Caelus Online

47. A Young Master, A Mariachi And A Roadman Walk Up To A Gate


As Astaria and Ash approached the gate that led through the border wall, they could see an argument unfolding between 3 Immortal Warriors and the soldiers guarding the pass.

“Why won’t you let me pass, Señor. Surely I don’t need this green card you mentioned to pass?”

“Yes, nobody should dare stop this young master. Do you not know who this venerable one’s father is?”

“Ayy, chill bruv, no need to go all rich mofo on this guy, man’s just doin his job.”

Upon entering within earshot of the conversation, Astaria could not help but giggle upon hearing what was being said as she casually rode towards the gate.

“Sir, I said guild card, not a green card. And no, I do not know who your father is, but rules are rules. Unless you are Iron ranked with the Adventures Guild or are escorted by someone of that rank, you cannot pass. It is to prevent unnecessary deaths since this path out of the kingdom is dangerous. The other way out is in the west, a valley around two days walk from here.”

Now a lot closer, Astaria could make out the appearance of the three arguing with the guards. To the left she could see a short man going by the name Sombrerbro, he had tanned skin and a moustache, and his class looked to be an assassin judging by the daggers attached to his waist.

Next to him on his right was a man of similar stature, however, he was clearly Asian by his facial structure and skin tone. He had long hair which was tied into a high ponytail and the name Master Sing-Ming hung above his head. Around his waist was a single sword so was most likely a magic warrior. The most noticeable thing about the man was his haughty posture and raised nose.

The last member of the trio was a tall black man with a bald head and neatly trimmed facial hair that followed the line of his jaw. He was quite well built despite his tall size and was most noticeably wearing thicker gauntlets than what was normal, so was likely a brawler. His player name was BigZ, a name that Astaria recognised along with his face. After all, in the past Ben had shown her some of the relatively well-known rapper's music, and she would find it hard not to notice such a distinctive man.

This had to be the strangest trio she had ever seen, a Mexican, a man she assumed to be from a well-off Asian family, and an English rapper. Surely this had to be the punchline for some kind of joke, but ignoring her swelling amusement, she rode up to the group and drew everyone’s attention.

“Excuse me, you need to present a valid Adventurers Guild ID to pass this border checkpoint.

Astaria let a slight smirk play on her face as Ash’s and her horses came to a stop and they both presented their Steel guild cards to the gate guard.

Upon seeing their Adventurers Guild cards as well as Ash’s guild name and level, BigZ spoke up with surprise on his face.

“Yo, hang on a second bruv, you are one of them lot who clapped that raid boss yesterday right? Where’d you get yo guild id?”

Ash, taking a moment to identify all the terminology the man used, responded with the awkward smile returning to his face.

“Yes, I was one of those in the raid. I got my Adventurers Guild ID from the guild building in Haligrad’s market square.”

The young master, now with a look of respect on his face politely bowed to Ash, placing his right fist into his left palm.

“This young master greets senior brother Skidashski. May we request your assistance.”

Master Sing-Ming’s companions gave him a strange look as he shifted from his haughty attitude to one of humbleness while Ash, now looking particularly more awkward, scratched his chin while shrugging his shoulders.

“Ask Astaria, I’m just following.”

The young master turned his attention to Astaria whom Ash had just gestured to; her appearance still hidden by her hood. The Mexican was the first to exclaim followed by the other two.

“No way, that’s the señorita that has been in the server announcements?”

“Yo, no way man, that’s dope!”

“This young master greets senior sister Astaria.”

Astaria gave an awkward laugh, feeling weird being referred to as a senior sister, but still quickly responded.

“Yes, that’s me, hello. Master Sing-Ming, what did you wish to ask of us? Would I be correct in saying you wish to join us on our trip across the mountains?”

Master Sing-Ming bowed his head again, responding to Astaria with high hopes.

“That is correct senior sister. Please help this young master and fellow brothers past this current tribulation so that we may continue on our mission to reach the heavens.”

Astaria pondered for a second before she spoke, deciding to lay out some conditions before she agreed.

