But… It’s me! The real Spider-Man!

Chapter eight, hinting

I had to wait another five minutes after the bell rang, apparently Connors had been delayed by students who were hungry for knowledge when I went to her... to her class, it happened a lot. Soon the flow of students... female students, mostly, dried up, and the professor emerged from the office. Outwardly, the professor looked remarkably like the Kurt Connors of my world, as much as a man and a woman can look alike.

She wore simple casual clothes and a lab coat over it, the woman's brown hair was in a slight, I would say, creative disarray, and a thick file of papers was clutched to her chest with her only hand. So Connors had not escaped injury and subsequent amputation in this world, either.

"Professor Connors," I called out to the woman as she walked by.

Karen, that was her name, stopped and looked at me intently from behind her thick glasses. She frowned, probably trying to remember something, but she didn't know who I was. Not surprisingly, I didn't look much like my father, and considering how many years had passed since his death, it wasn't easy to recognize me as Richard's son.

"Yes? Is there something you want?" The woman asked politely.

"Hello, first of all, I would just like to get acquainted. I'm Richard Parker's son, Peter, as far as I know you worked with my father."

"That's right, your face looked familiar," Connors nodded her thoughts, and then, after a moment's hesitation, she added, "I'm sorry about what happened to your parents, Richard was a good man and a friend of my husband."

"Yes, it's a pity. I didn't know my parents and I wouldn't mind meeting you and your husband, maybe hear a few stories about my parents," I began, Connors nodded slightly absently, "but there are more important things to do now. As far as I know, you've been trying to understand the mechanism of lizards' regenerative powers for years."

Connors frowned, looking at me incredulously.

"Are you, young man, following in your father's footsteps and interested in science?"

"Your skepticism is misplaced, Professor. Not long ago I came across the research of a man trying to create a kind of serum by the notorious Erskine, his work reminded me of your articles." I couldn't tell her that I knew formulas that she had never published and that were used by her double from my world.

"Many scientists around the world have tried to replicate Erskine's success, but I've never heard of any new super-soldiers," Connors replied with a certain amount of incredulity.

But they do exist, albeit with varying degrees of success, and sometimes with a lot of side effects. But it's no wonder Connors doesn't know about them, and I'm not supposed to know about them, either.

"This woman is in a coma after she tested her drug on herself, and I have some ideas about how to help her, but I lack experience, and I thought you could help me," actually I lack equipment and resources, and I hope to use your lab, but I can't just say that, "and her research could help you with your project."

I pulled out the flash drive and rolled it between my fingers in front of Connors.

"Well, let's see what you found, but I wouldn't expect anything worthwhile from a man who tests his designs on himself," I could barely contain a chuckle, if she knew what her double had done to herself in my world.

Connors walked briskly toward her main workplace, and I hurried after her.

Someone was already working in the lab when we arrived-the front door was open, and I could hear the hum of the workstation and the rustling of pencils from the next room.

Could it be Gwen? To my shame, I don't remember when she started working for Connors, and it's not a fact that things worked out the same way in this world. In fact, there's a different than zero chance that my acquaintance's place in this world was taken by some Gwydon... better not to think about it!

All Karen's skepticism vanished as soon as she saw Stans' formulas, the woman opened her eyes in surprise and began hastily flipping through pages of documents and scans of handwritten records. I didn't try to catalog or organize Stans' research, so I doubt Connors could have figured it all out so quickly ... she probably just recognized them.

"I don't understand..." the woman whispered.

"Understand what, exactly?" I clarified.

"I thought Richard didn't leave any records behind," Karen turned her shocked gaze on me, "Peter, this research isn't just like mine, it's your father's project."

What? No! Bullshit! I've seen Richard's records! I know what's in his abandoned warehouse along with that old car. Richard never did the super-soldier serum!

"Are you sure?" I ask him again in disbelief.

"Of course I am! We started this project together in high school, but then... we disagreed, and I enlisted soon after, and when I came back... Richard was no longer alive," Connors was slightly distraught as she recalled the time. "But this! It's definitely a development of our old project."

