
Chapter 985 Extra Story Hall of Fame Speech

Chapter 985 Extra Story Hall of Fame Speech


Springfield, Massachusetts

Hall of Fame scene.

The live host stood on the stage, the lights dimmed, and someone's highlights began to play on the big screen.

For these players who are active in the league today, this person is all too familiar.

"Now, let's look back at White Wolf's career."

"9 championships, 6 regular season MVPs, 6 finals MVPs, 4 All-Star MVPs, 16 best team selections, 17 best defensive team selections, career cumulative data reached 40000+10000+ 10000 and these, for him, are only a small part of his career."

"Welcome them with applause!"

Bai Jidong who was sitting in the middle stood up.

It's been five years since he last put on a jersey and he still looks young.

He didn't get fat because of his retirement, and he was still active on the front line.

This moment belonged to him, he hugged Jordan, Rodman, Pippen and others, and then went on stage with them.

After he took the stage, the on-site staff moved four chairs to the forefront, but these four chairs did not belong to anyone.

"Thank you!"

Bai Jidong said, "Before I start my speech, I would like to thank four people: Eddie Griffin, Adolph Kenzad, Larry Sanders, Jerry Krause, It's a pity they can't sit here"

The applause at the scene interrupted Bai Jidong.

"Hopefully I can make them proud."

"First of all, I would like to thank the NBA officials, David Stern and Adam Silver, you let my talent bloom in the NBA"

"Secondly, I would like to thank the Hall of Fame Committee. Being selected into the Hall of Fame is a great recognition for me."

Bai Jidong was silent for a few seconds, and suddenly, he said: "When I received the notification from the Hall of Fame Committee, they told me that I needed a recommender, and they had to be members of the Hall of Fame. You all know that a great player like me , there must be a lot of people who want to be my referees, but I didn't expect that the three of them would ask me to write their names on the referees."

The laughs came fast tonight.

"Honestly speaking, this was really a difficult decision. In the end, I still couldn't get rid of the three of them, so I had no choice but to agree to them reluctantly. This is how today's scene came about."

Facing Bai Jidong's teasing, the Iron Triangle of Bulls back then could only smile back at him at this moment, he couldn't beat him up on stage, could he?Today is his big day.

"Let's get started, I've played 22 years in the NBA, I've met so many people, so many people to thank."

"First of all I would like to thank my high school coach - Coach Dean Emeno."

The applause came again.

"Where are you?"

At this time, the camera is aimed at a white-haired old man on the left.

Li Xing nodded to him: "I never knew why coach Emeno would let me play the power forward in the team. I thought he didn't believe in my ability, I thought he couldn't see my talent, but then it happened You've seen everything, if Coach Emeno hadn't put me in the power forward position, 20 years later, I wouldn't be able to play power forward in the Finals and kick Drummond's ass-sorry, De I love you so much, Lamond, and this is the last time I will mention it."

Laughter filled the audience again.

"I would also like to thank my good brothers Hu Chang and Lin Yi. In the eyes of many people, they are the president of Inu, who changed the modern Internet, but do you know? They also indirectly changed the history of the NBA——27 In the summer when I was young, because of an accidental opportunity, they took me to the Berto Center to play basketball, so I met the person who changed my life-John Manoski.”

Applause and shouts interrupted Bai Jidong's speech again.

"Since then, I have believed in fate, but none of this would have happened without you, thank you."

"Now no one will remember what a bad shooter I was." Li Xing once again caused the audience to laugh, "But I have to remind you that in my rookie season, I was very good outside the penalty area. The shooting percentage is 19%. You must know that I will not take shots except for open shots, that is to say, I have delivered such good results under the condition that every ball is guaranteed to be open shots.”

Bai Weidong had a smile on his face, and there was constant laughter at the scene.

