
Chapter 19

Just like that, half of Lucci was hers. It paid to be the villain. 

Ishtar smiled behind her helmet as the light faded from Bernetta’s body. Where once a tired old woman stood, a woman in her mid-thirties stood proudly. Her white hair had gone dark and curly and her eyes were as sharp as razors. She looked down at herself, running her fingers along the smooth skin of her arms and then reached up to her face. She took in a deep breath and Ishtar watched as tears welled in the woman’s eyes. Silence reigned around them as Ishtar took a step back and gestured to her.

“As agreed, Madame Lucci, forty years.”

The shouts that followed were deafening, everyone jockeying to get in closer. Some even began to grab at one another. Ishtar turned her head and let Imperious wash out again. It was a useful ability that Madame Lucci had, too bad for her that it was unawakened. The wave of pressure battered down on those gathered in an instant as she raised her head, “Behave,” She commanded and a few people nearly collapsed to the ground, gasping for air. She held the pressure for a few more seconds before letting it up and crossed her arms behind her back.

“Madame Lucci,” Ishtar rasped, “I trust you’ll be able to help me keep order with your friends here?”

Bernetta looked up from herself with a look of a deer in headlights. It took her a moment to find her words before she swallowed and nodded, “O-of course! Right away, Mistress Ishtar,” she turned to the crowd, “Security! Make sure the line is even, everyone will have a chance to speak with the Mistress!”

In short order, the rich and powerful of Europe fell into a quiet line and began their approach. The auto magnate from Germany had made his way to the front. He looked flustered. Ishtar grinned and extended a hand, “Mister Vaught,” she greeted him, “My terms about our conversation?”

“I agree,” He said hoarsely and took her hand.

“It’s a deal then,” She said, and lead him back into the ship.

One after another she lead them back into the ship. One after another she isolated them to ensure that they wouldn’t be able to hear or surmise the price paid. It made little difference to her how far the slider went one way or another, but by doing this they didn’t dare undercut their offering. None of them wanted to be the one who tried to cheat the fountain of youth. One after another they took her hand and surrendered billions, buildings, land, companies, whatever they could to regain what they’d lost.

The money and property would be useful in building ASTA. The material goods were frivolous. She was curious as to how her powers would handle them though. Money was simply transferred into a bank account for her automatically. 

Will I have a mountain of luxury cars waiting for me back at home? She imagined it and frowned a bit behind her helmet, she hoped that wasn’t the case. That would be awkward to explain.

Despite the minor concern, each transaction made her grin wider and wider. More funds for her goals and more product! This had been what she was most curious about. She’d noticed that some of the most exotic and impressive powers she’d found had been unawakened and in the hands of the rich, well connected, or experienced. Marta and Amos’ powers had been remarkably simple but Jonathan Adders had given her the Gift of Youth, Bernetta had given her Imperious. The way Pandora’s box had distributed everything was markedly unfair to the common man, though she did have to admit that leaving these powers unawakened did tip the scales some.

This is it… these are the real treasures. She thought, wide eyed, as each new product came in. Some were not as impressive sounding as others, but of the many that she acquired there were a few remarkable standouts.

<New Product Acquired: Might of Thor>

<New Product Acquired: Hard Light>

<New Product Acquired: Autarch of Shadow>

<New Product Acquired: Sylvan Monarch>

<New Product Acquired: Baldur’s Body>

Two of them had gods in their names! She’d never seen abilities like these before! She knew enough about mythology to hazard a guess as to what they did and it chafed her that she could only draw on one product at a time. If she could make even a few abilities permanent, she’d be invincible! Literally maybe. 

Most of the abilities were ones she’d hand out at some point, giving them to potential villains to increase their effectiveness against the heroes. A few she would keep to herself or give to her inner circle. The five outstanding abilities most certainly fell into the latter category.

She allowed the last of her guests to leave and had to lean against the wall next to the door, catching her breath. It was a little draining using Gift of Youth but she hadn’t reached her limit just yet. She was more shaken by how well the evening had gone, everything was falling into place. She had connections, power, money, and resources. Everything she needed to turn things around.

It’s not that simple, though, she reminded herself.

I still have to actually build the company, make sure it survives scrutiny, spread it across the world, and build an army of villains to force the heroes to cooperate. I also need to spread my influence among the heroes too, keep a tight leash on them. Her expression went dark, Which means that I’ll be confronting some dangerous people in the future.

She glanced at her heads-up display, More importantly, I need to make sure that I am at the helm when the rise of heroes happens. Not long now, that day is coming and Pandora’s Flash will seem like small potatoes.

She let out a tired breath, So much to do… I need to get back to New York.

A knock came to the door just as she was feeling a bit more relaxed, the negotiations hadn’t been difficult, but keeping up the Ishtar performance was more exhausting than using her power. She glanced towards the door, “Yes?” She rasped through the voice modulator.

“Ma’am? Are you tired?” Marta posing as herself asked through the door.

“Yes,” Ishtar sighed, “It’s time we wrap this up.”

“Very good, ma’am,” Marta said.

Ishtar let out another long breath, Man I just want to eat some snacks and take a damn nap, she whined a little but centered herself. There was time later to laze about as Sonya.

