Broly In Naruto

Sudden Message!?

The bright shining sun was high in the sky this lovely morning inside the Forest of Death. Although the inhabitants inside the forest could barely enjoy the nice warm rays from the sun, due to the tall massive trees blocking most of the rays. A few rays of sun managed to poke through some of the trees and their leaves. One particular sun ray was shining right onto a person's back.

This person had a wild fawn laying down in front of him. He started to make some hand signs before having his hands take on a watery aura. He sliced his hand down at the fawn's side. The wild fawn tried to move but it was too slow! The deer eyes widened as it stared in horror at the man next to it. The male stared at the deer and then sent a pulse of chakra inside to check exactly what was wrong with the deer. After receiving the information back in the form of his chakra, the man slowly grinned before laughing manically. The deer let loose a tear for trusting the innocent looking human child and patiently awaited its death, since it could no longer control it's body. It closed it's eyes before feeling a warm liquidly feeling go over the area where the human child attacked it. It rose up and felt better than before!

The fawn started to dash and hop around with new found energy and tried to quickly leave the strange human boy alone. The boy appeared in front of the fawn and grabbed it by the neck. The fawn tried to shout for help before having a crushing grip on its throat, silencing it immediately. The boy then sent a pulse of chakra inside the creature again and after finding out the information of it's body, he let the baby deer go and started to walk away. He baby deer quickly dashed away, to avoid being caught by the boy again.

'So it seems my water style version of chakra scalpel and mystical palm do indeed have different effects." The round boy said.

"Water Style: Chakra Scalpel seems to delay the body's natural recovering and force wounds to take longer to recover from. This could be useful if I happen to fight an enemy shinobi that has accelerated regenerative properties. If I eventually master this jutsu, I could possibly permanently wound someone and have them unable to heal forever!" Jabie started to laugh madly, scaring away the birds in the trees who quickly started to fly away.

"My Water Style: Mystical Palm technique increases the body's natural regenerative processes afterwards and also increases the longevity of the target. If I manage to completely master this jutsu, I could probably become immortal or have an insane bodily recovery rate! Why has no one ever tried to infuse chakra natures into these techniques before?! If I was honest, I'd say everyone are a bunch of idiots!" Jabie shouts.

'I should look for some more subjects to test on. Maybe I should keep an animal and heal it every day with my water mystical palm and see the effects of it.' Jabie thinks to himself before setting out to look for an animal. He crosses many different animals but decides to look for one with a low lifespan expectancy to see the results of his jutsu faster. He soon finds the perfect animal for his experiment. A mouse.

Mice have a life expectancy of 4 years. If he can have this mouse live for longer than that, it will be considered a success! He grabbed the grey mouse, causing it to shriek and put it in his bookbag. He left the zipper open so It wouldn't suffocate. He was about to continue to look for more animals to practice his medical ninjutsu on before having a messenger bird land on his shoulder with a message.

'Come to training ground 8 immediately. Signed Sensei Ko'

Jabie sighed. He was really looking forward to practicing more with his medical ninjutsu but disobeying a superior's orders is not a punishment he is willing to put on his record quite yet. He body flickered away towards training ground 8.


Esumi is currently engaging in combat with another genin team that was missing their sensei on this bright sunny morning in her Blue Masked Man disguise. She was fighting against Team 9 or more commonly known as Team Guy. She is fighting against the green jumpsuit boy with the weird eyebrows. His strength and speed were way faster than her's with the gravity seal on level 7. But she didn't let this hinder her, instead she thought of it as a training exercise against a far superior bodied opponent. Instead of letting her eyes track her opponent, she's attempting to feel the opponent from the changes in wind with her body.

She got hit quite a few times, draining her chakra that was fueling the transformation jutsu. Each hit takes a toil on her chakra due to keeping the transformation jutsu up. The bushy browed boy sped towards her after she took hop back and threw a spinning heel kick towards her jaw. Esumi felt the sudden rush of wind blasting at her face and swiftly ducked and slashed upwards. Her sheathe managed to crack the green genin on the back of the head. But what quickly followed was a swarm of kunai that were aiming right at her.

Esumi started to grin. This was tough with the level 7 gravity seal on, but not impossible. Although if the Hyūga "prodigy" happens to come in as well she might need to lower it. The young girl with buns in her hair continued to throw sharp items at Esumi as the green jumpsuit boy continued his assault. Esumi suffered a few cuts and bruises as a result, but finally fell into the zone. She rushed towards the girl genin while dodging and swiping away kunai and shurikens that were thrown at her with her sword's sheathe.

The weird eyebrows boy yelled "Watch out Ten-Ten!" and quickly ran towards her.

