Burning Moscow

Chapter 1708

Chapter 1707 Hide from the sky

When Trikov and Pozharsky were studying where the heavy artillery battalion should be deployed, Vladimirov said to me regretfully: “If General Katukov’s tank army is transferred away, we will take it. The siege operations that come down will become extremely difficult.”

I heard Vladimirov say this and didn’t say a word, but I was saying in my heart: This is Zhukov’s idea, and no one can change his decision, not even the Supreme Commander himself.

Vladimirov said unwillingly: “If all the tank troops are concentrated in the north, it will become crowded over there. As long as we leave us with even one tank army, it will not be able to conquer the city. It can also play an important role.”

I stared at the map in front of him for a while, and saw that the east side of Berlin was filled with countless red arrows. I carefully identified the units represented by these arrows, and saw that there were already four units of the Guards Mechanized 1st Corps, the 2nd Guards Tank Corps, and the 9th and 11th Tank Corps in that direction. The general’s tank guards were transferred there. It was a bit too much.

I decided to go back to the front army headquarters to see if Zhukov could be persuaded to let him keep Katukov’s tank army and continue to assist us in the attack on Berlin. Thinking of this, I quickly raised my head and said to Cui Kefu: “General Cui Kefu, I need to return to the front headquarters immediately.”

“Immediately return to the front army headquarters?” Cui Kefu was confused by my words. He looked at me and asked in a puzzled manner: “Is there any sudden incident?”

“That’s not true.” I patted the map with my hand, and replied: “Look, see how many tank troops have been assembled in the northeast of Berlin, and then transfer General Katukov’s tank army over. , It would become too crowded there. So I’m going to meet with Comrade Marshal to see if I can persuade him to let him keep General Katukov’s tank army.”

My words were exactly what Cui Kefu wanted, so he quickly arranged the vehicle and sent someone to **** me back to the front army headquarters.

When I walked into the headquarters, I saw Zhukov sitting behind the desk looking down at something, while the military commissioner Terekin was standing beside him, talking to him with a smile on his face.

Seeing me appearing in the headquarters, Zhukov’s face showed a puzzled expression: “Lida, why are you back?”

“Comrade Marshal,” thinking that Katukov’s tank army would soon be transferred, and time is running out, I did not greet Zhukov, but said straightforwardly: “I want to ask you to let General Katukov The tank group army stayed because once they went north, the 8th Guards Army’s siege power would be weakened.”

“Did you say this, or did Cui Kefu let you say it?” Zhukov asked with a bit of displeasure.

“I said, Comrade Marshal.” I replied confidently: “Currently there are three tank corps and one mechanized corps in the north of the city. If the tank group army of General Katukov is added, the road there It will become crowded. In the end, only a few tanks can participate in the battle, and most of the tanks are blocked on the road.”

“Nonsense,” Zhukov was so angry that I slapped the table and stood up and pointed at me: “Don’t you know that there are two rivers south of Berlin, and our tank troops can’t use them? The reason why I transferred them all To the north, because the streets in this direction are spacious, which is conducive to the deployment of our tank troops.”

Hearing Zhukov’s words, I was speechless. I only considered that when Cuikov’s troops were attacking, without the support of tanks, it would be extremely difficult to attack the fortress, but I did not expect that there would be two in the south of the city river. I inadvertently lowered my head and saw a stack of photos on Zhukov’s table. The photos were of several tanks.

I tilted my head for a moment, and then asked tentatively: “Comrade Marshal, is this an American tank?”

“Yes, Lida.” Before Zhukov could answer, Terekin next to him rushed to answer: “It’s an American M4 Sherman tank.”

I stretched out my hand to spread out the stack of photos. The photos now show almost all of these tanks, and I asked curiously: “Comrade Military Commissioner, where were these photos taken?”

Terekin glanced at Zhukov with a serious expression and replied with a smile: “Where else can I be, of course it is in the northeast of Berlin.”

“In the northeast of Berlin?” When Terekin said this, my eyes widened in surprise: “Could it be that the American army has rushed to the northeast of Berlin?”

“What American army? This is our own army.” Zhukov sat down in his seat, looked up at me and said dissatisfied: “You are still the deputy commander of the front army, even the first commanded by General Krivošein 1 The mechanized army, which is all equipped with American Sherman tanks, is unknown.”

Although I was criticized by Zhukov, a good idea suddenly appeared in my mind, and I hurriedly asked: “Comrade Marshal, I don’t know where the troops of General Krivaschein are now?”

“They are near the northeastern suburbs of Berlin and are advancing towards the northern suburbs.” Zhukov asked me puzzledly after introducing the situation: “Lida, what are you asking about this?”

“Comrade Marshal, I have a good idea to let our troops rush into the city streets of Berlin as soon as possible.”

“What’s the idea?” Zhukov suddenly became interested when he heard me say this. He sat upright, looked at me and asked impatiently: “Hurry up and listen.”

“According to the latest information we have, the German defense in the west has been defeated by Britain and the United States, and the Allied forces are advancing towards Berlin.” I saw Zhukov agree with this statement, so I boldly continued. : “Since the German troops have been instructed to make way for the Allies, why don’t we use this to make a fuss?”

“To make a fuss, how do you make a fuss?” Zhukov was confused by my words.

“Since General Krivaschein’s troops are equipped with American tanks, why don’t we let them pretend to be American troops and advance to Berlin?” I solemnly suggested to Zhukov: “The Germans may They treat them as real American troops, and that way, they will give way and allow them to enter the city of Berlin unimpeded.”

“The solution is a good solution.” Zhukov did not object to my proposal, but he did not agree to it immediately. He said with some worry: “But where can we find so many U.S. uniforms in a hurry?”

