
Chapter 73

Craig shoved his hands into the pockets of his coat, humming to himself as he ambled his way to his room. It was going well! She was beautiful, famous, and the perfect person to put on as the face of his next line of projects. She’d even agreed to reach out soon. He imagined a glorious high-rise in New York City, built by his people and funded by the UN. He grinned to himself as he reached his door, pulling out the keycard and holding it up. He frowned a little, tilting his head. Did she seem a little off? It was like she instantly distrusted him at first.

He chuckled, “Given the company, I don’t blame her,” He said and tapped the door, pushing it open and stepping inside. 

More importantly, his new employer would be happy that he was building a relationship with her. The odd young man had expressed interest in Sonya Chernovna during their last meeting. Maybe he should set up a meeting between the two? That would be good. He nodded, Yeah, I’ll talk to her about that next. Mister Otis will be happy for sure. He thought, wondering at what the young man’s face would look like, so happy, for some reason his youthful sponsor’s face wouldn’t come to him. He thought that should bother him, but he really didn’t feel like it did. He shrugged, it didn’t matter.

Craig walked into his room and set the coffee on, it was probably going to be a late night. 

“Ah… I need a shower,” He grunted, and tossed off his coat and shoes.

He hummed merrily as he stepped out of the bathroom a few minutes later, grabbing his mug as he walked by the counter and making way for the desk set up in the corner of the large, luxurious room. He sat down and took a sip, flipping open his computer and typing in his password. It was a long one, but he’d learned to be careful with his information. Having access to this computer was as good as having access to his business and his assets. His arm felt a little stiff and he stretched, grumbling, “Not even a hot shower will do it these days…” He groused.

He took another sip of his coffee and tapped a few more keys, “Okay now,” He mumbled only to feel his arm stiffen again, then his legs. He blinked and looked at his hand. It was trembling. “Huh?” He gasped, I can’t move. Why can’t I move?

“Mister Craig Hart,” A voice came from behind him. He tried to turn his head but his body wouldn’t move an inch. He trembled, flicking his eyes about as he tried to get a look at the dark figure that slipped into place at his right. A hand fell on his shoulder and he stiffened when he saw a knife in the figure’s other hand. “Mistress Ishtar has requested your presence.”

The next thing he knew, he was sinking. He looked down and saw a black hole in the floor, shadows billowing off of it. They felt so cold. His heart rate spiked, he wanted to scream, call for help, do anything. Yet all he could do was endure the chill as slowly he was consumed by the darkness beneath him.

He didn’t see the figure turn to the laptop and pick it up before writing something down on a piece of paper, “That’s quite the password,” The figure said before disappearing into the ground as well, leaving the room spotless.

At first, the copy was going to do as it was told, stay in place and wait to hear from Blackrazor. It really was, and to be honest it didn’t have any real good reason to leave and cause trouble. However, the more it thought the more it realized that there was a step to the plan that was overlooked. It considered whether or not to reach out to the original, its legs crossed on the chair in the hotel room. Finally, it decided to go for broke. It sent the suggestion out and received a response almost immediately.

<If you can manage it, do it.>

The copy, no, for the moment it was wearing the mask of Ishtar, got to her feet and grabbed a suitcase before she strode towards the door, technopathy already working on the cameras in the hallway. She stepped out and made a beeline for the elevator. With a single flick of will she temporarily locked all the doors in the hallway preventing anyone from stepping out until she was long gone. She took the elevator up, willing the elevator not to stop on the way. When she reached her destination the door opened and she stepped out onto a beautiful gold-inlaid marble floor. The walls were mirrored and there were absolutely no cameras present.

This wasn’t a place for the average visitor.

She strode up to the counter where a man in a suit stood, looking down at something. He glanced up and froze when he saw her. 

“Excuse me,” He said after catching himself, “I don’t believe you should be here, miss. How did you get up here?”

Ishtar tilted her head, “Tell Prichard that he has a guest,” Ishtar said coldly.

“I think I’d rather call security,” He said instead and reached for the phone only for it to fizzle and spark, he pulled his hand away in surprise and looked up at her.

“This isn’t your fault,” Ishtar rasped consolingly, “He won’t blame you. He might if you don’t take me to him, though.”

