
Chapter 70

She’d heard that riding in a private jet was supposed to be one of the most relaxing and luxurious experiences one could have while traveling. Veloce wanted to find whomever had made that claim first and vibrate their brain right out of their goddamn skull. Every moment she spent on that aircraft on her way to the United States was another moment spent thinking, another moment spent wondering, another moment spent dreading. She saw those eyes in her sleep. She felt her presence every time she had a rebellious thought. Just the name alone was enough to send her into a trembling fit. What was it going to be like when she saw that monster face to face again?

It was so, so much worse.

It felt like every cell in her body was trembling as she sat in the limousine, staring at her hands and wishing with every fiber of her being that she could just wrench the door open and run out, top speed, and disappear. Yet as soon as she had the thought all she could do was flinch, her muscles going taught and her body going stiff. Every rebellious thought left her disabled for a heartbeat, unable to move, unable to breathe. A punishment for even considering breaking the slave contract.

Then there was the sound.

How could no one else hear it? It was so fucking loud.


The ticking that rang in her ears, like an unruly clock. It had been quiet except when she had those thoughts, but here, now, sitting in front of her? It was deafening, maddening, another layer to the endless hell that was her punishment for having the audacity to even consider crossing this woman and take what’s hers.

“Veloce,” The word came out like a hissing rasp, the sound of metal nails across bloodstained ice. A chill went up her spine and she jerked her head up in almost programmed obedience, looking into those digitized eyes. She opened her mouth to speak, but her throat was dry, her jaw still locked by her rebellious thoughts. “I have a job for you.”

Veloce tried to pry her eyes away, her guts twisting, but she couldn’t. She could only nod mutely.

“Do well, and I will reward you,” Ishtar said, “I will renegotiate your contract, give you some freedom back. Would you like that, Veloce?”

Hope. Fleeting, beautiful, agonizing hope. She forced her jaw open even if it hurt, “Yes, please!” Veloce pleaded, grasping onto that kernel of a chance of blessed relief.

“Then don’t disappoint me.”

“As more mana radars are set up across the planet, we are beginning to get a better idea of how mana moves and its function in our newly changed world. More and more dungeons are being located as well, with many in a critical state. Heroes are being dispatched to cull the population of monsters within the dungeons while guilds and corporations rush to secure rights to the dungeons themselves,” The reporter said.

“The single crystal that was taken from one of the first dungeons by the team lead by Firestorm has demonstrated remarkable qualities and appears to be packed with energy, scientists are eager to get more samples to see what can come of this new material element. We are looking at a modern day gold rush,” The reporter continued, “With ASTA Corporation being the leading company in the field of Pandora-based technologies, their value has continued to rise rapidly. Some have raised questions about monopoly, but the corporation has stated that it has not formalized any patents. It has not, however, released any detailed papers on their research.”

Another voice chimed in, “This is obviously an open invitation for competition, a rather magnanimous approach from the young CEO. Given the rumors about how well she treats her employees and her quick reaction to Dharan, she has earned a lot of general goodwill worldwide,” A man sitting across from the reporter said, the words under his name implied that he was some kind of financial analyst.

“When do you think ASTA will shift to public trading?” The woman asked.

The analyst laughed, “I don’t know, but I’m looking forward to it!”

Martin frowned at the television as he finished packing his bags, it wasn’t a lot, but it was enough. He rubbed his neck and grabbed the remote, “All people talk about these days,” Martin grumbled.

“Most national-level conflicts have moved to cease fire after the flash,” Ironsides said, leaning against the wall and sipping at his coffee. “Everything but the most radical movements have taken a back seat, and groups like that are being ostracized for not prioritizing the monsters and villains.”

Martin nodded slowly, “There’s nothing else to talk about,” he grunted and finished zipping the bag.

“Pretty much,” Ironsides said and put his mug in the sink. “You ready, Chief?”

“Fucking Vegas of all places,” Martin grumbled.

“The Chairman wants you there to meet the international team he’s putting together,” Ironsides pointed out, “On top of that…” He trailed off.

Martin nodded, “She will be there. Both of them. We’re sure about Kingshark’s gangs in Vegas making moves?” He asked.

“Positive,” Ironsides said.

“Then let’s go.”