Marta waited by the door until Ishtar emerged. It was hard to think of her as Sonya right now, it was like meeting a completely different person. Not to mention the fact that she was currently wearing Sonya’s face. The masked supervillain stepped out into the small hallway, straight-backed and seemingly ready to take on the world. Yet Marta hadn’t missed the sighs of weariness on the other side of the door. The speech modulator had some fairly decent volume on it, she’d have to warn her about that later.

She inclined her head, still wondering a bit about how well tonight had gone. The plan to sneak herself in as a member of the security team before turning into Sonya while on the initial patrol had been a bit nerve wracking. Yet the effect of having Ishtar suddenly on the ship with no explanation as to how she’d arrived had been pretty well received. She’d heard several of those in attendance sounding a bit cross with the security teams they’d brought with them to help protect the ship.

Everyone wanted a piece of Ishtar now.

“There are quite a few planning on reporting back about you when they get back,” Marta said quietly as they walked down the hall.

Ishtar snorted, “They’re in for an unpleasant surprise,” She chuckled, “Do you know who, specifically?”

“Bandied conversation,” Marta said with a shrug, “I don’t know their names, I’m afraid.”

“Doesn’t really matter,” Ishtar said, “In fact, it’ll probably send quite the message when they realize they can’t talk about the events here, Sonya, or Ishtar.”

“How did we do?” Marta asked.

“Fairly certain I’m in the top fifty now,” Ishtar said, her tone a bit morbid, “It was disgustingly easy.”

“People are going to ask questions,” Marta said.

“True, but I’ll take care of that when we get back to the states,” Ishtar said, “Have we gotten any word from the US Government? I wasn’t exactly subtle in New York when it came to the anti-monster munitions.”

Marta let out a sigh, “Not since you asked last before we left,” Marta said with a shrug and grinned at her, “Pretty sure they aren’t taking you seriously.”

“Oh well,” Ishtar said with a chuckle, “We can’t have that now can we?”

The two of them stepped out onto the deck of the ship, unlike the last time, there were no whispers or muted conversation when she emerged. Instead, she was met with the earnest looks of her many youthful guests, all of them now free of tired limbs and weak bodies. She’d healed them of what she could during the process, but there were some maladies Touch of the Healer couldn’t treat. They’d have to get over their own personal and mental issues themselves. She turned her head slowly, casting her gaze over the crowd, and took a deep breath. It was time to put on a show.

“I hope you all are satisfied with the your purchase today,” She said, raising her hand to her heart, there was some scattered clapping that turned into a full on applause. She inclined her head as gratefully as she dared before straightening, “Tonight was the first gathering of our little club, soon I hope to spread our little family across the world. A private gathering of the mutually blessed,” She gestured to all of them. “You must understand already that the world has changed irrevocably and you must suspect that things will only get worse before they get better.”

This brought a bit of murmuring and exchanged looks, there were several nods throughout the crowd, “Ladies and Gentlemen, while I cannot truly see the future, I can say that I have a strong idea of what is to come. We must be ready to protect what is ours, ensure the survival of the human race, and reap the benefits of these changes,” She raised a finger, “And there will be benefits.”

Smiles began to spread throughout the crowd, greedy smiles. She ignored the bile rising in her throat and pressed on, gesturing to Marta next to her. She had to choose her wording carefully or she’d choke, “I will use Sonya Chernovna as a mouthpiece of sorts when it comes to my wider goals in the public eye. Make sure to listen,” She inclined her head to Marta who stepped forward.

“When Mistress Ishtar approached me, I had just begun framing my plans for ASTA,” Marta said with all the charm and gusto she could bring to the table, a brilliant smile on her face and her arms outstretched, “She gave me the knowledge of who to seek out and what to pursue to begin building a strong foundation in these troubled times. As your senior sister, I am looking forward to working with you all.”

There was a moment of quiet, some staring daggers at Marta while others looked at Ishtar. The murmurs resumed when Ishtar nodded approvingly at her, “Thank you, Senior Sister,” She took a raspy breath, “As for Europe, I will be putting Bernetta Lucci in charge of this part of our club,” Ishtar continued and nodded to the now youthful Bernetta who curtseyed graciously.

The gathered rich and powerful looked between Bernetta, Marta, and Ishtar. Many calculating gazes already acknowledging what just transpired. A clear hierarchy and they were at the bottom for now. They’re probably wondering what monstrous benefits Bernetta and ‘Sonya’ are enjoying compared to themselves. Keep wondering, keep desiring more, I’ll use you all if it means achieving my goals.

Her eyes flashed, the faint sound of ticking concealed by the helmet. “Now! Back to the party! Let us revel in our newfound youth!”

Glasses were raised and cheers filled the deck of the ship, people moved to approach Marta and Bernetta while few dared approach her directly. The one good thing about people like this, they tend to be quick on the uptake with this kind of thing.

She smirked and stepped away, striding back into the ship as Presidents, Ministers and CEOs jockeyed for her favor.

And with this, Europe is mine.

She couldn’t help herself as the doors closed behind her, leaving her alone. She laughed. 

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