The host hesitated and reached up to dab a bit of sweat from his brow before turning towards the single archway leading into the private restaurant beyond. He cleared his throat, “R-right this way Miss…?” 

“Ishtar. You can tell him before I step inside if it helps your nerves,” Ishtar said, that seemed to give the man a bit of his agency back as he relaxed, sighing and nodding. He lead her into a brightly lit hall colored with expensive wallpaper. Instead of the traditional open atmosphere of a restaurant, it was separated into private rooms for the guests to enjoy their meals and have their conversations in the utmost confidence. It was a good strategy, given the kind of people that would get invited up into this place.

The host stopped at a door and knocked twice before opening the door and stepping inside. Even with her senses she couldn’t pick up on any words on the otherside. Excellent soundproofing. She thought before the door opened and the man nodded to her, opening it completely to let her inside. 

“Mister Earl will see you,” He said, looking immensely relieved.

She nodded and walked past him, stepping into a stately dining room with a long table. Only one person in the room besides herself. Prichard Earl was standing next to his chair, his eyes wide. “You’re real,” He breathed.

Ishtar tilted her head, “In a manner of speaking.”

The man grinned, “I’ve only heard rumors, for someone like me finding so little information is a bit close to impossible. I thought you were a myth.”

Ishtar walked to the table and set the suitcase down, “Do you know why I’m here?”

“To do business, I imagine,” The man said.

“Yes,” Ishtar said, “How would you like to be young again?” She said and opened the suitcase, turning it around to reveal the documents stacked inside.

Martin had been invited to sit at the table in the VIP room but opted against it, he preferred to stand and it allowed him a better view of everyone present. Specifically the one person he wanted to watch the most. His eyes narrowed just a fraction as the doors opened and Sonya Chernovna sauntered inside, her usual casual flair and lackadaisical attitude clearly infectious to most people. Everyone in the room smiled at the sparkling, nearly glowing, all white woman who threw her hands open in a dramatic greeting.

“It feels like Christmas!” She laughed, walking up and shaking hands with each of the members of the international team in turn.

Who gets that excited over a formal meeting? He wondered just as his earpiece hummed to life.

“Martin,” Ironsides said sharply, “Got something.”

He turned away a little and tilted his head down, “What is it?”

“Multiple reports of lock failures across several random floors, cameras flickering too. I spotted something while watching the cameras, too,” Ironsides went on, “Someone matching the description of Ishtar.”

Martin froze and whipped his head in Sonya’s direction. Is it really true? Is she really not Ishtar? I was so sure. My gut is screaming at me that I’m right. I have to be right. A trick? He frowned and cleared his throat, “Keep an eye on things and let me know if you get a location to follow up on.”

“On it.”

Ishtar stepped out of the elevator with the suitcase in hand and a smile on her face beneath the mask. She had to admit, the payout was better than she had expected. Prichard had been interested in Sonya, but he was a downright fanboy of Ishtar. It made it relatively easy for her to convince him to look the other way and even help cover up anything she did while she was there. He had asked for quite the repayment, one that was equally beneficial to her. He assumed rightly that she was going to be building a network in North America. While he didn’t know that the ‘club’ already existed in Europe, he had his theories that she was already spreading her influence.

He wanted to be at the helm.

That was more than fine with her. Using the Palace as a gathering point was absolutely perfect, it was secure, private, and Prichard was a man with a great amount of sense.

He’d also asked for a few copies of the youth contract for his family, which she’d provided without argument. As for binding him as a member of the club, that had been the most entertaining part of the whole interaction. He’d taken her hand and frowned, then his eyes had widened as he looked up into her mask.

“You’re-” He breathed.

“That ability of yours is very useful,” Ishtar said coldly, “But I would be careful, Mister Earl, about what you say next.”

He grinned at her, “I understand, amazing, really amazing. You’re going to have the whole world dancing in the palm of your hand.”

She grinned to herself at the memory as she approached the room that Blackrazor had informed her about part way through the meeting. She willed the door open and slipped inside, handing the suitcase off to a waiting Blackrazor. “Well done,” She said before stepping fully into the open space where she found a bound and gagged Craig Hart waiting. “Craig Hart,” She rasped as his eyes fluttered open, “Found you.”