As Smallfoot stepped onto the private jet, the shadows at his feet shuddered and shifted. The business-killer walked over to the sofa and sat down as the crew finished their procedures outside the aircraft. He pulled out his suitcase and made himself look busy, organizing some notes and flipping through documents. This was his normal routine, so it didn’t bother him. In fact, it was refreshing to be getting back to what he did best and still had to work out a cover story to explain his absence to his mundane employers.

He smiled curtly to himself and had that same thought he had every time he did this, If only they knew.

The plane took off not long after he got settled and he got to his feet once it reached proper altitude, heading over to the bar and pouring out two drinks. He walked back to the sofa and sat down again, holding one out to thin air as he reclined. The shadows beneath him stretched out like a snake, gathering and swirling until they condensed into a solid mass. The solid mass took on the shape of a man and soon the Headmaster was standing in front of him, taking the glass from his hand.

“Dean Smalfoot,” The Headmaster said with a nod.

The newly minted Dean of the Night Society smiled at him, “Headmaster.”

“Have you thought about your curriculum?” The Headmaster asked.

“There are going to be a lot of people pretty sad to hear that I am retiring from public life,” Smallfoot said with a chuckle, “Yes, I have a lot to teach the next generation of financial assassins.”

Blackrazor took a sip of his drink and nodded, “Good. News?”

Smallfoot nodded, “The faculty trip is well underway, most of the adjuncts have arrived and have engaged with their assigned tasks.”

Blackrazor moved over to the sofa and sat down next to him, letting out a breath and taking another sip of his drink, he nodded slowly for a moment before offering Smallfoot a rare smile, “Sad you couldn’t go?”

“And miss a trip to Las Vegas?” Smallfoot laughed, “I’m a numbers man, Headmaster. I intend to fully enjoy myself.”

“Nick! Quit your fretting and finish packing, we’re going to be late!” Jessica shouted, standing at the door with her arms crossed. On the other side of the door she heard frantic movement, thumps, and the movements of an idiot trying his best to get ready after waiting way too long to get started on his task.

She rolled her eyes and tapped her foot, glancing over at the man standing next to her. Logan had his Bandit hood up and was grinning wildly at the door. “Come on blowtorch, let's get going, how are you the last one to get packed? You wanna make your crush wait?”

There was a crash in the room. Jessica groaned and looked down at Logan, “Are you serious? Don’t do that to the poor guy.”

Logan laughed, “Sorry Guildmaster.”

She sighed, adjusting her blue sport jacket and tie. She was going as Jessica Wright, ASTA Guildmaster, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t fly her personal colors, or, color. She gave Logan a little elbow and shook her head admonishingly while hiding a small smile as she fixed her eyes on the door. “Firestorm! Front and center!” She shouted.

The door swung open and Nick stood there, breathing hard, eyes wide, “I’m good! I’m good!” He panted, clinging to his suitcase.

She gave him a once over and raised an eyebrow, “Uh huh,” She said and shook her head, “Come on, Larry is waiting downstairs. He does not like going out without his mask on so lets not make him sit any longer than he has to, alright?” She said, turning away as Logan snickered and hurried to join her, Nick close behind.

“Are we really going to meet the international team?” Nick asked, excited.

“That’s why we’re going,” She said patiently, “They want to meet us, and Miss Chernovna wants the exposure for us. On top of that, she said theres a dungeon in Vegas she’s looking into. We might be helping her clear it.”

“Or we could be teaming up with the International Team on it,” Logan said, “Good PR move.”

“You’re learning!” Jessica said, elated.

Logan scowled at her, “All you do is talk about this kind of stuff, of course I’d pick some up.”

“Only because all you talk about is video games,” She shot back.

“They’re good stress relief!” Logan defended himself.

Nick looked between the two of them, “Is this… fraternizing?” He asked.

Jessica and Logan rounded on him, wide eyed, “What the hell are you talking about?” They both asked in unison before looking at one another in disbelief. Jessica was the first to turn away and march down to the elevator. She stepped inside and slammed the close door button. 

“I’m going to Vegas, you two can stay here,” She barked as the two men raced for the door, it shut on them. She sighed, “Pair of idiots,” She said and hit the open button after a heartbeat.

