Broly In Naruto

Strange Dogs!? Future Investments?

Broly looked at the two slightly harmed guards stare at him in anger. He looked at the pink child elephant sitting on the throne with an innocent smile directed at him. He realized taking over these summons would be easier than he thought.

The two guards were about to attack the insolent youth, until the queen Phanif interrupted.

"Cease." She ordered in voice that resembles a 3-year girl.

The guards however immediately put away their weapons and returned next to the queen's side without their helmets. Not that it would do anything, since Broly flattened the helmets. The purple elephant that escorted Broly was still kneeling.

Broly forced his curse mark to recede and return him back to his normal appearance. He still couldn't use the strange chakra he felt from the seal on his neck but hasn't experienced any strange experiences due to it. So, he put it in the back of his mind and faced the pink elephant child.

"Boy. Do you know the power you hold in that strange seal?" The small queen asked.

"It makes me stronger. That's all that matters."

"I see. Very well. Would you like to become our summoner?" Phanif asked cutely.

Broly nodded. Even though he doesn't need a summon, more additions to his power could never hurt.

"Then you must pass a test."

"This test of yours will be simple. All you have to do is beat our enemies." She says with a giggle before hopping off her throne and walking in very short steps towards Broly.

Broly stared at the child as she stood mere inches away from him. Barely reaching up to his chest. Broly thought that this child was an idiot. But he faintly felt some sort of presence that drove his saiyan instincts into overdrive. He felt like striking this child with his strongest attack. But he didn't let his instincts control him.

He controlled himself and saw the pink elephant smirking, as if daring him to strike her. Broly was slightly upset, but for some reason he felt outclassed by the Queen elephant. Being a coward to his own fears, was something Broly could never accept. He swung his fist downward at the little queen before hearing the words,

"Good bye Summoner-kun."

As Broly was still in the middle of swinging his fist, his body was suddenly surrounded by a purple light and a blinding light flashed in his eyes. He covered his eyes in recoil from the harsh light. After recovering his sight, he noticed he wasn't in the throne room anymore. He was in a bright green forest. Broly punched a hole through a tree before creating another earth cloud. He floated above the trees and took in the sights.

He saw nothing but green trees in his view and a dark ominous valley far ahead. His saiyan instincts drove him towards the mysterious valley. For what reason, he didn't know. But he cared little for the reason and only wanted to let out a little frustration from the interaction from the elephant queen. As he flew at a fast speeds with his jutsu, he was closing in on the valley. Suddenly he sensed killing intent coming right towards him from 4 different directions while he was flying. He hardened his cloud jutsu and heard multiple sparks from all four directions.

The attackers were shredding through his cloud. It started to reduce in size and durability, until it slowly only formed under Broly's two feet. It was at this point in the ambush, that Broly saw his assailants. They were some dog-like creatures with long necks and spots from what Broly could put together. They had faces of excitement and hunger upon their faces as they clawed multiple times at Broly's cloud to get to him.

Broly grinned as he released his cloud jutsu and stomped two of the dog creatures in the face. The three quickly began to crash down towards the forest. The dogs clawed at Broly's ankles and leg, but barely made it past the skin. The other two dog creatures above dove towards Broly with their terrifying teeth snarling towards him. The air whistled by as the five crashed towards the earth at break-neck speed.


The ground tore apart in a large radius as Broly broke the necks of the two dog creatures upon landing with his feet. He quickly turned around and snatched the incoming creatures that were aiming for his neck from above him by the neck. The force from falling from such a height and suddenly stopping due to Broly's grab, also snapped both of the creatures' neck. Broly soon threw away the corpses and relaxed himself now that he wasn't being attacked.

But that would prove to be a mistake, as 10 more dog-like creatures came bursting from the surrounding trees and speeding towards Broly. They started to cackle and laugh together as they each leaped towards Broly with their jaws ready to tear the young saiyan apart. Broly attacked the incoming creatures with a fierce assault and a lack of defense. He tore through them as they also tore through the skin of his body.

It turns out their teeth were sharper than their claws. After killing all of the creatures, Broly was covered in blood from his own and his opponents. Broly roared towards the sky with frightening force. The surrounding trees and plants ruptured from the display and started to blast away. This display also exposed 3 more dog-creatures that were slightly different from the other ones he just faced.

They were all the same size, but they had different colored fur and wore clothes? Broly put together that these must be the enemies that the pink queen sent him to deal with. But he noticed that the dog-creature with red clothes and fur had a suspicious looking scroll on his back.

'It must be the scroll, summoners must sign in order to use Summons. Kukukuku, if I take that for myself and return to the elephant queen I could get two summoning scrolls at once!' Broly thought deviously before having his wounds mysteriously heal somehow.