It was the only way she could get herself to do it. The only way to break through the hesitation and gut tightening terror that she felt. Just throw herself in with all the gusto and panache she could manage, be the Sonya Chernovna that everyone knew even if every instinct told her to be the one that none of them had ever known. The one that clawed at the back of her mind when she finally met her eyes. Those eyes that made her heart ache and made her knees weak, that made her skin tingle and her mouth go dry, that made her want to weep with tears that would never come to her broken eyes.

I missed you so much.

“It’s like Christmas!” She declared, laughing, throwing her arms open in a dramatic greeting and walking forward towards the assembled group of five heroes. First among them, leading the pack, was her. Lian Chunhua. Tall, raven haired, stoic, achingly gorgeous. Sonya extended a hand with a smile and the woman returned the gesture. Even in that moment, with all her emotions in turmoil, she had enough presence of mind to use analyze.

<You have acquired the product: Lord of Jianghu>

“Lian Chuhua, in the flesh, I can’t believe you’re more beautiful than on the television,” She said with a wry smile. She gave the woman a wink, “You aren’t single, are you?”

The Chairman barked out a laugh and Marta sighed next to her. Chunhua on the other hand just stared at her and at her hand then up at her again, a look of confusion on her face. She squared up a little, “I greet the Voice of the Hero-”

“Call me Sonya, please. I have a name,” Sonya cut in, giving Chunhua’s hand a squeeze, “Please use it.”

The irony wasn’t lost on Sonya.

Chunhua blinked and then relaxed visibly, which for some reason got a few odd looks from the rest of her group, “Very well, Sonya it is,” She said with a small smile and it may have definitely been Sonya’s imagination, but a look of amused interest. Yeah, definitely my imagination, not wishful thinking at all. Quit it you idiot, you’re getting carried away!

Sonya cleared her throat, “Aha! Enough flirting,” Sonya teased and released Chunhua’s hand before turning to the others, “Let’s see!” She walked over to the first in line. Vytal was a slightly heavy set man with a easy smile and eyes that were a startling near-white blue. They reminded her of glaciers. “Vytal, right? Or should I say, Edgar Wolf,” She said and took his outstretched hand.

“You make quite the impression, Sonya,” He said with a startlingly deep voice, “It’s a pleasure ma’am.”


<You have acquired the product: Vital Force>

“The pleasure is all mine!” She said brightly and gave his hand a brisk shake before turning to the next. A powerfully built man with short black hair, thick eyebrows and dark eyes. “Sapporo, Takeda Goro,” She said and took his hand with a brief handshake and a partial bow. 

His dark expression remained unchanged but he did manage to speak at least, “Your work has resulted in a peaceful east, even if unintentional, you have my gratitude and that of my family and people.”


<You have acquired the product: Festival of Dionysus>

“Thank you,” She said, “I hope that my work can inspire more success for humanity in the future.”

He nodded brusquely and she moved on. The next person was a younger woman, late teens probably, with bright eyes and a too-wide smile. She was bouncing on her heels when Sonya reached out to greet her, “Molly Byrne? Or should I say Euclidia?” She asked.

The girl snatched up her hand with both of her own hands, shaking it vigorously, almost so fast that she didn’t get to use analyze, “Oh my gosh it's such an honor! You are a frigging icon! Like, seriously, oh my god, can you believe what you’ve done for the community, not to mention you know, all the hero stuff and uh… can I get your autograph? For my girlfriend, I mean, oh man, wow you’re pretty.”

Sonya blinked.


<You have acquired the product: Non-Euclidean>

Sonya laughed, “Sure!” She said, “What do you want me to sign?”

Molly brightened, “Could you sign my t-” She began only to get cut off by Chunhua clearing her throat in warning, she grinned at the leader of their group sheepishly, “I got a postcard.”

Sonya just laughed and shrugged, “I’ll sign whatever you want later, cutie,” She said and moved on past a squealing Molly to the far more serious looking man next to her. He bowed his head once before standing up straight and shaking his head. 

“I apologize, I cannot,” He said.

“I understand,” Sonya said without dropping a beat, “Thank you for coming.”

He inclined his head, “It is the right thing to do.”

She stepped back to give him a bit of respectful space before looking between the five of them and put her hands on her hips, “Now that we’ve had our introductions! Let’s eat!”



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