The International team was gathered in the main space of the aircraft as it made its way through the atmosphere. Five of them assembled from across the world so far to be the mobile strike force that the Pandora Committee could call on when a nation didn’t have the heroes to leverage against a particular threat, or with recent news, dungeon. Chunhua stood in front of the group with a tablet in her hand. On it was a sketch of a figure in what looked like a pilot jumpsuit and wearing a helmet that reminded her of a particular french electronic music artist.

She looked up and brushed a strand of black hair over her ear, fixing each of the other four heroes present with a stare. Vytal from Germany sat with his legs crossed and a small smile on his face. His blue eyes glittering brightly. Sapporo of Japan crossed his thick arms and frowned. Euclidia of the UK was playing with an unnerving square of light over her palms that flexed and bent but somehow remained rigid. Pathfinder of Saudi Arabia sat with his fingers laced and elbows on his knees, his dark eyes fixed on Chunhua with concentration. 

She cleared her throat and as if a switch flipped the other three that seemed to be distracted immediately joined Pathfinder in deep focus, “The information that we’ve been provided is top secret and not to be shared with anyone in order to avoid a panic,” She said and turned the tablet around.

Sonya shook hands briefly with Colin, “I’m glad things went well in Massachusetts,” She said with a smile.

The Lawyer gave her a pretty smile and waved it off, “It was nothing, if anything, a good field test to see whether or not your ability really fit its name.”

She nodded, it was true she hadn’t tested her ability to see if she could make a deal between two parties that didn’t include herself binding, which was a bit of an oversight if she was honest with herself. “Is Amos happy?” She asked.

Colin chuckled, “It was a good night.”

Sonya laughed, “You’re terrible! Thank you for holding down the fort for me, Colin,” She said and held out a hand. He took it in a quick shake. “Let me know if you need anything.”

“I’ll be fine, I’ve figured out how you do business, shouldn’t be a problem, just hurry back,” Colin said with a shrug and a sassy wink. He turned away and walked back to the suv they’d taken to the private airport. 

She watched him go and glanced over her shoulder, sensing a few more people approaching. She turned her head to Marta who had been standing silently next to her. “You ready?” She asked.

“Always,” Marta said with a smile.

Sonya turned around fully and opened her arms in greeting, “Chairman! All done with your business?” She asked.

The Chairman approached and returned her quick embrace. He pulled back and pat her arms, “Yes! I’m looking forward to this time now, take a bit of a breather. Though unfortunately I still have a little work to do while we’re there,” He said.

Sonya turned on the other two, meeting Hyunhs gaze with her own and smiling curtly, “Yes, at least they’ll get to have the time of their lives. Vegas is an exciting place,” She said.

Hyunh met her stare for stare, “Yes, I’ve always wanted to see this so-called Sin City and see if the rumors hold up. I’ve been told you can disappear forever there if you’re not careful.”

Sonya grinned, restraining her bloodlust, “So they say! Lets hope you stay well in sight of your fiance! Wouldn’t want you to vanish, he might get upset.”

“I wouldn’t dare leave his side for a moment,” Hyunh shot back.

“This is going to be a wonderful trip!” The Chairman chortled, oblivious as the two women stared daggers at one another.

The coach-grade bus rolled to a stop. The bright lights of the city shone down the people stepping out and those waiting to step in. A young man, just a few years into his twenties, stepped out of the bus and took a deep breath, reveling in the atmosphere of this place. He reached up and played with the coif of his golden hair and smiled brightly at the driver from over his shoulder. “Thanks for the ride!” He said merrily.

The driver gave him a quizzical look before shaking their head and shutting the door. He didn’t even notice the weird look, already distracted by his surroundings.

“Hey blondie!” 

He turned, his face still plastered with that brilliant winning smile and saw two men standing over him, both a head taller, both with a wicked aura. “Are you talking to me?” The young man asked.

They looked at one another then back at him, “No shit, you got any money?” One asked.

He shook his head, “Afraid not! Last of it was spent on that ticket!” The young man said, “Do you have money?”

The two stared at him before glancing at one another again, “Uh huh, Why don’t you come with us and we’ll show you how to make some?” The other suggested.

The young man looked up at them, his smile never faltering but a little bit of flint glinting in his eyes, “Oh sure! Lead the way!” He said as his hand twitched.



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