Burning Moscow

Chapter 1714

Chapter 1703 Searching for Hitler (Part 1)

The attack on the Kroll Opera House began after dark. Cui Kefu and I were standing at the window on the fifth floor, using binoculars to observe what happened on the battlefield.

A battalion’s tank stopped more than three hundred meters from the opera house and bombarded the strong walls of the opera house with tank artillery. Our infantrymen, under the cover of artillery fire, bent over into a skirmish formation and quickly approached the opera house.

When the infantry was about a hundred meters away from the opera house, the tank stopped shelling. The infantry, who was still bending forward and cautiously advancing forward, immediately straightened up and rushed up. When there were more than ten or twenty meters away from the broken wall of the opera house, the grenade in his hand was blasted from the gap or opened. Threw in the window.

In the sound of the violent explosion, several soldiers equipped with flamethrowers rushed up and sprayed flames at the window where the gunpowder had not dissipated. After spraying twice in a row, they stopped and found a safe place to hide. The fighters who had finished dropping bombs rushed to the gap or the window, fired at the inside with their submachine guns, and then turned over and jumped in.

The German troops who were standing there were defeated by our style of play. They hardly made any decent resistance, so our troops flooded into the opera house, where they spread out with the enemy on every floor and every floor. The battle of the room.

Seeing the troops rushing into the opera house, Cui Koff put down his binoculars and said to me triumphantly: “Lida, the Germans must have thought that our troops will line up in a neat line after the shelling is over, and entrench their songs. The theater launched an offensive, so that they could calmly kill our commanders with firepower.

But they never dreamed that many of our fighters had participated in the defense of Stalingrad, and in addition to the rich combat experience accumulated in the battle for the city in the past two years, they wanted to seize such a fortification. , It’s really not that difficult. ”

I saw that the commanders and fighters who were the first to rush into the opera house were soldiers of the assault engineer brigade. I remembered my intention to search for Hitler and his gang of culprits, and said to Cui Kefu: “General Cui Kefu, wait for the opera house to take it. In the future, you will assign a battalion to me from the engineer brigade.”

“Take a camp for you?” Cui Kefu heard me say this, his face suddenly showed a surprised expression: “Lida, what are you going to do?”

“You should know that the 3rd Assault Army of General Kuznetsov has successfully taken down the new German Chancellery.” I saw Cuikov nodding repeatedly, saying that I knew it, and continued: “But they I didn’t catch any heavyweight people in it. I was worried that the enemy might be hiding in some secret tunnel, so I planned to lead a troop to search to see if I could catch valuable people.”

After hearing what I said, Cui Koff was silent for a long time, and finally gritted his teeth and said: “Well, Lida, as soon as the battle in the opera house is over, I will immediately dispatch a battalion of assault engineers to accompany you to the new German Chancellor. Go to the government to search. But you have to assure me that you must ensure your safety. You can’t do any risky things like that in the afternoon.”

“Don’t worry, General Cui Kefu.” I am very grateful that Cui Kefu cares about me, so I smiled and said to him: “It depends on the victory. I don’t want to be killed by the last bullet before the end of the battle. I will pay attention. safe.”

But Cuikov still seemed uneasy. He was silent for a while, and finally offered: “Lida, if you really want to go to the new German Chancellery, I suggest you report the matter to Marshal Zhukov and let him and Kuznets General Zoff breathes, lest you may have a misunderstanding with the 3rd Assault Army that is standing there.”

Although I wanted to search for Hitler, I would like to make a cut first, but now that Cui Koff has reminded me, it is obviously inappropriate to hide Zhukov, so I can only bite the bullet and call Zhukov and plan to lead the troops to search. The affairs of the new German Chancellery were reported to him.

Zhukov didn’t get angry at me after listening. Instead, after a long silence, he said to me: “You can go and see. When Kuznetsov’s troops captured the Imperial Chancellery, they had carried out fierce shelling. Perhaps Hitler’s entrance to the bunker where the culprit was hiding was destroyed. The collapsed reinforced concrete element was crushed, so we didn’t find anything. I’ll call Kuznetsov and ask him to send someone to assist you.”

After saying this, Zhukov was silent for a while, and then added: “Remember, once something is discovered, UU reading www.uukanshu.com must notify me as soon as possible.”

In order to keep in touch with Zhukov at any time, I took two radio stations with me when I left with the assault engineer battalion. Due to the masonry and rubble everywhere on the road, we could not take a car and could only walk to the new Imperial Chancellery. Under the leadership of a scout familiar with the terrain, we carefully bypassed the areas where sporadic fighting was still taking place and headed towards the target.

After more than forty minutes of trekking, we finally arrived at our destination. A long way away, I heard someone yelling: “Hey, are you comrades from the 8th Guards Army?”

The engineer battalion commander hurriedly stepped forward and replied loudly: “Yes, we belong to the 8th Guards Army. Is the 3rd Assault Army on the opposite side?”

“Yes, it’s us.” A few people suddenly appeared behind a pile of ruins as high as two people in front of them. They walked quickly towards us, and at the same time they said, “I hope you are coming!”

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