had known what my passive skill did. I was just re-checking it, but… Wow. From my feeble understanding of The Beyond⁠—The System, such a high increase was rare. Especially for all attributes. So⁠— I had now an average of 57, and the max average was 113, which assumed every single title was active. 

At least that’s what I thought. I massaged my temple. Not having actual practical knowledge on this was a pain. 



[Affinity: Darkness (Tier 1) ⁠— You’ve just begun to comprehend the Darkness, you can summon darkness to enhance things that you’re touching.

Huh? The instructions never mentioned how to actually use my affinity so I was in the dark here. But at least there was something I could actually look forward to. Surprisingly or unsurprisingly, the system had things that needed notifications, yet didn’t actually carry them.  “Skills,” I muttered. 

[Skill list: None | Available slots: 2.] 

Apparently one gained a skill slot for every ten levels. I looked at the floating words in my mind and imagined the available skills. Soon a small list of skills was displayed. 

Available Skills: 

Darkness Creation (I): You can use darkness to create non-descript shapes in shadows or in broad sunlight. These shapes are tangible. ⁠— Mana drain: Exponential to shape. 

Darkness Needle (I): You can use darkness to create small needles that afflict Darkness attribute upon penetration of flesh. ⁠— Mana drain: 1 per needle. 

Darkness Sight (Passive): See past the veil of dark. ⁠— Mana drain: None. 

Darkness Coat (I): Embed Darkness attribute on an object of any kind. ⁠— Mana drain: Exponential to area covered.

Darkness Grip (I): You gain grip upon contact with darkness. Strength of grip directly proportional to area of grip and the darkness of it. ⁠— Mana drain: Exponential to area covered. 

Hmm… All of them were quite… Basic. Though I was low level so perhaps it was normal. At the same time I kind of expected something that wasn’t… Darkness based. I had assumed the skills I would get would be much more general and not⁠— well that. But skills could be leveled, so even the most basic could perhaps become terrifying⁠— not like I knew what it could become. 

Apparently I was the one that was supposed to come with instructions of a plan of action. But instead, I was just Leah. Which I was actually grateful for. Just⁠— actually wouldn’t I had been dead? I mean, if I just awoke as a sort of computer then would it even be me? 

I sighed and looked through the skills again, it wasn’t time to get hung up on it. 

Darkness Creation was a bit too cryptic and my mana was non-existent. Next was Darkness Needle, it had a concrete mana drain but I didn’t know what Darkness actually was as an attack. Darkness Sight seemed like a good choice in the future and now, so that was on hold. Darkness Coat… Cryptic, but it was similar to the needle. Actually⁠— Wouldn’t the needle do the same thing? 

And lastly. Darkness Grip. It was… weird. Also, again; the mana drain wasn’t concrete. I couldn’t imagine why I would need to glue myself to a wall⁠— actually. 

I paused. I was no longer on earth. So nothing was off the table. Based on the small experiences I had. I definitely had to expect the worst. A sigh escaped me remembering whatever happened with my fake sister, but I didn’t feel awful about it. Somehow. It was more like a distant memory now, rather than something that had just happened. 

Mana was definitely a concern. At the same time, I didn’t know if decimals were a thing⁠— probably not. So, perhaps something that I knew I could actually use was a better pick. I made my choice. 


[You have learned skills: Darkness Sight (Passive) & Darkness Needle (I)] 

I didn’t feel anything but… “Status.” 

Name: Leah | Branded name: Unavailable

Level: 20 | Race: D̶̻̫͗̒ȇ̸̟͖̔̇s̸͈͆̅̓c̶͇͆̎͠ͅe̴͎̍ǹ̵̢͗ḑ̵̜͆e̴̗̰͑̈́̓d̸͕̻̮̒̆̑ Dungeon Core 

Passive skill: Calculated Danger Perception | Blessing: Night’s Embrace

Attribute Average: 57 | Max attribute average: 113 

Mana: 8 | STR: 60 | DEX: 72 | END: 60 | AGI: 60 | CHA: 42 | SUB: 90

Affinities: Darkness (Tier 1) Skills: Darkness Sight (Passive), Darkness Needle (I)

My skills were listed now. I closed my eyes trying to feel something different there was no⁠— it was subtle. Like a residual feeling on my fingertips, as if I was stroking an immaterial object, it was small and thin⁠— like a… needle? 

I focused on the sensation, and moved my fingers on the sensation⁠— like a strange weaving of imperceptible string. I continued on the feeling for a second or two more until it finally vanished, or rather⁠— it became physical. I opened my eyes, and I saw it on my pale hand, the contrasting pitch-black line in between my fingers shocked me. 