“Comrade Marshal, I don’t think the uniform is needed at all. Even if we want to make it now, it’s too late.” I continued to explain my thoughts to Zhukov: “It’s better to put the US military’s mark on the leading tanks and insert the two sides. American flag. Maybe the Germans will take the initiative to clear the way for them when they see the emergence of the first mechanized guards.”

Ma Lining, who had just walked in from outside, also heard my proposal. Seeing Zhukov’s hesitation, he persuaded him: “Comrade Marshal, I think Lida’s idea is good. We only need to order General Krivaschein’s troops to move north, and go around to the north of Berlin with great fanfare. The city enters. When the Germans see the American flag on our tank, they will definitely treat our troops as American troops, so that we have the opportunity to enter the city without blood.”

Malinin’s words made Zhukov made up his mind. He thought about it, then nodded and said decisively: “Well, let’s take a risk and let the First Guards Mechanized Army pretend to be the U.S. Army and march into the city of Berlin.” After seeing Malinin recording his order and preparing to leave, he stopped him again and added, “General Bogdanov’s Guards Tank 2nd Corps continued to follow Berlin’s ring road to the northern suburbs as planned. Drive in.”

As the order was issued, Krivošein’s troops continued to march towards being, while urgently making a few American flags, and altering the leading tanks into the marks of the US military. After traveling ten kilometers north, they turned around and went west again, and after making a circle, they rushed to the northern suburbs of Berlin.

Facing the 2nd Guards Corps approaching along the road, the Germans made a tenacious defense. The soldiers hid on both sides of the road full of obstacles and used anti-tank guns or Faust anti-tank grenades to attack our tanks advancing along the road. Although most of these enemies were wiped out by the infantry following the tanks, a few tanks were unfortunately hit and were parked in the middle of the road and burned.

The German troops facing the defense from the north, hearing the sound of guns coming from the northeastern suburbs, also increased their vigilance, fearing that the Soviet army would turn around from the north. At this moment, there was a huge roar of tank motives from the north, and the German colonel who was standing on the ground quickly raised his binoculars and looked in the direction where the sound came from.

He saw a long column of tanks approaching his defensive section along the intercity highway north of Berlin. When he was about to order soldiers to prepare for battle, someone next to him suddenly shouted: “It’s an American, it’s an American tank.”

The colonel quickly and carefully observed the approaching tank. It was indeed a Sherman tank of the U.S. Army, and the two tanks in front were missing the U.S. flag. Although he knew that his superior had given the order to open the passage to the United Kingdom and the United States, he still called the City Defense Command.

As soon as the phone was connected, he hurriedly said: “Please find Mr. City Defense Commander!”

The correspondent who answered the phone said impatiently: “The commander of the city defense is very busy now. If you have anything, just talk.

“We have a tank unit coming from the north facing our defensive position. Judging from their equipment, it looks like an American armored unit.” The colonel asked cautiously: “I want to ask the city defense commander if it will open up for them. aisle.”

Hearing that the U.S. military was coming from the north of Berlin, the new city defense commander Weidlin felt very strange. Hearing that the U.S. military was still hundreds of kilometers away to the west, how did it arrive in the northern suburbs of Berlin in no time. Thinking of this, he had to personally talk to the colonel of the current U.S. tank to figure out what was going on.

He asked into the microphone, “Colonel, are there really any U.S. tanks in your place?”

“Yes, the commander of the city defense commander.” The colonel was originally Weidlin’s subordinate. He heard the voice of his immediate superior, and quickly and respectfully said: “A tank unit came from the highway in the north. I looked carefully. They were all American Sherman tanks, and the American flags were inserted on the bodies of the several tanks in front. You can’t go wrong, they must be the armored units of the U.S. Army.”

“Strange, why did they come so fast?” Weidlin thought about this headache again, because he couldn’t figure out why the American armored forces came so fast.

However, before he could come up with a clue, the colonel in charge of the defense of the north of the city urged on the phone: “Your Excellency Commander of the City Defense, what should I do now, order the troops to block them, or open the passage for them to enter Berlin? ”

As the newly appointed city defense commander, Weidlin is naturally responsible for the security of the entire Berlin. Although his subordinates vowed to say that he saw that it was indeed an armored unit of the US army, out of caution, he still told the other party: “You send someone over. Make contact and confirm that they are indeed the armored forces of the United States, and then open a passage to them, understand?”

The approaching tank stopped at a distance of more than a hundred meters from the German defense position. The eight tanks that opened in front lined up, aiming the black hole muzzle at the German position.

Seeing this posture, the German colonel hurriedly went to the place where the tank was stationed to make contact with one of his subordinates to find out whether the person coming was an American.

When his men got in a convertible car to let people move away from the obstacles in the road, the tanks that were parked not far away suddenly fired. The cannonballs that fell one after another immediately destroyed several exposed firepower points, and then the machine guns on the tank began to fire frantically, sweeping down the German officers and soldiers who were exposed in the trenches returned, and quickly returned. ! “At this time, the German colonel was stupid, and he saw that this so-called “US army” was disguised by our army, and he quickly ordered his men to fight back, but it was too late.

After two rounds of artillery bombardment, our tanks immediately started moving again and quickly rushed to the German defensive positions. The leading tank smashed the tripod blocking the road, hit the throttle, and rushed towards the city along the road.

The tank troops had just broken through the loosely defensive positions of the German army. The soldiers of the mechanized brigade arrived in motorized and armored vehicles, and followed the tanks towards the city…

Zhukov couldn’t believe his eyes when Krivaschein’s battle report came. It only took less than half an hour for the troops from the sudden attack to rush into the city and occupy a bus station. Now that we have a foothold in the north of the city, we can allow troops to use this as an exit point to attack the center of Berlin.

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