“You can join us provided you agree to a few conditions. You will need to keep up, pull your weight and each take a shift on night watch when we camp. Also, no recordings or screenshots or the sort, I don’t want to keep my hood up the whole time and don’t want to deal with the drama. If you agree then you can join us.”

The three looked at each other to see if any of them had any disagreement before BigZ answered for them.

“Ayy, if that’s all your asking, then yeah, we agree. We appreciate the help man.”

Astaria gave a nod as she looked at the guard who simply shrugged his shoulders as he stepped aside. Her now slightly larger group started walking through the valley on the other side of the border fort, following the dirt road that would lead them through the winding peaks.

Astaria decided to break the awkward silence by trying to start a conversation with her new travelling companions.

“BigZ, I am correct in saying that you are the grime artist himself and not a look-alike using his name?”

BigZ looked up at Astaria who was still on horseback as he cocked an eyebrow.

“You gotta be joking B, you think just anyone can pull out looks like man? I’m BigZ in the flesh.”

Astaria gave a short laugh as she looked back to the road, revelling in the unexpected bragging rights she had just earned.

“You know, I honestly didn’t expect you to be playing Caelus Online, but I guess I now have minor bragging rights since one of my friends is really into your music.”

“This young master did not realise that Brother BigZ was famous.”

BigZ let out a laugh as he heard Astaria and Master Sing-Ming’s words and gave his chest a thump as he spoke.

“Yeah man, I’m well known in the grime scene, collabed with a few of dem man in the charts. Gassed to hear your mates a fan though, but I could say the same yeknow, forums went on a mad one last night after ting shanked up that wasteman Ironfist.”

Sombrerbro chipped in at this point, his voice coming from behind as he spoke in a contemplative tone.

“Ye Chica, many players started to freak out, taking out an entire guild by yourself? Your level must be quite high.”

Astaria, now reminded that she had not yet invited them to her party pulled, down her hood as she sent them invites.


[Astaria Lv 25]

[Skidashski Lv 24]

[BigZ Lv 4]

[Sombrerbro LV 3]

[Master Sing-Ming Lv 4]

Astaria gave a nod as she heard gasps from the 3 other players, while she caught Ash looking a little proud out of the corner of her eye.

“Damn, yo a genuine peng ting, do yo really look like that outside the game?”

“Senior sister really is a jade beauty; I would expect nothing less!”

“Oh my, unfortunately, I left my vihuela at home or I would have sung to praise your beauty Chika.”

Astaria awkwardly smiled as she saw Ash deflate slightly, likely expecting the reaction to be from the 3 seeing his level, responding to their praise as best she could given that she was not used to such praise.

“Thank you for the compliments, as for if I look like this outside the game… I guess that’s for me to know and you to find out.”

Giving BigZ a smirk while inwardly admitting that she would also be finding out, she looked back at Master Sing-Ming as she raised an eyebrow.

“And I checked this morning and my skin had not turned green.”

Master Sing-Ming became flustered thinking that Astaria had misunderstood his compliment and tried to explain while flustered.

“Ah, senior sister, you misunderstand! In China, it is a saying to express the beauty of a heaven-defying face such as yours. I’m sure that out of everyone on earth, none could compare to your mastery in the Dao of beauty.”

Astaria let out a laugh at Master Sing-Ming’s flustered response, inwardly overjoyed at teasing someone for using a saying that to her was quite silly. Surely it should have been a white jade beauty instead.



Shoutout to the Patreon supporters: Jaren475, dean dexter, Iobe I, travis thinnes, Goliat342, jeremy, pancake_23489, Shrui, Kaouenn, Andy65pr, Shilmizta, Paradox, Britney Fletcher, Hagen Bishop, BerserkMango1, AsteriaZ, and PotatoJackie.


So, for those who remember the forum chaps, here is the meeting I have been planning since then, let me know what you think!

We were also up at #7 on trending yesterday, and as of right now, we are 4 readers off from 2,000, so in advance, thank you all for your support, I honestly didn't expect Caelus Online to reach this level of popularity for quite some time!

Thanks for reading and see you in either the comments or the next chap!


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Proof Reader: Aegis_Of_The_Void


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