He walked over to the three dog-creatures before hearing the middle one laugh creepily.

"I hope you're coming over to place your head on a platter for us human." The red dog said in a feminine mature voice.

"Yeah yeah! We're hungry!" the blue dog said in an excited manner.

The yellow dog said nothing but looked at Broly the same way the other three were.

"Give me your scroll or die pathetically trying to protect it." Broly threatened as he released his power outward and caused the surroundings to be blown backwards from the show of force.

"Humans have really gotten arrogant after so long. I'll just have to put you in your place then monkey!" The red dog-creature said as they suddenly appeared next to Broly and bit straight towards his throat.

Broly, however was already prepared for another battle, hell he was hoping for it. He swayed his body to side while forming a single hand sign. 2 identical clones appeared of Broly and charged towards the other two dog-creatures. The original Broly was dodging the constant attack from the red dog, until it decided it has had enough of the human child barely getting away from its attacks.

It's body flared with flames and roared outward. Broly was slightly singed from the hot flames as he hopped away. The red dog immediately came up next to Broly and chomped his shoulder. Broly yelled in pain before surging lightning chakra outside his body and forcing the dog to let go. After the red dog yelped in pain, Broly quickly grabbed it by the throat and threw it into a nearby tree at a blinding speed.

Broly #2 and the blue dog engaged in combat. The blue dog formed a short scythe made of water and welded it in its mouth as it chopped and sliced towards Broly. Broly found the blue dog to be annoyingly quick, but since it was a clone it couldn't simply tank an attack from the opponent. Broly wasn't used to fighting defensively, and he didn't know how much force a clone could take before it dispersed. He hopped away while making hand seals. The blue dog-creature followed after him and slashed right as the Broly clone was done.

"Wind Style: Explosive Wave!" The Broly clone yelled before sharp winds coated his body and caused the blue dog to yelp in pain and retreat back. The clone formed a few more hand signs before the tiny sharp winds continued to coat over his entire body.

"This technique takes quite a bit of control to use. I haven't even perfected it, but it'll be enough against trash like you." The Broly clone said as he blurred towards the blue dog.

"You're just gonna be an afternoon snack after I'm done with you!" The blue dog-creature said as it barked out some blasts of water.

The water was sliced into pieces and lost nearly all its momentum and power. The water from the creature simply turned into droplets that splashed onto the Broly clone's chest harmlessly. Broly laughed manically as grabbed the blue dog by the head. He started to force the sharp winds covering his body to slice nearly every part of the blue dog creature.

But he didn't simply kill the dog creature with the winds. His sharp winds were slicing the poor creature's body numerous times all over, in very tiny wounds. The yelps of pain and calls for help would be deafening, if the Broly clone's laughter wasn't overpowering it.

Eventually the water dog either ran out of breath or couldn't summon the energy to even open its mouth anymore. Broly tsk'd in disdain before dropping the blue dog and stomping it into ground, creating a mini crater from the amount of force he put into his legs.

While the first clone and Broly were with their opponents, the second clone Broly created also went to work. The silent yellow dog had created a clone of itself somehow without using hand signs. It then hopped on its back. A puff of smoke appeared and they transformed into a masked yellow ninja! The second Broly clone laughed as it suddenly appeared behind the yellow ninja with a fist aiming straight towards it back. The ninja slashed with an unexpected sword attack made of electricity! The Broly clone swiftly unballed it's fist and dodged. The ninja didn't let up and continued to slash and slice at the second Broly clone. Once it realized none of its attacks were landing, it started to make hand signs and quietly say, "Lightning Style: Blood Hound Shock." And around it formed 4 big dogs made of electricity that soon dashed after the Broly clone. Broly started to go through hand signs of his own as the 4 lightning dogs ran at him. He silently mouthed the words, "Lightning Style: Omega Hammer." And with his fist coated in green lightning smashed the ground under him. The hounds however, took no notice of this and continued to hound after the Broly clone with their jaws open ready to tear and chomp him apart.

The ground where Broly smashed suddenly lit up in a green flash before the ground tore apart like paper and a huge electrical blast imploded from the ground and destroyed a large chunk of the forest. The yellow ninja was caught up in the blast and was severely electrocuted and burned. As it fell, it returned back to its yellow dog-creature form and landed harshly with a crunch.

After the three Broly's were done with the battle, they gathered up the bodies of the three and floated in the air with their cloud jutsu. They encased the three creatures in a ball mixed with three different elemental natures and increased the chakra input into the technique. The ball grew in size exponentially before soon shadowing some of the forest with the sheer size. Even a mountain wouldn't be safe against this technique.

