
Chapter 91

Lillian looked down at the woman in front of her, she was so short! She had always seen Sonya as this larger-than-life figure. But the reality was she was a petite little thing. That smile, though, cunning, a bit smug, and full of mischief. It was a bit funny to Lillian to see the person who had figuratively kicked off the age of heroes as this tiny little imp of a person, but here she was. She swallowed and looked down at the woman’s outstretched hand. “You can find out a powers name with a touch, right?” She asked hesitantly.

“Sure can!” Sonya said with a wink.

She almost didn’t want to know, but a little part of her couldn’t resist the desire. It wasn’t a commonplace thing to know, Pandora didn’t make a big deal of pointing it out, but a power’s name was incredibly important. Knowing it almost made it more powerful, in a roundabout kind of way. Once you knew it, you could understand it. Lillian glanced to the left at the Nashville team, Alex grinned at her and Greg gave her a thumbs up. She looked back down.

“Okay,” She said and took the woman’s hand.

What is that ticking sound? Lillian thought as thin, delicate fingers tangled with hers for just a moment. She’s so close. Is she wearing cologne? It’s … sweet?

Just like that, Sonya stepped back with a chuckle and gave her a coy grin, “I’ll make a note of it!” She said with a laugh, “Definitely come see me this evening during the open interviews and I’ll fill you in.”

Wait, she’s not going to-

“You’re not going to tell her here?” Alex protested, a frown on his face.

Sonya turned her head and put her hands on her hips. She was standing between Ollie and Marc with a frown on her face now. “Excuse me? Why on earth would I do that here?” She asked a bit sharply.

Alex blinked, “Uh… because…”

“Listen here,” She said and stepped back out to stand in front of the group, “I’m going to make something clear for all of you,” She held up a finger, “The name of your power is a precious thing. It tells you a lot about the nature of it, how it works, what it does, and how to help it grow to its fullest potential. All powers are capable of hitting the peak of their grade and some can even encroach higher with smart use,” She said, turning to give Alex a look.

“They are also a hint at your weaknesses. Blatantly shouting out your power’s name is suicidal and stupid, especially the higher in rank it is. In the peak-epic, heroic, and mythic tiers, some of those powers have conceptual weaknesses,” She explained and ahead of Lillian, Marc flinched a little, “Thematic ones, especially those named after mythological or historical figures. They can tell you a lot. Imagine if you went around bragging that you had Achilles body? Hm?” She spun dramatically and pointed at Ollie, “Ollie dear! Tell me, what would you do if you had to fight a villain with Achilles powers?”

Everyone glanced at Ollie who shrank a little bit under the intense scrutiny. He pushed his glasses up, “Um… I would go for his heels?”

“That’s right!” Sonya announced, “Achilles was a hero who was thought invincible in myth, but his heel was vulnerable and one blow killed him.”

Sonya turned to Alex with a raised eyebrow, “Sharing the name and details of your powers is something for your closest allies and those you trust intimately,” She pursed her lips and smiled at him, “Be more careful in the future, mm? Fortunately you’re surrounded by fellow aspirant heroes.”

She turned away with a flourish, “Miss Landrey, I’m looking forward to talking later tonight!” She said with a wave and walked towards the doors. “Black Lotus can handle it from here, I’m sure!” She said and Handmaiden opened the door for her with a bow, the two disappearing inside.

Everyone stood in stunned silence for a moment, looking at one another. Lillian looked down at her hand and up at the door, clenching it tightly. Now I definitely want to know. Behind her, the blonde girl shifted a bit, “Wow…” Lillian and a few of the others within earshot looked her way. She had long straight blonde hair and dark, dark blue eyes. She pulled her hair back over her ear and scowled at Lillian, “What?”

Lillian grimaced and turned away, Scary.

A sound like a whip crack broke through all the murmured conversation. Lillian turned back and looked up to see Black Lotus standing up there, leaning on the railing with one hand up. The way her fingers were positioned… Did she just snap her fingers and make that kind of sound? That could deafen someone! 

Black Lotus frowned, “Back to business!” She said, her voice carrying despite speaking at a normal volume. She crossed her arms behind her back and held her head high, “As you are all aware this is both a training camp and a way to test you to see if you have what it takes to get your license and become a hero. The laws have changed since the flash and there are many regulations in place and qualifications you must meet. You will be challenged here and pushed to your limits to see just the kind of person you are.”

