
Chapter 36

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Beyol altered the shape of the grip on his knife, the blood soaking his hands was making it difficult to hold onto it properly. He took a step into the puddle, the faint squelch-splash of his footsteps echoing lightly in the empty room. He looked down at the body and tilted his head, it had taken a while to peel all the stone off the man’s skin. It was informative, though, in more ways than one. First of all he’d learned that people with abilities like this actually wore their power like an armor that affixed itself to the skin. Blunt force trauma while they were restrained would be far more effective since it couldn’t protect them from the shock of hits.

He watched the thug’s last breath rattle out and turned away, walking over to a bucket where he tossed his knife inside the water. Instinct told him that his metallic blood wouldn’t be affected when he returned the blade to his bloodstream, in fact, he’d done it before. It just seemed unsanitary this time around. He let out a breath and looked back over his shoulder.

These guys work for a self-proclaimed Supervillain named Shark who apparently runs all the gangs in New York City, he didn’t take kindly to the killing of that cabbie. I should keep in mind that taxis have dash cams now. He frowned and held his hand over the bucket, the metal liquified inside the water and rose up and into his palm before sliding into the cut on his wrist. And that ‘King’ of New York works for someone else… He opened his other hand and looked at the white queen pin. Ishtar, huh? A literal goddess who can awaken powers and even gift them.

He frowned in contemplation as the cut on his wrist sealed up, They’re… proud of being villains? Why?

He looked back at the corpse and shook his head, Not my problem, Sonya Chernovna comes first.

After cleaning up a bit more he slipped out of the old building, just another abandoned structure in the heart of this overpopulated city. He still didn’t know where Sonya lived, but he knew where she worked. The location of the ASTA labs was common knowledge and he needed a better look at the place. Footage of her coming and going was one thing, but casing the structure itself could prove valuable in the future. He stalked down the streets, pretending to wander and sticking to populated areas as long as he could to remain in the crowd, even this late there were parts of the city that were packed with people.

This place really never sleeps, He thought as he rounded the corner ahead of his destination. He kept walking as the outer walls of the laboratory came into view. The big golden ASTA logo on the side gleaming under artificial light. His eyes shot up, there were drones patrolling the exterior and armed guards at the main gate. The automatic weapons strapped to their chests were far more than the average security force maintained. Paramilitary? He mused and beelined towards the main gate. He held up a hand, “Excuse me!” He called.

The two guards turned to him and frowned, one of them spoke up, “This is a secure area, please keep your distance after business hours.”

He played up his best wounded expression, “Oh! Sorry about that, I’m new to the city and just need some directions,” He said with a false smile, his eyes scanning their features, What outfit are you from- what? He noted a tattoo on the neck of one of them, a fish? No, A shark.

“Where are you heading?” The guard with the tattoo asked.

“Times Square? My phone is dead so I’m pretty lost,” He said with a nervous laugh.

The guards exchanged looks and snorted, “Kid you are way out of the way, might want to go home and charge your phone, stay off the streets at night around here,” The man with the tattoo said.

Beyol’s shoulders slumped, “O-oh, I wanted to see it at night…”

“Try again tomorrow, even if I gave you directions it would take you at least an hour. Do you know how to get back to where you’re staying? Need us to call a cab?” The guard asked.

He scratched his head, “I-I know where it is, I’ll make my way back…” He said with a shake of his head and turned away, walking back the direction he’d come. Only after he got out of eyeshot did he double back and make his way around the side of the building, walking around the exterior to check for any other entrances. There were none. He frowned at the drones. This will be more difficult than I thought, and that guard… he was part of that Shark person’s group, wasn’t he? A mole?

He rounded on his heel and started his way back to his hotel before pausing, No, better not, I’ll find somewhere else to sleep. Those thugs found me immediately. They know where I’m staying.

His phone rang and he frowned, pulling it out, This guy…

Phan Duong sat on his couch with a scowl on his face, staring down at the phone on the table. He’d set it to speaker and it was still ringing. He glanced towards his fiance who gave him a patient but disapproving look. “What?” He asked tersely, “I want to know this is being handled, you said he was one of the best, right?”

She closed her amethyst eyes and let out a sigh, pulling back her black hair over her ear, “Darling, these things take time, he’ll say the same I assure you.”

The phone clicked and a voice came through the other end, “Razor.”

“Razor, is it done?” Duong demanded, leaning towards the phone.

“I don’t like being on speaker phone,” Razor responded coldly.

“It’s just me and Hyunh,” Duong said, “Now answer the question.”

“I am performing my initial investigation and casing,” Razor clipped, “These things take time, sir, I ask that you be patient.”

Duong scowled, “The hero licensing begins soon, I don’t want that woman taking credit for it!”

“Then you should have called on me sooner,” Razor said, “This will happen on my timetable, I suggest you listen to Miss Feng and wait patiently for my reports.”

Duong felt his face grow warm, the lights in the room flickered as he glowered at the phone. He grit his teeth and clenched his fists, This bastard! He froze when a gentle hand rest on his shoulder and rubbed it consolingly. He whipped his head towards Hyunh who was looking him in the eyes with earnestness. He let out a breath and ran his fingers through his hair which started to stand on end, the lights becoming steady again, “Fine. But I want more regular reports.”

“As you wish,” Razor said and ended the call.

Hyunh squeezed his arm, “Beloved, I know you are eager to see this woman die, but I urge you to be patient with him. Your temper could be the death of you one day if you are not more careful,” She said softly, her hand slipping up to take his cheek. 

Despite his desire to lash out, he relaxed a little, “F-fine…” He huffed.