[You have used your first skill: Darkness Needle!] 

[Title acquired: Fledgling Combatant ⁠— You have manifested your first skill, your future as a Champion is bright! ⁠— +120% Mana]

I snorted after reading the description. “Go fuck yourself…” If it weren’t for Computing unit I wouldn’t even have skills. Though, perhaps if I had known about the mana increase maybe I would’ve picked something else⁠— maybe not. 

I opened my status out of curiosity and⁠—

Mana: 8/9  

It was previously 8… Did it use the initial 5 as a base? So… if I took the percentage increase from Fate breaker, then the 5 would become 7.5, rounded up to 8, plus the bonus of Fledgling Combatant, it rounded it to 9… At least it showed how much mana I had left…

Well, that was new knowledge. Albeit it was slightly discouraging. I looked at the needle again, its jet-black body tantalized me. My first skill. Something about it felt like an accomplishment even though it was rather easy. Progress was progress. I nodded to myself in satisfaction, I felt much better about myself now, actually sort-of knowing what was happening. Though…

I looked around the room. My situation was unfamiliar. And I was going to get interrogated soon. Though I at least had the common sense to basically deny my existence as a Dungeon. Since, it might get me killed. Well I didn’t know. But, it wouldn’t end well for me either way, if my lacking memories served in some way, was that monsters were bad in every piece of fiction. Well it was more like an instinct, since I couldn’t remember actually reading. 

The door was knocked. Before I could reply the same knight that I initially met entered the room. I flinched for a second before tossing the needle into the corner of the room⁠— thankfully it didn’t make a metallic sound. It was more like a plastic pick. The man looked at me. 

“Leah, it is time for your interrogation.” He said expressionlessly. 

“How do you know my name?” I asked intuitively before realizing that it was a dumb question. Probably common knowledge⁠— inspection. 

“Inspection.” He nonchalantly said as he turned around. “Follow me.” 

I looked at him with inquiry, wanting to know more about him⁠—


[Paladin Number 39. Lvl. ???] 

Ha, figured. I sighed and followed after him as he began walking in a random direction outside the room. It seemed like I was inside a complex building rather than just a small house of sorts. Though it was only logical in retrospect. 

Though for the interrogation. I had to come up with something. Right. I recalled how I looked, or how Computing unit looked. I was maybe a teenager? If not even smaller? I could act oblivious. 

◇ ◇ ◇ 

I ended up alone in a room with Paladin Number 39. Well I had no other way to call him. It was dimly lit by candle-light, but I was on the first floor, I knew that much. Though I had seen other knights, or paladins, they didn’t acknowledge my existence, so I didn't bother to inspect them either. I would probably end up getting the same results regardless. 

“I’ll get straight to the point.” He said sitting in front of me, the candle-light flickered slightly. “What happened to the Dungeon? And why was its core outside?”

“Dungeon? Core? What are those?” I asked, tilting my head. 

He frowned. “This.” He set something on the table. Oh. It was my ex-sister. “You were found along with this piece of the Core of a Dungeon.” 

I looked at it, it seemed somewhat shiny, though ashen, its color had vanished and I could still see the cracks on it. Paladin Number 39 sat there with his arms crossed awaiting my reply. 

“I see.” I frowned, suppressing a sigh. “I have no memories recalling that cave. I was⁠— I was with my…” Should I even say this? No⁠— do it! 


[Computing unit: Plan of action: You’re currently being interrogated, your father abandoned you to die in that cave after he caught wind of the monster den. Due to the fact that you were the byproduct of an affair, your father discarded you in the name of revenge as well as, teach your mother a lesson after she had yet another affair recently. Cry when talking about your father; an abusive figure that never loved you.]

“Ha?” What the fuck? She was going to send messages now?! 

“Something wrong?” Paladin Number 39 asked me with a raised brow. 

“Ah, sorry…” I winced. That plan was fucking ridiculous. “As I wanted to say, I was abandoned by my family, left to die.” I said, closing my eyes. 

“I see. Why were you abandoned and left to die there?” I guess… it was a better explanation than whatever I could provide. 

“My mother had an affair a few years ago, my father in his rage left me to die in order to get back at my mother after she had yet another affair.” I said with an exasperated sigh of defeat. This caused Paladin Number 39 to nod with closed eyes. 

“I see, that’s why you only have your ears but not your tail.” He nodded. “Alright, tell me about your father.” I paused. Shit. “Perhaps if we can find out what happened to the Dungeon we can pin it to your father and get back to him.” He smiled at me. 

“That’d be… great…” I said looking at the ground. What now? Computing unit? 