She swept her gaze over the gathered youths. Everyone stood up a bit straighter. Lillian felt her heart pound in her chest. “You are the fifty highest potential aspirants on the East Coast, that puts a lot of pressure on you. Embrace it, face it. Tonight is your sole night of peace before the coming storm. As Miss Chernovna indicated, there will be open interviews tonight and every night to introduce yourself to the various sponsors present. It is up to you to choose when to take the plunge and meet with one of them.”

She gestured to the left, “Miss Hardy from Wizney. Mister Onslow from Forge. And Mister Cramer from Marian. As well as Miss Chernovna from ASTA will be in their offices within the facility that you’ll be staying in. Their doors will be open after training is done each day to meet with you.”

She drew her arm back, “As for your instructors, there are several licensed heroes present who will help oversee. As well as myself and Miss Chernovna who has agreed to assist in a few classes including one of the combat classes. You can learn more inside, there are catalogs on your bunks. It is up to you to pick which classes you attend throughout the day. Do not waste your time. It is limited.”

The stern woman gave them all one more once over, “This is your chance to prove yourselves, tonight is your opportunity to rest and get to know one another, enjoy, eat, rest, and prepare. Dismissed.” She finished the last statement with a clipped tone and turned away to sweep back towards the doors leading inside. The sponsor representatives scanned the gathered youths one more time before making a few notes of their own and turning away to follow her.

Everyone just stood there, Lillian watching the top hero disappear into the upper floor of the building. She turned a wide-eyed look to the others. “Did… did you guys get all that?”

John nodded and tapped his temple, “Memorized.”

Val crossed his arms and frowned a little, “So there’s no set schedule, that’s rough.”

Alex grinned, “Chernovna is teaching a combat class? I gotta see this.”

Snow tapped into her phone and a thumbs up emoji appeared followed by; <Let’s check out the dorms.>

Greg glanced at Ollie, who was watching Marc march towards the doors without looking back at the others. More of the aspirants started to move, making their way inside. “Ollie, you didn’t say anything about knowing the CEO of ASTA.”

Ollie’s shoulders sank, “...she got me out of prison,” He said morosely, “Vouched for me to be here. If I make it in as a hero, my record will be cleared.”

Lillian and the others looked at one another, “Ollie, what do you mean?” Lillian asked delicately.

He turned and looked over his shoulder with a frown, “Someone died of complications from the riot,” He said quietly, “I’m legally a villain right now. Miss Chernovna heard about my powers and gave me a chance to do something good with them.” He hung his head and turned away, “I gotta go,” He said and hurried towards the doors before they could say anything.

Greg rubbed his neck, “Now I feel like an asshole.”

“I pressed,” Lillian said soberly, feeling her heart sink a little, “Poor guy, he clearly didn’t mean it.”

“We’ll look after him,” Val grunted and shoved his hands in his pockets, “C’mon, I’m hungry.”

“Salad sounds good,” John mumbled and joined him.

“You and fuckin’ salad,” Val laughed.

Alex punched his palm and marched off after Val, “Shouldn’t he be looking after you? He’s heroic!” He laughed as Greg shrugged and moved as well.

Snow stayed behind and glanced up at Lillian. She was still standing there, hugging her arms a little bit. A small finger reached up and tapped her on the nose. She looked up to see a big winky-face smiley in front of her. “Woah!” She gasped and stepped back, “Oh, shit,” She caught her breath as Snow turned away and hurried off after her friends. She smiled at their backs and set her shoulders, Everybody’s got a story, right? It’ll be okay. First things first, let’s go check out the dorms!

The dorms were of course separated to two sides of the building, Lillian followed Snow and the arrows on the walls to the girls dorms where there were already a few inside getting unpacked. All of the beds had a small booklet on them and a metal badge with their names. She found her bed and picked it up, it felt a little warm to the touch. She immediately understood why, it was freshly made.


“Woah, that was fast,” Lillian said, quickly clipping it to her jacket and picking up the catalog. She flipped it open and it was filled with schedules and tables with names and descriptions of classes and tests they could take. 

“Oh my god, look at the last class!” One girl shouted on the other side of the room.

Lillian looked up and then down at her book, hurrying to the last page.


“A dungeon,” She breathed, “There’s a dungeon here?”

She looked up wide eyed and saw Snow sitting on her own bed a few bunks over. Snow was also looking up at her, those off-white eyes wide with shock. She quickly grabbed her phone and tapped into it.

<They don’t expect us to clear it, do they?>

“I don’t know,” Lillian said, rubbing her neck, “Shit, that’s scary.”

<Black Lotus wasn’t screwing around.>

Lillian nodded, “Yeah, this isn’t going to be easy,” She was glad she put herself through so much training before and after the flash. It would help, she hoped. She clutched at the catalog and glanced back at the door. “They said there’s food, want to go eat?” She asked.