Unfortunately, he wasn't fast enough and watched as Esumi got into her guard and slam her sword sheathe into Ten-Ten's gut. Knocking her back and causing her to crash into the dirt and roll painfully away. She didn't get up afterwards. This caused the Hyūga boy to get involved and the green boy he referred to as Lee to get angry. Esumi grinned while looking battered and wounded.

Lee lifted his jumpsuit's pants legs and slowly removed the heavy looking weights on them. Neji activated his Byakugan and went into the basic gentle fist stance. Esumi lowered her gravity seal to 3 before unsheathing her sword for the first time in this fight. She motioned for them to 'Come on!' and causing Lee to disappear in a burst of wind and appear in front of Esumi. Esumi is able to react towards his speed much more easily now that her body isn't being restricted as heavily anymore by the gravity seal. She dodged his punch, causing him to look shocked before he was sent away with a kick to the chest due to his momentary distraction. Neji dashed in and appeared in front of the masked swordsman and thrusted two fingers toward his forearm. Most likely to rid him of his weapon and arm.

Esumi braced her chakra and quickly felt a thin needle-like presence cut right through it towards one of her chakra point. Esumi's arm turned numb and she used her other arm to grab her sword. She slashed towards the Hyūga who attempted to continue his assault and he aimed to strike towards her other arm while dodging the sword. Esumi kneed Neji in the chest and knocked him away after he attempted to counter-attack her sword slash. Lee followed up swiftly with a rising kick below Esumi's chin.

Esumi was starting to sweat at the constant attacks and the fact that her left arm was having trouble circulating chakra through it. She was slightly upset that she might have to use ninjutsu against these two if this continues. Esumi leaned out of the way of the foot that was heading towards her jaw and smashed her sword towards the crouching boy. He caught the blade heading towards his chest with both of his palms and sweated heavily at the close call. What he didn't notice though was the malicious smile upon the Blue Man's face.

Esumi surged lightning chakra through her blade and started to electrocute the boy. His last teammate, Neji, rushed quickly towards Lee to attack his assailant and stop the torture his teammate was going through. He threw two kunai towards the Blue Man, who in response just swayed his head left and right before continuing to shock the yelling green genin. Neji arrived and managed to stop his teammates pain by forcing Esumi to hop back from a kick.

"I guess even the famed Hyūga aren't as bad as the rumors say you are. You even came to save your weak teammate. I thought you would've waited when I was done with these two punks before you stepped in." The Blue Man said.

Neji simply ignored him and stood in front of Lee's smoking and slightly burnt body. He was barely conscious. The Byakugan user and the blue masked swordsman stood apart from each other. Staring into each other's eyes.

Esumi took a step and Neji dropped into a stance. She took another step and a slight grin was appearing on Neji's face. She took a third step forward and heard the boy say something.

"This is the end for you. You are within my range. You can't escape my technique. Gentle Fist Art: 8 Trigrams 32 Palms." Neji said while spinning towards Esumi.

"8 Trigrams 2 Palms!" He thrusted with her fingers towards Esumi. Esumi swayed her head to dodge the two deadly attacks, before hearing "4 Palms!" and dodging another two hits. "8 Palms!" She tried to hop away but the boy spun towards her and attacked her 4 times in her shoulder, chest, stomach, and arm.

Esumi was slightly freaking out. Maybe she played and underestimated the Hyūga boy a bit more than she should have. "16 Palms!" Esumi lowered her gravity seal to 0 before feeling her chakra rush back through her system. She went through some hand signs as the boy threw 8 attacks towards her. She dodged and mouthed the words "Lightning Style: Lightning Snakes Jutsu!" Tiny yellow electrical snakes phased in existence and slithered towards Neji. Neji didn't let this stop him as he continued his clan's secret technique. "32 Palms!" He aimed the rest of the finger thrusts towards the snakes and effectively got rid of them all.

"That's quite the dangerous technique you have there. I'm pretty sure if you actually landed them all, I would have been a goner!" Esumi gloats before laughing in a taunting manner.

This infuriated the Hyūga prodigy and caused him to rush towards the blue masked man in an embarrassed rage. No one has ever insulted him and got away with it. He won't let this be the first time!

Neji was about to close in on Blue Man but before he could get close enough a large yellow electrical snake erupted from the ground and swallowed him up. He yelled in pain as the snake electrocuted him painfully and caused him to convulse and shake. He heard the Blue Man laugh in ridicule as he stood over him. He gritted his teeth in anger and rage, but couldn't do anything with his body paralyzed.

"Seems like you three weren't much at all once I used ninjutsu. Your clan's techniques are pretty interesting, I might come back later with a friend to take it for ourselves." The Blue Man says before transforming into a bolt of lightning and streaking off.

As Esumi got farther and farther away she dropped her transformation partly and started to walk home. She covered her bruises and cuts using the transformation jutsu and turned back into her original appearance. As she was walking through the village, a messenger bird landed on her shoulder and with a message.