"Michael gave up on me, Dennis gave up on me, Scott spent two months trying to get me to give up shooting, and everyone was telling me I'd never be able to practice shooting, and just when I was about to give up, That amazing man—Ju Buechler stabbed me so hard in the shooting contest, I lost to him countless times, invited him to dinner countless times, watched him triumphantly pick up the ball on the ground countless times Demonstrated to me, he got my spirits up, I swore I was going to work on my shot, so I became the best shooter ever, sorry Steph, I didn't mean it to you."

At the beginning, some people had a premonition that Bai Jidong's speech would last for a long time. He is a gifted speaker, good at mobilizing the atmosphere of the scene, and he would make everyone laugh after every sentence.

"I joined the Bulls at the age of 18. At that time, I was young and young. Young people are always ambitious and arrogant. I can't listen to Michael's teachings. Fortunately, there is Luke Langley."

"When Michael curses at him, that's what he does"

Bai Weidong vividly acted like Langley was being scolded, "We never expected Luke to dominate the game like Shaquille O'Neal and Hakeem Olajuwon, but he worked hard every night. Give sincerely, be scolded with an innocent face, let me know what a good player, an excellent role player, and a player who is beneficial to the team should be, thank you, Luke."

In the audience, Lang Li, who had already become obese, smiled and nodded.

"Ron, I wanted to apologize to you here, after all, I took your starter away."

Bai Jidong said suddenly.

Hubble was laughing.

The people at the scene were booing.

"But I thought about it later, I saved you; because I replaced your starter, you don't have to be scolded by Michael, you don't have to wipe Scott's ass, and you don't have to worry about those messy things on the field, you How easy is it to just take Steve and their second team that slaughter opponents? And I, I was only 19 years old and I had to take orders from these brutal middle-aged people on the court every day, I shouldn't I apologize to you, I saved you."

"However, I should thank you more. When Phil decided to make me a starter and you informed me about it, I will always remember what you said to me."

"You said I deserved it, you were smiling and sincere, I didn't know how much you sacrificed for it at the time, but I knew it after many years, and I also knew that a good player should be willing Sacrifice and dedication, these things are not enough to talk about, you have to act, thank you."

"Dennis, I have praised so many people, you must be waiting impatiently."

"I bet you just said it in your mind at least a hundred times "Why didn't you say me?" ", now it's your turn."

Bai Jidong looked at Rodman and said with a smile, "First of all, thank you for training so many good players for China."

There was applause.

"What is the first impression that many people have when they see Dennis? Crazy? Evil? Bastard? Any negative words you can think of seem to apply to him. We are used to judging people by their appearance. Now I want to let you know what the real Dennis is like. of."

"He's a jerk, he never disappoints, when you need him to stand up for you, he does it; when you need him to grab a rebound for you, he'll do it; You need a big brother who will stand in front of you and make the one who wants to hurt you pay the price."

Bai Jidong said: "I will never forget that game in 1998. A rebound flew out of bounds. That rebound was irrelevant. I gave it up, but Dennis jumped out behind me. His Body parallel to the floor, he catches the rebound and throws it to me, and I repeat, that rebound doesn't matter."

"I asked him at the time, why did he fight so hard?"

"he told me."

"Without that, basketball wouldn't be interesting at all."

Bai Jidong no longer had a smile on his face, and he looked at Rodman respectfully: "Dennis, that moment changed me forever, thank you."

After the applause subsided, Bai Jidong said: "For a long time, I didn't like being called Jordan's successor, but I enjoyed being called Pippen II."

"All I have to say is that I really like the review and that's exactly what I was trying to do in the first place."

"Scott is very silent. Maybe he realizes that his voice is too robot-like, or he is a robot, so he talks as little as possible in order to hide his identity. Who knows? He is as cold as a robot when defending. This matter I knew it when preseason training camp started in 1995."

"In Scott, I discovered the importance of defense. From then on, defense is my life, defense is my philosophy, I can give up anything on the court, but I will never give up defense. "

"That's what Scott taught me."

"Thank you."