<Sure! I’m starving.> Snow said and hopped off her bed, hurrying to catch up with the much longer legged Lillian. Lily hazarded a glance down at Snow’s badge.


“Summer, huh?” She asked, “Funny.”

Summer gave her a petulant look and tapped into her phone, <Look who’s talking, your name sounds like a comic book character’s.>

Lillian burst into laughter, “Yeah, I’ve heard that one before. I like it, though.”

<Thought of a codename yet?> Snow asked as they passed into the hallway.

“Not until I talk to Miss Chernovna,” Lillian said, dodging around a pair of girls that nearly raced through her to get to the dorms. 

<So you’re going? Not gonna wait till you’ve earned a little prestige?> Snow asked, <That’s what Black Lotus was implying, you know.>

Lillian nodded, “Yeah, I caught that,” She said and crossed her arms, muscles tensing a little as she frowned, “But Miss Chernovna invited me directly and said tonight. I can’t disappoint her.”

<Could be a test?> Snow pointed out.

Lillian shrugged, “This whole thing’s a test, isn’t it?”

<Point taken.>

They stepped out into the large common area that they had rushed through when they’d first come in. There was a massive diorama of the earth hanging at one side of the room surrounded by rails. The rest of the space was dominated by couches and chairs. There were tables lined up along one side with a whole spread and aspirants had already crowded it, grabbing what they could before hurrying back to their cliques and teams. She spotted the rest of the Nashville team all sitting in one area, somehow they’d managed to drag Ollie with them. Marc was nowhere in sight.

Don’t think about that guy right now, it’ll just get you worked up. She thought and made her way over to the food line. Took only a few minutes to grab a heaping plate of meat, veggies, noodles, some rice, the works. She made sure to grab a few slices of bread too before making her way over to the group with Snow. 

“Dorms are pretty spartan, huh?” Alex said as they sat down.

“Yeah, I don’t mind, reminds me of track and field camp,” Lillian said.

“You ran track?” Greg asked, grabbing a hot dog from his plate.

“Yeah, moved to free running after that and it became part of my prep regime for becoming a hero,” She said, a small smile coming to her face.

“You do parkour?” Alex blurted, sitting up, “I gotta see this.”

“Not here, dumbass,” Val chided him.

“I liked the dorms,” John muttered over a neat pile of sandwiches, “Perfect.”

“Of course you would,” Alex grunted and sat back, waving a fork in Lillian’s direction, “So, you gonna go see Miss Chernovna.”

“Yeah,” Lillian said, “After I eat.”

“Good shit, tell me how it goes,” Alex said with a grin, “Wouldn’t mind signing with ASTA, they got great gear.”

<Do you even need gear?> Snow pointed out with a text in the air.

“I could always work with some!” Alex rumbled.

As the bickering picked up, Lillian dug in. The food was beyond good, they’d really taken out all the stops for the Aspirant’s first night. She hoped it would continue but she had a feeling things would be tougher in the days that came. Her lips pressed together as she stared at her food. It’s going to be really hard. But I can do it, I know I can. She looked up at the others, carefree, laughing. Yeah, definitely. She nodded to herself and scarfed the rest of her food down, getting a few startled looks from the others and shot to her feet.

“I’m going,” She said, her fists clenched.

“Hell yeah! That’s the spirit!” Alex laughed.

<Good luck. Come back to us when you’re done.> Snow said.

She looked at them and felt her chest swell a little with confidence. Yeah, she could do this. She turned around and spotted the arrow pointing up the stairs that said ‘sponsor offices’ and made her way towards it. A few groups glanced up at her and whispered among themselves as she made it to the steps. She ignored them, excitement building as she forced herself not to race up the steps or hop the rail in a little parkour show. She walked slowly up before arriving at a hallway with several doors leading into conference rooms. Each had a logo set on them for the various companies present. 

One of the doors near the end opened and Black Lotus stepped out in a huff. Lillian froze. The woman’s expression was frustrated and a little… sad? Disappointed? No, hurt. What happened? She frowned and took a step only to draw the woman’s attention. Black Lotus looked up and schooled her expression into that military frown. 

“Aspirant,” She clipped and walked towards her before passing. The woman paused at her shoulder, “Good luck, if there’s anyone in the world that can help you, it’s her,” She said before disappearing down the stairs to the common area.

Lillian looked back over her shoulder at the disappearing wave of black hair before looking back at the simple door that seemed a lot more ominous now. She swallowed. No pressure or anything, right?


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