
Chapter 57

Magic was hard. Sure, the spellforms came to her with the instincts built into her ability. It was like being given a manual or in this case, a spell book. She had a mountain of spells she’d never even tried before. Hundreds of different ways to use the blue energy that permeated her body and gave her the strength to do the things she did. But that didn’t mean the spells weren’t difficult to actually perform. It was easier said than done. She could rattle off exactly how to create a dome of magic that could cover the entirety of Brooklyn, but could she do it? Not anytime soon.

Even so, Bluestar was proud of the progress she’d made since the flash. She’d been one of the first people to hop to action when the monsters started appearing. Azure bolts came incredibly easily after a little trial and error and they were good enough to put a stop to most hounds. Her barriers had come next when she had moved to protect a group of people cornered by hounds. It had been a bit harder, and the mental strain was weightier, but she’d pushed through and saved a few lives in the process. The gratitude in that little boy’s eyes was something she’d carry with her for the rest of her life.

Good feelings and pride, however, were not enough to keep you going during an nearly endless surge of nightmare beasts from another dimension. While she was like most other heroes, her powers always ready to go and the magic that powered them seemingly bottomless, her body wasn’t as resilient. The energy had to use her body as a conduit of sorts and while it didn’t hurt, it did wear on her stamina over time. That was another reason why she hadn’t tried any of her bigger spells. At least not until just that moment.

Everything had happened so fast.

One moment they were riding on the high of having conquered floor after floor of this mysterious interdimensional dungeon. Thanks to Firestorm having a greater control over fire than their enemies, most of their attacks had been rendered useless. It was convenient, but it also meant that they’d had a handicap the entire time. She wondered for the hundredth time if they could handle a dungeon of this same difficulty without such an advantage. The answer had been a resounding no. That worry had weighed on her as she tried to rest ahead of the final room, and it had distracted her as they stepped inside.

I should have seen it. I should have sensed it. It’s presence is so intense. How did I miss it? She chastised herself even as Firestorm gave the order to scatter. That doubt made her hesitate, again, but she managed to get her feet moving as the creature roared. Sure, Firestorm was in charge when they were fighting on the field, but she was supposed to be the guildmaster. Some guildmaster I am. She thought as she hurried to cover behind one of the many pillars that circled the room. She turned around to check where the others had ended up and felt her heart bottom out to her guts.

Firestorm was still there.


The scuffle was so fast she could barely process what she’d seen. Firestorm threw his back into it, trying to get the creature to back off. Then it pinned him to the window. She heard him scream and she saw Lifesaver move to keep him alive despite the agony. Blast it away, burn it’s eyes, something! Come on Nick! Move! Do something! Yet all he could do was struggle, try to move, try to survive. It was so strong. Why was it so strong? She saw black arrows pelt into its body but it barely flinched, its focus entirely on the more significant threat that was Firestorm.

He can’t focus enough to use his powers, she realized. He needs breathing room. 

Without a second thought she hurried out into the dead center of the room, getting a full view of the creature’s back. Plenty of area to hit with her azure bolts. She fired one off, then another, and another, dozens of bolts coming out in a stream that splashed uselessly against its skin. Come on! Come on! React! Do something! Stop hurting him! 

“Let him go!” She screamed, unleashing again, but the only sound that came was another crunch and scream from her friend. 

They aren’t enough, but… She chewed her lip. Can I even do it? 

“Blue! What are you doing?” Came a shout from her left. Bandit. She glanced at him and cracked a smile, getting a worried look from him.

She focused on the creature and let out a breath, This is… probably going to hurt. She licked her lips and took a stance, holding out both hand and concentrating on the monster’s back. She tried to aim for the center, where its heart probably was. She didn’t know for sure, just a guess at this point. It didn’t matter. As long as it hurt it. She took a deep breath and let her instincts guide her, she felt the energy in the air draw into her body as the energy inside of her mixed with it, creating that illustrious blue light. She felt her body process it, refine it, convert it, her very being a vessel for it.