That is, Richard and Connors were trying to recreate a super-soldier serum back in their youth. And then somehow that data ended up in Stans' possession. It's so different from what I know about Richard's past from my world! But I'd rather have the super-soldier serum than what Richard created there.

But now a new question arises: how did Stans get access to Richard's records? Wait! Because if there was no Venom Project, what caused his parents' death... we'll have to find out if his father left anything for Aunt May, and if not, we'll have to personally check that storage container. And we need to ask Stans!

"Dr. Connors, we can find out more if we can find a way to bring Stans to her senses. Will you let me use your lab?"

"Yes, of course, it's the least I can do in gratitude for that," Connors pointed to the screen, well, yes, I did promise to let her use Stans' development.

Then I heard light footsteps behind me.

"Professor, I'm done for the day. All the test data have been saved," my heart skipped a beat when I heard the voice of the girl who died in the past because of my mistake.

"Meet," Karen attracted my attention, "this is Gwen, she is my assistant and student."

I turned around and met my eyes with the girl. Damn, it really is Gwen, my Gwen! Alive! And she's still just as beautiful. I tried to smile as friendly as possible, but it didn't work.

"Peter Parker," I pushed out of my parched throat with difficulty.

"Gwen Stacy," the girl replied, and shook my hand firmly.

Too tight! Her hand is like a vise, or have I become so weak? And why is she looking at me so intently, what's with the suspicion?

"Gwen is helping me with my experiments," Karen explained and continued, turning to Gwen, "Peter's data can help us a lot, you should see that, Gwen.

And this Connors woman relies a lot more on her assistant than Kurt does.

"Ah... I..." the girl hesitated, "I'm sorry, I have to be somewhere else right away, I... have an appointment... yes, I'll look at it tomorrow, okay?"

Throwing me one last suspicious look, Stacy hurriedly retreated. That didn't sound like the Gwen I knew.

"Strange," Connors muttered, "she usually takes her job more seriously."

But Karen quickly shook off her second thoughtfulness as soon as her gaze fell on the monitor.

"I must get to work immediately," she whispered, as if oblivious to my existence, "if I can combine the serum with the regeneration formula..."

She had already forgotten about her promise to help with the cure for Stans, too, but I have access to the Connors laboratory, which should have everything I need to create an antiserum containing plasma cell antibodies capable of fighting the antigen injected into Stans' blood. If it's not too late. After all, the course of the process could have been complicated for a variety of reasons, ranging from medical interference to Stans' condition prior to the injection. If I hurry, I might even be able to stop by the hospital where Stans is lying.

*** 8:45 p.m., same place ***

I was standing behind Karen's back with the ready medication for Stans and watching the woman. She didn't notice anything around her, completely absorbed in her work. At first this version of Connors seemed more reasonable to me, especially in view of her comment about experimenting on herself. But that's no reason to let my guard down.

There were no diagrams of the emitters I'd designed for Stans in the files on the flash drive, and even if Connors did the deed and combined the two designs, she still couldn't do without my help. Karen is a good technician, but this is not her level. I will not repeat the mistake of another Peter Parker who put a nearly finished product schematic in the hands of a biologist. In fact, the fact that Connors is trying to combine his research with the Stans serum will even give me extra time to keep the Lizard out. The beast has given me enough trouble in the past.

"Dr. Connors," I called out to the woman, surprisingly, but she responded at once, "I'm finished with the medicine."

Karen looked at the flask in my hands in surprise.

"So quickly?"

"In fact, it's almost nine. I suggest we call it a day; I can come back tomorrow to work with you. I've been working on this project for quite some time now," Karen didn't seem thrilled with my suggestion.

"Yes, you're probably right, I'll finish soon and go home too, goodbye Peter," too hasty an answer.

"Professor, I only hope you'll be sensible and I won't have to do something like this for you," I pointed to the flask of medicine, "don't rush into applying the serum, even if you think it's already ready."

