Building a New World

Chapter 2851 - On the way

The latest website: The ship’s channel is confirmed and everything is normal! “

“The spacecraft energy supply is completed, everything is normal!”

“The spacecraft inspection was completed successfully, everything is normal!”

“The spacecraft’s operating position is complemented, everything is normal!”

“Pseudo light speed promotes attentiveness, everything is normal! After the detection, you can take off!”

Ding Fei, Jia Shiyan, Jia Meili, Liu Shunchen and Jia Zhengjin are in the control room, and everyone’s expression is relieved.

Next is the most important key. Everyone’s eyes fall on Liu Shunchen. After all, he is the leader of the Earth Defense Force.

Liu Shunchen clearly knew what these eyes meant, so he went to the console and said to the subordinates of the liaison desk, “Apply for takeoff clearance!”

The member of the Earth Defense Force in charge of the liaison station immediately used the contact frequency of the spacecraft to send a message to the airport: “An application for take-off clearance has been sent to the airport…”

Everyone is waiting nervously, praying constantly in their hearts, don’t make trouble.

After about two minutes, members of the liaison desk shouted with excitement: “Get permission to take off, start the spaceship! The airport track is open!”

All members of the control city immediately cheered.

“Quiet!” Liu Shunchen also had a happy face, but said immediately, “You must not let your guard down before leaving the atmosphere.”

“Yes!!” The members of the Earth Defense Force immediately calmed down and became busy.

The airport track is slowly opening up and the departure route is prepared.

The spaceship started and advanced along the track, and the engine continued to increase horsepower.

Finally, when the engine’s horsepower was maximized, the spacecraft instantly turned into a ray of light, gliding along the track and taking off upwards, drawing a large J character.

The speed of pseudo-light is very fast. When the spacecraft successfully broke through the earth’s atmosphere and successfully entered space, everyone on the ship made an uncontrollable laugh.

They did it! Everyone successfully escaped from the earth, this is an unimaginable success!

Even Ding Jiao and her two daughters, including Liu Shunchen, are the same.

“Sister-in-law, we have succeeded!” Facing Ding Wei, Liu Shunchen said excitedly, “I never thought that I could escape from the Hazavi Imperial Army in such a fair and honest way with their spaceship!”

“Yes!” Ding Fei said with emotion, “I didn’t expect it.”

“It’s just a pity the resources of the secret base!” Liu Shunchen sighed.

“Don’t worry! The Hazavi Empire is afraid that it will be difficult to find our secret base,” Ding said. “Maybe we will return to Earth Day and the base is still there.”

“That’s true.” Liu Shunchen nodded.

“Thanks to the second brother!” Jia Meili ran excitedly to Jia Zhengjin and took his hand. “If it weren’t for him, we wouldn’t be able to escape. Now we can go to Neptune to meet our younger brother, and our family can finally reunite. Since We are worried every day that we are separated from our second brother and younger brother.”

“Beauty!” Jia Shiyan walked over and looked at Jia Zhengjin. “Although everyone was saved, I still have doubts about his identity. No matter how a person is, the change cannot be so great!”

Ding Fei also came over and stood in front of Jia Zhengjin and said to him: “You said it was my second son, but I can’t feel the shadow of your second son at all. This is not explained by the words amnesia! We have successfully escaped from the earth, and we should make it clear face to face. If you are really the second child, as a mother, I need to know why it is so now; if you are not, I also hope to get the exact answer. For example, who are you, the real old Where is the second?”

“Yes, I care too!” Liu Shunchen came over and said, “You can be sure that you are not an enemy, but even I feel that you are not similar to the second nephew you know.”

Listening to my mother, sister and uncle Liu saying this, although Jia Mei did not let go of Jia Zhengjin’s hand, she looked up at him and asked in a low voice: “You… are you my second brother?”

Facing everyone’s doubts, Jia Zhengjin did not answer directly, but said to them: “It’s unclear here. After reaching Neptune and the light fleet, make sure to repel the Hazavi Imperial Army and explain to you! In vernacular, you can’t believe it anyway. Hours before arrival, it’s best to rest and recuperate apart from the members of the spacecraft. Wait until Neptune and say there will be no new battles.”

“New battle?” Liu Shunchen looked at him puzzled.

“Before we arrived on Earth, the Light Fleet was being attacked by Neptune’s Hazavi Empire Army, holding on to the Omega base to resist it. Of course, with Nuwa and Alien Technology, repelling them is not a problem. It’s just that I’m not sure What is the situation over there in such a short period of time. It is best if the battle is over and you can directly enter the Omega base. If you are still in battle, we must also see the situation clearly. If there are too many enemy troops, we will avoid the edge. Find a place to hide. If the battle is nearing the end, you can join the battle. In short, the top priority is to merge with the Light Fleet and combine the power. By the way, don’t forget to temporarily change the docking point before arriving at Neptune. The default is the Alpha base. That’s the enemy’s base camp. If you don’t change to Omega, you will just get out of the wolf den and enter the tiger’s den.

Hearing this, everyone looked at each other.

“I need to take a break,” he looked around and turned around. “I’ll discuss other things after I arrive.”

See Jia Zhengjin leave the control room and follow the passage to the lounge. Liu Shunchen turned to Ding Jiao: “Sister-in-law, what do you think?”

“I’ll say it again!” Ding Wei’s eyes fell on the surveillance screen, staring all the way to the lounge, Jia Zhengjin, who disappeared after opening the door, turned his head and said to him, “Shunchen, why don’t you go to rest for a while, I’m watching here Writing.”

“No, no!” Liu Shunchen hurriedly shook his head. “Sister-in-law, your mother and daughter are going to rest, and give it to me here. It’s just a few hours, it doesn’t matter to me.”

“you sure?”

“Okay! You take two nieces to rest first.”

“That You have worked hard!” Ding Wei nodded gratefully. “Remember to change the docking point before arriving, don’t enter the enemy base camp.”

“Relax, I’m not so confused.” Liu Shunchen nodded and answered.

“Shiyan, beauty, let’s take a break too.” Ding Wei greeted the two daughters, then turned to Liu Shunchen, “That… Shunchen!”

“Yes, is there anything else with your sister-in-law?” Liu Shunchen asked quickly and respectfully.

“That’s it! I take a short break for an hour or two here, and then come back to change you!” Ding said.

“No sister-in-law! I will inform you before Neptune.”

“It’s okay! I’ll come over for you after sleeping for two hours. You should be very tired. When Neptune might fight again, as the leader of the Earth Defense Force, you must keep a clear head!”

“Okay, then I thank the sister-in-law first!”

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