She called up her mental manual, her instinctive study guide, and flipped through the pages. Something that can hurt it, I need… there! She settled on a spellform, a blast of raw energy concentrated into a cylindrical beam of light. It was way more advanced than anything she’d ever attempted, but it was the first one she found that her gut told her would have a chance to pierce it’s skin. She considered what state using it would leave her in and dismissed the thought out of hand. She was a hero, heroes saved people, if they got hurt in the process so be it.

More importantly, Firestorm was her friend, her comrade. Like hell she would let him suffer any longer.

She called up the spellform.

“Grk!” She gasped, the magic burning into her body even faster, she felt a wave of exhaustion pass over her. It was like she’d run a marathon in an instant. Her muscles ached and burned as the energy collected at her palms, but she didn’t relent, even as blood oozed down her nose and her eyes watered. “Come on… come on… fuck it isn’t that bad!” She snarled with bloody teeth, the strain pushing her body to its limit. And then, just like that, it stopped.

She blinked for half a second, wondering if she’d failed to cast the spell when a flicker of light bloomed on her palms. She gasped and hurried to make sure she was aimed at the right spot only to be knocked off target by the sheer force that came next. 


The blast of energy erupted from her palms, lancing out and piercing straight through the beasts side. It let out a howl of pain as the light faded, leaving a perfectly circular hole in its side. It looked down at the wound as she felt her knees buckle, exhaustion overtaking her. She watched it pull its hand away from Firestorm and let out a sigh of relief. He’ll be fine, yeah, Lifesaver’s got it. Now I just got to… She trailed off as she felt her numb legs and looked down at her shaky, burned hands and fingers. Oh… that’s not good.

She looked up into the beasts eyes. It had already raised its hammer.

She heard someone shout.

At least he’s okay.

The beast swung.

Ahh… I was having a lot of fun as Guildmaster too. Sonya’s going to be so mad.

She closed her eyes, she wasn’t sure why she felt at peace, but it was better than being afraid. Right? 


Something caught hold of her robe and pulled, she felt herself get lifted off the ground and opened her eyes in shock. The hammer barely grazing her nose as she was carried bodily across the room by something. She tried to crane her head to see what it was but was instead dazed by the sudden impact of her body against the wall furthest from the beast. She blinked, her head spinning, her body aching, and looked down at her feet. She was hanging? From what? She tilted her head and looked up and saw a thick black arrow sticking out of her robe and embedded in the wall behind her.


Before she could look for him, the hulking beast let out a roar of indignation and stomped its feet. Its eyes still fixed on her. She felt a chill run up her spine. I am suddenly a lot less okay with facing that thing now! She thought hurriedly and tried to will a spellform into shape to cut herself down. That was about as successful as getting water out of a stone. The magic was there, in the air and inside of her, but her body just wasn’t willing to put up with it. She grit her teeth and concentrated as the creature’s booming footsteps approached. Oh come on! She snarled inwardly.

Bandit let out a breath of relief. He hadn’t tested the heavy arrow on anything remotely like what he’d just done for Bluestar, so he’d been a little worried about whether or not it could lift her. He was happy to see that he’d been wrong. Still, That crazy girl! What was she thinking?! I’m gonna shake her when we get back, I swear to god! He grumbled and looked back at the beast. It seemed to be looking for him, too bad for it he’d already come and gone. He was the fastest among the group, even Firestorm not able to keep up when he was at full speed. Getting down from his perch, nocking an arrow, firing it, and using his beloved ASTA made grappling hook to get back up took no more than a few seconds.

Now he was back on the upper level, the shadows his shield, his bow already drawn. The lighter arrows hadn’t worked, and while a heavy arrow had pierced its flesh, it hadn’t done more than superficial damage. With Firestorm still recovering and the big bastard’s focus returning to Bluestar, that left keeping the big baddie distracted to him. Great. I’d like to remind you all, I am not a frontline fighter! He groused and glanced up at the ceiling. He sighed, Fine, I guess I’ll show off a little.

