Building An Army In Another World With My Smartphone

Chapter 4

I woke up the following day, not wanting to leave the most comfortable bed ever, but I probably had things that I needed to do.

The whole mansion was empty, so I went to the kitchen and ate some of yesterday's minotaur meat. Of course, it tasted just as good.

After that, I went straight to the command centre; however, I saw Ayumi rushing out as soon as I arrived.

"Supreme Command, I'm glad your here. There is an emergency!"

"Okay, let's go now!"

I hurried to my place in the central command room and looked at what was displayed on the screen.

Many minotaurs were standing outside a cave as if they were guarding it. The minotaurs seem to be communicating by sounds of grunting and growls. 

But that was not caught my interest. There were people bound in various ways going into the caves guarded by the minotaurs. Their clothes were tattered and bloody.

They seemed to be captured by the minotaurs, and for what reason, I do not want to know. They all looked depressed, with no light in their eyes. 

"Ayumi, how far out is this place, and how quick can we mobiles combat units. We are going to rescue those hostages."

"The minotaur camp is about 9 kilometres out, and I have already recalled all the combat units except the one at the scene. Supreme Commander, I would like to make a selfish request."

"What is it?"

"It would be an honour if you allowed to me take command of this mission; I would like to show you my capabilities."

"Very well, I shall entrust you with command. Use whatever you need, do make sure that the hostage is safe. This is not an extermination mission but a hostage rescue, understood?"

"Understood, I will not fail!"

I sat back and watched Ayumi. To be honest, I was kind of happy that she took over since I don't think I have any experience coordinating a hostage rescue mission.

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Third-person POV

"Combat units 1 to 30 assemble by the hanger; the rest are to stay and defend the base." Ayumi ordered, "Command staff! Contact the hanger, and tell them to prepare the chinooks. We need four of the medical units to go with them as well. I want to take off in ten minutes now!"

"Understood!" replied the command staff.

This was not only Ayumi's first mission but the first mission ever. Ayumi did not only need to complete the mission; she needed to impress the Supreme Commander. 

Her only goal was to serve the Supreme Commander, her creator and her master. Less than half an hour, the chinooks arrived, hovering over the camp. 

"Chinooks take out all the enemies outside the target location with the guns. Make sure hostages are not endangered."

The chinooks opened fire, and all the outside minotaurs were obliterated. The combat units then repelled down the ropes to secure the area and advanced into the cave. Whilst five units stayed behind to guard the chinooks.

Several minotaurs came outside to see the disturbance, but they were taken down within seconds. All that was left were the ones in the cave.

They continued to advance when they arrived at the main area where the hostages were held. There were only ten minotaurs left. However, the primary mission was to rescue the hostages. Ten combat units advanced, each firing and taking down a minotaur, all at once.

"Command, this is unit 8; hostages are secure."

"Copy that, prepare-"

Coming from the furthest part of the cave, a beastly roar bellowed throughout the cave. All the hostages quivered in fear as loud thudding soon followed. 

"Command, this unit 8 unknown creature has been detected. How would you like us to proceed?"

"Continue to rescue the hostages and escort them to the chinooks outside."


Five of the units went to release the hostages whilst the rest kept watch. The loud thudding came closer and then stopped.

"This is unit 12 unknown creature has been sighted, preparing to engage."

Coming out of the darkness was a minotaur that was twice as big, and so was the axe it wielded. It roared and prepared to charge forward.

The combat units all opened fire at once. But, the bullets did not penetrate its thick skin at all. It was enough to keep it busy, as it was blocking its vulnerable areas, such as its eyes.

"Command, this is unit 4. All fifty-seven hostage has been released and being escorted out. Boarding is being proceeded."

"All units still fighting being to retreat to the chinooks. Unit 4 and others prepare cover-fire for the retreating units."

""Roger that!""

From the outside perspective, ten units were aiming at the cave entrance. As soon as the retreating units were seen, followed by the giant minotaur, they began to fire.

At best, it did slow it down slightly. However, its speed was still pretty frightening. The units quickly boarded the chinooks; they took off as soon as the last unit boarded.

The minotaur threw its axe, which grazed the rear end of one of the chinooks. But the chinook continued to fly away with minor dents to the door. 

"Command, this is unit 8; hostages have been rescued, there are no casualties." 

"Job well done, return to base."

I watched the mission being carried out as if it was a game or a movie. However, I knew that real human lives were at stake. That's why it was a rescue mission. 

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