Something tells me Connors will spend the night in the lab. But like I said: without the emitter, the formula will not work, and, moreover, the highly inert compounds of one part of the formula will prevent the other part from taking effect. Connors can't develop the emitter herself, and to activate the compounds without outside influence... if anyone can do that, he must have forgotten more about chemistry than I ever knew.

Calling a cab, I drove to the state hospital where Stans was being held. It was customary to ignore the nonstop chatter of another chatty driver, who introduced herself as Susan, who in five minutes had told me about the plight of a lonely girl looking for a boyfriend. When I reached the place, I asked Sue to wait for me, and she readily agreed. Putting a confident expression on my face, as if I know exactly where and why I need to go, I walked past the front desk and headed straight for the elevator. I knew from the information on the hospital website that coma patients were kept on the fourth floor, but I didn't know Stans' room number. I would have to improvise, but it shouldn't be too difficult...

On the way out of the elevator, I suddenly bumped into an old acquaintance.

"Bobby? What the hell are you doing here?" I exclaimed, but when I remembered that we were not alone here, I jumped out of the elevator and grabbed the girl by the elbow and dragged her toward the coffee machine.

"Parker," Bobby whispered, struggling to focus on me, "I wanted to talk to Doc, I thought you'd helped her."

"I was just about to do that! Hey, I don't like the way you look: dilated pupils, vacant eyes, profuse sweating, are you high? I told you to lay low!"

"Yes, yes, you're right, I need to disappear, to lie down somewhere," Bobby hastily agreed. Her arms had a life of their own as she spoke - she was hugging herself, then elbowing herself. "Аnd eating, that's right, need to eating."

"What's the matter with you? You're about to be deposed in Cindy's case, and the hearing is already underway! Get it together!"

"It's the weed, it's too strong," Bobbie excused herself and wrenched herself out of my arms, "I'll go, you help the doc, you promised, Parker, you promised," she repeated as she moved toward the elevator.

What is wrong with this woman? Why didn't nature give her the instinct for self-preservation?

"Hey, which room's the doc in?" I shouted after her.

"Four fifteen," Bobbie said as she got into the elevator, then added in a half-whisper, probably trying to convince herself, "it's okay, Parker won't turn us in, you don't have to worry."

"Idiot, save them," well, at least now I know what room Stans is in.

Stop! The room! What if Bobby was covering her tracks? What if she decided to eliminate Stans so she wouldn't call the cops on her when she woke up? Damn it!

I'm going to the room! I need Stans alive, she might be the only link I have to my father! When I flew into the room, I immediately heard the sound of the machines - she was still alive.

I examined the woman. There seemed to be no signs of an attempt: the patient was lying quietly under the IV with saline. Maybe I was wrong to suspect Bobby. Maybe the stoned girl really just wanted to talk to her friend.

Anyway, I don't have a lot of time, Flash is picking me and MJ up in half an hour, and I haven't dressed for the evening yet.

After squeezing the IV tube, I unhooked the bag and poured the contents into it. Apparently, the doctors suspected intoxication, so they gave her sodium chloride, commonly referred to as saline. At least it shouldn't interfere with the antiserum.

Quick footsteps were heard in the corridor, and I hurried to leave the viewing area of the room. After waiting for the nurse to leave, I retreated from the place of beneficence and was soon listening again to the revelations of Susan, who not only drove me to the clothing store, but also helped me with my choice... did it seem that it was no longer part of the cab driver's duties? Anyway, twenty minutes after leaving the hospital, I found myself standing outside my front porch with a bag of clothes in one hand and a business card with Sue's number in the other. So that's how the girls around here dip the men, you'd better watch out. I was just glad I had the presence of mind to insist on a classic black shirt and pants, not the bright and acidic short-sleeved horror that Susan and the salesgirls had advised me to wear. You couldn't even hide your web shooters in those clothes!

There wasn't much time left: just enough time to jump in the shower and change. In fact, I didn't really want to go out anymore, and I regretted not scheduling a date with MJ for another day. I guess I had to consider a lot more body fatigue than I was used to.

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