'Come to training ground 8 immediately. Signed Sensei Ko'

'He better be lifting the ban on the missions or something important or I'm gonna give him a piece of my mind.' Esumi swears before heading off towards Training ground 8.


Broly is currently at the orphanage where he grew up at. He chose to visit Akira because it has been a while since he has last seen her. He walked in to see Akira feeding a baby with a bottle in her lap. She noticed Aomatsuna walk in and her face brightened up. Aomatsuna looked away, refusing to make eye contact but had a slight smile on the corner of his lips.

"Suna-kun. You know you can smile in front of me. I know how shy you are around other people."  Akira says before putting the baby in her crib and walking over to Broly.

"I am not shy woman. I just have no need to show such a thing." Broly replies back.

"Sure you aren't Suna-kun, that's why you never look me in the eyes when you are happy." Akira says before hugging Broly and kissing him on the forehead.

Broly's face slightly reddens but he doesn't avoid it. Avoiding it would only cause it to become worse. He stared her in the eyes to prove her wrong about him being shy, unaware that she had another way to tell if he was happy or not.

"Oho so you think looking into my eyes is enough to convince me huh? I actually kept from you the real reason I know when you are happy or not Suna-kun and it'll be my secret till the grave!" Akira states triumphantly.

This made Broly start to question his every move around Akira.

Akira started to laugh as Aomatsuna started to tense up. She got behind him and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Well Suna-kun tell me what's been going on ever since you became a ninja! I know its been your dream since you were little. I was worried when I visited you in the hospital earlier this week, but I see you made a perfect recovery!"

"I have been getting stronger along with my slaves. They are proving to be much more useful than I ever would've thought."

"Are you still calling your childhood friends slaves!? You three basically grew up together. If anything, they're as much as family as you and I are Suna-kun! I better not hear you calling them that again." Akira warns.

"I will call them whatever I want woman." Broly says before immediately regretting his decision.

Akira grabbed his tail and he immediately tensed up. She started to laugh in a slow and wicked manner.

"So Suna-kun has become big and strong enough to talk back huh? I think I remember a certain detail about this cute little tail of yours." Akira says in a threatening manner.

"Fine! I won't refer to them as slaves any longer."

"Nope. I want to hear you call them family!" Akira says before pressing her thumb on Broly's tails a bit harder.

"Enough!" Broly says before turning into a super saiyan.

Akira wasn't that shocked as she's seen the boy turn blonde before in his childhood and quickly squeezed the legendary saiyan's tail as hard as she could making him groan in pain and revert back into his normal form. He kneeled on one knee as he started to breathe heavily.

"So, you do think you're strong and big enough to just ignore your lovely and beautiful Akira words of wisdom and concern and do whatever you want huh?!" Akira says yells in a whisper so she doesn't wake up some of the sleeping babies in the orphanage.

"I want you to call Jabie-kun and Esumi-chan family right this instance or face another round of punishment." Akira orders.

Broly stared at the woman who dared to harm him despite her lack of power. The bold, aggressive, strong-willed woman who raised him and never backed away in fear from the power, intelligence, and emotions he shown. Always willing to go against him and try to teach him what is right to do and wrong to do. After a couple of seconds of staring at her angry face that dared him to go against her word, he smiled. He smiled a smile that no one of this world or even his last one ever seen before. A smile of happiness. A smile produced for someone who he truly cares about. He slowly got up and hugged Akira. This surprised Akira greatly and she thought she was dreaming until she felt the squeeze of the saiyan boy. She started to tear up as the boy never hugged her on his own ever. She felt the love and care the boy was sharing towards her through this hug and hugged him back harder.

"Thank you Mother for all you've done for me. I will refer to Jabie and Esumi as family from now on. I care a great deal for you." Broly said in a soft voice.

Akira was crying a river through her eyes and soaked the young saiyan's chest and just hugged him even tighter. She never felt so happy in her life hearing the words from the tailed boy who rarely showed positive emotions that didn't go together with fighting. She sobbed and sniffled as she said,

"I love you too my little tailed son." Akira responded back.

The view of the two hugging was interrupted by a messenger bird coming in through the window and landing on Broly's shoulder. He was about to get rid of it until Akira stopped him and took out a handkerchief to wipe her face.

"See what it says. You are a ninja now, that means you have important duties to hold up! I won't get in the way of you doing your dream." Akira says with some sniffling. Broly took out the message and read it.

'Come to training ground 8 immediately. Signed Sensei Ko'

"I have to go." Broly said.

"Well then go my little ninja. Make sure to kick as much butt as possible. And be safe! Oh, and tell Esumi and Jabie to visit sometime as well!" Akira says as Aomatsuna starts to walk away.

"Goodbye Mom." Broly says in a quiet manner, but Akira heard him and smiled and almost teared up once again.

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