“Something the matter?” 


I shivered. What? My ears twitched picking up distant sounds coming from outside the door, something was coming. As it loomed closer I found myself shivering. What… What was that? I looked towards the door as it seemingly grew wide. I began gasping as my entire body uncontrollably shivered.

Din⁠— [Computing Unit: RUN NOW.] 

The message screamed in my ear. I bolted from the chair startling Paladin-Number-39. I had to⁠— get out of here. Far away from that sensation. From that presence. 

“What are you⁠— 

The door was blasted open in a splinter explosion.

“You people didn’t tell me about the new person you brought in.” I froze. Her voice was seductive like a demoness. A shadow stood amidst the dust and splinters. 

“You⁠— Scholar! Why are you interfering?!" 

The figure didn’t reply as it walked past the smoke. It was a… demon? She had blazing red horns that were seemingly crystal-like refracting the light of the room. Her white hair matched her pale skin that subtly shined with a scale-like pattern. Her scarlet eyes made contact with me. 

“Oh, an interesting one.” She smiled deeply, making me freeze. “Come with me little one~” Before I could blink she was already holding my hand. 

I couldn’t stop shivering. W-Who was she? 

[??? (Scholar). Lvl. ???] 

W-Why w-was it r-red?

“You can’t take her away!” Paladin Number 39 roared, grabbing his sword.

The Scholar stood there next to me, her smile grew wider and wider as her adversary took a battle stance. 

“You want to try me, 39?” 

39, Paladin Number 39, froze in his tracks before lowering his sword. “I’ll report this to the Major.” he said, closing his eyes.

“That’s fine.” The Scholar nodded, her smile deepening. She looked at me, her eyes curled with a genuine smile. “Come with me, you’re very interesting after all.” 

I nodded with hesitation, unable to stop shivering. S-She… was dangerous. Before I could ask anything she began to pull me along, this time without the explosive speed I had initially witnessed, though she had something else aside from horns...

She had a tail too… one that was encased in metal. I couldn’t do anything but simply let her take me away… How was I supposed to get out of this? 

◇ ◇ ◇

It didn’t take long before we left the building, a relatively empty street greeting me. But we didn’t stop there, people glanced my way before continuing their business, pausing as they looked at my kidnapper. Even though she had gotten me out of the interrogation I had a bad feeling about this. 

Soon, I found myself standing with her in an empty alley, slightly more into the city. She knelt in front of me, her crimson eyes deeply looking into mine. Her pale skin was practically flawless even if it looked as if it were scales. She was a total beauty, except… I hadn’t stopped shivering. She wasn’t even hostile! 

But I was in constant danger, or it felt like it.

“Little Core, oh Little Core,” She mused. “You have no idea how much Arlesh has waited for you. As always, the lunatic awaits. No matter how long.” 

I felt stiff. C-Core… She knew I was a Dungeon? Then… What did she want from me? Arlesh? The town?

“L-Lunatic?” I stuttered in nervousness.

“Oh right, your kind feels danger.” She let out a small sigh. Huh? Suddenly it was as if she were harmless. Though, she still had the same imposing appearance. “As I wanted to say⁠—” She broke into a smile. “You, little Core~” She poked my nose. “Will throw a wrench into his plan! All you have to do is live! And soon, everything will be lost to the sands of time.” She chuckled.

 What was she saying?

“Ah, don’t worry. I am not merciless. You must be brand-new!” She pinched my cheek, her hand⁠— her skin was red? “Just so you know, normally Dungeons are killed on sight, so don’t be gullible. We can't have another lunatic.” 

As I thought. “T-Thanks…” She had saved me. Even if she… made me shiver. 

“A polite one. Alright little Core, I’ve arranged something for you. Just go deeper into this alley and you shall survive at least long enough. This town isn’t for the weak. Ah, let me add.” She paused and her demeanor changed. “Beware of the Blood Knights. Do not ever get close to one.” 

I nodded seriously. I didn’t trust her. But, she ⁠— someone who had been smiling this entire time, would get serious about those ⁠— then it was best to take it seriously.

“Take care little Core,” she patted my head as she stood up. “May fate reunite us again.” She began slowly walking away from me, her tail swayed side to side. 

“Who are you?” 

She looked back at me smiling. “Just someone who intends to cleanse this world of all that is vile~” she hummed. 

Soon, she disappeared around the corner, leaving me stranded in an alley. 

"The ones of old shall collapse...

Her voice echoed. She was long gone. My legs wobbled and not long after gave out underneath me. I collapsed, feeling all the strength leave my body. 

Too... dangerous...


God, this was hard to write! Also punctuation is probably a mess~

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