Bai Jidong waited for the applause to subside, and continued: "I was wondering whether to skip Michael directly, after all, the time with him was not very good, but I thought about it carefully, since he has become My Hall of Fame recommender, then I will only praise him for once, against my will."

"From the day I joined training camp, Michael was testing me. He wanted to know what I had to be with the Bulls. He wanted to know what Jerry valued in me. He wanted to know if I was good enough to follow him. What happened later, I think I should have his approval."

Speaking of this, Bai Jidong took a special look at him, as if he still wanted to confirm.

The old hooligan gave him a supercilious look.

"He challenged me every day, every day he didn't want to break me, the most vicious sarcasm, trash talk and even swearing you can think of, I heard it from his mouth every day. That's why I became so mean. Really, all of this is thanks to him, those who hate me because of trash talk, in fact, you should hate Michael, those who are close to red and black are close to ink, this is the original sin."

"However, as the greatest player of all time, I had the honor of playing alongside him in the first few years of my career. It is undoubtedly a blessing from God. He taught me a lot and most importantly, he taught me how to be a winner. .”

"Rough defense couldn't beat him, brutal fouls couldn't knock him down, not even the flu could keep him from hitting that last shot in Salt Lake City, and even with no help, he played something I remember in '98. The game of my life is that he let me know that only by falling into hell can one enter heaven."

"Thank you, Michael."

Only then did everyone realize that it took nearly 10 minutes for Bai Jidong to finish talking about the bull.
No, it's not over yet.

"Tracey, are you there?"

Bai Jidong couldn't see clearly on stage, but everyone in the audience knew where Mai Di was sitting.

They looked together and pointed out the direction for Bai Jidong.

"Many people are feeling, what would happen if we didn't separate? In fact, this is a meaningless feeling, because we all want to be a player like Michael, and I lost to you in the competition, so I can only go to Apolis, In that place that changed my life, I proved myself and I proved that Jerry made the wrong decision, and I am very proud of that."

There were laughter, applause, and McGrady's awkward smile.

"If you want to watch my game, you'll see me play a lot of good games, win a lot of victories, and you'll see Kevin Garnett, and the championships we won together."

The cheers and applause reached the top for the first time tonight.

Timberwolves, like OK, are two combinations that cannot be avoided in the first decade of the 21st century.

Those four won nine championships in that decade.

"I went to Apolis in frustration, and I was melted by KG's enthusiasm. He was very enthusiastic. It was a sense of destiny. I knew that he and I would fit together and we would keep winning. Here, I Thank him and apologize to him."

"Sorry, I should have been tougher. When you have problems, I should have stood firm by your side. That way a lot of things wouldn't have happened. I'm really sorry!"

Garnett made a gesture to Bai Jidong from a distance that he often makes.

"I still miss those three years, the games we won together, I will always miss it."

"In America, the name Michael is as common as tacos in the breakfast room."

"It was Michael Olowokandi who showed me that not everyone named Michael is a jerk."

"He is humorous, he is selfless, he is very romantic, he likes to write a diary, he is the starting center of that great Timberwolves dynasty, he should not be remembered as a symbol of parallel imports, he is worth a thousand dollars to us, he has played in countless Blocked the opponent's center for me and KG at night, Olo, thank you."

"The first player to blow me up on the field is Anfernee Hardaway. He is sitting there now. Please give him some applause."

Li Xing found Penny's location.

The applause at the scene was dedicated to Penny, whose figure has been completely out of shape.

"From then on, I felt that Penny and I had a special connection with each other. Later, we became teammates. His words and deeds on the court were an example for everyone. His presence brought us together. Everyone Every successful team needs a penny, and he's the teammate everyone needs."

"I would like to thank Penny for helping me over the years and wish you all the best at Memphis."

Bai Jidong glanced around.

As the others applauded, he thought about the next name in his head.

He didn't have a speech, which he had decided from the very beginning, and he would say whatever came to his mind.

"Many years ago in Apolis, there were two people whose enthusiasm could warm the cold Mingzhou. One was KG and the other was Wayne Simien."