He took a few prepatory steps back and fixed his eyes on a spot on the ceiling. He took a breath as the darkness began to billow around his feet. He darted forward, racing towards the guard rail he’d been hiding behind and with a single leap stepped on it. He threw as much strength as he was willing to into it, kicking off the rail and flipping once in the air. He took a deep breath as he found himself upside down and kicked his legs out. He felt resistance, the ceiling, and with a thought he adhered to it. He looked up, or rather, down, at the beast as it began it’s charge and drew another arrow.

If my usual arsenal won’t work, it’s time to improvise. He took a sharp breath as he drew the string back, a dark arrow forming. He concentrated and increased its size and weight before condensing it. Heavy, but fast, He frowned as he felt the dark material start to weave together, coiling in on itself in an attempt to maintain its size despite the increased mass. He shifted his focus to the arrowhead. Sharper, sharper, even sharper, I need it to go deep, I need the wound to last, fester, hurt. The arrowhead stretched and narrowed, looking more like a bodkin arrow. He took aim, the shaping taking place over just a few heartbeats.

He didn’t notice the billowing smoke trailing off of it. Not until he released the arrow. Eat shit asshole.

The arrow flew through the air and struck, a direct hit just at the spot between the shoulder and throat. It dug deep and the beast let out a pained howl. It thrashed once and then looked at it’s shoulder. Something black spreading from the wound. It looked almost confused for a moment before looking up from where the arrow had likely come from, straight into Bandit’s eyes.

“Uh… sup?” He said stupidly and the creature let out a roar. Fire began billowing in it’s mouth. He glanced at Firestorm and saw Lifesaver next to him. He’d be up in a second, but not fast enough. “Oh shit, here goes… let’s hope this works this time…” He whined and with a bit of trepidation released the adhering nature of his shadows from the ceiling. He took a step forward and planted his foot again, adhering it before releasing his back foot. He repeated the process, release, step, adhere, release, step, adhere. C’mon, c’mon, c’mon! 

He glanced down at the beast just as it released a concentrated bolt of fire that slammed into the ceiling right behind him. He stumbled, but caught himself. “Fuck!” He shouted, pushing himself forward, moving faster, faster, letting his instincts carry him. Before he realized it, he was running along the ceiling. He blinked and gasped, letting out a laugh. “Aha! Ahahahaha! I’m doing it!” He let out a howl and drew his bow, looking down at the confused monster as it watched some tiny black shape scurry around the ceiling.

That was when another of those very painful arrows hit it in the shoulder. Then another in the chest. Then another and another.

“Those hurt don’t they!” Bandit shouted, laughing, “How’s the weather down there? Hail huh? That sucks!”

The beast howled in rage and took a step, trying to get Bandit in its field of view but instead, it stumbled. Bandit blinked, “Huh?” He squinted and finally noticed the weird blackness spreading from the various wounds. Am I poisoning it? He looked at his bow. Freaking cool! 

The beast tried to lift its hammer but found its arm growing darker and darker. It whipped its head up from its clearly worsening body and glared in accusation at Bandit. It opened its mouth again and drew in even more power. Flickers of heat spread out and Bandit got the distinct impression that this next attack wasn’t going to be single target. No dodging this one. He thought and drew another one of the arrows. But if you’re going to make your mouth an easy target, then cool. Let’s see who’s faster!

He drew his arrow, black smoke billowing as he concentrated on making the most horrific arrow he could imagine. Long, serrated, with that piercing quality, oh and pack extra poison into it-or whatever the hell it was. He grit his teeth as he felt his arm ache from the draw. He squinted at his target, Fly!

The arrow flew. The creature’s mouth flickered and flames began to burst out. Everything slowed for a moment. Shit, those flames are gonna burn it up!


The flames vanished.

The arrow struck, driving itself directly into the beasts mouth, all the way through, piercing the back of its skull. Bandit stared, then glanced over at Firestorm who had a single hand held up in the air as if he’d just snapped his fingers. 


Bandit looked back at the body of the monster as it fell face first to the ground. He stared at it for a long time before turning back to Firestorm who shot him a tired thumbs up.

“...we won?”

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