Brother Chen, Can You Stay Away From Me?

Chapter 31

Chapter 31 Riding a crane

Early the next morning, Chen Shaojie took office.

With the care of the boss, he directly graduated from the training class and started a happy life of high-paid white-collar workers.

Not only that, given that he has not yet started to formally cultivate and cannot freely come and go to Qingmingfeng and Qingdaifeng, the boss even gave him a car, which is an elegant crane.

“Crane… Brother Crane, can you slow down a bit, I’m afraid I can’t catch it and fall.”

Chen Shaojie was flying a crane for the first time. In order to avoid flying a crane into a flying crane, he tightened the white hair on the crane’s back and whispered to discuss the speed reduction with the crane.

When Tuoba Guoyun handed the crane to him earlier, it explained that the crane was more than 500 years old and had become a fine one. He could understand people’s words and could communicate fluently.

But what left him speechless was that his words were replaced by Crane’s ignorance, instead–

” ”

After a clear and incomparable cry, the crane suddenly accelerated, so fast that Chen Shaojie couldn’t even open his eyes, so he could only press his body against the back of the crane fearfully, not daring to move.

After a while, the crane stopped.

Chen Shaojie opened his eyes and saw that he had already reached the ground, just in front of the Yingxiu Pavilion.

Nima, I scared me to death…

Chen Shaojie’s legs were a little weak, and he couldn’t help it for a while.

He glanced at the crane full of resentment, but found that the bird was turning his head to look at him, and there was a trace of anthropomorphic jokes in those dark eyes.

is really good, this is playing me…

Seeing the appearance of this bird, Chen Shaojie suddenly felt itchy at the back of his teeth, but there was nothing to do.

The only thing he can do is to take a small notebook to write down today’s affairs, save it and find it back later.

is slowing down——

“Master Chen…Brother Chen!”

Chen Shaojie heard the familiar voice and couldn’t help turning his head to look.

I saw the chubby Wu Fulai standing in front of the gate of Yingxiu Pavilion and greeted him.

Originally because of his soft legs and feet, he wanted to slowly climb down from the back of the crane, but after seeing Wu Fulai, Chen Shaojie pressed the back of the crane vigorously, and immediately jumped up, “click”, and fell safely.

Fortunately, after the copper skin and iron bones, the body is still a little grounded. Although the landing place is not too stable, it can be regarded as standing still. It is very beautiful and neat.

“Brother Wu, you are here.”

“Don’t call me brother again, you are now a disciple of the upper courtyard, I should call you brother.”

Wu Fulai came over, looked at Chen Shaojie with envy, and looked at the crane behind Chen Shaojie, and said with emotion: “Brother Chen, this is really different now. You have fairy rides now.”

Chen Shaojie smiled freely: “This is nothing. The lord knows that my cultivation level is still shallow, so I specially let it temporarily serve as my mount for the convenience of coming and going, nothing more.”

After a slight pause, he said again: “Brother Wu, you should call me Junior Brother as before. After all, I got started later than you, Junior Brother for one day, Junior Brother for life, we don’t want to get a share.”

When Wu Fulai heard this, he was particularly moved: “I did not misunderstand the wrong person. Junior brother, you are affectionate and righteous. You won’t be like those guys in the past who would turn your face and deny you when you enter the upper courtyard.”

“Senior brother’s words are heavy.”

Chen Shaojie smiled and said modestly.

When you enter the upper court, you will get rid of the previous interpersonal network. It has to be something that can only be done when the head is clamped?

He is not such a person.

For him, the lower house is the basic board, and this must not be lost.

Of course, it is also important to get along with Wu Fulai.

turned his head, Chen Shaojie pretended to pat the crane: “You can go first, and I will call you when I need you, don’t miss it!”

Although the crane is already familiar with human nature, his understanding of pretending to be such a thing is probably still very limited, so after a somewhat curious look at Chen Shaojie, he finally yelled, fluttered his wings and took off, and quickly walked away.

Wu Fulai looked at the back of the crane, and couldn’t help but sigh with envy: “If I could have such a spiritual fairy riding on the wind like my junior brother, then I would really have no regrets in this life.”

Chen Shaojie turned around and looked at Wu Fulai with a smile: “Brother Wu, have you heard a word?”

Wu Fulai is unclear, so: “What’s the matter?”

“Hedong for ten years, Hexi for ten years, don’t bully the young to be poor.”


“Who can tell the future, Brother Wu, don’t put yourself down.”

“Junior Brother, what you said is really good, yes, I can’t put myself down, ten years in Hedong, ten years in Hexi, don’t bully the young and poor.”

“Come on, brother, let me tell you in detail what I want you to do in Yingxiu Pavilion this time.”

“Okay, brother, you say it!”


After chatting outside the Yingxiu Pavilion for a while, the two of them walked into the Yingxiu Pavilion together.

As soon as    entered the door, he experienced the peaceful scene of yesterday’s ying and yanyu accompanied by sweet laughter.

Chen Mu recalled Tuoba Guoyun’s style, and thought of Tuoba Guoyun’s instructions. He had a good example, and he stood straight at the entrance and took up his styling as soon as he entered the door.

expressionless face, the whole person feels cold and frosty, a pair of eyes glanced at the embroiderers in the workshop with the most ruthless look.

In the workshop, it suddenly became quiet.

The laughter is gone, the Yingshengyanyu is gone, and the harmony is gone.

However, the embroidered ladies did not lower their heads under Tuoba Guoyun’s gaze, as they did yesterday.

They faced Chen Shaojie’s gaze, instead they stared at Chen Shaojie’s face boldly and eagerly, and they could see that.

Chen Shaojie frowned slightly, and was about to say something. In a blink of an eye, he saw Wen Jie, the person in charge of Yingxiu Pavilion, come out and waved to him: “You are here.”

Chen Shaojie strode over, politely said: “Senior, I am Chen Shaojie, and the hall master sent me here to take charge of the rectification of the garment manufacturing process.”

“I know, Brother Guo Yun has been sent to inform me of this matter yesterday.”

Wenjie nodded and pointed to a person next to her: “This is Mr. Chu, our old man from Yingxiu Pavilion. If you need help with anything, you can ask him.”

Chen Shaojie glanced at the man, who was an old man with a white beard.

The old man is not good looking, but he has a big gourd hanging from his waist, which is very special.

On the big gourd, there is a big “wine” written, which matches his rosacea. You can tell at a glance what this person likes.

“Old Chu!”

Chen Shaojie said hello with a cold face.

“What a handsome young man!”

Old Chu talked like warm water, and said with a little drunkenness: “You look like me when I was young. Alas, years have passed. In a blink of an eye, so many years have passed, and I am really old. …”

How much do you drink, so drunk like this…

Chen Shaojie was cold, not wanting to speak.

Wen Jie probably couldn’t hear Mr. Chu’s drunken words. After introducing the person to Chen Shaojie, she took Chen Shaojie to introduce to all the embroidered women in the workshop: “This is Chen Shaojie sent by the palace owner to be in charge. From today on, he will be in the Yingxiu Pavilion. After a period of time, everyone in the cabinet must act according to his orders. Whatever he says, do it. Do you understand?”


In an instant, all the eyes of Xiuniang focused on Chen Shaojie again, and could not help whispering.

The rustling voice is full of peace.

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