"When I want to be lazy on the court, I will look to Wayne. His enthusiasm and his dedication to the game will give me a shot in the arm. With such a guy as a teammate, no one can be lazy."

"He's here today too, thank you, man."

"I carry a lot of glory on me. It's not fair. There are many people in the great Timberwolves who are as great as me. Wayne is just one of them. I will not forget them-Roko Ukic, Dow Greg Christie, Theo Ratliff, Joe Smith."

Bai Jidong named twenty names in one breath.

"Of course, and Bern Medved."

When Bai Jidong mentioned this name, many people shouted.

But more people are regretful.

This name used to have too many possibilities.

"In Bourne, I can see the word strong. Few people have suffered more than him. He could have had a better career. His existence can even prevent the birth of a small ball, but Apo Ro took him."

"It was you who let me know that an indomitable man will never be knocked down by injury, nor will he be at the mercy of fate. No matter how many times it knocks you down, you will stand up; it is you who let me know that we are destined to have We don't have to escape from suffering, we just need to face it!"

"Thank you, Bourne."

Off the court, Medved patted his chest lightly.

"Bonu, where are you?"

Bai Jidong asked suddenly.

Someone pointed out the direction for Bai Jidong.

Not long ago, Vashabek signed a two-year contract with the Timberwolves.

Now he is 36 years old. As an NBA veteran, he is destined to die in Mingzhou as a generation of stars.

"When I decided to return to Chicago, Bonu was the first to know about it, and he resolutely left with me in spite of my objections."

"I didn't want to say it at the time, but I was very happy that he said that, because I knew that without him, I couldn't beat Golden State, and it turned out that I really needed him."

The applause interrupted Bai Jidong.

"He's a sponge, he doesn't have very good basic skills, but he is willing to spend countless hours practicing hard to master the skills, he is improving every year, he will take the initiative to apply to defend LeBron James, and he will also go from head to toe There's nothing he won't do as long as he can help the team win, and he's my Scottie Pippen."

"Sorry, Scott."

Bai Jidong turned around and made a face at Pi Peng.

"Bonu, you once told me that you will never repay my help to you in your life."

"No, you are wrong."

"Your performance is far beyond imagination. When I first met you, I didn't know that you would become like this. Your progress is beyond my imagination. Without you, there would be no Timberwolves standing at the top of the West all the year round. You and I Hand in hand for 13 seasons, in these 13 years, you have helped me far more than I have helped you, every honor I have received has your name engraved on the back, without you, I would not be where I am today Achievement."

"Bonu, thank you."

"I've played under a lot of great coaches, great Phil Jackson, Larry Sanders, but also Kurt Rambis, Fred Hoiberg, Tim Floyd Except, of course, Bill Cartwright."

When Bai Weidong carefully slandered Cartwright, people who were familiar with that period of history burst into barbell-like laughter.

"Next, I have to thank a few people."

"Maggie, thank you for supporting me, whether as a player or as an assistant coach of the Lakers, you have given me more help than others imagined, thank you."


The booing sound interrupted Bai Jidong.

"I'll never forget that rookie challenge, and I'm sure you won't either, we were young and we both thought we were the best players in the world, you kept your bet, I have a lot of respect for you, and we went on I have played many games, I have won, you have won too, fortunately we have all proved ourselves, thank you for the confrontation and pressure you brought me!"

"Tim Duncan."

Bai Jidong began to thank his opponents back then, from Kobe, Duncan, to James and Durant, many of them.

"Great players not only have to play great games, but also have great opponents. It is you who made it all, thank you."

"When I'm successful, I'm never satisfied."

"Why? Because I have achieved all the successes in Minnesota, and these feats should have been achieved in Chicago. My heart is full of regrets."

"So I decided to go back. This is why I left Mingzhou in the summer of 2016. I want to go back and make a final fight. In the end, I did this with a group of young people who are competitive. I have no regrets."

Bai Jidong stood and enjoyed the applause of the audience.