"AHAHAHAHAHAHA DIE FOOLS!!" Broly yelled as he and the other two clones threw the gigantic ball of lightning, earth, and wind chakra filled within and outside of it.

He dispelled the clones as he slightly caught his breath and watched the incoming fireworks.

But unfortunately for the young legendary saiyan, someone decided to step in.

"Light Style: Aura of King." An abrupt soft sounding voice said before Broly's technique was slowed and eventually stopped.

How this was done, was unknown to Broly who was watching from the other side of his attack.

Broly's technique suddenly broke apart and fell into tiny pieces that started to fall to the ground harmlessly and fill the area with rocks instead of grass. The figure that destroyed Broly's attack, rapidly saved the three dog-creatures before Broly could finally lay his eyes on his possible next opponent.

It was another dog creature, but this one had a strange aura around it. It made Broly feel as if he was fighting a being higher than himself, and that just pissed him off. He was about to take care of this new threat until the newcomer said,

"I do not wish to fight you, young shinobi. I only wish to know why you are in my lands." The pure white dog-creature said in a gentle feminine voice.

"I was sent here, for a reason. But then after I noticed what was on the red bug's back, I decided I wanted it." Broly said in a voice that still hasn't giving up on the idea of fighting this unknown opponent.

"Why do you wish to become the summoner of the Hyenas?"

"Because I wanted to." Broly answers with a grin.

"You have a similar mindset to my young, from what I've seen of you so far. Very well human child." The white hyena says before tossing the scroll with her mouth towards Broly.

As Broly caught the scroll, he failed to notice the second item speeding towards him. His forehead was pierced and his eyes tried to gather themselves in pure rage along with his massive chakra. But he couldn't pull himself together and he soon blacked out.

"Do not worry child. This is simply the process of becoming the first summoner of the Hyenas." The gentle hyena's voice soothingly rang out to him before he lost himself to pure darkness.


The wind blew gently, as the surrounding animals decided to take a drink at the local watering hole. Many predators and preys took innocent drinks of water without any bloodshed. A local bunny was hopping rapidly towards the watering hole. It was in such a hurry it didn't even notice the sleeping human in front of it and hopped right on its face! It was about to shriek and run off before noticing the human under it didn't even twitch.

It looked at the watering hole and back towards the sleeping human before choosing the human. It started to hop and kick and play all over the sleeping body. The other animals noticed the strange bunny messing with the human and looked at it as if it was an idiot. Until they noticed that the bunny was having too much fun and that the sleeping human didn't even respond! So, they soon took a page from the bunny's book and started to play over the sleeping human! The bunnies hopped all over its body. The bird sang songs. Even the foxes started to sleep along with the human!
Everything was going all swell for the innocent forest animals, until the sleeping human suddenly twitched and his face turned into a grimace. He grabbed his forehead and shouted in a painful anger. His chakra went out of control and all the animals were blown away. The area surrounding him was constantly blowing fierce strong winds as he slowly pulled out a white item from his forehead.

As the white item was pulled from his forehead his control over his chakra returned and the forest went into a sudden silence. Broly looked at the item that was lodged in his forehead and noticed it was a white fang. He was confused until the memories started to return to him, along with some new ones.

"You are now the first summoner of the Hyena clan. I can't allow my clan's name to be sullied by a pathetic summoner. I have great hopes for you Aomatsuna. But I must inform you about our specialty. My young that you will eventually summon each has different abilities from each other. Like the three young you faced before. These were only mere pups. But each one had a different specialty. Not all my young will be different in the case of using chakra natures. But I'll leave that for you to find out for yourself. If you eventually get strong enough and kill our enemies, the Elephant clan, I'll teach you how to use Senjutsu." The gentle voice said inside Broly's head before he received the information on how to summon members of the Hyena clan.

It would seem he would have to stab the tooth from the Hyena Queen? Mother? Inside his body and constantly nourish it with his chakra until it formed a tattoo somewhere on the body. Broly was eager to get started. Even though he was pissed he was defeated by the Queen Hyena, he wouldn't let this affect his pursuit of more power.

He jabbed the tooth into his chest and started to force his chakra into the tooth. The tooth was constantly absorbing his massive chakra input, until it started to grow green. It continued to eat and eat more of Broly's chakra. Taking on a darker color of green and suddenly splitting in between a light green and dark green. Broly's chakra reserves were at 25% at this point and he was shocked and angered. He increased the speed at which the chakra came towards the tooth, before reducing his remaining reserves into 10%. He didn't continue forward because he noticed the four symbols


Broly was breathing very hard and grinned, before soon creating a earth cloud and flying off towards the Leaf village.

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