Sonya hummed lightly to herself, her fingers running over the surface of her helmet. She traced the lines and edges of the design. Amos really did a good job with this thing, she thought absently before turning back to her desk. The door to the compartment slid shut with a quiet hiss, seamlessly blending into the wall. Her expression fell at the sight of the doodle she’d left on the corner of one of the sticky notes she’d left for herself on top of a pile of packages. A chalice.

The Chalice, she frowned, The trigger that Otis pulled to start the domino effect that led to the war. He’d brought it out just at the right time, when the Mythics were at their peak and things were going well for humanity. If we’d stayed united, the world would have been fine, better than fine. She plucked the note up and eyed it silently, Convenient. Very convenient. Was it just luck that the first Mythic Dungeon he picked to raid was host to the chalice?

Her eyes narrowed, No, that doesn’t sound like Otis. He knew something, knows something, inside information perhaps? How? She clenched her jaw, Does he know the nature of dungeons when he encounters them? He seemed so confident back then when he declared they’d raid the dungeon and hand picked everyone who came in with him.

She put the note back down, It’s the only explanation I have right now. What if I shook his hand?

She scoffed, He only has eyes for Mythics and I’m not about to out myself. I’ll figure out another way. I can’t track him, though, I can’t even remember what he looks like, damn it.

She’d tried drawing the image from her memory after the dream but it had come up blurred. Whatever it was, it was an omnipotent ability that rendered it impossible to retain his face in your mind after you left a certain distance, even pictures taken of him by the media came up distorted. Infuriating. She let out a sigh and rubbed her temples, Relax, Sonya, you have visitors coming.

Her phone rang in her head and she glanced up at the clock, Shark’s Calling? I have a few minutes, I guess.

<Hello, Shark> She said as she sat down in her chair.

<Mistress Ishtar, I’ve got an update.> Shark said.

<About your hunt? What do you have for me?> She asked, crossing her legs.

<He killed my men like it was nothing, seven bodies all grouped together with wounds matching the cabbie. These guys were all awakened too. He probably took one to interrogate. He’ll know about us if he’s good at it.> He said gruffly. She could sense the regret in his voice.

<Harden yourself to it, Shark, you’re a supervillain now. I know you care for your men, it’s a tragedy that they died but we learned that he’s an awakened as well. There’d be no other way for him to kill that many.> Sonya said patiently.

<Yeah, that’s my thought, one of my boys spotted him checking out ASTA HQ as well pretending to be a lost tourist.> Shark said.

<Did he now?> Sonya chuckled, <Interesting, I’ll have Amos check the cameras then.>

<I’m going to send one of my lieutenants after him next.> Shark said.

<If it gets hairy have them retreat, your lieutenants are hard to replace.> Sonya ordered.

<Of course, Ma’am.> Shark rumbled, <Also, everything is ready for Hero Day.>

Sonya sat up, her eyebrows rising, <Oh? They’re all in position?>

<Yes ma’am, at the tail end of the licensing event we’ll attack the hero licencing events across the country, the gangs I’ve organized should be enough to do some damage.> Shark said.

Sonya smiled and relaxed, resting her chin on her knuckles, <And for what comes after?>

<All of them are briefed on what to say once they make it into the prisons, we’ll get those recruits. I’ll admit I’m surprised there haven’t been any major prison breaks since the flash.> Shark said thoughtfully.

She nodded to herself, <None that we’ve heard about, dear, most were probably squashed by the other inmates or extreme force from the guards. I imagine they don’t appreciate the chaos, especially the long term residents. If they’re going to act, it’ll be organized and deliberate.>

<Ah, makes sense,> Shark said, <How are you going to sweeten the deal for them?>

<The inmates?> Sonya said, <I’m working something out. I have something I want to try but I need to find the right person to help me.>

<Got it, I’ll speak with you again after my lieutenant faces the bastard.>

The call ended and Sonya smirked, “It’s going well,” She said and got back to her feet. Recruiting gangs and criminal organizations is one thing. But the most dangerous and powerful individuals will be hiding in the prisons around this time. I’ll draw them into my orbit. This attack on the heroes will serve to declare the existence of organized villains and get some of the attackers arrested. After that I just need to…

A chime came to her door and she glanced towards it and then at the clock in her HUD. Oh, it’s time.

Sonya walked around her desk leaned against it before willing the door to open in front of her. She cracked a broad smile and spread her arms wide, “Welcome, future heroes!” She said brightly as Firestorm, Bandit, Bluestar, and Lifesaver walked into her office. They looked around curiously, their eyes wide with interest. She grinned at them and nodded to the security guard who had guided them and Marta who was standing outside. Marta nodded back and turned away as the door shut behind the gathered heroes.

“Hello Miss Chernovna,” Firestorm said brightly, walking over and shaking her hand briskly. She pat his hand and pulled him in for a hug. “Oh!”

“No need to be so formal, dear! We’re friends, aren’t we?” She said warmly and pulled back, looking him up and down, “How has this brief vacation been?”

“Relaxing, if a bit stressful, I wish I was back home,” He said soberly.

She pat his arm, “Not long now, Hero Day is in a few days and then we’ll send you right back to work. There are plenty of talented young people back there who can cover for you in the meantime.”

He scratched his nose, “Y-yeah.”

She turned to the other three. Bandit was rubbing his neck and Lifesaver was admiring the design of the room. Only Bluestar had her eyes fixed on Sonya. Sonya smiled at her and walked over, “Bluestar, did you get the packet I sent you?”

The girl blinked, “Uh… yes, I read them all, but I’m confused about why.”

“I hear you have a degree in business administration and some solid experience managing people,” Sonya said casually, “I’m thinking about putting in a good word for you to become a guildmaster. The job would suit you.”

Bluestar gaped at her but Sonya was already in her own pace, she turned away with a whirl and walked to her desk, “Now, for why I brought you all here! I have presents!” She chirped and put her hand on the packages. “Who wants to try theirs on first?”

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