"I'm sorry it took me so long, even though I took so much time, there are still many people whose names are not mentioned, my career is too long, 22 years, few people can play for such a long time, If someone took a time machine to 1995 and told me I was going to be in the NBA for 22 years, I would punch him in the face and tell him: No way!"

"Those names I have read, and those names I have not read, I am extremely honored to be able to stand side by side with you in this life!"

"Finally, I have two more things."

"I have a question to answer and an announcement to make."

Bai Jidong glanced at Jordan: "Since I retired, no matter what I do or where I go, people always ask me: You or MJ, who is greater?"

The booing followed.

Bai Jidong smiled: "I swear I will only answer this once."

"I don't want to compare the winners with honors, and I don't want to win or lose with statistics."

"When I became a Bull, I was just an 18-year-old kid. I was like a blank slate, looking forward to the NBA. Michael taught me a good lesson."

"He made me realize how cruel this league is."

"It was him who pushed me day and night for three years in a row to make me a player who strived for the top."

"It was his constant scolding from morning to night that kept me from those wrong detours."

"It was he who used one great game after another to let me know what a great player should be like."

"When I carry the weight of a team on my shoulders like Michael did, I always feel the pressure, sometimes it's hard to breathe. But when I look back at what Michael did, when I think about the words he said to me, I know that there is only one road ahead of me."

"Don't retreat one step, go forward, this is what I should do."


Bai Jidong turned his face and looked at Jordan: "Me or MJ, who is greater? If I were to answer, my answer is: giving is greater than taking."

The shouts and applause reached the climax tonight.

Bai Jidong met Qiao Dan's eyes.

With a slight smile on Jordan's mouth, he nodded slightly.

"Finally, I want to announce one thing."

"Our family is about to welcome our fifth child."

Everyone was about to applaud when Li Xing interrupted them.

Bai Jidong's eyes turned to the family members in the front row.

"First of all I would like to apologize to my family."

"I'm sorry, I'm often not by your side, I'm not a good father, I didn't give you the company you need most."

"But I hope I can inspire you, Lingyun, Huanhuan, Xiaojun. When I was your age, I had nothing and no hope. At that time, I couldn't imagine standing here decades later, for my The first half of your life will be a commendation meeting. No matter what difficulties you encounter in the future, I will support you from behind; if you want to talk to someone, I will be the best listener."

"Chu Meng, in my heart, you are the greatest woman in the world."

"I'm not a good husband, I've done a lot of wrong things, you support me, you care for me, you care about me, you help me, I may never pay back, but I'm healthy , I am also very young, I am only 45 years old, I believe I can live to 100 years old, I will use my remaining 55 years to care about you, love you, just like you did to me."

Finally, his eyes fell on Taylor.

"Liv, thank you for your dedication over the years. You are one of the most important women in my life. When our little princess is born, I will let her and Bender see a perfect father."

"I am about to start a new chapter in my life, and I will be a better father and a better husband starting today."

The people at the scene dropped their jaws in shock.

Tyler covered his mouth, unable to believe his ears.

In front of the whole world, that man ruined the image he had worked so hard for for 45 years, and broke out a huge scandal.

There was an uproar at the scene.

The outside world has noticed the relationship between Bai Jidong and Taylor, but everyone pretended to be ignorant, but today, he personally unveiled the fig leaf to let everyone know about it.

"Thank you, this is the end of my speech."

Bai Jidong turned around, hugged Jordan, Pippen, Rodman and others, and then entered the Hall of Fame.

Watching him go away, Jordan said with emotion: "This guy really didn't leave any regrets."

With a smile on his face, Bai Jidong came to his family, hugged Chu Meng with his left hand, and Taylor with his right hand. He was very aware of the consequences of doing so, but he had nothing to lose.

In this way, Bai Jidong, the white wolf, left his speech in the Hall of Fame, bringing countless people's tributes and controversies, and said goodbye to his era and the era ruled by him.

(End of this chapter)

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