
Side Story: Colin 1

Colin turned around out of habit, reaching for his pocket to lock the door behind him. He paused and frowned as the door locked of its own accord. He rolled his eyes and shook his head, he’d forgotten, again, that he wasn’t back at his office in Orlando anymore. Instead he was in what amounted to the world's most well funded terrorist think tank, and he was just another part of the machine. His lip twitched and he turned from the door, rubbing his hands unconsciously. They still ached from all the work he’d done today. He’d done more work today than the past month of work as a struggling attorney back at home. Still, the pay was far better.

He made his way across the dimly lit atrium of the administrative office, glancing once at the closed door to Sonya’s own office, his thoughts wandering. I still haven’t figured out why you picked me, He thought numbly, looking down at his hands and flexing them. He could feel the abilities that she’d crammed into his body using her own terrifying power. He had more than enough strength to lift a car with his bare hands now and most modern firearms were basically useless against him now. To be frank, he felt like he was probably comparable to one of those Lurker things, if he had to guess.

Tiny body, big punches, he chuckled to himself as he walked to the staff restroom, stepping inside and waving his hand under the sink. He splashed a little water on his face and looked at himself in the mirror. A pretty face looked back at him, full pinkish lips that were better served on a woman than himself. Soft skin that even Sonya had complimented him on and thick eyelashes that had gained him more than a few weird looks from that scary maid, Marta. He splashed more water on his face and let out a breath, letting the cool liquid sharpen his sleepy mind.

I distributed the letters, the contracts going out across the country, I even leaked some of the youth contracts into the underworld as requested, but what’s the plan here? What is she planning on doing? He pressed his lips together in a pout, She isn’t hiding anything from me, but she isn’t saying anything either. What’s the point of giving powers to criminals already in prison? It’s not like she’s planning on breaking them out, right?

He hesitated and looked up in the mirror, Colin, what have you gotten yourself into?

He sighed after staring at himself for a bit longer, reaching up to pull his shoulder-length hair back and closed his eyes, Not much point in complaining now, the contract’s been signed and I’m in it till the end, as long as she holds up her end, I’ve got no right to complain even if she sets fire to the eastern seaboard.

“It is what it is,” He said and dried himself off, heading for the door and back out into the atrium. He made his way out to the hallway and rubbed his neck, “At least I got a nice apartment out of it,” He chuckled and waited for the automatic door behind him to shut and lock before heading for the elevator. I wonder what I should eat tonight? I keep forgetting to stock up the kitchen, been too busy. He griped and pat his gut, I’m starving.

He waved his id badge over the scanner for the elevator and hit the call button. It chimed and began to move. It looked like it was already going down based on the number. Who else is here? He thought, Wait, isn’t there some smart guy working for her? A head researcher? Nah, probably just a security guard on patro- His thoughts cut out when the elevator stopped half-way to getting to the second floor and changed direction, now beginning to ascend towards where he was waiting.

Huh? Is that even possible? He paused, Wait, Sonya did say that the researcher guy, uh… Amos, right, yeah he could mess with technology with his mind. I guess it’s actually him. Coming up to meet the new guy? He frowned and straightened his shoulders, Better make a good first impression. Mephisto, I’m the demon Mephisto. He thought as the elevator ascended, finally stopping at the administrative floor. The doors opened and there he was.

For the briefest second, Colin saw a confident guy standing there dead center in the elevator, his arms crossed. He had messy dark hair and bags under his sharp eyes. He wore a lab coat that hid a rather well built if a bit thin frame. He had a bit of stubble that set his jawline in just the right way, especially in the light from above. Colin blinked, and the confidence on the man’s face evaporated. In its place, Colin saw something far better. The guy’s mouth was open, eyes wide, and there was more than a little red there too. Colin couldn’t help himself, he pursed his lips and smiled, Oh?

He sauntered inside and extended a hand, “Amos, right?” He asked.

Amos blinked a few times and looked down at the offered hand, clearing his throat and throwing his business mask back up, “Ah- yeah! Colin I’m guessing?” He replied, taking Colin’s hand and shaking it, “Sof- So nice to finally meet you.”

I’m sure it is, Colin thought, “Heading home?” He asked and tilted his head with a bright smile, “You redirected the elevator for me?”

He cleared his throat again and nodded, “Figured now was a good time as ever, to meet, I mean,” He stammered and released Colin’s hand, shoving it back into his coat pocket.

Colin couldn’t help himself, “That was sweet of you,” He said and slipped into a spot against the wall, leaning back a bit as Amos followed him with his eyes. The researcher cleared his throat and quickly looked away, glancing at the elevator controls which flashed and the door shut. “Nifty ability.”

“It comes in handy,” Amos said with his back to Colin.

Colin raised an eyebrow and leaned forward as they began to descend, glancing at the mirrored wall and Amos’ bright red face. Oh no, he’s cute, this isn’t good, Colin. He chuckled inwardly before his stomach grumbled a little. He frowned and looked down at his waist, Traitor.

“Hungry?” Amos asked, still not looking in Colin’s direction.

Colin frowned and crossed his arms, “Been a busy day, I’m sure Sonya will give me an earful about not taking a lunch break tomorrow.”

“You have no idea,” Amos chuckled, seeming to relax a little. “She’s pretty strict about us taking care of ourselves. Never had a boss that actually gave a shit before.”

“Oh? That’s good to know,” Colin said, and he meant it. This guy had worked with Sonya a lot longer than he had, and while Colin and Sonya were still in the honeymoon phase of a new employer employee relationship. Amos had likely already graduated past that, so it was good to know that she still cared even after her people had set roots and didn’t change her tune after she had her claws in them.

Amos’ own stomach grumbled and he flinched, clearing his throat a little to cover up the sound.

Colin narrowed his eyes and smirked, taking a step forward as the first floor grew closer. He tilted his head up and looked up at Amos’ face. “How about you treat me? You know the area better than I do, right?” He asked innocently.

Amos blinked and took a step away, stuttering, “Treat you? Me?”

Colin put on his cutest face, “What, you don’t want to? I’m the new guy, right? Isn’t that normal?”

A wave of various emotions warred on Amos’ face. His poker face was absolute garbage. He seemed to mull it over though and managed to cough once before looking towards the door as the chime rang out. “Well, yeah, I guess that makes sense. Treating the new guy, right, yeah.”

“Yeah, treating the new guy,” Colin repeated, his smile widening a little. “Nothing else.”

Amos took a deep breath and straightened his coat a little, running his hands back through his hair unconsciously. “I actually know a place that is still open around this time, you good with chinese?” He asked and forced himself to look in Colin’s direction, meeting his eyes.

Colin returned his look with another smile, “Sure, sounds good.”

Colin watched Amos nod and hurry out ahead of him. His eyes following the guy as he walked stiffly, unable to hide his embarrassment. It was beyond cute. He considered his earlier thoughts and doubts, he honestly had been wondering if it would be nothing but work in this new place. Now, though? Now he had other thoughts to consider.

I think I’m going to enjoy it here. Colin thought with a grin, and followed Amos out the elevator.

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